April 26 —Wind, E.N.E. ; light ; flno,
ABRIVALS. Wellington, 1.1, 261 tons, Kenner, from Tauranga and Southern Porti, with cargo, &c. Hying Buck, schooner, 148 torn, Brown, from Dunedin, with oats. _, Peter Craoroft, cutter, 18 toni, Diatin, from the Thames, with machinery. , „ , Willie Winkle, cnttex, 11 tons, Wood, from Port Charles, withtimne „_ , Portuna, ichooner, 27 ton«, Buchanan, from Opotlkl, in ballatt Susan, schooner, 16 tons, Goldiworthy. from Matakana. Morning Light, cutter, 28 tons, Tiller, from Great Barrier Island. Sydney, cutter, IS tons, Easper, from Mahnrangi. Harriet, cutter, 19 tons, Lombard, from Cabbage Bay, with timber.
DKPAETDEES. Maria, schooner. SO tons, Purcha\ for Tauranga, with cattle. Aigo, schooner, 32 tons, Davies, for Wangarei, ■with sundries. Margaret, cutter, 92 tans, Crawford, for Ooromandel, with inndries. Boie. outter, 24 tons, Jones, for Wangarei, in ballast. Heather Bell, cutter, 21 tons, Dam, for M&hurangi, with tundries.
VESSELS EXPECTED. B.VL t. Challenger, Commodore Rochfort Magulre, from Hobart Town. H.M. s. Elk, Captain Luce, from Sydney. H.M. i. Briik, Captain Hope, from Wellington. Start, p.i., Fairchild, from Tanranga. John Bcott, ship. 665 torn, Penfyld, from London (tailed De- . oember 14). No. 0285, 15t dii. p. Warwick, thip, 1,005 tons, Farmer, from London (tailed January 15), No. 2497. 2nd dit. p. Ironside, ship, 899 tons, Clare, from London (tailed Feb. 29}, No. 6621, 15t dil. p. .. __ Countess Russell, ship, 965 toss, Stuart, from Dunedin. No. No. 8218, Srd dis. p. „ Heyersham, barque. 700 tons, Sherlock, from Newoutle, N.S. W.,No. 1604, Brd dis. p. n Island City, barque, 420 tons, Wolffe, from Port Curtis, Queensland. . . Harriette Nathan, barque, 113 tons, Lloyd, from Hobart Town, QTDB (new code). Atlantic, barque. 260 tons, Kelly, from Mauritius, No. 648, Constance B ,' torque, 840 tons, Elliott, from Sydney, No. 9279, Ballarat, barque. 085 tons, Allan, from London (loading), No. 8209, 2 nd dis. p. t , _ , . Alice Cameron, barque, 847 tons, Carter, from Sydney Tia Newcastle, N.S.W., T N C P (new code). „-„,,,. Kate, barque, 340 tons, Cooper, from Sydney, No. 6539, 15t Wayed'eyi brig, 217 tons, Forsayth, from Boliyia, No. 2540, Pakeha, brig.' 173 tons, Robinson, from Adelaide, V LF G (new code). . , , Alexandra, bri*, 288 tons, Bt«phtnson, from Adelaide (sailed 15th). No. 240, 15t dis p. Moa, brig, 286 tons, Eobertson, from Sydney, No. 7138, 2nd dis. p. Pacific, schooner, 60 tons, Bates, from Norfolk Island, No. 9286, 15t dis. p. „. «« „ Sir Isaac Newton, schooner, Macltie, from Sydney, No. 2816 3rd dis. p. Zill«h, schooner, 65 tons, Wyatt, from Tahiti. Swallow, schooner, 27 tons. Hill, from Christchurch. Neya, schooner, 90 tons, Young, from Eorotonga, No. 8720, Ist dit p. Clyde, schooner, 34 tons, Cheshire, from Christchurch. Bt. Hilda, schooner, 68 tons, from South Sea Islands. Cora, schoorer, 90 tons, McCallum, from InyercargilL Celt, schooner 42 tons, SulliVan, from Dunedin. Speedwell, ketch, 35 tons, Lamb, from Norfolk Island and New Caledonia. Harwell, 28 tons, Hardiman, from Holdanga. Nautilus, 29 tons. Sushell, from Christchurch. Afnss. cutter. 14 tons, Hitching, from Ohora, North Cape. Lady "Wynyard, cutter, from Napier.
PBOJECTED DEPABTUBES. J<W Londok.- Southern [Crois. May 1 ; England, 2nd ; Mary Shepherd, 10th ; John Scott, early. Callao.— Beglna, early. San PaAKOisoo.— Hevenham, early. Tahiti.— Surprise, to-day. Hobakt Town.— Bell* Mary, «arly. Stdnxt.— A. H. Badgtr, early ; Auckland, 2nd. ITiwcastli!.— A. H. Badger and Susan, early. Jfxw CAua>ONiA.— iTanhoe, to-day : Bluebell, early. Soxtthmin Pokm,— Wellington, 29th. Christohubch.— Wooditock, Ist. "Sattkk.— Star of the South, to-day ; Wellington, 29th; Saucy Lass, early. PovwtTT Bay.— Jane, 3rd. Taubanga.— Tanranga, to-day ; Wellington, 29th. Wangami.— Enterprise No. 2, lst Goboxandil.— Petrel, to-day. Mahotukoi.— Enterpriie No. 2, 29th.
