The Queen's Birthday was obierved as * general holiday in Auckland, and * Volunteer Review and sham fight, took place in the presence of His Excellency th<s Governor. •Prizes won at previous rifle* tii&iphes were presented to t^ e dinners by Mrd, Vogel. In the various out-aettlenients of $h$ provii^Qß, the day was celebrated in a becoming man* ner.
THE LEVEE. His Excellency held the usual \4v6e in the Supreme Court-house, the use of which was kindly granted by the Chief Justice, as holding the levee at Government House would have interfered with the Arrangements for the ball. Those forming the entree circle assembled in the Judge's Chambers ; &&4 the general public in the eptrappe JiflH pf the Court. The bench, the jury-box, the reporters' seata, and the gallery, \»ere reserved for ladies; and amongst those present were — Lady Martin, Mrs. Vo^el, Miss Clayton, Miss Govett, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Colonel Matson and Miss Matson ? Mrs. Bujtpn" Mrs. and tyisg ?amley, Misses M. neavis, Mrs/ rjargajiJle, Miss Mi{ss ? Mrs. and ' the Misse« Macfarlime, Mr*. Bradehaw, Mrs. WiUoughby, Mr*. Smart, Miss Wright, Mrs. DawHon, Mrs. Leslie, Mrs. Bridgen. - Amongafc those forming the eqtr^e circle were — Hi?, Honor Ji* §. Gillies, Esq , M.H.8., Superintendent; tM Ri<*fc Key. Dr. Cowie,' pf Auckland j Rev. Archdeacon Williams, fte?. ArahdcAOon Maunsell ; Uev. Father O'tf ara. } Key, Mr, Norrie ,- Sir William Martin 5 Chief Jud.go Beaton, Native Lands Court; Lieutenant. Colonel Elliot, 18th Regiment; Civptain #«lmer, H.M. s. '11033110;' LieutenantColonel Balneavis ; Major Hamley ; Depiitv-HQammiMary-.General Innes, Lieutenant Mol-tloy-^B.E. (commanding) ; Mr. Bucholz, ConiuHfathe ITorth Germanio Confederation;
Son. Dr. Pollen, ALL A., General Government Agent; Hon. W. Swninson. M.L.A."; Hon. James O'Neill, M.L.A.; lion. Colonel Kenny, M.L.A.; Hon. H. Chamberlin, M.L.A.; Mr. J. B. Bradshaw, M.H.R.; Mr. jR. J. Creigliton, M.H.R.; Mr. A Clark, M.H.R.; Mr. P. Diftnan, M.H.R.; My. James Farmer, M.H.R.; Colonel Haultain, M.H.R. ; Mr. J. Kerr, M.H.R.; Mr. G. M. ORorke, M.H.R., Speaker of the Provincial Council; Mr. W. T. Swan, M.H.R.; Mr. J. Williamson, M.H.R.; Mr. R. G. Wood, M.H.R.; Dr. Nicholson, Provincial Secretary; Lieutenant-Colonel Harington; Major and Adjutant Tisdall ; Mr. T. Russell; Mr. Albin Martin ; Mr. P. A. Philips, M.P.C., Chairman of the City Commissioners ; &c. Amongst those who had the honour of presentation were the following :—: — G. Aicken, C.E., J. E. Allen, James Allen. Adam Brock, G. Brown, Captain T. Barnett. James Baber, Andrew Beveridge, Edward Bennett, W. Bell, jun.; Captain John Batger, A.R.Y.; G. N. Brassey, Beale, Captain G. C. Best, T.N.V. ; Rev. R. Burrows, M. B. Busby, Captain Burton (Unattached), J.C. Burgis, H. N. Brewer, H.M. Customs ; Laurence C. Brady, J. Browning, R. F. Bolton, A. Boardman, C. Brackenbury. William Corbett; Captain Carey, R.C.V.; James E. Coney, J. Casey ; Captain J. Copland, A.N.V.; H. Campbell. Rev. B. T. Dudley; Lieutenant J. E. Dodd, No. 3, Hauraki Volunteers ; A. Dunnage, R. Douglas, Captain Derrom, A.R.V.; James Dil worth, R. W. Dyson. William Ellis, H. Ellis, M.P.C. Rev. H. J. Fynes ; James Ferguson, Lieutenant G. Carew Fitzgibbon, Thames Engineer Volunteers ; R. J. Feltus, Captain J. W. Filder,' Warden Eraser, E. Fox, Captain J. W. Filder. Captain Guilding, A.N.V. ; Walter Grahame, Greenwood, Dr. C. F. Goldsbro', L. C. Goffe, George S. Graham, William A. Graham, F. Dominic Galosi, O.S.F. ; Major Gordon, Auckland Militia ; J. Gordon, M.P.C. ; Alfred W. Gilles, Walter Grey, Hugh H. Graham, Greenwood. *Ife v - E. H. Heywood, Rev. John Hobbs, -voLoTisl Cecil Hardinge, Queen's Volunteer Westminster Rifles ; Captain Hobbs, Auckland Militia ; S. E. Hughes, Ensign Hassan, A.R.V. ; W. J. Hurst, M.P.C. ; AssistantSurgeon J. H. Hooper, R.C.V. ; Colonel Hamilton, U.S. ; Frank Hamley, C. F. Hulme (late 40th Regiment), S. E. Hughes, junior. Assistant-Commisaary-General Ibbetson ; Thomas