I Lost-
ONE POUND REWARD. I T OST, on Monday, near E. Wayte's, Sta- ? J_J tioner, a GOLD BRACELET, with I carbuncles all around it. — Apply at the 1 Herald office.
I* OST, on Thursday last, between West J Tamaki and Papatoetoe, the LOWER PART of a CARRIAGE Lamp.— Any person leaving the same at Mr, J. Hall's, Otahuhu, or Mr. W. J. Marks, Plumber, Auckland, will be rewarded.
TOST, a Plated WHEEL-CAP ; the finder J will be revi arded on leaving the same at F. Quick's, Victoria-street. Meetings.
LODGE ST. ANDREW, Xo. 418, S.C. •THE Regular MONTHLY MEETING ot Lolae St. Andrew will te he^d in tko Lodge Room, Stor Hotel, A'bert-str et, THIS DAY, the 2Sth instant, at 7.30 p.m. precisely. By order of the R. W M. J. T. PAGE, Secret iry.
Mining Meetings. TELEGRAPH GOLDMINING COMPANY (REGISTERED). A SPECIAL MEETING of SHAEE HOLDERS in the above-named Company will be holden at the Co.npany's Office, Grahamstown, on TUESDAY, the 29th instant, at the hour of 3 p.m.— Business : To take into consideration the best means to adopt for liquidation of the Company's liabilities, and to discuss other important matters in reference to Company's affairs. N.B. : Shareholders are particularly requested to atteud. By order of the Dh'ectoi-s. O. M. CREAGH, Manager. Company's Office, Grahamstown, Marth 18, 1870.
MIDDLE STAR GOLDMINING COMPANY (REG LS I ERED). \ SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING o : V SHAREHOLDERS^ hereby cozened for MONDAY, Aprl 4, at noon, to be held at the Company's Office, 24, Queen-street, Auckland, Business : To consider the present position of the Company's affana, and future woikmg of the mine. By order of the Board of Directors. GEO. WM. JONES, Legal Manager. Auckland, March 23. 1870. ROYAL ALFRED GOLDMINING COMPANY (REGIS L'JiRED). \ GENERAL MEETING- of SHAREHOLDERS in the above Ci mpany is hereby convened for TUESDAY, the sth proximo, at 2 p.m., at the office of Messib. Broad and Haughton, Pollcu-stieet, Giahamstown. Business : To consider the financial state of the Company, and the advisability of winding it up and celling the Company's ground. ' By order of the Directors. C. E. HAUGHTON, Manager. Grahamstown, March 22, 1870
NOTICE. A GENERAL MEETING of the Shareholders of the GRAND TRUNK GOLDMINING COMPANY (REGISTERED) will be held at tne Company's Office, Shortland-street, Auckland, on MOXDAY, the 11th uf April, 1870, at 3 o'clock m the afternoon. Business : To consider the financial posi- ; tion of the Company. . . THOMAS S. WE3TON. < Manager. Auckland, March 24, 1870.
COULABAH GOLDMINING COMPANY (REGISTERED). * N Extraordinary General MEETING ' of SHAHEHOLDms in the above Company will be held at the Imperial Hotel, Shoitland, on WEDNESDAY, April 13, 1870, at half -past 6 o'clock p.m. Business of meeting : To pass rules and elect directors. Shareholders are pait'cularly requested to attend, as no business can be transacted unless a majoiity in number and value be present. R. K. BABER, Manager. March 23, 1870.
MURPHY'S HILL GOLDMINING COMPANY (REGISTERED). A N Extraordinary MEETING of the JX SHAREHOLDERS of tlw above Company will be held on WEDNESDAY, (he 13th Apnl, at 4.30 p.m , at the Company's oifice, Abraham-street, Grahimstown. Business : To reviso and pas> rules, and elect Directors. W. B. HEATH, Manager. March 24, 1870.
UNITED STARS GOLDMINING AND ' QUARTZCRUBHTNG COMPANY (REGISTERED), PURiRI. ,4 N Fxtraordinary General MEETING J\_ will be held at the Queen's Hotel, Albert-street, Grahamstown, on .SATURDAY, 16th Apnl, at 3 p.m. Business :To amend and confirm rules. A. BRYCE BAIN, Manager.
Calls. NORTH ISLAND GOLDMINING COM PANY (LIMITED). A LL SHAREHOLDERS in the above - a\ named Company who have NOT PA I D the CALLS (fir? t and second) made upon the Shares held by them are raquiivd to do t>o without delay to the Liquidator, at his office, Shortland-street ; otherwise legal proceedings will be taken for the recovery of the same. HUGH H. LUSK, Liquidator North Island Goldmining Com- ' pany (Limited). March 23, J870.^ iDOKE OF MAGENTA GOLDMINING \- COMPANY (REGISTEUED). * HE Directors have lva'Je a CAfJ_j of Niaeppnce per Share, piy;b ; on <>■> before THURSDAY, the U fch Ap il next Shareholders w!u> have, paid i^ie t f,<>rmei , calls will receive civdib for >the aniou ifc \~ -^ -, LOWTHER BHO/.D, Grnnamstovn T\Twh 28 1870, '
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Bibliographic details
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 3930, 28 March 1870, Page 1
Word Count
688Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 3930, 28 March 1870, Page 1
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