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Tho Daily Telegraph will not be published on Monday. On the 9th instant, tho Princo of Wales birthday, tho Telegraph Office will bo open from 9 to 10 a.m., and from 7 to 8 p.m. Six deaths havo occurred at tho Hospital during tho last four weeks. Each of the cases was of lung disease, and when brought to tho Hospital was but a question of timo. To-morrow morning tho subject of Mr Paterson's sermon will bo, " Seeking tho lost," nnd in tho evening tho subject of lecture will be, "Raking with the tooth up." Non-church-goers earnestly invited. Tho Kiwi rounded tho Bluff some ten or twelve minutes before tho Go-Ahead last night, and in consequence thoro was an interesting race across tho bay, the latter steamer apparently gaining considerably on the former, when both passed out of view. Dr O'Dogherty, M.L.C., of Queensland, is canvassing Mcath for a seat in tho Houso of Commons. Tho various friendly societies will form a procession starting 1 from tho AthonaMim on Monday, and after marching through the principal streets of the town, the members will tako train for Farndon to assist at tho sports in aid of tho Garrison Band, which promise to bo very successful. A Thursday half-holiday will bo inaugurated this month at Christchurch. The committeo of tho Hawko's Bay Amateur Athletic Club last evening decided to hold their next gathering on tho 22nd or 23rd of January. It will bo necessary for intending members to join at once, so as to bo able to compete at the meeting. Water has boon so scarce of lato in Gisborne that tho residents have been paying five shillings a barrel for it. Tho other day they woro blessed with showers, nnd tho water trade is now at a discount. Tho Inspector of Schools has received intelligence that tho teacher's residenco at Tarawera has been totally destroyed by firo. Miss Bodingfieid, the mistress, was out at the time, and lost everything. In London on September 18, Victorian hops wero quoted at 20s to 33s por cwt; Tosmaninn nt 3Gs to 395, and New Zealand i at 35s to 455.

An old offender, with a record of a dozen appearances, was brought beforo Messrs Johnson and Carlilo, J.P.s at Waipawa yesterday morning, on two charges of being drunk and disorderly, and for resisting tho polico in tho public street on Thursday night. Ho was awarded a fine of £1 or seven days' imprisonment in tho first ease, and £1 with 7s cost or another seven days on the second charge, in nil fonrteon days. A. considerable crowd on tho beach last night watched tho two fishermen, who so industriously plied thoir calling last week in front of the Supremo Court, attempt to launch their boat. Timo after timo tho boat was shoved out, the shover jumped in after, but before he could seize tho oars, the rollers brought tho boat back again, as well as half filling her with water. This repeatedly happened, to tho great delight of the small boy.

The following telegram from their London correspondent appears in the Melbourne Argus:—"Tho reduced freight rate at 7s Cd" charged by tho Australian shipping 'ring' for outward-bound sailing vessels is only for vessels leaving for Melbourne nnd Sydney at such times and under such circumstances as bring them into competition with the ships of Messrs Tysor and Co., who aro loading ships in opposition to the'ring.' For other vessels tho freight is 155."

Lawyer's clerk examining a client: "You say you mado an examination of the premises. "What did you find?" Witness: "Oh, nothing of consequence—" a beggarly account of empty boxes," as Shakespeare says." "Never mind what Shakespeare said. He will bo summoned and testify for himself, if he knows anything about tho case."

The steamer Wairarapa passed southwards yesterday, on her way to Port Chalmers for repairs. Sho did not call in hero. It is considered somewhat strange that no enquiry into the firo was held at Gisborno when all the passengers were together, and could havo given independent testimony ; nor was any enquiry held at Auckland whoro somo bf tho passengers proceeded by tho Wairarapa. Tho enquiry, we understand, is to bo hold at Dunedin, and must almost necessarily be confined to tho evidence of tho officers of the ship. Tho present whereabouts of P. J. Tynan, tho notorious "number one " of tho Irish Invincible.*, who superintended tho arrangements of the Phoenix Park ussassinations, when Lord F. Cavendish and Mr Burko wero murdered, and who subsequently escaped, was on tho Bth Sept. revealed in an obituary notice, which appeared iv a Dublin nationalist paper, announcing tho death of Lizzie, the second daughter of P. J. Tynan, at his residence at Haarlem, New York, at the age of 18.

