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Mr Miller's Notices. MELBOURNE WOOL MARKET. SEASON 1886 0. r A DVAHOES ON WOO 1., GRAIN, _C. K. /_ It. GOLDSRROUGH ii CO., LIMITED, (in which are amalgamated the Australasian Agency Q Banking Corporation, Limited, and B. Gold-brough and Co,) _ WOOLBKOKKRS, I Capital, £3,000.000. HEAD OFFICE— MBLBOURNE. MAKE LIBERAL OA3H ADVANCES T On the ensuing CLIP ot WOOL * And on STATION SECURITIES. il They hold ATJCUON S -_E3of WOOL twicoeach i ( week during the Boson, and at frequent intervals _ during tha winter month?, _ The charges on Wool offered for sale, but not sold, 1 are nominal, being; only OM3 SHILLING PKR I BALE, winch iDclu lee Wirohoufing and Insurance whilst in gtoro. Liberal Advances mado at bank rates "S Full rates of interest allowed on nxetl depositß, current, accounts, and financial business of all kinds conductei Branch in Sydney : No. 40 Hunter-streot Branch in London : 150 aud 157 Leadenball-street. GOLDSBROUGH'S WOOL WAREHOUBB, JBourke and William-streets, Melbourne. - CHEAP FREIOHTSK.Goldi«grough it Co, limited, be? to announce tint in order to f»oilitate the transit ot Wool from Sew Zealand to this market for disposil, they havo made arrangements with the Union Steamship Company to Wool at their Agendo* at the fol- ' lowing i orta in New Zealand and to forward the s same io their Warchoutcs iv Melbourne at greatl} reduced rutes as under :.. RATE PEH BALE TO MHLBOURNE GRKABY AND WiSHltt)— Bluff (Southland), undumped 6s, dumped 6s I Dunfclin (E'ort, Channel.), undu_pcd (is, dumped 5a Lyttrel on (Canterbury) da. 6a do 6s Welhtmton do. 6? do 53 Nelson do Gs do 5s Kapler do 6s do 6s Or at the option ot owners by Throutsh Contracts ( w>th tlu-m lnclmllng Insurance to the extent of £18 per rale during transit and all charges from leaving port of shipment until arrival at our Warehouses, Melbourne, as follows, viz :— RATE J?_R TON. £Bd£ 8 d : Bluff (Southland) greasy 2 10 0 washed 3 1M Dunedin (Port J i.halners) do 210 0 do 310 0 • Lyltc ton (Csnter- i liurv) _ 10 0 do 3 10 0 Wellington .. do 210 0 do 310 0 < Be!-on .. Co 2 10 0 do 3 10 0 Napier .. do 210 0 do 310 0 A reduction of Ss per ton is mado on dumped wool. , Owners desirous of making use of this through ' rots are requested to Fend prompt advice and particulars of shipment, either ty letter or to:egrr m ] Agent at Napier M. R. MILLS It, who will make • full advances on consignments. R. GOLDSBKOIIGH & CO., Limltod. .—___ , —— 1 M. R. MILLER'S LIST OF freehold _ leasehold properties for Sale or lease, tastobal, agricultural and town LANDS, HawK-'b Bay, N.Z. FRKEUOLDS. A Q QfiA ACHES, Crown Grant, subdivided TtOjOUU ey substantial fencing and river boundaries into 28 largo paddocks, besides a number of cultivation and sbo«itig padriocka. About 24,000 teres alvjady sown with Ensrlith gra=sfs Tho land is of lirntstono formation, watered by numerous creeks, nnd when all sown will carry an average of at least two sheep per aero. A very largo area of this property suitable for agriculture Tho whole now with 45,000 Sheep chiefly longwool and crossbrod; 700 Cattle a large number of Ilorecs, farm and station implements, drayß, and a very complctt station plant. Tho nearest portion of this profterty is within 20 miles of Napier. There is a argo lubstantial dwelling-houss, out-stations, newwooUhed, Bercrnl sheep and stock yards, stahlfs _c, Tho price very moderato and the terms caiy, 8000 Acres, Crown Grant, river boundary, andfonsed and subdivided, Fully half of the land Ib Improved. Limestone formation,well watered; is capable by additional cowing of carryiujr. 2J abeep per acre, at present with 7600 cross-bred Bheep, about half ewes to lamb. Within easy dUtauco from Napier. Price, £2 15s per acre. Terms essy. 7500 Acres, under Land Transfer Act. Very rich land, limestone formation; about 8000 acres sown and part ploueliod j tubdlvidoi into 15 paddocks, with cottage, men's hut, woo'.shcJ, yards, dip, fits , with 7000 Ii ngwoo! sheep, 42T0 being i and 6-tooth owes, the remainder horgeta. Excellent stat'on plant. Easy teitus. 