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MINING NEWS. Grahamstown, Tuesday.

Anriorrn, in cousequenco of the intemip» tion of the hohdajs, winch occupied in all very neatly a fortnight, the operations earned on m the mines of tho Thamr<. goM"<H havo been himtul in extent -uva oni J*st Ruinm.iiy v\<is published, on the l'.lth nit. Iboy h-ua been fir from devoid of interest. Towaida the cln«o of the ycai there appeared to bf» symptoms of a very general revital m goldlicldg mattcis, which ■was shown to be "substantial, by tho vciy handsome returns obtained from all the ciushings which were completed up to the - Hk ult.; and when it is seen that, notwithstanding the comparatively small quantity ot stufl reduced at the cruslnug mills, the gold yield shows a veiy slight doorcase, it must bo taken as a very encouia»m« indication of. future prosperity. Indeed it was only qnite recently that tho effects of the extensive operations carried on in many of , the mines bep an to bo apparent. In many of tho mines low levels were driven and permanent works were carried on, which took years to accomplish. These have com menccd to bear good fruit, as in tho instances of the Old Whau, Sons of Freedom, Middle Star, and others, where tho mines aro opened up in such a way that work for many years is affoidcd without further expenditure- on dead v*.)ik. Two of the mines referred to have tiken prominent positions on the list of divi-dend-paying mines, and others are likely soon to follow. A largo outlay and much p.ibtenca hag been necessary on the part of the contributing shareholders, but they must now feel satisfied that tho money has been well expended. .So far as the deep levels of the mines on the lino of the Caledonian reef •tro concerned, there has not much of an encouraging character transpired recently. The •operations necessary for their development being vigorously pushed forward. The Waiokaraka mines, which include many of our be 4 and steadiest gold- producers, have, on the whole, showed a marked improvement, and had it not been for the long-continued stoppage of operations from the 2Uh of Docomber to the 5th of January, we rnictht even now have to record other instances of favourable progress. As it was, th« crushing-mills were all idle during that time, and the mine*, with a fow exceptions, were aUo uncorked. The exceptions were in cases where repairs were required to the workings, and in the'sc instances only a few hands weic at work. As a rule, no quart/ was brokeu out, and the whole aim of the managers seemed to bo to make ready for a vigorous stait at the termination of the holiday*. Accordingly machinery was overhauled, boilers cleaned, drives cleared out and timbered where necessary, and on Monday, tho 5th instant, a fair start was again made all over tho field. The gold returns for this month have scarcely commenced to be felt yet, but results are promising, and on the whole we have made aa fair a start for a prosperous year as ever we havo previously had on tho goldfields. The amount paid away in dividends since last summary is 1G.3G7, and tho yield of gold is S,234o7., as against 8,397oz;. the previous month, showing a very slight decrease of 'AC>2<>7 As regards the Pumping Association works, there 13 little new to report. Opertion* w.t - 1 in in 1 oi during tao hohdiys mi the tvo drives from tho 100ft level, but there has been no fiosh discoveiy. in the <lnve towards the Albion shaft a belt of quartz has been met with, which many believe to be the No. 1 reet of the Caledonian ; but if so, the latter must have been intersected in the shaft at some point where it was so much broken up that it was not recognised. In the large double drive which is bein^ earned from the 400ft. level into the hill one or two small quartz leaders have been intersected, but they do not show any gold. An arrangement has Leen entered into between the Tookey and Caledonian Companies which will prove mutually beutfiual. The deep workings of the Caledonnn mine being at the footwall tide of tho main reef, theie is a. good deal of water which does not find ita way readily into the Pumping Association shaft, and it accordingly had to be pumped out of the bottom level into the ne\t one, when it was turned into win/os sunk on tho reef, and it percolates through the latter, which acts as a sort of watsreourse. I Jut the \vin/o of the Tookoy mine, which was being sunk neai the boundary of tho two. mines, was interfered with by this water, and the arrangement made was that;, for a monetary consideration, the Caledonian was to be allowed to pump the water into this winze, meanwhile the Tookey Company would drive from their shaft to intersect the No. 2 re.ef at a deeper level than that at which it has been cut in tho Caledonian, and so drain the latter mine. In the Caledonian mine a little moie gold has been found wheie the men are Btopmg midway from tho No. 4 win/e, but the tind is neither important nor uuexpected, for gold in small quantities was named down to a considerable depth when it was being sunk. 7ery fair prospects have been met in a seam of quart/ a foot thick, which was discerned iu the intermediate level midway between the <qjecimen leader and the main reef, and this probably will be found rich when it is stoped up towards its junction with tho main leef. On the 5th the water was all pumped out of the Caledonian bottom level, and tho contractor lesumed tho drive to intersect the No. 1 reef mar the Albion boundaiy. The No. 2 reef is already to haud in this cioss cut. V veiy fair share of gold has been met with in the 200ft. lev el of the Tookey mine in what is known as the hanging wall lead* 1. This seam which is a tine stiong lode from 2 to .'5ft. thick, has been worked to great ad\ an cage in the Caledonian and Golden Ciown mines, and also in the upper levols cf the I'ookey by tributers. Theie are good expectations that when this lode lit sunk on to its junction with the main reef, good rich stone will bo found ; for it is a generally believed theory that the junction of those two lodes had a great deal to do with tho formation of the famous Caledonian run of gold. In the Old Whau since the th§ holidays, tho manager has commenced to open a new level from the reef from the main winze at a depth of 40ft lower than previous workings, and there is already a very fine show of gold to hand. Crushing for this Company has not been resumed as there is a scarcity of water in the creek, and, besides, a now engine has been procured for tho battery to substitute tho old one which is defective. The last month's crushing gave a splendid yield of nearly 1000 ounces, and besides leaving a large balance on hand, paid tho shareholders 10s. per share aa a dividend. In thi Rons of Freedom the most prominent feature has been a 10s. dividend, and tho prospects ofjthe mine -are such that steady monthly dividends may now be • instantly expected for many years to come^ Tho greatei portion of tho stuff crushed for that return was from the 40 feet level, but einoe then rich gold has been struck in tho 00 feet level. In tho Middle Star, gold waa stiuek «arly in the month of December, and crushing has be«n commenced this year with fair prospects, but there are no results yet to hand. The Black Angel during the last w««k or bo has opened on rich gold 111 tho bottom lerel and will be crushing steadily by tho end of the month, making a start as soon as the level is fairly opened. A fews days ago nice gold was struck in the Golden Calf, but the lode has not yet been opened up to any extent. 'I he Central Ita'y clo*el last year with a splendid g< 1 1 yield and havo started this year wioh even better prospects. There 13 no paiticular change in the Moanataiari mine. The new crushing-mill will be ready tor work about tho beginning of February. In connection with outside mines a very noticeable event was a handsome yield and a good dividend from the Waitemata mine. The Kuramu Company's mine has continued to produce steady yields, and, as will be seen from the following statistics furnished by the manager, the last year's operations have been far from being the least successful . — For the year 1870 there were crushed 9,426" tons of stuff for a yield of 15,4G8i/. 12dwt. of sold ; 1871, 0,277 tons for 5!)77o7.; 1872, 10,212 tons for 3,214o/, l7dwt. gold ; and in the past year, 1873,

