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The Daily Southern Cross.

LT7CEO, NON TTBO. If I h»T6 boen extin(ui*h«d, yet then tiat A tbotuand beacon* from the ipuk I bora.


The Provincial Gazette of the 6th instant contains, amongst other things, "an abstract " of the revenue and expenditure of the pro- " vince of Auckland, during the quarter ended " 31st March, 1867." This return is very suggestive; but, like most public balance-sheets, it would mislead a casual reader were we to publish it as it stands in the Gazette. To illustrate what we mean, we might remark that the accounts purport to show a total income, including a balance of £16 2s. 6d. from the previous quarter, of £70,411 3s. 6d.j and that, over and above the expenditure, there was a cash balance on the 31st of March of £5,967 ss. sd. Now, nothing - could be further from the truth than this. We propose to take this abstract to pieces, and show as near as may be how the -province stands; We shall take the legitimate income and the total expenditure. Thus :—: —

"We maintain that this is a correct summary of the legitimate expenditure and income of the province for the past March quarter. It does not of course include the very large expenditure under the loan, to which we shall presently refer ; neither does it include the expenditure in the "Waikato. From this abstract it would appear that during the first quarter of the year the province was going to the bad at the rate of £40,634 13s. 4d. per annum, the balance against income being £10,158 18s. 4d. In the abstract of revenue, we have not taken into account a small sum of £110, interest' on sinking fund of the ha|f : million loan ; and we say that this interest . as it accrues ought to be invested, and should! never be taken to account as income. It is ' not income in the strict sense of the term, , and it is by the reinvestment of the interest on the sinking fond the province must hope for materially lessening the period during '• which the debentures ' have currency. The" Loan Act does not make allowance for this accumulation by reinvesting the interest of the sinking fund ; but it is a simple ' matter* of calculation, which any one possessing the slightest knowledge of actuarial science can. make for himself. Jt will be in the recollection of our readers that we took occasion, about a £welvemonth ago, to urge the immediate necessity for 're-. trehchment. "We stated then, and. we sut>«W sequently demonstrated from the public a accounts, that the province was going baokAtv<y the rate of from ,£20,000 to £30^000- iperi annum ; but our warning was unheeded;- 15(S There were too many interested in keeyiflgup

