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Auctioneers & Commission Agents— Artluu, I! , ArUmi's Mail, t^iu i n sin t 1 Tim lit me, S.UMIH I, ami .Son, CoiOn-ani'' 1 ! Buddings, Foit stieit Katun, I. \\ , \o 10, l^uci'ii s!i<( I (li nit .mil Mm tun, Cilj Mini, 12.{, (Jucen-itrect (iiceimonil, K ( , Maiki t lloiist , M irket si|iwro lluntti ami Nolan, Duiham Yanls anil DurhamHtrtct iH.uies, K. iind II., Fort street Jones, M , ami Co., Central Sale Itooms (late Aithur's Mart), (Jucen-Htreet. liiisk, Koljort, Commission Merchant, 21, Qiiccustroot Miners, If S , and Co., (jtieeu street Sihhiu, (iio , Corner Mart, W'jndli mi mid (juecn stiei Is Crated Water and Cordial Makers— ! li.ill n ISiotherH, UjijMsr Queen street Glcdlull, George, tonicrof Wolleslev 'md Albert | Stld'tS j (Jrc\ , John, Kilcn CroHcant I Hurtle \, T. and Co., Dm ham-Street, at the buck 1 of liuekland's BanksAuckland Sittings Bank, Quocn-strcct, opposito Albert Hotel II ink of New Zealand, Queon-itroct U.uik ol Australasia, Shortland-strcet nf New South Wales, Shortland-ftlrcet Union liunk of AiiHtialia, corner of Queen and \ it tin in streets Building Society— \iukliiiiil Permanent Co-oporati\o Building; and luMstinuiit Societj, iU, Qucen-strcct -John It.ilfjfi, Ajfuit , Brokers— ! Home, I! , No (,, Insurance Building! .\l inoii, John, Queen street S.imid( if, Alexander, No. 2, Iniurance Building* Bootmakers— I! Us, c , Itlue Hoot, Quceu-itrcot, opposite the Cit\ Hall lit uk and Co, Aberdeen Boot Factory, AlbertHtrut Foit, D.i\id, 40, Shnrtlund-itrcot Sniltli, .I.e., Somerset IIouho, foot of Grej street .Indians, T I'., r.0, Victoria Btrert Wistpf ihl, C, 127, Queen-Htrect Ciluin, John, Queen utrtet, opposite Sihhin's Am turn Mart Berlin Wool, Fancy Goods, &c - Ah Kew, .1., 2 SI, Queen Mint Hums, James, Ca\eudish HoiiKe, Queen strnt, iiturh opposite 1>aii,\ .Sol iiihin CitossOlliic Slnlton, F \\ , "ins, c^ih rn stu et Booksellers and Stationers— Ch ipnun, (i T , W, (/uliii strctt, Depot f<n S.illni}{ Chuts, ,ui(l Wealts's Serins. * h nnptiiloiip and Cooper, SO, (,Mieon-stlect Khun, .lanus, Citholic llwikseller, Wcllcslcjstici t, opposite the Uniled Semen llotil Tiiinll, 'riioimiH, (^ueeu street, opposite 'Hustle lloti 1, anil .MuNurs. MeArtlim, Sliera uml (Jo 's I'pton and Co , Cinada liiiildin^x, (/iieou-stiei t \Vt\te, i:. (eht.ibli«hcd 18 r >3), 100, (^uecn-Btn el Bookbinder— licuhtoii, J. P., Account-book Manufacturer, lii^'li street Brewers— Allxit I'.it'wen, It. Wliitson and Son\ QuecnSllM t (Jolileri Ckihii liieHtrj, >Vcllc«le,v-ttrcot, Knst (ire it \orthuin Hrewon, Kyber TawKoud, J. C. ■Seuoinbo, I'ropnoUir Butchers— nett, T (Pork Butelier, Ham and Bacon Curer), no\t the City ila!l,.