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High Water, Thl* Dar : 6 15 » m : B 30 p m. 8nKRiiE and Sunmt Thli Diijr 6 59 n m.: 6 23 p m MoowN Paw —Full Moon, MutcU U, 5 23 p m Wiwd.— Mhrch 10: North'Tty, Wjcatuhr.— Murch 10 ; Kino.

ARRIVALS. Lac'r Boiren, p « , GO torn, Adnui, from Mahurangl. — J. Cms?, HRent Affne* Jei<l<>, three-mimtccl schooner, 187 torn, O W. Collins, from LyttoltoD Marlon Ronny, IIiiRhcs, from Lcvnkn PMsphRtTH— Mis flnraon Mid t»mily (2) Mphw. ,T S, Mncfarlnnc, F Klphlnstono ; Mis-. Elplnnstono, Mr mul Mm JUn >or a» c l dull, Capttfn Ftn^t, Mr Muir, Mr. P Itnbi rtnon — .T S Miirdirlano, n','_nt Cainhru schooner, 4Jtouf, McKou/ie, from Wuipu — M. Niccol, a«ent. F*lry. s( hoon'jr, from Whunfraroa —Master, a?pnt •" Dawn, cutter, 21 ions, Pullman, from Poverty ISty — M. Niocol, ttgnit

CLEARED OUTWAKDS. Cbarybdii schooner, 9S ton 1 -, Urauncl, for Lcuik i P»M.'ilgors — Mmsrs W S> mmnchf, \V. Le])ioo, J. Spenco.— .T H. Ma^farlime, iigciit

DEPARTURES. Row»n», for Northern poets.

VESSELS EXPECTED. Fioii London —.Edinburgh Caitlo. ihip, ™ilodDec 18. Loading: Pfirieo, 0 unless of Kintoro, ships. PnoM LivriiPr oi,— Zinjji, bq , loading. From New Yokk — Eut Lo.hlau, bq , tailed Doc. 20 . Ihawe', t>q ,-ailcl From Stdnev— Alico Cameron, liq , loiiriinf; W, C Wontwortli, hq .loading— la the Manukau. Liulyblrd, 1 1 , dim Fbom Newo\stle — 'RrltoD. bq , sailed : f'orriilo, bq , iiulud Feb 27 ; Albion, brig, iailod , Dorwout, tailed Fjiom Sooth Sk\ Isiands — DiuntleH, »ch , oarly From TAHtTt,— Ktntlto, ich., oatly. Vtiott Lkvi/ka — '•uccom, ich , early, Satellite, cut Prom Hobuit Town —Bella Mary, bq , oarlr F>om Southbri I'ORTS —III tho Manuknu I'li'rbe, 1 I., due . Wellington, *a ,T<tranaki, t. • From Lvtt»lton — Zior, vli , mailed iMilh From Dunki>iv — Horcnto, icli , nilcl Keb. I 9 JFrum WtLLiNiiuv —Coronet, bgtnc, curly.

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. In this Hit coiiitara nre not inoludeil. Ton LotDOif.— Harvest Home, »hip,loadlDg ; Owon and Urklntrn, n (fonts. For 8 XX Fnwctsco — UdkoU, p», JUreh 20 Hemkrion ami M»cf(\rlano, KgAnta. Ton STDNKI — Hero, ■* , lbth; Or ulcUnhinli and Co , agent* —Prom Manuk»u : l'huibe, 1 1 , March 17 , Curahoj nn<l D»My, ogenti Fou Lbvuka — Ch irybdia, sch , to day J, S Macfar l»no »ml {'<■> , (ifent*. Fott Non»oui Iuland — •Sonthorn Cioii, Mis. ich , early Fob Souther* Po»tu.— P»terion, » s , 16lli; M. Jonti, ngent. — From Manukau : Wellington, 1 1 , Tarantki, 1 1 , early , Combei *ml Daldy, ugocUi.