the expenditure, so the extravagance went on without any thought for the future, beyond the desire by those who benefited that the pleasure of dividing the spoil might be prolonged indefinitely. Mr. Whitaker, wnen. Supepitendent, s balanced the income and ex-penditure--that is, he paid the balance of 1 expenditure • over income out of borrowed 'capital. This' was satisfactory to r those re- ', ceiyi&g pay, no doubt ; but the Superintendent at length [found that it was not a success- ■ full way of financing, and he threw up the oflioe of supreme director in provincial affairs. ',' lA^no, -wfonder. He had undertaken to do ,aii impossible thing. , Where he was to blame, asi a public man, was in undertaking too much ; we can hardly blame him for retiring when he discovered his inability to overcome the inexorable laws of capital and credit. ' No T sdorier did Mr. Whitaker resign than the placemen and' hangers-on to the last degree' of pecuniary 1 affinity, went with open mouths and extended arms to beseech Mr. John William r son to .Mget the province out of the mess/ whioh, in their vocabulary, meant to keep up the .extravagant' expenditure a little longer. "WWi matter wlip paid in the long run, they would have their cake and eat it. And Mr. John Williamson undertook the impossible, "which! Mr. Whitaker had shrunk from ; an,d for some time everything went on precisely as before. At last, the Council was called together. With any show of decency 1 its meeting could not be longer postponed ; and then the Superintendent admitted the fact, that unless the utmost economy was observed, the income would not pay salaries and meet ' tiie demands of the public creditor. 'Ajb that very time, the expenditure was going on at least "at the rate we have indicated above. What was done to meet the difficulty ? Did the Superintendent recommend the repeal of "th.c Appropriation Act of 1867, which he admitted was cast extravagantly 1 No :he would not repeal it ; but he sent down the Provincial Secretary with a miserable scheme of reduction — partial, and utterly disproportioned to the necessities, of the case \ and with that effort and explanation the Provincial Council was dismissed, and the heads of departments went off to Wellington to legislate for the province, and contrive how they could increase the power and perpetuate the expenditure of the Provincial' Governments. The financial ruin thatis coming onthisprovince is, not, therefore, to be imputed to the Provin-I cial Council. The public out of doors weni; hat in hand to Mr. Whitaker, constituted him dictator, invited him "to get them out "of the mess ;" and he graciously consented. He could not well do less. The Provincial Council recognised the fact. They gave every assistance to " the man of our choice," as the Superintendent was styled : they voted his estimates, end submitted to be lectured the • first year. The second year they suggested that the estimates were extravagant, and invited his Honor's Executive to retrench ;—; — but his Honor stuck by hiß estimates. He would" have all or nothing; and the lecturing of the first session became scolding in the second. His Honor, however, soon felt that the Council was right on money matters, and he made way for some one else. The Council pressed still more strongly on his successor the imperative necessity for a sweeping reduction ; but he held on by the previous Appropriation Act, exercised his own discretion in the matter of reduction "by and with the consent of his Executive ° Council," and the efforts of the Provincial . Council - wera - unavailing. The province had selected another man, whose intelligence and experience were to get them " out of the mess ;" and his administration, we dare say, will teach such a lesson bb ought to be invaluable hereafter. It is utter folly to supposethat Mr. Williamson, or anybody, else ,can successfully administer the affairs of the province on the present footing ; and when we look at the deserted harbour, and see the stagnation in trade and - poverty and discontent everywhere, we* cannot but think that the future will be worse than the past. A "one-man policy," as we said when Mr. Williamson was elected, will never do for this province. When we come to look at, the other heads of income, and expenditure in the abstract, we find little difficulty in disposing of the revenue. There is a sum of £50,331 15s. taken to account as revenue, being the amount of debentures sold. In fact, the loan of 1863 was operated on to that extent, during the quarter, to pay •■ the establishments and other items of expenditure we shall shortly enumerate. , Little need be said of sucn financing beyond this, . that we are sincerely glad the half - million loan is now all but gone, if it be not entirely spent, and therefore a different system must be adopted. , The Provincial Government may emulate the • City Board, and threaten to change its banker •when it finds its cheques dishonoured ; but that will not in the least increase its credit, of procure another shilling to " mess" away — the word is not our coinage : it was dedicated to public purposes in a memorable hustings speech to which we need not further allude in this place. But we maintain that the loan account ought not to be mixed up in the account of the ordinary revenue and expenditure of the province. It gives altogether a false impression of the financial condition of , the province to take this sum of £50,331 15s. to account as ordinary revenue. The loan account ought to have been kept distinct from the general account ; and by that means we should have been able, to see how much of the loan went towards the maintenance of departments and otherwise. In like manner we find a sum 'of £1,994 ds. lid. tak;en to account as revenue, which consists simply of deposits to credit of the several Trust estates, and which ought to be art 1 once invested on £ood, security, for. the Wiefiti of these,' Trusts., There is an item also , ofc£l,l42< (Js. Id. — "Waikato settlement ". advances accounted for" — which appears to us to, mean that this amount has been taken to account in the quarterly balancing between the General and Provincial G-oyern-2&ents. If so,' it is ifpt' re>'e£uV by any means, and ought not to appear , uiwler that heading. j ; The . principal items of expenditure 1 not already enumerated are aattnderj^- '[ ' Loan and EmpoV • i -g; A.cts : Stockade improper merits; £97 7* 10 d .; ue w Lunatic Asylum, £270 19b.; immigration, £334; Auckland and Drury railway, £8,880; Auckland waterworks, £43 145. 3d. ; native land' purchase*) £165 7s. 9d'. ; harbour trust loan, £772 8k 2d. ; city of Auokland, £2,000 ; Post-office wad Cuifcom-hotue, £2^792 ss. •; liabilities for works; iontractieffdr, £361 3«. Id.'; 'contingencies,' £8 Bs. ; —total, £13,716 13s. ldi ' " ' ''•» ' ' ' ' ri rWwk»fa Appropriation,: Waikato public .works, £48811s. 4d. ; Waikato aftcveys, £153 19a. 6d. ; Waikato compensation, £373 10 a. 6d. : compensation from loism by'tß'-war, £35sr;-,(ot»l, £1,019 6s. 4cL 'We' find that 'the 1 Bank of New 1 Zealand w,ere .repaid, .advances ,to ,tb.e extent of £15/529 '15a.i n6n<> the > quarter' ; and that 1 advances had been made to pay- labour^ to the ijH&flPof : £2;i6B l Bs;9s! u &M% if alltkis

was not sufficient, over sixty pounds in excess of votes, on account of the year 1866, was paid out of the Provincial Treasury during the last March, quarter. We need no,t apologise to our readers for entering upon this subject at such length. Its importance fully justifies us doing so. At the same time, let us say that if, these returns were made up and issued as they might be at the end cf each quarter, instead of five months afterwards, they would be of some service, anl might enable public opinion to be brought to bear to checjk official extravagance. But we have only got the March accounts before us in August, and the June quarter's statement has not, of course, made its appearance. We trust this hint will not be lost in the proper quarter. If the present system continues,, we must naturally assume the Provincial Government has an object in withholding information.