H. Ivey, F. Ireland, G, E. Ireland, H. Isaacs, B. Ireland. Rev. R. Kidd, H. Keesing, junior; T. B. Kenderdine, Maihi Kawhiti, Ensign Kelly, Auckland Militia ; Edward Kinloch, Veterinary Surgeon P. A. and R.C.V. ; Kelly, D. Kelly, J. King, S. Kempthorne, William C. Kensington, Nini Kukutai; Ensign S. D. Kelly, Auckland Militia. James A. Lyell, G. W. Leech, Arthur Laseelles, Lyell, W. S. Lyell, John R. Lysnar, Henry C. Lawlor, H. Lewis, D. Lundon, W. F. Lodge. A. Morrow, A.R.V.; Ensign O. Mahon, A. R.V. ; Joseph Motion, E. A. Mackechnie, J. C. MacCormick, W. Motion; Lieutenant Seering H. Matthews, No. 2, A.R.V.; A. G. Millar, W. Matthews, J. S. McKellar, Captain R. S. Machell (late G2nd Regiment); Captain Morrow, Auckland Militia ; G. M. Mitford, H. S. McKellar, H.M. Customs ; W. Mitchell ; T. Mellsop, R.M, ; H. D. Morpeth, Hapakuku Moetara ; H. Morrow, sen., J.P. \ Colonel Nation, Louis A. Nathan, James Naugliton ; Sub-Lieutenant L. D. Nathan, A.N.V., J. Leslie Newbury. J R, J. O'Snllivan, G. P. O'Callaghan, Stuart \ OBrien, Barry O'Neil. Rev. James Paul, Dr. Philson, G. P, Pierce, F. L. Prime, Mihaka Pehiriri. O. M. Quintall. W. L. Rees, Vincent Rice, John Roberton, James Robertson, Edward Rumsey, C. Roskruge, Captain T. Ritchie, J.P. (late Canterbury A.V.), James Runciman, G. Talbot B. Scott, Captain Cholmondeley Smith; Lieutenant Snell, A.C.; R. B. Shalders, A. Sinclair, John M. Shera, J. Y. Stevenson, James Smart, John Styak, W. R. Scott, Alfred Sheath. Lieutenant- Colonel Thompson (late 58th Regiment), George Taylor, Han&on Turton ; Lieutenant T. Thompson, A. R.V. ; Dr. Tassell, D. A. Tole, John L. Tole, W. H. Taipari; A. K. Taylor, M.P.C; E. R. Tregear, Hemara Tauhia. G. Yon der Heyde. C. Williamson, Wyatt Watling; S. J. Williams, H.M. Customs ; Captain Walmsley, John Woodhouse, Hare Wirikake, Wynyard ; T. W. Wright, Assistant - Surgeon, P.A.R. Y. ; H. N. Warner, Albert Walker, Robert Walker, H. Wrigg, S. Weetman. W. J. Young. THE BALL. The Birthday Ball, at Government House, was wholly and most pleasantly a success. The guests numbered upwards of 400, so that, while the company was somewhat less numerous than that of last year, it was numerous enough to fill each room of the suite, and to cause a "crush" in the ballroom, when the "invitation" to some favourite waltz or other dance was sounded by the orchestra. There was a capital band, the leadership of Mr. George Wright ; under and the selection of music was excellent. The ball was opened about a quarter after nine o'clock ; his Excellency dancing with Mrs. Vogel, and Sir George Arney with Mrs. Gillies. At this time, the ball-room was fairly filled ; and most of the guests had arrived by ten. o'clock. Amongst those who accepted the Gover-, nor's invitation, and who were present, were the following; but we must explain that the list is not to be taken as complete, as, in many instances, guests did not deliver their cards on entering : — C. Alexander, the Misses Alexander, M. Atkyns. Captain Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. Batger, Colonel and the Misses Balneavis, Mrs. and Miss Beale, J. H. Beale, J, A. Beale, the Messrs. Bolton, W. Brassey, G. N, Brassey, Mrs, and Miss Brassey, Reginald Bree, H, Brett, Mr. and Mrs. Breton, W. Brewer, J. E. Browne, G. Brown, Miss Brown, Miss Burman, Mr. and Mra. Bradshaw, Mr, and Mrs, L, and the Misses Brathwaite, Mr, and Mrs. H. N. Brrwer, Miss Brewer, Miss S. Brewer-, .Mrs. Browning, and Mr. S. Browning, jun. and Misses Campbell, Mr. Mrs. and Miss Casey, Mr. and Mrs. Churton, J. F. Churton, R. J." Creighton, Mr. 4 Mrs. and Miss Cleghorn, P. A. Cleghorn, A. 1 W. Cleveland, Mr. and the Misses Coates, James Coates, A. Coates, Mr. Mrs. and Miss Combes, Captain Corbett, Miss Commons, Major Cooper and three officers of the Volunteer. Corps, Mr. Mrs, and the Misses Oussen, L. Cussenj Captain Copland, A.N.V. Mr. and Mrs. Dargaville, A. H. Diethelm, Er P. ~ Donnelly," H. L." and "the Misses Donnelly, Charles Durie, Miss Durie, Miss Dyer. Mr. H. Everest. . . Captain and Mrs. Frazer, -Miss Fraser, X Fox. S. George, Dr, . and . Mrs. Goldsbro', H. Goldabro', Mr! and Mrs. G. Graham, W. A. Graham, A. R. . Greenway, Hugh H.Graham, C. B. Grierson, Mrs. George. Te Hakiriwhi, Mr 3. and Miss Hamlin, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hurst; Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamlin, Mrs,, and- MisiuHarker, Mr. and Mrs. Heather, H. Henderson, Mr. Henderson, Mrs. Hetley,*Te Hemara, Dr.. and Mrs. «T. H. Hooper, Mr. Huddlestone, Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, Mr. aniTM,rs.