EXPORTS. -March 11. Per schooner Charybdis, for fievuka : 30 kegs sugar, 5 (jr. -casks wine, 12 cases wine, 1 qr.-cask whisk cy, Henderson and Macfailane ; 2 cases drapery, McArthur, Shera, and Co. j 40 tins bi%cuitj«, 27 coils rope, 5 boxes ■oap, J. S Maof.u ! inu ; 30,000ft. sawn timber, 'JO.OOiJ shingles, 12 pairs saihea, 12 doori, Sshnapp and Anscnne ; 1,010 pieces timber, 41 bags potatoes, G barrels beer, 1 {dough, 1 horse hoe, 2 packages, 2 horses, 3 cases cheese, 1 tins* drapery, M. Niocol ; 10 bags flour, li. L'onks and Oo. ; 1 case, dings, Kempthorno, Piosser, and Co. 1 .

Per schooner Marion Renny, from Levuka : r>0 bags cobra, 13 bales cotton, J. S. M.icfarlauo ; 17 bigs maize, Cudlip ; 3 ba»s sponge?, McO'uUocih ; 71 bags cotton seed, ■"> bags o&ndlenuts, 3,000 oranges, 300,bunchcs bananas, M. Nicool. Per schooner \j»nes Jesaie, fromLytteU.on : 2,731 sacks wheat, 170 sacks oats, order.

STRANGE FATALITY OF GUANO CAKGOES: ANOTHER VESSEL JN DISTRESS. A fow days hack wo announced the return to port of tho American ship Polar Star, she having sprung aleak when only on b two days from thia place. She had on board 1,100 tons of Baker's Island guano. The vessel, it •was found, was making at tho rate of two feet of water an hour, aud consequently the orew had to be kept consantly employed at the pumps. Tho cargo of guano on the ship Polar Star waa brought to this port by the barque Robert on August 19, 1S71, she having 'sprung a leak v* hon only a few days from B -leer's Island on her way to Cork for orders. She w.w making at the rate of 22in. to 24in. of water per hour. — From tho following extract, taken from tho Kydnry Momiii'f Herald of March 3, it will be seen that another vessel, laden with guano, has had to bear up for shelter, she also having Kprtuig a leak : — " Tho Norwegian ship Otto Antonio is from Baker's Island, bound to C irk for orders, ;md has put into this pot t in \ leaky condition. Mio loft Baker's Inland on tho 18th October with l,7<">0 tons guano on hoard, and bhortly afterwards tho vessel was found to bo leaking. She then put into Apia, on tho 1st November, where the cargo was trimmed to port, and she left again on the 8th. 'J he leak however still continued, and sho returned to Apia and discluigod 010 toii3 guano, taking her depaituro again on tho 22nd of January. For a few days tho vessel was tight, but she again began to make watei fast, and Uaptain Genderson at once determined to bear up for Sy.lnoy for repairs. Sho made Sydney Light on tho 18th ultimo, but tho wind f< 11 calm, and bins drifted away to tho southward. She was also in cloao proximity to tho Heads twice afterwards, but on each occasion tho wind died away, and tho curieut took her to tho ■outhwaid of Jei vis Bay. Immediately on his arrival, Captain Genderson sent ou shore for a gang of men, to lelieve his ciew at the pump 1 '. The ship yesteulay waa making ten inches per hour. " From the abovo it will b« noticed that thero is a strange fatality attached to the carrying of cargoes of guano from Baker's Island and " bound to Cork for orders." The Robert, with Baker's Island guann, " bound to Cork for orders," camo to grief and had to put into this port leaking. The Polar Star is chartered to carry on this cargo (which has been discharged here in the meantime), and, aftor getting the cargo safely on board, she Bails still onward " to Cork for orders." But she returns, not in the satno condition us she left this port, but in a like condition to the Robert. Wo next learn that a Norwegian ship, tho Otto Antonie, makes a trial of "Baker's Island guano. She also withea to be "bound to Cork forordeia." But ere she has been many days at sea heroideii are — bear up for tho nearest port, she having sprung a leak, and making from Him, to 12in. of water an hour. Her cargo has tc bo lauded and forwarled on by anothci vessel. Wo shall note with Rome anxietj how tho next vessel will get alom; on hoi voyage "bound to Cork for orders." In th< meautimo wo would suggest to owners o yessel* going to this unlucky Bakei's I-tlam' for guano to havo ifc # stipulated m tfeoi charters thut they may pio<e<d to any por they liko for orders. They may I mil it Jes risky and bettor than being " hound to C'oii for orders."

