Thursday. July 5
The. Council met at 11 a.m. Present: Crs. .Johnston (in the chair), McGrcevy, Fountuine, Bibby, Ross, Dillon, Hunter, and Newman. CORIIKSrOSDENCE. Mr Mr J. Inglis, Hampdcn, complaining that the North Biiataniwhu Road Board had made a certain agreement re fencing , , ■when proposing , to close a road and open up a now one in its place, but had not complied with the terms of such agreement, and asking the Council not to confirm the action of the Board.—From Mr S. Dew, Hampdon, a .similar complaint.—Resolved not to confirm the action of the Board, pending enquiries. Prom Mr J. T. Carr, Public Works Office, Napier, stating , he could not inspect the Waipawa-Mate bridge before the next meeting of the Council, and stating that no works would bo inspected in future unless the application to inspect came through the proper channel, and in proper form, in consequence of a unpleasant misunderstandingreferred to elsewhere.
From the same, .stating that, on the application of Mr W. C. Smith, M.H.R., as ohairmau of the W-iipukurau Road Board, ho went on June 9 to inspect works on the Waipnkurau-Wallingford road, in order to certify that one-third of £1350 had been expended on the road since the Board applied for the latter sum under the Roads and Bridges Construction Act, to enable the Board to claim the grant. That he wrote to Mr Smith before going, asking him to have plans and specifications of the work ready. That Avhen ho -went to Mr Smith's, at Waipnkurau, ho asked, for the plans and specifications, but they were not forthcoming. That the road overseer of the Waipukurau Road Board then accompanied him over the road, and showed him works which he estimated to have cost £1150. Tliivt lie did not think all the work was newly done, and on returning to Waipukurau he asked Mr Smith about tho works. That Mr Smith assured him over £4.30 had been spent since the application had been made to the Government, and that, on the strength of that statement, and from what the overseer had showed him and said on the road, lie had gaanted a certificate stating that £450 appeared to have been spent. Shortly afterwards ho heard that it was*' common talk that " Mr Smith had ' done ' the Government," and, in justice to all parties, hehad wired to Wellington to cancel his certificate, that tho matter might be enquired into.—Cr. Newman said the misunderstanding had been brought about by Mr Carr's own act. Cr. Smith in common with himself (Cr. Newman) and the other members of the Board, had fallen into an error concerning the amount of works on the road that could be claimed for. The facts were these: More than the £450 to be spent had been expended, but, owing to a misapprehension as to tho precise parts of the road set out on the plan. sent to "Wellington, the expenditure appeared to have taken place on parts of the road not stated in the application for tho grant. That fact, which the Board now knew, although they were of a different opinion when Mr Carr was asked to certify, would have justified Mr Carr in refusing to give a certificate. But having given it, it was plain that it was given owing to a simple error on the part of the Board, for although Mr Carr was asked only to certify to the one-third of £1350, ho admitted in his letter he saw work valued at £1150. Mr Can. , had stated in his letter that when he called on Mr Smith he asked for the plans and specifications. That was not correct. He (Cr. Newman) happened to be there when Mr Carr called. The r plans and specifications wore there, and he ' (Cγ. Newman) was looking at them. The overseer was present also, and asked Mr Carr if he wanted any papers or vouchers, and Mr Carr replied to the effect that as the ovorscer was going with him to sec the work ho did not want them. It was possible Mr Can , had received a wrong impression from the overseer, because at that time the Board believed all their expenditure on that road since the application for the grant counted towards it. Mr Canshould not have gone to see the worlf without the plans and specifications. If ho had taken these, when asked if ho would have them, no difficulty would have arisen.-r-The Chairman said the matter was a grave one. He considered tho allegations of JVfr Carr practically amounted to a charge that Mr Smith had wrongfully, and knowing ho wua doing wrong - , obtainod a ourtillcato from Mr Carr. He would move that a oojjy of the letter bo sent to Mr Smith, that he might reply to it, and that a letter be sent to Mr Carr stating that the matters referred to by him. were being enquired into.—The motion was seconded by Cr. Foimtaiuo and carried. «. j From Mr Ellingham, Ashley-Clinton, * asking for aid towards constructing a cul-vert.-—Referred to the overseer. From the same, asking for the overseer's services in forming an estimate of works at MitctycJJ's bridge. —Referred to overseer, From Native Office, Wpllington, stating in reply to a previous communication from tho Council, that the Department could not move in the matter of surveying a new line of road through native land at Porangahau. —To be submitted to the Chief Survoyor. Fi'Qru settlers tit Miiifatokn, drawing attention to the bad state qi the roads In tho district.—Reply to bo siont that tljo Council Avould consider the matters referred to, From the Norsewood Road Board, referring to errors in tho valuation roll.— Received. From Mr P. Jensen, Makaretu, calling attention to bad state of roads in the district.—Resolved that no county funds can now be legally spent in Makaretu until a Road Board is formed, in accordance with the Road Board Act, 1882. From the Danevirkc Road Board, asking for a subsidy of £100.—Resolved to grant the smn asked, to be debited against next year's rate. From Mr L. Lcssong, surveyor, Napier, enclosing tracings of now road from Onga Onga to Makaretu.