The weather for the past few days has been vety squally and cold, and last night we had a storm qf thunder and lightning such as seldom occurs in New Zealand. Bain fell heavily during tbe storm^ but not in such quantity as to do damage in any part of the city. Towards night, the wind showed a tendency to go, round to the south, so that we may , have clear weather after the storm. Our Ngaruawahia correspondent mentions that thf news of the opening of the Karaka goldfield had caused considerable excitement in the various WaLl^tto settlements, and a very large number of settlers are likely to leave for the new El Dorado, in spite of the warnings which have been given that no proofk have yet been produced of the payable nature of the field. Ten militiamen from Hamilton, armed with rifles, had, it appears, resolved upon making an attempt to reach the goldfield overland, but were stopped within a shoit distance beyond Tamahere-, and compelled to return. The Government steamers have now been withdrawn from the Waikato. During the last few days various descriptions of " cradles" have been exhibited in the street, and been criticised closely by persons inclined to be off to the diggings. ' Mr. Leaning, of Victoria-street, has also constructed a pump 16 feet long, which is calculated to be fit to take 10 gallons of water from a hole in a minute. If the holes now being sunk on the Kauaerang* flat lead to gold, Mr. Leaning wiH probably hare a "rush" for the pump* 1 , as these wiU be essential in working on the flat. The members of the Chalmerston Association are convened to attend a special m~et ; ng to be held in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute, at half- past 7 o'clock, to arrange for further operations relative to survey j also to decide upon selection of allotments and other important matters. Mr. DeDhatn, the surveyor to the Association, Vibe in attendance to render assistance and counsel. We may ftdd that the rumour regarding tt c survey originated about three weeks ago at Mahurangi, where it wai said that the natives had turned off tbe survey patty, pulled up their page, and burned their whares. The report appears to have had no foundation, but may be traced to a Maori origin. A case which was tried in the Besident Magistrate's Court yesterday will, we are sure, be read with a great deal of interest, as containing a pretty full revelation of how business is conducted in " loan officei." The case will be found so fully given in our report that there is no nerd for us saying anytbing here, beyond exprcung concurrence in the. remark made by his Worship, that the sooner this matter of pawn broking is put under some special enactment tbe better. The Tauranga Record, after quoting Mr. Crispe's letter which appeared in these columns relative to the Percival and Norman memorial, asks, " What has become of the money ? We are informed that while at Drury about November, 1863, the force from which subscriptions were levied wn more than twelve hundred strong, and that every man gave a day's pay. This at tbe rate of privates' pay alone would amount to £150, without reckoning the officers, non-commissioned or otherwise. The captains of companies collected the money, but what did they do with it ? Did thty hand it over to the commanding officer as "n duty bound,, and, if so, who was the commanding officer at that time? The commanding officer wa<i Colonel Pitt, who was absent at that particular time, and Major | St. John was acting a? his representative. If the money was not paid over to him, he, as commanding officer, was to blamr, and if it was paid over to h : m he ought to account for it. We have been told — we do not know with what truth — that Captain Fraser has communicated with tbe authorities repeatedly upon the subject, and that he has been informed that the Government see no necessity for interference. Captain Fnrer hss done all that »n officer and a gentleman could do to secure a memorial for the gallant men who Ml in the sen ice of their country. It remains for the subscribers to the fund to extend the action which he hfi initiated. There are not a few of the regiment now in Tauranga who subscribed, and have a lively recollection of all the circumstance! attending the movement at that time. They should call a public meeting at once, and know what has been done and what is to be done. For the sake of public decency, for the sake of public morals, for tbe reputation of officers, and — for the memory of the dead — this blot on the escutcheon of the Ist Wa'kato Regiment ought to be erased." The penny readings at the Newton Hall, under the auspices' of tbe Newton Literary Association, will be continued this evening, at hal f -past seven o'clock. Crown grants (Militia) in favour of the following are now ready for deliveiy at the office of the Registrar of Deeds, High-street, Auckland : — Matthias Asmus (2), James Biien (2), Archibald Clements (2), John Clark (2), William Moray Charlton (2), John Dalton (2), Andrew Dow |2), John Campbell Fergusson (2), James Charles Ferrow (2), Edward Heley Hughes (2), William Harris (2), Henry Haslegrove (2), Patrick Martin (2), John McSpadden (2), George McDonald, Patrick McGrath (2), Hugh Nicol (2), William O'Briea (2), George Dean Pitt (2), James Balph (2), George Reddish (2), James Jackson Stevei.son (2), Richard Place Smith (2), Joieph Saunders (2), James Smith (2), *J<-hn Turner (2), George Walters (2), John Alcock, Frank Barker, Alexander Butter, Henry Bahrenburg, John Baker, John Berens, Robert Dawson Badley (2), James Bqngard 12), Robert Brown (2), Christopher Boge, Dietrich Bartells, Peter Curran, Patrick Curley, John Archer Cullen (2), John Daley, Henry Devlin, Paijrick Delaney, James Durden (2), Edward Freeman, Robert Fleming, Thomas Finch William Dart Fenton, Edward Gaymer (2), John Haywood, Robe, fc Hpuse (2), John Hogan (2), George Highams (2), John Henry PTutton (2), Charles Holder (2), Thomas Hartley, Henry Hare, Alexander James Kemblr, John Keating, Jackson Keddell, Waler Luckman (2), Eugene Henry Muller, George Thompson Morrison (2), James McQuirk, James Edward McClennan (2), William McClair (2), Alexander McNeill (2), Charles McMillan, Robert McGruther, George Mcßride, John? Nugent, William Otty (2), Francis James O'Kearney (2), William John Peacosk (2), Martin Pearce (2), Coleman Phillips, William Purcell, Charles Pyne, Mark Reynolds, Henry Harvey .Reynolds, Harry Southcombe (2), John Shaw, Heniy Small, Hugh Strachan, August Schmidt, Richard Seaton, Henry Edward Stebr» Richard Humphries Toll (2), Henry Turner, Francis Vogel, Thomas Williams (2),' Jamej Wall (2), Henry Weston, Glad win John Richard, Wynyard, John Williams, Wilhelm Wieibaden (1). We have pleasure in directing the attention of greengrocers, 'farmers, dairymen, and market gardeners, to [the announcement made by Messrs. Bright and Co. in our advertisement columns, to the effect that an early Saturday morning auction sal^ of produce will be held at their mart, if sufficient inducement offers. The Bey. G. J. Harper will deliver a, lefiture this evening' at jih.e .Young /^e/n's.Chrjstian Asspsiation, on .the' subject, ",B*rly Miuisterial Experience ia, w^tiaud,; 1 ' ; , j , y f , Mr. Messenger, - the' people's butcher, advertises tkatrhe will be prepared/ during* tbe ensuing month to supply meat at unusually low prices. ■ The 1 creditors in the estate of George Nay lor are convened to attend a meeting this, afternoon, a$ 2 <?clock, at the' 'office of Mr. Andrew' Beveridge, solicitor, Wyndbanvstreet ; and the creditors of of Joseph Slatefare^ to meet at tbe same place at 3 o'clock, for the purpose of appointing trustees. Messrs. S. Cochrane and, [Sop advertise , that they •will sell, to-day, bypubji* auction, at 11, o'clock, at ; the|F Fort-Street atores,, furniture, clothing, maize, kerqjine, fcauu. flax,; brown paper,, iron safe, &o.j