~s. E; Hughes, jun., Mr.^an.d.Mi's.JJulmvT. f Hall,\juiv '- Mr. and* Mi*. G, E^lreland/.Mif-andMra.' H. Isaacs/ Mr. Ibbetson,' Miss Ibbetson, Mr. Ivey. , .. " , • ;"~*7*""~\' ".. , J. Johnson. '-' i <~- - ' '" .- L J. D. Kelly, Mr. Mrs. and Mjss Kelly, Mr." Denis- Kelly, .Dr.- and Mrs; : Kilgour, Mr. J.i King, Mahi Eftwifei. '- - "- _ " Mr., Mrs. and Miss -JLodgej-.J.. .€{•." Mr liodge, Mr. Mrs. -and tKe>msses 'Long, C. Long, Mr. Mrs. -and Miss , Lundon,' W." Sl' Lyefi. Mr. Mrs? and ,Miss ]yyell,' J. A. Lyell, ColoneL Lypn arid the officers bf the Armed Constabulary,-' Waikato'; Mr.'Lyschinski. - 1 Mr. Mrs. jind Miss Mclntosh, Captain and Mrs. 'Mac Hell, Mr. Mwf. and the~ Misses Maclean, A^H. ; Macle_an,'.U. ■&■> MacDdnaldj Mr. MacDo^ld,;M^andMiaB, Mac Donald,' Mr. J>. W,Miwfif*ylane r Mr; Mahon, S H; Hi
Manning, W. Matthews, A. F. Matthews, H. R. McKellar, J. S. McKellar, the Misses Merrhnan, W. Mitchell, Mr. Montrose, Mr. Mrs anil the Misses Monro, E. Morrow, 3. Motion, A. Morrow, Captain and Mrs. Morivnv, J. M. Mowbray, Mr. Mrs. and Miss Mowbray, Miss Mxirray, Miss Must, Madame Moller, Mrs. Mabin. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan, JL Nathan, 0. Nation, Colonel Mrs. and Miss Nation, C. J. Naughton, Mr. Mrs. and Miss Naughton, L. Newbury. Mr. and Mra. G. M. ORorke, C. O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. O'Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Owen, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ogilvy^Mrs. and Miss Ornasby, Mr. Mrs. and che Misses Outhwaite, Mr. and Mrs. G-. P. Pierce, Dr. Mrs. and the Misses Pollen, Hugh Pollen. Ngakuku Rangitira, Mr, and Mrs. Rees, Mr. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Y. E. Rice, Miss Ridings, Mr. and the Misses Roskruge, Captain and Mrs. Ruck, Mr. Mrs. and Miss Rumsey. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. James Smart, Captain C. R. C. Smith, VV. J. Smith, Mr. and Mis. Snell, T. B. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. St. George, Mr. Swainson, Captain and Mrs. Symonds and the Misses Syinonds. Mr. and Mrs. Taipari, Dr. and Mrs. Tassell, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Taylor, Major and Mrs. Tisdall, Paora Tuhaere and wife, Mr. Mrs. and the Misses Tregear, Mr. Mrs. and the Misses Turton, H. Turton. Mr. and Mrs. Yon der Heyder Mr. and Mrs. A. "Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Walk- r, Mr. Mrs. and Miss Warner, Hori te Whetuke, F. A. Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker,' J. B. Whyte, James Williamson, Mr. andMrs. C. Williamson, Mr., Madameand Miss Winter, Hava Wirikaka, Mrs. Hara Wirikaka, Mr. Mrs. and Miss Woodhouse, Miss Wray, Miss Wright. Mr. and Mrs. T. Whitson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Whitson, and Miss L. Whitson. At twenty minutis after twelve, his Excellency led the way to the supper-room. Amongst those at the cross-table were (in addition to ladies), the Chief Justice, the Superintendent, the Hon. Messrs. Swainson, O'Neill, and Chamberlin ; Mr. Farmer, &c. After supper, the following toasts were given : — "The Queen," "Prince and Princess of Wales, and rest of Royal Family," "The Governor and Lady Bo wen."
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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 3989, 4 June 1870, Page 6
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1,828QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 3989, 4 June 1870, Page 6
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