7100 Acres, Crowr Grant, aubdlvl led Into six blocks, all of which havo beon sown in English grasses, Comfottable cottage; drafting yards, 4c; now carrying 14,000 lougwool sheep. About 12 mil s from Kapler. 6MO Acres. Crown Grant, 24 milcj from Napier. Subdivided Into 7 paddocks by font a »nd river boundaries, itch downs and plains, limestone formation, about half imi roved, good cottage, new woolshed and yards, now rarrclng 7000 Sheep, chiefly longwools, a low Cattle and Horses ; drays, ploughs, and general station plant. 0000 Acres. Crown Grant. Tho half rich alluvial Boil, divided into eleven paddocks Fire 1 outs' sail from Auckland. Good house, yjrds, &c., with 800 head of Cattle. Prico moderate 4050 Acroj, Crown Grant; Hmestoiio downs, woll watered, subdivided, about half tho land sown with English grasses, with 4500 Crossbred Sheep. Price of land, 65s per acre. Easy terms, 3200 Acres, Crown Grant, limestone formation. Rather more than half improved. Ma? be leased or purchased on easy terms. At present carrying 4000 longwool and crossbred Sheep. 2200 Acres, Crown Grant, part improved, nearly all ploughsble. Prtce, 60s per acre, carrying 2500 crossbred Sheep, will carry 1000 more in summer, and by additional Bowing will winter 2J sheep per acre, 2000 Acres, Crown Grant; portion Improved, will now wintt r 2000 sheep, estimated to carry when all improved 3sheep per acre. Good boumlarif, well watered. About 20 miles from Napier Price, 40j per aero, quarter cash, balance easy terms. 1400 Acres freehold, excellent pastoral land, Patntabl part under English grasses ; 8-roomed house, offices, paddock, etc fcasy term*. FOR LEASE, WITH PURCHASING CLAUBE--2107 Acres, Crown Grant, at present carrying 2600 sheep 1910 Acres. Crown Grant, at present carrying 2100 sceep 1235 Acres, Crown Grant, at present carrying 1500 sheep Tin abovo Blocks aro all moto or less improved ; rich limestoni country, well watered. About 24 miles from Port May bo leased together or separately, with purchasing clause, rant meantimo 0 per cent, on the amount of the purchase money, which Is from 60s to 65s per aero. 1095 Acres, Crown Grant, Patutah., Gisborno Splondid feed for 600 cattlo; about 20J acres Totara, Ac. Boueo, Ac. For salo at £1 Is per acre, or lease for 12 years, with purchasing clause, at slightly increased rates. 1700 Acros. freehold, 10 mileß from Grahtmstown. P»rt fenced, drained, and surface sown. All level, rich land Tho Thames Valley Hallway will traverso this property; excellent site for township. Price, £510s por acre. 1300 Acres, Crown Grant. Rich land, divided into 12 paddocks; large house ant! offices, men's hut woolshed, dip, stables, &c, nil in p rfect order. Now with 4000 longwool Sheep, 50 Cattle, and 20 Horses. About ten miles from Napier. BoaulifulJy situated. 1040 Acres, Crown Grant, rich land, on Mahia Peninsula Pi ice, 80s per acre. Easy terms. 700 Acres, freehold, three miles from Marton Railway Station ; (irst-clats land, 10-roora house, orchard, wooUhed, yards, dip, &C, first-rato order. Price, £10 per acre. 573 Acres freehold, twelvo miles from Taurnnga: 250 acres lad down in grass, remainder nil plouahable; the whole subdivided Into seven paddocks, well watered ; tfood houso and rffices 547 Acres, down Grant, tlixk alluvial deposit, nesr Palmerston North ; woll improvid ; good house and offices. Nnw carrying 3000 Sheep and 80 Cattlo. Very moderate prico. 540 Acres, Crown Grant, six miles from Palmerston, part cleared. SJO Acres freehold, 4 J miles from Tauranga : fenced and sub ivided into numerous piduocks, 400 acres ploughed and laid down ; substantial and comfortable bouse and offices, large orchard and garden; the whole excellent land and poeitlon. FPEBHOLDS. WITH LEASEHOLDS. 