I'Voin Mr O. Nprdbye, on behalf of the Norscwood lload Board, asjdng for a sub? sidy alleged to be due, and complaining that a former letter in terms similar to tho one now sent had been forwnrded to Cr. McGrecvy for presentation to the Council, and had liL'Oii no more liciivd of. - Cr. McGrcOVy said lie had received tho letter referred to, but as ho thought it was no use presenting it he had not done so.—Acknowledged, From the same, enclosing petition against proposed alterations in the Ormondville>Tqrscwood Road Districts.—Reply ordered to be sent that the suggested alterations objected to could not take place, an tho pro* posers of them had not - conformed to tho law in their petition, received by the Council last meeting. From the County engineer, asking for an increase of salary.—Tho Council went into committee upon the letter. Upon resuming-, the chairman caid it was decided to graiifc the engineer an additional £.30 ppr annum, ENGKflSEll's KEPOHT. The following report was laid before tho. Council by the engineer;— Patangata Riding—Tho roads in this riding are in fair order, with the exception of i portion near Collins's, but beyomk. keeping it passable for traffic, I-would not recommend that any forming or metalling bo done until the -winter is over, lie Homewood bridg'o, I do not think it would bo advisable- to cut away tho flax bushes and willows at the eastern side of the bridge, as thu3 r act as a. protection to tho approach at that end. Unless the. bridge is length* cnccl in that direction, it will have to bo protected on the eastern as much as on tho Avcstcrn side. 1 have prepared a sketch plan of the bridge as it is, showing proposed alterations. When completed, I think the approach to the bridge on tho western side will not require much future attention. Owing to the difficulty in preparing a contract showing exactly tho work required to be done, 1 would recommend that tho work bo done by day labor, and tl)at I be authorised to employ .suitable Tvorkjnen as soon as the material is on tho ground, to get the work done as soon us possible. In anticipation of your approval,
I luive ordered tho necessary timber, but it cannot be on the ground before the end of July. Waipawa Riding—The roads in this riding are generally in very good order. W'lipuluirau Riding—The roads in this riding are in very fair order. Eparaima Riding—The road as fur as Wanstcad is in very good order, beyond that to Wallingford it is very bad, but passable for traffic. Neilscn lias neiirly finished his contract for breaking uOO cubic yards metal in Hartrce's quarry. Over GOO yards altogether are now stacked in the quarry read}' for removal, but Mr Hartreo refuses to allow any metal to be taken away until some arrangement has boon made with him as to royalty, &c. Ho authorised me to state that he is willing to give the Council the use of a raid ;J:}ft wide into the quarry if the Council will erect a light fence on one side of it, and to allow any quantity of metal to be taken away if lie is paid !kl per yard royalty. I would recommend that his otter be accepted if it bo made binding. I had a look at a quarry on Mr Fleming's leasehold property, about a mile and it b:tlf oft' the main road between Wanstead and Wallingford, leaving the main road nearly opposite the Maori pa. The stone in it is ti limestone very similar to that in Hartroc's quarry. As a largo quantity of metal will be required along this line of road next summer. I would recommend that a, small sum, say £'20, be voted to open out the quarry, and if found worth working, I think it would be advisable to let some stone-breaking contracts during tho winter months. The quarry was pointed out to me by Mr Percy, a surface mini, who claims a bonus of £'!>0 if the quarry turns out a good one. v Poratigahau Riding.