On Monday next, which will bo kept as a close holiday, those on pleasure bent will havo the choice of two good outings. Thoso who enjoy horse-racing will betake themselves to Petane, whore tho stewards havo been indefatigable iv arranging for the comfort of visitors. The other fixture is the Garrison Band sports at Farndon, than which no moro suitablo convincing ground could havo been chosen. Tho band play musical selections at intervals, which should bo a strong inducement to many to patroniso their gathering.

Tho Taranaki Herald says of Father Cnssidy's lecture on Spiritualism at New Plymouth ou Tuesday evening:—" There was a very largo gathering at, the Alexandra Hall last night, on tho occasion of tho Rev. Father Cnssidy's lecture on Spiritualism. The lecture, which was listened to with the closest, attention, was enlivened and beautified by wit, and a powerful flow of language A hearty voto of thanks was carried at tho conclusion, amidst great applause." The Garrison Band contribute tho following musical programme at their sports on Monday at Farndon ; March, " I'm going far away, Jennie, darling;" fantasia, "String of Pearls;" quadrille, "Joyous friends;" waltz, "Brido of tho Manor;" polka, "The merrio bolls ;" grand fantasia, "The Crown of Gold;" schottischo, "Sweet hope;" waltz, "Boccaccio;" lancers, "United Kingdom;" mazurka, " Coquette;" oavntina, "Le Rosignol;" Caledonians, "Bobbio Burns;" schottischo, "Sociable;" polka, "Black nnd Tan;" galop, "Novor stop ;" National Anthem. A number of Salvation Army enthusiasts were fined 40a and costs, or 11 days in dofault, for behaving in a riotous manner in Pnddington, Sydney. It appears that not being able to attract a congregation by the usual methods, they hold adevilehaso. They pretended to bo hunting Auld Nick, and ran up and down Oxford-stroetycllingat tho top of their voices; " Catch him; stop him ; hold him." A crowd of larrikins assisted in the exciting and novel hunt, and tho hunters themselves wero run to earth at tho Polico Court.

It is with deep regret that wo havo to rocord tho death of Mr F. 11. Drowor, of Waipukurau. Somo months ago tho deceased gentleman mot with a buggy accident, from tho shock of which he never recovered, and this accident necessitated two amputations, tho last being performed quite recently. Mr Drowor was a very old so'tli-r, and was tho first storekeeper at Waipukurau, where ho established himself somo twohty-sovon years ago. A moro upright honorable gontlcman could nowhoro bo found, and ho was deservedly mo-it highly esteemed throughout tho whole of the southern portion of this provincial district, in which ho was known and respected by overyone.

As a proof of the efficacy of hand grenades wo obsorvo from the Wellington papers that on Monday morning, 20th ult., a firo broke out in a lurgo two-storey wooden building thero, used "as n store. The lessee of tho storo and hitt assistants, armed with Harden hand grenades, attacked the flames, which, by these moans (says tho Post) wore immediately and as if by magic almost subdued." According to the Times, only three of tho grenades woro broken, yet this completely subdued tho flames, though tho firo brigade persisted in deluging the placo with water. For uso on board ship the firo hand grenades seem splendidly adapted for preventing tho spread of firo and minimising tho damage to goods caused by tho copious use of water. Messrs Ruddock and Fryer aro solo agents for the " Star " grenades in Hawke's Bay, so wo learn from a letter from tho Auckland firm, who havo tho agency for the colony.

We quote tho following letter from tho London Times of Septombar 8 .- — "Wool Exchange Coleman-stroet, K,C, September o. Sir,—ln twelve months to date tho drop in tho price of colonird wool has exceeded 25 per cent. This represents a sum of not less than four millions sterling. This ruinous full is duo to several onuses, notubly to incrotisird productions from tho River Plate, South America, wool consigned direct to tho Continental consumers, and largely to tho huge adulteration of the raw material with shoddy. The last element tho Legislature should deal with in no unsparing way —say, by making it penal to mix shoddy with wool in this country, and, farther, by putting a protectivo inport duty on foreign'wdolleu manufactures adulterated with shoddy. If such a. law wero passed it would givo an impetus to legitimate homo and colonial entorpriso such as I submit could bo obtained in no other way.—l am, sir, your obedient servant, I.O." J

