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[F OM DFCKMBEiI 6 TO JVXtURT 0] On t Wednesday, December 14, the pupils attend iuj; Mrs. Sliayle Georg 'a school, together with their parents and friends, assembled in the Music Hall, Symoudssfcreot, for the annual presentation of prizes, and to enjoy themsolves in the dance, preparatory- to sepa-ating for the vacation. Th« pvoce^vags, which, were of a very interest* mv character, ware graced by the presence ' of Lady Bowen and family, and a numerous assemblage of our leading citizens. The following is theliafc oi the pupils who received prizes:— b\r*t Divisimi.— First Class: Miss JBvratow, Mm 3 J. Pike ; Monifcress' prize, Miss C. I'nllips; honourable mention, Miss Francos J«has m. Second Class : Miss George, M\>« B. Combos. Third 1 Cla39 : Mids Kato Craig. French Prizes): First Class— Mm Norman, l\lm Uaratow. jdecond Class — Miss J. Pike, Miss B. Gombes.. Honourable mention, Miss Benjamin] Examination frizes,: First Glass — Miss Gorman, Af 13a Cooibes. Second' Class— Miss ! Phillis Craig, Miss Asher. Third Clasj — Miss McOonnell, Miss Kate . Craig. .Second Division.— Class Prizes : Mias Henderson, Miss Clark?, Migs jR» Bonjamin. EK«nt- i nation Prizes : Migg L. Neea. MJS3 rfeivl tw.i, Mhs Kate ICee3ing. Honourable Mm AJdertou, writing; Miss H. Crn\:^2 t lmtory ; Miss Williams, general improvement. <;ood Conduct Prizes: Miss Clarice, Miss L Wiiluins, Mu 3 P. Winter, Mu 3 E. Pmlxn-t, Mias K. Kcesing, Master G. Biown. Third Division. — Examination Prizes: Misa Beii'lall, Miss Eastgate. Good Conduct Pruos : Miss Adeline Hoffmann, Miss Annie Fenhon, The pupils of the Shortland Seminary, together with a large assemblage of their panmts and friends, had a most successful gifcherino; on December IsaUheSymonds street Music Hall. Among the lady and gentleman visitors were Sir George Arney, Chief Jiiitico ; the Ri»ht Rev. Bishop of Auckland ami Mrs Cowie ; the Rev. C. M. Nelson and Rev Ji N. Bi-ee ; Dr. Goldsbro'; the Misses B >wen, and many of the elite of tha city. Ln/\y Bowen was unable to lie present. Hound the walls were hung specimen drawings, each of which reflected groat credit upon pupils and teachers alike The regular class pnzeg had been presented the day before; and on this occasion the following special priz h ware presented by the Right Key. Dr. Cowie, with appropriate addressee: — Ist Class.— Ist Division : First medal prize, Miss Herric3 ; second medal prize, Miss Muuro ; first good-conduct prize, Mias Asher; first repetition prize, Miss C uirlotte Hopper. 2nd Division : First medal prize, Miss Helena Possciuskie ; second medal priza, Miss Fei-jiHdou ; first good- conduct prize, Mias Harriot I'owley Boys' : Fiist goodcouduot prize, Master Percy tfoward; first repeti ion pr.sse, Masters Kmj* and William Payne. The Rev. C. M. Nelson returned thanks iv felicitous terms on behalf of Mrs. Lawn, the talented teacher of the school, for fie handsome pvpscnt of a gold chain from the scholars Messrs. Livmgatone'and "Walter Stubbing, Miss Stichbury, and other you»<r ladies enlivened the pro* ccetllnaa With piano music. The examination of pupils of the Auckland Colleges was conducted on December 18,iut!ie presence of a number of ladies and gentle men \Aio lia-l {iqqw v^vv\t'a4 by the ?ri»oipaV The jnvont^s expressed great satisfaction at tf)<3 yro^ioss made m so shorb a time by the boy 3, who worked very full ex.immation-papev3 in history, geography, grammar, Latin, algebra, and arithmetic. In tha 2nd class, Masters Reilly and Calcy made 242 >nd 234 marks, respectively, out of a possible 275. In the Ist cla3s, Masters Dv Moulin and Smith made, respectively, 165^ and IGS marks ont of a possible 2O'">. On December 20 the teaches ot the Parnell Presbyterian Sunday School presented to Mias Sinclair a very handsome family Bible, together with an address engrossed in vellum The presentation was made in consequence of Miss Sinclair's intended retirement from the school, with which she has boon connected for eight years. The addre in was read by the superintendent of the" school, Mr. Allender ; and Thomas MMfUrlane, Esq , thanko/1 th& teacker3 on "be'iivlfoS Mis 3 Sinclair, Thopresenkfciouof prizes in connection with the Grammar School took place on December 21. Two members of the Board of Commissioners were present, Messrs. Lusk and ; and Mr. Murray, MP , w-.