— The road from "Wallingford to Porangaha,u is in very bad order, but is being kept open for traffic. I have ordered some plunks to repair the bridges and culverts in this riding, but the sawraillcvs arc ho busy just now they will bo unable to supply the timber for a fortnight yet. Wooclville Riding—T have been unable to inspect County roads off tho main roads this month, but I have not heard that they aro in bad order, lie Mr Murphy's application to have drain pipes laid across the road at his place, owing to the old drain having, as he alleges, been closed by the Council, I understand that, tho old drain was afterwards opened by (lie Council. It migbt, however, be advisable to open the drain at tho side of the road, to let off ■surface water. Seventy-mile Bush Road—This road is in good order, and with the exception of an old bridge culvert on tho Takapau side of Norsewood, which is nearly rotten, and which I purpose to let stand as long as it will, unci replace; it with a lfj-hich pipe drain, there is nothing requiring immediate attention. Boyle has sent word that he lias completed his bush -felling contract, and wishes to get away. I would recommend that the amount of his contract be passed for payment, so that if I find he has satisfactorily completed his work, he may bo paid at once. Norsewood and Ormondville Ridings—l "put on an extra man to open out side drains, and re-form roads before the metalling contract lately let was begun, as otherwise the metal would be mostly wasted. I have not heard whether the contractor has made a start.
Rtuitaniwha Fading.—So far as I have soon, except in the Makarctu district, the roads aro in fair order. On the Ashley - Clintou road, Hugh Ellinglwim has finishod his contract, also a small extra I gave him, amounting to £o 10s, for putting a rough piece of road near Bridge's property in order. I would recommend that the amount duo to him be passed for payment, so that if I find he has satisfactorily completed his work, he may be paid at once. In the Makaretu district the roads are in •a very bad state, and understanding that a sum of money is about to be voted for putting them in something like passable order, I liave let four .small contracts to Hans Hemmingsen, amounting to £11 12s, for work that is immediately necessary, and invited tenders for clearing a 12-foot road through a clearing on the German 'Valley road, and for widening a cutting and making good a bad place on Webster's road. Tenders will be laid before you to-day for this work, and if they are reasonable, I. would recommend that the work be authorised. Including the small contracts Jllready lot, I think £">0 will cover them. J. Thompson is making progress with his contract, amounting to £10, for clearing road through bush from junction of roads to Anderson's a distance of three-quarters of a mile. I expect he will finish in a week's time. On this road there is only one small cutting and culvert required to make it passable, and I would recommend that £10 bo voted for that work-. J{r letter from settlers through A'Deanc's bush, I saw Koine of tho petitioners, and went over the road with them. They say they aro willing to find α-third in the shape of labor or whatever sum tho Council is disposed to upend on the road. 1 asked them to make an offer to put the road in passable order for a lump sum, and send the price of it to you. I have made a rough estimate of tho work requiring- to lip done, nml supposing- roujjl! timber- bo used for bridges and culverts, I think it is worth between £G0 and £70. Jte offer nuido by Mr Thomson to put and keep in order for three years the road through Grant's bush for the sum of £(;•">, I would recommend that it bo accepted, if he find sureties. J{r letter from Mr Bolton asking £10 to be spent on the road to his place, I woidd recommend that it be granted. Generally tho roads in the bush arc very bad, and I would recommend, an soon as funds will permit, that the roads should bo felled tho full width, as they ■would bo much easier kopt in order if the eiui cou]d got at thorn, R. A. Brown, Engineer. Or. Nowniau thought it was a mistake for tho overseer to be able to inouv •unauthorised expenditure; as he seemed to have done over the Homewood bridge. Or. Dillon said the work hud been authorised. Or. Ross could not coincide with the idea that day labor was as good as work by contract. Tho engineer explained that the w.u*k could not bo well set out in a specification for a centract, and day labor Avould also save cost of a man supervising a contract. QUARRIES. Cr. Newman moved, seconded by Cr. Bibby, that Mr Ilartrce's olfer re his quarry bo accepted.