Tho Rangitikei Advocate annexes, without acknowledgment, our local on tho Hepburn Estate mine at Kingston, near Ballarat. Mr E. W. O'Sullivan, who was defeated for ono of the City of Sydney constituencies, has been returned for Queanbeyan. He is a Pressman, and a very advanced Radical. Ho is well known in Melbourne, Sydney, and Tasmanian journalistic circles. A chimney-sweeper's boy went into a baker's shop for a twopenny loaf, and conceiving it to be diminutive irisize, remarked to tho baker that, ho did not believe it was tho right weight. "Never mind that," roplied tho man of dough, ' 'you will have tho less to carry." "True," replied tho lad ;"" and throwing three-half-ponce on the counter, ho left tho shop. The baker called lustily after him that he had not left money enough. "Never mind that," said young sooty, " you will havo the loss to count." Mr Trotter, one of Mr Hallott's survey party, was brought into town last night, and conveyed to the Hospital having met with a most sovoro accident. It appears that while chopping a piece of wood the axo slipped and struck his foot, splitting it to tho instep. Mr Rich, who met with an almost similar accident somo weeks ago, is now nearly recovered. Tho Christchurch agent of tho Press Association has but a poor idoa of his duties. Timo after time raco meetings take placo iv tho neighborhood of the Cathedral City, but not a lino is wired through till tho evening, while thero would bo nothing to prevent tho earlier results being wired for tho afternoon papers. Yesterday wo received a wiro in reference to tho training notes; it loft Christchurch at 1.32 p.m., left tho Napier office at 3.45, but did not roach this office till after four o'clock. Tho time occupied in telegraphing was excessive, tho timo it took to deliver the message shows how slow a boy can travel, but what wo want to know is, why notes roferring to training iv tho early part of the morning could not bo forwarded till after lunch ? If tho news was worth sending, it was worth sending earlier.

A very good custom prevails in Paris, which is very little known elsewhere. Every year tho pupils in tho municipal schools who have most distinguished themselves by their studies aro sent upon a tour, which generally occupies about a fortnight, at tho expense of the city. This year 30 scholars, accompanied by five gentlemen — ono of them a professor of design—connected with tho Ecolo Lavoisier, visited Belgium by way of Sedan and Bazoillcs, whero M. Philippoteaux, tho little painter, acted as their guide. Rochefort, Liego, and Maestricht were successively visited. Three days wero givon to tho International Exhibition at Antwerp, after which the party repaired to Brussels, Namur, Dinant, and Givet. Their last halting placo was Rhoims, wero they visited the famous champagne cellars of Madame Pommery and M. Krug, and did not refuse to sample tho wines.

Sunday week was Hospital Sunday in Melbourne, and lato that night collections to tho amount of £5,595 had been forwarded to tho treasurer of the fund. It says much for tho popularity of tho Rev. Charles Strong that tho collections at his services in tho Town Hall realised £327 ISs Gd, tho largest amount ever collected at one place on Hospital Sunday. Somo of the collections at the churches were very largo, thoToorak Presbyterian Church contributing £303, tho highest sum yet contributed by a church. Tho next highest contributions wore from St. John's Anglican Church, Prahran, £'212-13s Cd; St. Francis Roman Catholic Church, £125 2s 6d; St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, St. Kilda, £114 ; St. George's Presbyterian Church, St. Kilda, £110 12s lOd; and All Saints Anglican Church, St. Kilda, £109 7s lid. Bishop Moorhouse is gradually teaching liborality to his church, for formerly the Presbyterians and Roman Catholics invariably headed tho list. Tho church over which tho Rev. C. Strong formerly presided contributed £25 as against £195 last year.