d 7l'<> tmi'i weio induced for d ot 7, isi 1 > Uvt incited "cil.l, making a total for the lour >e. i<« ot 3>, T05 f>ns of quait/ -rushed for a yield of 34,1420?. '-Mwt. molted gold. Dining 1h<2 same period a 1 ) much as C'2 Oa. per slim 0 h^s been paid on the 12,700 sharps-, which compnso the capitil stock of this company. 'I he Crown 1'inue has dining the last few d:ijs shown a iilIici appearance than ever. Two valuable leufs, each 13m. thick and highly auiiferou«, have bcou opsned up, and, amongst othci featuiQS, tho most promising ia that they show indication? of mcieased richness at greater depths. The Blight Smile niinp, out of a splendid gold letinn obtained at tho end of tho year paid a handsome dividend of Uh. per shaie Puring tho holi'lava the plunger pump was lived 111 the bottom of the shaft, and cvciythiug w.u made leady for sinking to open a new Ievil ; but just then, to tho sinpiise of all, tho duectois announced theii intention of stopping the pumps and allowing the water to rise in the mine. Tho obi o( t was to flood the ad|oimng minea, or enforce the payment of contnbi't'ons towards pumpiuc; expenses, but the stoppage has been looked on m tho light of a gencial misfortune to the held, and efTorts have been made to bring about an arrangement to have the claims in dispute settled by arbitiation. These auaiigcmcnts have been so fai bi ought to an i=sue by disinterested men, that the Bright Smile ataited pumping Imt night on the understanding that a permanent agreemeut would bv mutually entered into. Thus the woist feature of the opening new j ear has been dispdlcd, and the most thieatenmcj consequences to three of our most impoitant miucs aveitcd. The Qneen of Beauty mine continues to yield handsomely. C> u&hing has been lcsumed with 23 he«ad of stampers, and tho manager 13 now making arrangements for an increased force. A new icif — the cross reef of the City of London — has been opened in this 11. me, and this alone from the present le\el upwaidswill alfoid work for the next IS mouths, exclusive altogether of the JN'os. 1 and 2 reefs. On the 20th ult. the junction of the cioss reef with the No. 1 reef was found in the City of London, and the manager is now di iviiicj on its course tow aids tho jnn< turn with No. 2 reef. There is t huce body of quart/ to work on, and the prospects of steady j lelds and dividends are all that can lie desired. Our space will not admit of special notice of many other interesting features in vanou* mines, but wo (junto fiom the Tham< •» A<l iv)/i«i of jesteiday the following list of cruslnngs which nave been completed since our last Summary : —

