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£L ..WOOD'S A IR-CHAMBKR HAT FOR INDIA, £*- light us puh,8o£t«8»Turb»D,dur*bl». ati<l Oc-rufortable. j F«I2B MEDA13— 1862AN1> ]865s3tHlBlTlONi. ! HATS, OAP.S', AND HBLMErS, e»ery def f cnpiion mannfactmed at the worlu of J. ELL WOO I) & &UNS, G^BAT OHARLOlTK-eTREET, 8, LONDON, Helmet contr*otora to the London Jfoliot | Force. Army Helmets and Capt wltb UU«b improvements. J. EM.VO0D and 8ons» goodi are kettt by all re-peotable Truders and Storekeepers. Oacxion.— No Air-Ch»mber H*f« or Helmets genuine, unless bearing " ittxwoo® and SONS 1 " name. *% Orders through Mercantile Housed carefully a hipped.

THEPEKFECTIONOFPEEPABED COCOA. MARAVILLA COCOA. Sole Phoprietobs—TaY LOR BROTHEKS, 'pHE COCOA (or Cacao) of Mabatilla s in the true Thbobroma of Lingers. Cocoa is iudigeiiou» to South America, of which MaravilU is a favoured portion. TaTLOS BKOTHEK8, having seoured the exclusiye supply of this unrivalled Coco*, ha»e, by tha skilful application of their soluble priucUvl* and elaboiate machinery, produced what M fO undeniably the perfection of prepared Cooo», that ithaa«ot only secured the preference •>f homesoptths and coooa-driokem gauerally but many who h*d hitlierfco not found »uy prepat&tion to suit them have, after on? tiial, aJopted tlittCoco* Maravilla as their constant beverage for breakfast, luncheon, &c. A. SU OCESS UOTREOJSDEtfTKI). Seo following Extract fr«ra the Globe of May 7, 1868. "Various importers aud manufacturer! have attempted to attain a reputation for heir prepared Coooai, bat we doubt whether any thorough succeRH had been achieved until Messrs. laylor Brothers discorerrd the ex« traordinary qualities of * Maravill* O<kso»» A-dapiing ttieir penect sy«tem of prepuratioa to thin finest of all species of the Theot>r<>m», they have produced an article which ••upersedea every other Cocoa in the market. G tire solubility, a dehcate aroma, sad ft rar» ooncentr-tioo of tha purest elements of nutrition, distinguish the MawtUU ,Coco» above all others. l*'or bouicaopacus o^id in» valida we could not recommend a more agreeable or valuable beverage." Sold in packets only by all Grocare, of whom »Ibo may be had Taylor Brothers' Original HoMCEOPATgio Cocoa and Soluble Chocolate. STEAM 3MILLS~B*JIICK • LANE. LOMDON.

ATE li'S f^t OMPOUND CONCENTRATED V^ EXTRACT OF 3ARSA.PAR1 L L A, FOR PUBIFVINO THE BLOOD, And the Speedy Cu>e of Scrofula and Scrofulous Affections. No one remedy is more needed in thia ever rhaugeuble climate than a RELIABLE ALTERATIVE, and in presenting thia preparation to tb# Aus'ralian public the proprietors do to With co .bdence, reljuig on the intrinsic merits oC fcha compound and it* efficacy in the cure of disuse. I he formula by which it i» prepared is uurei-ervedly placed id the bands of the lMKUICAL MEN OP THIS COLOJSY, who are thus enabled to prcsoribe and tuo it with confidence. THIS Utt U1V.\LLED COMPODND is found a great promoter of health when taken in the apriog, to expel the humours that rankle in the system at that season. By its use multitudes can spare themselves from th*» pufJn ranee of foul eruptions And ttlcetous ioxej, Cor AYiR'8 SARSAPARILLA purges outall the impuiities of the blood, and stimulates the organs of life into vigorous iction, restoring bealtb.nnd expelling disease; neiicoit rapidly cures * rariety of complaints, such as Scrofula, or Eruptions Tetter or Salt King's Kvil Sore Eyes Rheum ■•ores Boils St. Anthony** Ringworm Scald Head Fife Blotches Dropsy Cancer or HryHipelas Ulcers Cancerous Female Diseases Pimples Tumors fuuuort Dyspepsia |Lt is also especially n<ufnl in the cure of CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, oaufied by tho suuden atoppage« of the organs of perspiration iu this ever-variable climate, Liver complaints, and Heart di«e»ee*; iIno, for that formidable oomplaiut the Enlargement of the Liver ; and as lUJfi UUMPOUND CONCENTRATED EXTRACT Oi* 1 SARSAPaRILLA, PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYElt, Contains the active principle of the celebrated and well-known specific PODOPHYLLIN, It is especially recommended for all dUeases ot tho Liver. ACER'S CATHARTIC PIjuL (SUGAR-COATED, IN BOTTLES;, A new and singularly successful remedy for the cure of all Bilions "Diseases Headache Jaundice Indigestion Dropsy Rheumatism Gout Nervousness Costivenees Foul Stomach Piles Worms Fevera Skin DiseasesNeuralgi* And pains in the Breast, Side, Back, and Limbs, &c, &c, &c. Indeed very few are the diseases in wbioh • PURGATIVE MEDICINE is not more or less required, and much tick* ness and suffering might be prevented if A harmless bnt effectual CATHARTIC were more freely used. No person can be well while a costive habit of body prevails ; besides it soon generates serious and often fatal disease*, which migh* hare been avoidad by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. Thia is alike true of Colds, Feverish Symptoms, and Biliou* Derange* mento. They all tend to become, ot produce* the deep-seated and formidable distemper* which load the hearses all over the land. Hence a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Profeasora, and Patient*, has shown remits surpassing anything known of any medicine. Cures hate been effected beyond belief, were they not substantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untrntb. A« a dinner pill and for purifying the blood (in conjunction with Ayer a Savsaparilla), they are unexceptionable, and only require a trial. PREPARED BY J. C. AYEF, M.D., LOWELL, MASS. J. N. MAVNIW*,

Go&DSKnws' Womr.— The progress or tm« ... ti«nnfftcture ia this branch of trade is «trtk(ng!f Ixemplifled in * little work published by J. W. Benson of 25, Old Bond-*tr«8t. and of the City Steam Fsclory, 53 and 60,Z.ndg<te Hill. It it enriched rod embellished (by detijn* with IUHbb, Frtncb, »nd Enrlitb «I#t»} of brooohef, bwceUU, •ftcrlngs, »nd other ?Mej» anitable for ptnonal *e*r, or waddlur, blrtffilar. or otber preient*, with tbeSr price*. Mr. -'Bjpioa (who boldi tbe appointment to H.R H. the £4nce of Wttea) bu *Iso published »Terj-lnteKiUn?p*raph]etonthe SfMiutd iProgren* of Watch «nd C1ock-ni»Mn^ The«» pumphleU sr« tent pottfree for two i t»ap« Mcb, »nd the/ cannot ketoo itroKglyreoommen(1«d to ihou contemplating I purchase, wpeolallyto resident* In the country or i tittoad, who are tbmj enabled to select any artfolw ■Z '■?- '

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 3887, 5 February 1870, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 3887, 5 February 1870, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 3887, 5 February 1870, Page 3