At tho R.M. Court this morning, before G. A. Prceee, Esq., R.M., John Boeley, on remand charge -with lunacy, was committed to tho asylum.—John Harris was charged with assaulting Margaret Harris on tho 29th October. Mr Lee appeared for tho defenco and pleadod not guilty. The informant, a very old lady, doposed accused name homo on Thursday week tho worse of liquor, mid beat and kicked her all ovor the body. Sho cried out, " Don't kill mo John Harris; givo me timo to say my prayers" Twelvemonths previously ho had also assaulted her. Ho opened the door and sho ran away, and had not again gone back to his houso. To Mr Leo: Accused said sho was drunk, but sho was not drunk. Ho sent a messenger to her offering hor £25 not to bring tho caso into Court. Sergeant O'Grady deposed that informant camo to tho Polico Station on Thursday week ; she was bleeding from tho oar and tho side of the face. Her cyo was also black ; it was evident she had had some drink and was greatly oxcitod; fold him it was her husband who had assaulted her. To Mr Loo: His impression was that tho scratches could not havo boon caused by her falling ; sho looked as if sho had been badly knocked about. For the defence tho following witnesses woro called :—John Harris deposed on his return from tho Athoninum, where lie had been reading, his wifo was drunk, and had no dinner prepared , ho asked her to go to her room, as sho was not fit to bo scon by anyone ; ho was expecting v gentleman from Waipawa ; tried to put her in tho room, but sho fell, and lie picked her up and put her in tho room, whore ho shut her in ; uover struck her ; sho had left her homo on eight different occasions since they had been married ; the message to withdraw the case came from the informant and not from him. Alexander Jone3 deposed ho saw tho informant on Thursday week, when sho was very tipsy. Elizabeth Donoghuo deposed to seeing tho informant on tho day in question, but could not say what state sho was in. A fine of 5s and costs was inflicted, as there was no doubt the complainant was drunk, and had given him great provocation, but ho had not put her in the room as goutly as he might have done.

Commenting on tho increasing depression in the wool market, as exhibited in the current sales in London, tho Statist remarks that, " until now, wool Ims been moro fortunate than any other staple product in resisting tho groat wavo of depression that is passing over the industry of tho world. Long after metals, bitadstuffs, chemicals, and cotton goods, had succumbed to overproduction, it continued fairly healthy. Prices, of course, tended downwards, but it was not fill last year that tho decline gave any cause for anxiety. Even last year closed with a feeling of hopefulness. Ono of tho principal wool-broking firms, in its review of tho year, took consolatory noto of tho fact that old stocks had boon very wholesomely reduced to a minimum ; and that though tho intrinsically low prices ruling might bo unpleasant in themselves, they woro all elements of steadiness. Last December nothing could havo scorned moro reasonable than these views, but ISBS has so far not been tho year of revival which they foreshadowed. Tho offects of tho drought havo not yet began to show thornsolves on the volume of wool imported, though they are visible enough In tho inferior quality of many of the up-country clips. Tho low prices of 1884 havo not prevented a further declino, and tho situation as a wholo has becomo decidedly worse for tho woolgrowor. It is particularly bad for the smaller growers, who have not tho moans of sending their wool to market iv clean condition, and who aro least able to bear tho strain of falling pricos. The reaction which must sooner or latter follow, both in Australia and the Capo, may bo mild or sovcro, according as it is appreciated or not by those who control tho finance of those countries. Australia will no doubt weather the storm triumphantly, as she has dono many other financial squalls, but sho may loso a good bit of tho extra sail sho has been carrying of lato years. When her squatters havo to throw themselves on the forboaranco of tho banks and mortgage companies, as her farmors aro already dependent on storekeepers aud mortgagees, a period of trouble may set in."

Carter and Co. havo opened a Special Job Lino Velvet Pile Carpet Squares, size G foot 0 inches by 4 feet; 0 inches, worth £3 will be sold at 25/6 ; also a lino of Brussells Tapestry Squares, sumo size, worth 30/-, will bo sold at 15/ G. Call early to prevent disappointment.—[Advt.]

For influenza, hay fovor, colds in tho head, Owen's Anti-Catarrh Salt is an excellent remedy. Sold by Ainkin and Owen. chemists, Hastings-street, Napier, prico 2/0, -[Advt.]

No hospital needed for patients that uso American Co.'s Hop Bitters, us Ihcy euro so speedily at homo. See und believe.

During tho prevalence of opidemics it is but a simply wise and precautionary measure to fortify tho system against a too easy susceptibility to disease. By bracing tho nerves and toning tho functions tho organism resists tho operation of climatic influences, and whatever miasma exists in tho atmosphere passes off from tho body, thus strengthened, in harmless exhalations. To effect this end, Udolpho Wolfe's Schiedam Aeoicatic Schnapps acts nt onco as a shield und safeguard.—[Advt.]

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4455, 7 November 1885, Page 2

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Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4455, 7 November 1885, Page 2

Untitled Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4455, 7 November 1885, Page 2


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