11,000 Acres, Crown Grant. The bulk of this is rich roll, a small portion bush. Six good paddocks hew and commodious house, new woolshed, men's cottage, stock anii sheep yards ; tho small port'on sown with English grnsFC3 taking well, aid by additional sowii gthe carrying capability will soon be equal to 15.000 sheep, «ith 8054 Acres leasehold. 20 jears tj run at low rentil at prei-entwlth 5000 Hheep, well-bred Merino, 60 Cattlo and 15 Horses, and alt requisite station plant. Price of freehold 30a pei aer.% with sto, k and plant given iv. Terms one-third cash, balance on easy terms 6400 Acres freehold, fciced and subdivided, and' a pool daal under English graa»; cod house, cot tigiw, woolshed, j arils, etc., at present with 10,500 Sheep and Lnuibß: also, a Leasehold nlock of al.out 6(00 Acres, at n low rent, which, when broken tn. will carry 2 sluep per ncre. Terms very easy. 75,000 Acres leasehold, 19 years to run, rent£2o per annum; well bounded and i-nbdivkoi ,• go d home, mon'H huts, btoie, woolshed, yards, cultivation and i-beiriuii paddocks, outstatiois, Ac. Ths m>i can bo nia'le lo carry Immense flocks £6000 lately spent on improvement*, and now carrying .14,000 Sheep, good Merinos, 100 Cattle, and 16 Horses. Ihe whole for £18,000, easy terms 65,000 Acrej tet-ebold, 19 ye_rs to ruu, rent£l6o per annum 400 Acres /rtehold Freehold subdivided, under grass Tho wholo divided into several blocks, capable of great development This run, with < 7000 Merino feheep, £8500 sterling 2100 Acres Freehold, Crown Grant. S3UO Acri_le»seho!d 20 years to run, rent £50 per ; annum, with 6000 (merinos). Price, £6000, half cash 600 Acre.j freehold. Crown grant < GOO Acres leasehold, low rent. Together carrying 1600 Merino Sheep A largo portion in grass ; subdivided into eight paddocks Comfortable house, good gardon, yards, Ac. Price of free- ; bold, 45s per ucro, leasehold rent £35 por annum, Sheep, cattlo, and lioises at valuation. LEASEHOLDS. 1 QfWl ACKKS l.e-isehold, Opotlki Bis_L_>,OUl7 trlct, 19yours to ruu; rout progressivu, from *175 to £350, Uood alluvial Hats and Mil* that take w ass readily, would s> on carry 10,0' 0 theep. present stock 4500 Morino and Crossbred Sheep. Price, £0000. 11,600 Acres, leasehold, Poverty Bay, 12 years to j run, rent £100 per annum. Ring fenced and i several paddocks adjoining homestead, houso, i woolshed, yards. &c , with j 6000 Sheep, with all plant and stock given in. 2 Half of the fchures in this lino bavo been o bougbt. ■1500 Acres, leasehold, Poverty Bay, 4 yoars to run. Rent, (110 per annum, with _ 1800 crossbred Sheep. 38 Cattle, and n few Draught Horses. Price, £2200 sioriing-. RURAL SECTIONS, WOODVILLE. Section 11, contoinlnir 20:! a. 2r. 23p., -10 acres la gruEH. fenced en two tides. Price, £4155. Section 12, containing 229*, CO acres lv grass. Price £415.3. Section 150, containing So.i., 10 acres In grass, fenced on threo Bides with a sevon.wiro fence. Pricj, £1110s. ! SUBURBAN ALLOTMF.NT9, WOODYILLB. 2 TOWN ALLOTMENT* KAIKORA. a TOWN ALLOTMENTS, HABTING3. » MOUNT EUIN SECTIONS. \ Richly grassed alluvial paddocks, about 4 mils from Hustings Section 14—37 130 / at prices v.uylng from „ 1.3-37 2 l( £21to£27icr „ 20-48 0 9, acre „ 21-65 215 V .Several Town Allotircnts ',-ncro oaclt, PatttUki 7J-acre Paddock, X.X.. Napier, 13 y»ars' lonse. , 7 : rootned House, Town of Napier, with j-ncro of loltd M. R. MILEER, Sti/kand Station _gent. % NOTICE. . JL_» JxL X his customers for past favors, begs to announco that on and after this ilato he -will reduce liis price for Horseshoeing at the following rates for Cash:—Light Hacks, «/- ; Heavy lluek» _, and Carriage Horses, 6/-; Draught Horses, ~ 8/- ; Heavy Jbraught Horses, with calks and "1 toe pieces, 10/-. Every caro taken. J Hastings, July M, 1885.

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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4435, 15 October 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4435, 15 October 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 4435, 15 October 1885, Page 4


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