Income. Expenditure!. £ a. d. £ 8. d. Customs Jtha .. 11,799 14 4 Permanent Provincial re- charges.. .. 16,022 2 1 venue . . . . 1,085 19 6 Establishments 1,381 3 1 Reimbursements 90 010 Police .. .. 1,984 4 0 Repayment — as- Gaol .. .. 1,988 15 4 sisted passages 406 10 0 Hospital .. 710 1 1 Tolls, South Road 1,232 0 0 Lunatic Asylum 463 7 1 Tolls, North Road 200 6 0 Inspector of Tolls, Tamaki Sheep, &c. .. 79 17 0 Bridge.. .. 84 10 0 Harbours .. 1,272 19 6 Tolls, Onehunga Ferries.. .. 104 15 0 Wharf . . . . 23 1 8 Waste Lands Gold duty .. 365 2 0 Office.. .. 807 9 4 Xdyances aq- District Surcounted for 1 . . £81 12 10 yeyor . . 110 8 8 Balance from last Contractsurreyt 707 8 6 quarter.. .. 16 2 6 Preparation of Deposit from Har- Crown grant* 115 0 0 bour Trust . . 2,080 511 Miscellaneous 3,963 6 5 South and North Roads 340 17 7 Goldflelds .. 4 11 5 £18,965 5 7 £29.,124 3 11

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 3138, 9 August 1867, Page 2

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The Daily Southern Cross. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 3138, 9 August 1867, Page 2

The Daily Southern Cross. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 3138, 9 August 1867, Page 2


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