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We understand that Ms Excellency the Governor will embark in the Colonial surveying schooner ' Edith' this morning, for a cruise in the Hauraki Gulf. The marine surveyor is now engaged in making a survey of the Manukau narbour, for which purpose the • Favourite' has been chartered, the ' Edith' consequently being laid up, and the greater portion of her crew being paid off.

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Bibliographic details

Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 3931, 29 March 1870, Page 3

Word Count

HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 3931, 29 March 1870, Page 3

HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 3931, 29 March 1870, Page 3


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