(jueen-itroot Dornuell, A. (Wlmlosale and Itetnd), corner of (»neun and Darby Htrcets KikIut .mil Co. (Shipplnu- and Famil) ), corner of (/iieen and Durli.un Ht reels Kernes, [i (Shipping and Familj), to]> of UobbouHtrett Soling, .Tune% Foot of Grcj -street. Shipping supplied. Bakers— liurton and liirnio, Crown IJ.ikory, Kobson street, op|Miailo St. Mathcw'a Church Dixcin, Hakcr and Confectioner, Upper IMmonutreet Kiwdowii, W., 238, Queon-itroet Kent, (i., Rakur and Confectioner, Junotion I t.ikcry, Newmarket Leslie, J.imus, liakcr and Confectioner, M.uiukau Koiul, 1'anioll Minctti, T., Ficnch Bakery, corner of Hohson and Cook •treoti McNeil, John, Baker and Confectioner, Newniarkct Ti asdiile, Thomnfi, Ilren<l mid Mailuue liiadiit liiikei , 27, Orcy-stieet W u(lil( 1, U W , City lbikcr\ and .Steam Itmcuit Kaitor\, HobHon-street Brassfounders, &c— liranslon and Foitter, Mastfleld'a Buildings Albert -Htreut Kitthen, tii or^e, Lorno-ittreet Chemists & Druggists— Aitkm, CJ , " Th< ITi irmacy," Queon-ltreet, opposite the Bunk of New Zealand Clayton, Henry, CoiiHultiiifj Chemist, Member I'h.irmaieiitliAl Society of Great, Kotiiuic I'h.irmaey, Victoria-street D.iWHon, r W. D., corner Elliott ami Wellesley Htrci ti Hill and HiidHoii, r >7, Vittorl i street lliiK'hcs, Alind Ueorirc, corner of I'miU'H strci t and Sl' CicHtent Kdiipthornc, I'rosH'T, and Co., Victona-Mnet Kintr, Mediial Hall, Queen street, next National lUnk ItoliniHon, J. W., Manukau Koud, I'arnell slurl mil, J. C, and Co., Apothecaries' Hall (CliemiHts and DruKftiatA to His K\cellenc\ tin Mn<|tiCHsof Nonnamby), Shortland street, opposite Post-ollleo Tnit, .laim h, I, I' 4 , IMiannai'lst, Apotltoeirius* Kail, Ncwiniiki t \S't Ihiiiiiii, •' S , t^iuen xtrert Consulting Homoeopath - Suuli is, C \\ , Cik hi me's HuilihiiK'-, Foit street Cabinetmakers and Upholsterers - Cnoki , I mil II , SlioithmJ htm t Hal\di\ .1. (iM.iblishid, lh'.O), 22, Short land stint l'niluit, IIiiim, bottom of Shortland-strei t UniliH mil Hall (Wholes.ilo and llctail), Carpet Wai I'house, .Shortlaud-ktrect Coffee, Spice, &c — llroun, ISaiiett, and Co., Elliott-iitrcct CoalTuipni Coilnimm^ Co, Olllci", Fort-Strett— F. Si Ik rlf, Secrctan WIi.iii \> I) in (Joal Mines, Wiiujfarei. Olllee, Bie.ik water Road W .Sloan, Agent Carvers and Gilders — lie Com i \ , .1 K , r.7, \S ikefield street l.i n li John (Looking Glass M.iki i), Wl, Shortl.ind stuit Carriage Factory— Cousins <iud Atkin, C.irilaj;e and Wheel F u tor\ , Market .S(|iuire Micloi', A. )t<ij»J Stindard CarriajfO and Spnnjf rii(toi\, Hurliam-Htreet Drapers & Clothiers— An^us, Jolin, 1-twt-ultlLC, Kowmurkct Ut.ri, \V (new and iieeond-liand Clothior), Welles li \ street K wt CooiubiH, .Samuel, Qticcn-Ntrcot l)\son, It. W., SI, <^ueon-»trcet I. in ilnii\, A , 221 and 220, Quccn-ftrcet Mi M i^ti i, T., tiueen street Kushhiook and ISiid^eiu in, l/p|>ei Queen-ntreel, oppos ti Aim\ .mil N.i\> Hotel Shaldirs, 1; IS , and Co ,220 and 222, (Jucen street Vaili S and I It , 1 iO and 1.12, IJueen street Dress Shirt Factory - |)i l.'l in, C , Cornci "I Dm ham .mil Albert strata Engineers and Founders— Irisd mil I nine, I'lin'inx Foundry, .Stanlij Mm t, mil McihmiiH' liu\ Misilltld md (o, Albert lion Fouudn, Albt 1 1 mil chipil stiei ts Earthenware Dealers— lfo\lm, T ,^'., (,>n"iii .tint I nun is, I II , i:<, (/iiun-stiM! Flourmill - Limb Icibn.'ltisi nit M.inuf u tuiei, l,(jticiu «tint Finishing Writing Master — Mi Nil holson, 7!, t)u.