—Carried. Cr. Newman also moved, seconded by Cr. Hunter, that the quarry on Mr Fleming's land bo opened up, Mr Fleming to have notice,—Carried. WAU'UKUUAU-WALLINOI-'ORII ROAD. Cr. Newman said it would be necessary to push on works on the WaipukurauWailingford road. The Road Board had f-\po]jded money on the road in error, for which expenditure they could not claim, as was evidenced by Mr Carr's letter. It would be well, therefore, to push on the correct work. He would move, "That the engineer be instructed to get out estimates for three-quarters of a mile of the road, starting from the Wanstead Hotel." • Seconded by Cr. Hunter, and carried. WAII'AWA-TAJIUMU ROAD. Cr. Bibby moved, seconded by Cr. Ross, that the engineer be instructed to call for tenders for works on the Waipawa-Tamumu l.oad, to be laid before next meeting of the i- Council,—Carried. JTOJIINATION OF ItOAD BOARDS. On the motion of Cr. Hunter, the following persons were nominated a Board for tho road district of AVnllingi'ord : —Messrs J. D. Ormond, G. Hunter, J. Mackerso}*, D. Sims, find J. White. For the district of Porangahau, also on tho motion of Cr. Hunter, the following Board was nominated:— Messrs J. White, G. Speedy, O. Horbert, F. E. T. Simcox, and G. Hunter. For tho Kuineroa district, on the motion of Or. Fountaiue, the following Board was appointed: —Messrs E. T. Siurd, F. A. Majeudie, J. A. Hewitt, G Gilbert, and J. Little. For the Takapau district, on the motion of Cr. Johnston, the following Board was appointed:—Messrs A. Grant, N. Loyo, J. Ireland, W. O'Connor, and S. Johnston. For tlic Waustead district, on tho motion of Cr. Newman, tho following . Board was appointed:—Messrs D. S. Flnuiug, W. A. Warren, 11. Hartrec, W. C. Smith, andW. -L. Newman. The Chairman asked Cr. Ross if ho could suggest tho liaine.s of peraouri for a, Board for the Makaretu district. Cr. Ross said he would prefer not to do ,so. He would call a meeting of the rate payers, that they might choose their own . representatives, and have a list for noniinay tipn ..ready by the next meeting of the Council. I'UOrOSAL FOR NEW OVERSK^n. Cli Fouutainc moved that tlio Council
agree to pay half the salary of an overseer, to do county work in the Woodville riding, ti nd also act* as overseer for the three Road Boards in the riding. Seconded (pro forma) by Cr. Johnston, and negatived on division. imiDGE AT rORANOAHAU. Cr. Newman moved, scjondecl by Cr. Dillon, that the overseer be instructed to prepare plans for a bridge over the Putui creek, at Porangiihau.—Carried. THE HATE FOR THE YEAR. The Chairman moved, seconded by Cr. Fountainc, that a rate of \\ in tho .£ .be struck for the ensuing year. Cr. Bibby proposed as an amendment that a rate of M be struck. The amendment was carried, Crs. I ountaine and Hunter alone voting against it. EXPENDITURE. Cr. Bibby moved, seconded by Cr. Dillon, that tho engineer be instructed to incur no expenditure without authorisation by tho council, except tinder circumstances of urgent necessity. The Council then adjourned.
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Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 3736, 6 July 1883, Page 2
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3,080WAIPAWA COUNTY COUNCIL. Daily Telegraph (Napier), Issue 3736, 6 July 1883, Page 2
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