The s s. Jforo will loavo for .Sydney and Molliourno on Tuesday next. His KkccIlenoy tho Governor, Lady liowcn, and family will proceed by her to Melbourne. Tho seliooner Mary Ann Runny was on the berth at Lavuka for this port when the brig Success Iefb. The s a. Heio hauled nlongmdo the Quoon Btreet Wharf and commeneed to diaoharg. her cargo from Sydney aud Melbourne yesterday. Tho a g. Go-ahead will loave tho Manukau for Waitara and Whanyanui to-day. The a. a. Wonga VVonga, henco, arrived at Sydney on tho 21st ultimo.

Tho bug Driver will u ul for Newcastle to day, instead of fui Whangmo.v us previously announced 1 lie nchiioiit'r Cunbrii, f w in W.\i\ux arliveil in harbour yesterday, biinymy; a full cargo of solllors' produce. I ho outtor Dawn, from P..vorty Pay, blinds a cargo of 2S> b.133 grass mud. The schooner Fairy, from Wbang.iron, nirivc<l in harbour yesterday, bringing a full cargo of timber. i ho s « Kov. (>i«ii tool, hci dtpaihue f>» I'libsi II and otlu i Not thorn ports jcsurhy iftoriionn, with a full generul cm go and a number of paa&engors. The schooner Chary bdis cleared outw.uds at tho Customs yesterday for Levuk.i, with a full general caigo and three passeugoia. Sho will tiko her departure to-d;iy. The schooner yacht Linda, R Y.S , Mr. Lee, left Sydney on Februar> 23, for Howp and Norfolk Island, and trom tlicnoo to this port, 1 The three-masted schooner Agnes Jessie, from Lvttelton, at rived in haibour last evening, bringing a full cargo of breadstuff's. Tho schooner left Lytlelton on the 2oth ult, and had fine weather throughaiit tho passage. The schooner Marion Konny, from Luvukn, arrived in harbour List ovoning after a good passage of ten days, bringing a lull cargo and 12 passoniiois. l''mo weather way ccporicuced throuyhout Tlio Siiihu ii Moi mm i ffrmlit of the 3rd iustant tho tollowmg : — "Wreck of the barque Lllesmcio: Messrs. Broonilield \n<\ Wlntaker, owners of the Elleamoie, received a telegram on Saturday from Kiclimond l\iver, reporting tho wreck of their vessel at the Hichmond Heads. She waa laden with cedar and pine for this port, and went aslinre wliilo towing out. Tlio lillesinero was an iron baiquo of 170 tons, and is inimod in Metoalfo'd ofhco for £500. Tho cargo 13 uninsured." VVo havo been requested by Mr. N ncarrow, tho (fovcrnincnt Inspector of Steameia, to state tliafc the exaimnationa for engineers will take placo on Friday and Tuesday next. Previous to these days intending candidates must apply at the Cnstom-houso to till up forms and pay foes. Smirur. of a Lu-.ouk Yrv,hi< uy 'inr H\miiM< —The <? M. Herald of March:} nays:— "Tho schooner Challenger, fiom Torres Straits, anived on Saturday, in cliargo of a quarter-master belonging to II. M.a. Jiisihsk, having been Boi7ed by that vessel foi not having the necessary paper authorising her to carry natives of tho South Sea Islands. She on board HI South Sea islands men and I ffcitian, Two of thn nun •lied on tho passage fiom tho Fitzroy." Tho 8 J\f. 1 1 tt aid of Fobruiry 27 nays : — "The A.;*>. N. Company's a. Victoria left last evening for Newcastle, wlicie she will tako in a cargo of coaly. Slio left in command (f Captain Walker, of tho City of Adelaide (s ). Mi. Shurtlewoitli, late chief ofheer of tho Wonga Wonga (s ), has been appointed to tlio permanent command of this vessel."

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIX, Issue 4848, 11 March 1873, Page 2

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SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIX, Issue 4848, 11 March 1873, Page 2

SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIX, Issue 4848, 11 March 1873, Page 2


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