GOLD RETURNS FROM DECEMBER 20, 1873, TO JANUARY 13, 1S74. turn ou covr^Nr, btone crushed. <oid.

DIVIDENDS The following dividends have been declared eince the publication of our last Summary on the 10th December : — £ Bright Smile, 10s per share on 5,500 shares ... . . . 2,7^ Sons of Freedom, 10s per share on 1.G00 shares ... S00 Waitemata, 2s per share on 4,570 • shares... . ... 437^ Bendigo Independent, 15s per share on r>40 shares . . 403 Old Whau, 1()3 per sharo on 3,000 shares .. .. 1,500 Qneen of Beauty mine, £f>5 per Bharo I on 7 shares ... .. . , . 455 G.3C7

Corom^xdel, Tuesday. New Zealand Kapano \ Mine. — Tlie progress of putting up this company's machinery has in a measure been necessarily delayed during the past week or two, owing to the Christmas holidays coming on : -notwithstanding these time-honoured festive delays, the manager in the meantime directed all hia force, and every moment of time obtainable, to perform the company's gi»antio works in course of conofcruution, which prebuut at thia moment a wonderful under taking indeed. The immense high enginehouse is neatly shingled and looks now quite finished, and its inteiior floors of different heights have got the greater part of the beautifully kept bright machinery fixed in in their different positions throughout the house. Tho entire arrangement and the superior class of machinery was hitherto never seen heie, and is without doubt magnificent. The Btiong manner in which it is erected, with the local material at hand used for its construction in place of stonework, reflects the highest credit to the company's indefatigable manager, aa well as the company's engineer and ablo stafl employed. To see these ponderous works will amply repay any one a visit, which would surprise) the visitor on his anival at tho mine to see what has been accomplished within a few months. Capt.un Thomas hopes he will have the bhaft again undei weigh sinking in February. After that event becomes an accomplished fact under the present magnificent in which this mine is now placed, all interested in our mines may consider that tho goldmining inteicsts of Coromandcl will commence thu date of a permanent success from time — so sure are we of early success being obtained. The mine, being carried out by the piesent system and management, canot fail to make very handsomo leturus to tho spirited and fortunate company who possess this valuable proprity. IIarhour Vif\v.- This property, which is situate on tho western side of the top graelo of tho Tokatea Tramway, and adjoining the Pride of Tokatea and Coromandel Tunnel Companies' properties, is