-is also amongst the visitors. An address was delivered by Dr. ICidd, Principal. Mr. Flower, second master, read the classlist for the year : — ."rizes — First class : H. Burgess Second class : J. Nolan and A. Stichbury (ieou-vlea), J. Abbott. Non-Latin clas3 : W. J. Baker, J. Smith. Third class : Ist division, B. Buttle and E. L McKmstry (requales), R, Nolan ; 2nd division, E. Burton, E. Rule. Lower School : W. Allright, F. King. Prizes for Gtiiman, given by Herr Tripmacker, were awarded to J. Leech, R. Dignan, A. Stichbury. Premiums— First class : R. Dignan (special), J. Leech Second class : S. Herapath, A. Moore, W. O'Sullivan, J. Warnock, J. Mogmie, A. Duder. Non-Latin class : R. C<vrl)inc, J. Jones. Third class ; A. Taylor, C. Thompson, A. B. Shalders, G. King, H. King, R. Rigg. Junior School : F. Dignan, W. Baker, W. Dignan, H, Forded M. O'Sullivan. Premiums were also given to ?ive. boys whose names were on the list for last year, viz. : To V , Ridings, W. Moyle, C. Bui ton, J. Robinson, and F. Boddoes. The various books were presented to the successful pupils by J. Sheehan, Esq. The presentation of prizes to the pupils of Sfc. Francis de Sales', Wyndham-streefc, was made the occasion of a very interesting ceremony ' n December 22. Lady Bowen honoured the proceedings by being present; and Dr. Croko, the new Catholic Bishop (who was there, with several of the clergy), presented an address, welcoming her ladyship. Lady Bowen then presented the following premiums, taking occasion to aay a few kind mul appropriate words to each recipient t— Miss Chadwiok, general improvement ; Miss Clark, needlework; Mias Campbell, music; Miss Brown, arithmetic aud drawing; Mias J. Gray, book catechismj Miaa Lucy Mills, grammar; Miss F. Hunter, grammar; Miss L. Martin, ariLhmetio (2nd division); Miss Kaie M&is, %dt>graf>iy; Wwg Kirby, general improvement; s£iss X, Kates, bisbojy; Miss S. Gray, writing; Alias Fiwley, reading ; i\lis3 Christopher, spelling; Misa M. Casey, grammar; Miss Davis, ffeo&raphy ; Mws OHara, poetry ; Miss Han ley, tables ; Miss Grey, music; Miss Ryan, history ; Miss M. Casey, geography ; Misg A. Grey, reading ; Misa McKale, spelling ; Miss Eva Mills, tables ; Miss C. Heavy, music ; Miss Chad wick, poetry and reading, Miss Frier, maps ; Misa Harriet, attendance ; Mis 3 Holmea, writing. At the conclusion, the Bishop cordially thanked Lady Bowen, fur her kiudness in being present ; and also, on behalf of himself, the clergy, and all the visitors, expressed .his acknowledgments to the nuns and pupils for the entertainment provided. The customary ball given by Misa Drury to her pupils and friends came off on December 23, at her residence, Abercrombiestreet. The rooms were tastefully decorated, and all seemed bent upon enjoying themselves. The pupils had undergone a strict examination during the month, and which afforded much pleasure both to parents and teachers. The dance music of the evening was played Jby $a gugila mtk gtact "brilliancy' and expression, During the evening th.B senior division presented to Miss Drury a touching address, accompanied with a large and handsome ,album« The younger pupils afterwards gave a beautiful pair of vasoa as a token, of their-love for-their valued teacher. The following, is the list of-prizea : — First Class : Spelling, reading, grammar, Miss A. Flanagan; .exercises (grammar), Miss Blaikie; arithmetic,. English history, tables," Mias McKe^raaS ; gepgraphy, ,moo<l cottduafcj ' Mis 3 S^epjhopapa^.- good conduct, Miij* Campbell. Second t "Waiting,' gootf conduct, Master 'O'Mewaj- ',iieß'dle», worfc, good conduct, MiseMT^ylor.; spelling, raadiftf^'ltftiaa t A., Belcher j writing, 1 PeokM'!s"Y 'diotation.^Miss Jwkson ; ' spelling, j-eaiJUhg, Mi«s E. Sjrins j good conduct, Mast*r , Pradley j muiw. Miss JF. , Syms, Extr* Pdie«~mo'i«i r BoloW, IDimw. ,*nd .