\ strc'Lt .SchoolB.iml f mil |li h iittuidid , Hook keeping t:iu«ht l.etttrt) wntti n Gunsmiths— I'.vitt, D , 2-11, <iuuen-Htroet, oppo»ite the Market Hi/ ml. W. II , (Jueen-Btrcet, opposite A. DomvmII'b Grocers - Colling W. S , Manukau Road, l'arnoll l'Yntoii. Fum!R, Market Corner, Queen-Htreet (•ilihonu, 11 and 1*. (1'ioduco Merelunts), Welles li \ street, opposite St. Matthew')) Clmi ill I toll md and Co , 2^t, (^ueon-Ntreut UiuduK k, G , top of Sliortland-ntreet Mom in, J C , and Co , Qucon-Htieot Miijoi (WholoHule and Kutii'I), corner of Welleslf \ uml Chapel strectH MiCulslvN, All Minder, top of Hol»on-8trect 'I liompson, 'riiomaH, coiner of Victoria ami Albeit HtHCtH Hotels\im\ md Niuv Hotel, Upper (^uecn street, John Codlint,', 1'ropiiL'tor Am hoi Hotfl, Maiket and tjucon streets, II ('. Uiehmond, Proniietor Albut Hotel, J w .Stewart, Proprietor, (jueeu Mtieet, opposite Sa\ini;a Bank Albion Inn, corner of IIoImoii and WellcsleN streets, 8 l'artridjfo, Proprietor Alexandi.i Hotel, Munukiiu Koeu', Purnell, J W Mt'lton, l'mpiietor 111 itisli Hotel, Owen HumphrioH, Propiu toi, i ornei of yueon nnd Durham Htrcctu llutoniiirt Hotel, cornel of Goic mid Custom house stiects, F. Archard, Projiriutor Cih (,'lnb Hotiil, Shiirlland Htreet, II. N Abbot, Proprietor Cosmopolitan Hotel, Queen and West (Jtuvn Htieeti, A CainiH, Proprlotoi Clmiliinoiit Hotul, G. Seal}, 1'iopiietoi , foot of Wakelli Id street Critinon Hotel, JamcH Hyutt, Propnetoi, < onu r of llobsou and Cook MtrceN Cot' i«e of Content Hotel, Victoria Htrei t, I Him sou, I'ropnetor c.r|M ii(. pi' Arum Hotel, (loor^i Audit us. Pro I'ricfoi, .i't, (llt'i'Ktrcct (iii>liound Hotel, M. Corcoian, Propmtor, op posilc Cuioii Hank Oom rnor itroune Hotel, Hob*on-strect, Dunnni);Imm and Klnif, Proprietor! (ilobe Hotd, (orner of Wukoflvld and Mount stnetH, Aluxuudor ftarr, Proprietor Ni Mul i Hotel, (£uecn-Btrcot, JameH. Palmer, Proprietor On idi'iital Hotel, Auckland; Junction Hotel, Kpsoiu, Kdward Porkina, Proprietor Old IIouho at Homo Hotel, corner of Hohsoii and \ n torla Htreeta, I). Mnceroiror, Propi ictor Neutcm Hotel, Karanjpilmpo Itoud, Neuton, J. .Smith, Proprietor l'ro\inclal Hotel, Prineen-ltrcet, Alfrul Kidd, Proprietor Piinco of WnlcH Hotel, Hobion-ftreet, J. H G McLennan, Proprlutor Pacific Hotel, Uppor (juuoii-atreet, John Darb), Propri«tur

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5247, 5 August 1876, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5247, 5 August 1876, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXXII, Issue 5247, 5 August 1876, Page 4


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