hluly to nuko .1 btn iliu'ii^ th^ tui.un" fc\, months The dm lUh s bomo tune a^o made an alteiation in both the company's mine manager and smvejor, and during the time tl,o-e t,lilces ha\e been held respectively by Vr Nmnis and Mr Hoiking, tin so gentleurn have c paied no trouble in looking cm fully after each depaitnient committed to their k coping. The mine manager, Mr. Ninnis, for some months has hal .1 good deal of timbeiing aud fixing m the \anous levels to attend to, which are so fat* satisfactorily arranged as to enable ical development to proceed without any bt('pp.iLu\ The No. -I, or picsent low level, has been dmen foi neaily HOft. thiough v.uious classes ot countiy. At about 100ft. f 1 om sti-iting, «■ inullocky lode was intersected, and tin ven upon for about SOft on the eastei 11 or right hand branch of the lode, which looked well all tho way, and some patches of good stone were glassed f 10m it. From tho teimination of the cross-cut a lise w as started on the lode, and carried up a distance of about 120ft to tho No. 2 level, the ground all tho way being of a fair woiIcing character, the leadei pretty solid ; aud yesterday in seveial places patches of specimens and picked stone, besulo good jjenoral clashing stall On the western side of this level a ci oss eat has been driven for about 40ft., with fair piospects. In the face of the level itself there is a nice-looking lode in hand with good walls, upon which, it is the intention of the management to resume woik soon. Fiom the inullocky lodo close to the face of the level a use towards the No. 3 level has been earned a distance of about Soft., which will bo holed through in about 12ft., the completion of which will enable the manngu to block out a piece of ground, which it id expected will eiush well. Tho Iso .'5 level is earned nearly a distance of 400ft. Close to its face the unillocky lode was cut and ctoss-cuta on it staitcd, <iud dnven on both the eastern and western sides 100ft. and 30ft. In tins lc\el there has also been about SOft. stoped towards the No. 2 level, and some of the stuff grassed from it gave a good yield all round. The principal woik going on in the No. 2 level, which has been dmen for over 100ft., is on the inullocky lode, which is being stoped botli ways. This block of piound will be woiked out 111 about a foitnight's tune, when operations will be directed to taking out the giound between the No. .'? aud No. t levels, and where it is confidently expected one of the best patches of stuil yet met with will be obtained. Sinco the tnbuteis have left off working 111 the No. 1 level very little work has been done in this poition of the mine. The several blocks in the company's property are now fully opened up, and the forthcoming crushing 13 expected to be both cheap and profitable. Although the year just ended has not peihapa como up to expectations in the yield of gold, there are prospects in hand which will very quickly alter that state of things, and in all likelihood place the mine in the list of our heavy gold producing and dividend-paying properties. — [Con espondont. 1

All Nations ."3 0 0 ™207 4 0 Ballarat and Rising Sun tubute .. 15 0 0 m\2 5 0 Bright Srmle . 1200 0 0 wl37O G 0 Bendigo Indepen t 2S 10 0 220 14 0 Central Italy . 53 0 0 1G3 10 0 Crown Prince 400 0 0 327 0 0 City of London 130 0 0 300 0 0 Cahfornian tribute 100 0 0 53 0 0 Caledonian . SO 0 0 23 0 0 Don Pedro tribute 14 0 0 wi47 S 0 Dauntless and Sink to Rise tribute .. 37 0 0 53 0 (I Golden Crown 70 0 0 w«3 15 O Ditto 50 0 0 //iS5 ."> 0 Haul Cash (Tapu) 13 0 0 SO 0 Hand-and-Band . 40 0 0 7 10 0 Ditto . .. 30 0 0 12 0 0 Hope (Tapu) 30 0 0 ™23 13 12 Jnvernesstnbute 22 10 0 ?/i27 9 12 Junction tribute . 30 0 0 50 0 0 Kuranui 232 0 0 370 0 0 Long Diive tribute 200 0 0 «<3S4 10 0 Last Chanco ... S 0 0 34 0 0 Moanataian 300 0 0 182 10 0 Missouri tribute . . 100 0 0 35 14 0 Ditto . 70 0 0 »/10 0 12 Ditto . . SO 0 0 /«24 S 12 Messengers tubute 0 0 30 «(].'! 3 0 Morning htai tub. 17 0 0 1 <i No Name ... 5 0 0 ?//.') 17 12 North .Star tribute 2S 0 0 »ilt 0 0 Old Whau 412 0 0 w»9% t 0 Point Paissell trib. GO 0 0 /«llt 12 0 Qnceuof lieauty ... 430 0 0 //>G5S 8 12 Ditto 30 0 0 141 0 0 Red Whito and IMuo tribute . 11 0 0 15 0 6 Red Queen 1<) 0 0 «i27 11 0 Russell Battery tub. 100 0 0 m'2{) 17 12 Rose and Shamrock (ev-tias) 13 10 0 Shamrock tribute 15 0 0 '/»17 IS 0 Sons of Freedom ..230 0 0 ?/i4S0 IS 0 Sundries, including gold f i om tailings, about . . — 1000 0 0 Tookey tiibute : (Lowe's) GO 0 0 Gl 13 0 (Grigg's) . . 4 0 0 3 0 0 Una Company . 73 0 0 33 10 0 West Coast tribute 12 0 0 9 1G 0 Waitemata 116 0 0 41G 0 0 Total 5,094 0 30 8,231 12 12 Prc\ious month 0,140 10 G3 S.597 8 0 Decrease 1.04G 10 30 3G2 13 12 m means that the quantity stated Is in melted L'old.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5115, 14 January 1874, Page 6

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MINING NEWS. Grahamstown, Tuesday. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5115, 14 January 1874, Page 6

MINING NEWS. Grahamstown, Tuesday. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5115, 14 January 1874, Page 6


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