Cole. Third Class : Spelling, reading, music, Miss Goodcure ; spelling,, reading, Mias Or.iig ; dancing, Master VV. Blaikio. Extra, Prizes— Miss flaudley, Master Grey. The examination a!; the Western Academy took place on December 23 in the presence of a number of friends of the pupils. Amongst the visitors were the Rev. Or. Wallace, Rev. Messrs, Macnicol and McCosh, Messrs. Morpeth, J.P., George, &c, together, with a number of ladies. Prize List— lst or Highest Class: History— William U. Melton, William George. Geography— William it. Melton, Jntnos George, Spelling — William ;R. Melton', Alexander George, Thomas (Deacon. Grammar— William R. Melton, Abraham Goldwater. New Zealand Geography — William R. Melton, Alexander George. 2nd Class: Reading —Clarence McKenzie, Walter Mason and William McKenzie, t equal. Geography— Clarence MoKenzie, ' Charles Finlay, Spelling— Clarence McKen^ zie, Charles Finlay. Grammar — Clarence" McKenzie, Walter Mason. New Zealand Geography — Clarence McKenzie, Charles Finlay. 3rd Class : Reading — Alexander Stevoason, Harry Sherrard. Geography — Henry White, George Simpson. Grammar— George Simp80n, Alexander Stevenson. Wk Glass : Reading — Thqmaa Kpane, (-ieorge Gh'tfbb. Spelling— Robert Finlay, George Grubb. Latin (Ist Class) — William R. Milton, William George: (2nd Class), John Herapath, William K. Allen. Arithmetic — William Baxter. Writing — William McKenzie. Drawing — Francis Martin, John Day. English Essay — William R. Melton, William K. Allen. — Prizs Li3t Mrs. Mason's School : Ist or Highest Class : Blaokie's Bible History — Miss Carr, Miss Martin. Sullivau's Spelling-book Superseded— Miss Martin. New Zealand Geography— Misa Carr, Miss Keane. Grammar — Miss drr. Andersons Geography — MisB Carr, Miss Keane. Mangnall's Questions—Miss Carr. Collier's British History —Miss Simpson, Miss Blomfield. Sullivan's Spelling-book (Superseded— Miss Harriette Martin, Miss Swinerfcon. Grammar -Miss SimpBol], Misq Blomfi<sld. New Zealand' geography -Miss Swinerton, Miss Simpson. Andersons Geography — Misa Blomfiekl, Miss Simpson. Premiums — Mias Jessy Simpson, Miasi Price, Miss Emily Blomfield. Writing— Miss Carr, Miss Martin. Good Conduct — Miss H. Martin. On Friday, December 23, the pupils of Mrs. Colclough's sohool, Epsom, had their annual breakiug-up party, before separating for the Christmas vacation. The large schoolroom was tastefully decorated with ferns and flowers by the youn-jr ladies. The prizes awarded for marks gained during the year, and special marks obtained during the fortnight's examination which closec the year's course, were obtained by the following young ladies :— First Class : First prize, Miss Henderson ; second prize, Miss M. O'Neill ; third prize, Miss J. O'Neill- and MiS3 J. Paton (equals). Secoud class: Only prize, Miss Jano May, Third class : Only prize, Miss Ellen May. Fourth class : Only prize, Miss Colclough. Awards for good couducb were presented to Miss M. O'Neill, Miss Jane May, Misa Potter, and Miss Paton ; for general improvement, Miss E. Potter, Miss R, A. Cleghorn. The following is the prize list of St. Matthew's school, conducted by Mr. Taylor : — First Class ! Attendance, Ms.xt'SV itefcdkwn ; honouriblo mention, Master Goodwin. Highest marks, Maafcer Wallace j h. m., Master Needham. Writing, dictation, spelling, M as ber Goodwin j h.m., Masters Taylor and Fowler. History, Master Brown ; h.m., Master McEwen. Arithmetic, Master Cotter. Grammar, Master Wallace ; h.m., Master Davis. Geography, Master Duthie ; h.m., Masters Fowler and Ellison. Reading, Master Taylor ;, Masters Needham and Fowler. Recitation, Master Ellison; h.m., Master Cotter. Special prize by Mr. Worthington (Examiner), Master Sceats. Arithmetic, grammar, geography, history, Masters Taylor and Cotter (equal), a prize each. — Second Class ; Attendance, Master George Payne j h.m., Master Thomas Landers. Marks, Master Alexander Gillanders ; h.m., Master Samuel Jackson. Writing, dictation, spelling, Master Smith; h.m., Master Frank Best. History iwul eeojraphy. Master Samuel Jackaon ; n m , Master Pm day. Grammar, Master johu Adeane ; h.m., Master Alex. Dlltllio. Reading, Master Thomas Landers ; h.m., Master Purday. Recitation, Master Buchanan; h.m., Masters Lear Band Finlay. —Third Class: Attendance, Master Johnson ; h.m., Master Hill. Marks, Master Barras ; h.m.. Master Johnson. Arithmetic, Master A. Bartley ; h.m, Master Isaac Barras. Writing, Master Davidson; h.m., Master Wadde). Recitation, Master Dempaey; h.m., Master Hag jterg. —Fourth Class : First Division—Attendance, Master Townsend. Marks, Master James Saunders. Second Division — Attendance, Master H. Sauudefa. Marks, Master Ernest Saunders. Third Division — Attendance, Master S. Martin. Marks, Master A. Bartley. Arithmetic, Master Adams; h.m., Master Leekey.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4180, 6 January 1871, Page 7

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EDUCATIONAL. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4180, 6 January 1871, Page 7

EDUCATIONAL. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4180, 6 January 1871, Page 7


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