VESSELS IN HASBOUB. (TMi Uit doM not Include coasting cutters.) Auckland, i.i., 703 tons, Harris, from Sydney.— H. M Jerris, agent. _ "Wellington, i.s., 261 tons, Benner, from Tauranga and Southern Ports.— Combes and Daldy, agents. Midge, is., 67 tons, Loutlt, from London.— D. Nathan, Star of the South. ».s., 147 toni, Bendall, from Napier.— J. S. Maofarlane, agent. Enterprise No. 2, p.s., 45 toni, PhUpott, from Coromandel.— G. S. Jakins, agent Tauranga, i.i .(fitting out for «ea). TCnterprUe No. 1, p.i. (on ferry semoe). Gemini, i.i. (on ferry nrrlce). Bella Marina, coal hulk. Benjamin fleape, ooal hulk. Mary Shepherd, ship, 005 toni, Croot, from London.— Brown, Campbell, and Co., agents. England, ship, 863 tons, Fox, from London.— D. Nathan, agent. Begina, ship, 699 toni, Llnthorne, from London.— Harris and Laurie, agents. „,,,._. Southern Cross, ship, 692 tons, Mordne, from Wellington.— Cruicluhank, Smart, and Co., agents.Bella Mary, barque, 276 tons, Copping, from Hobart Town.— Stone Brothers, agents. A. H. Badger, barqne, 407 tons, Brownell, from Lyttelton.— A. Bnokland, agent. . . „ flying Cloud, brig, 377 tons, Scon, from Little Omaha.— S. Woolley, agent. , __ Soian, brig, 185 tons, Poulsen, from Newcastle, N.S.vv — Henderson and Macfarlane, agents. Spray, brig, 143 tons, Syltes, from Brisbane.— Hendsrson and Macfarlane, agents. Surprise, brigantine, 108 tons, Ellacott. from Tahiti.— D. Nathan, agent. Albatross, schooner, 85 tons, Braund, from Chnstchurch.— Cruicluhank, Smart, and Co , agents. Flying Buck, schooner, 142 tons, Brown, from Dunedin.— J. S. Macfarlane, agent. fortune, schooner, 27 tons, Buchanan, from Opotiki.—Captain, agent. Bapid, schooner, 84 tons, Martin, from Tanranga.— B. J. Edmonds, agent. _, , ._, Hope, schooner, 25 tons, Parker, from Tauranga.— S. J. Edmonds, agent. Eliiabeth Mary, schooner, 37 tons, 'Williams, from Wangarei. —Captain, agent. Herald, schooner (new), 65 tons, Munro, from Wangarei.— Captain, agent. Iranhoe. schooner, 70 tons, McGregor, from Mongonui. — Cruicluhank, Smart, and Co , agents. Tauranga, schooner, 60 tons, Mustart, from Tauranga.— T. Macky and Co., agents. Bluebell, schooner, 65 tons, Loverock, from Christchurch. Saucy Lass, schooner, 38 tons, McKenzie, from Porerty Bay. Jape, schooner, 37 tons, Faulkner, from Porerty Bay.— T, Macky and Co., agents.
ENTERED INWARDS. Arau. IS— Wellington, 1.1., 201 tons, ftenner, from Tauranga and Southern Fotti, with general cargo and panengen (as per report).— Combes and Daldy. agents. 26— Saucy Lass, 88 tons. McKtnzie, from Forerty Bay, with 200 sheep, A. Buckland. 2ft— Heather BeU, 24 tons, Dam, from Mahurangi, with 24 pnriri ports, 13,000 shingles. Passengers— s. 28— Petrel. 17 tons, Edwards, from Coromandel, with 10,000 feet timber, 1 horse, and sundry packages. Passengers— ll. SB— Margaret, 21 tons, Crawford, from Coromandel, in ballast. Passengers— l 2. 28— William and Julia. 33 tons, Scott, from Mahurangi, in ballast.
ENTERED OUTWABDS. April 96— Auckland, i.s., 533 tons, Hurrin, for Sydney.— H. M. J«rii, agent.
CLEAEED OUTWABDS. Aphid 28— Ivanhoe, 70 tons, McGregor, for Noumea, New Caledonia, . vis Mongonui, with general cargo (as per exports). Passengers—l3.—Cruickshank, Smart, and Co., agents. 20— Argo, 32 tons, Dairies, for Wangarei, with 1 case tobacao, 1 hhd. rum, 1 qr.-cask whiskey, 1 qr. -cask brandy, S tw, 3 cues oil, 2 cues restas, 4 casks rice, 12 boxes candles, 20 pkgs. furniture, 30 pkgs. oilmen's stores, 1 ton luggage, *c. Pusengen— ■lo. 26— Heather Bell, 21 tons, Dam, for Mahnrangi, with 2 iron tanks, 7cwt. flour, scwt. potatoes, 3 bales leather. Passengers— 4. Ifl— MaTis, 30 tons, Purchas, for Tauranga, with 10 head cattle and a quantity of furniture. Passengers— 2. 20— Margaret, 22 tons, Crawford, for Coromandel, with 2 cases whiskey, 2 cues brandy, 2 cues ale, 2 cues porter. Pusengen— 4. 26— Bose, 24 tons, Jones, for fVangarei, in ballut.
EXPORTS. Per schooner Iranhoe, for Noumea, New Caledonia, Tia Mongonui : Ex warehouse under bond : 143 cues brandy, 50 cuei champagne, 5 chests tea, 10 casks ale, Cmickshank, Smart, and Co. Free goods : 2 cases ironmongery, 9 do«en spades, i hhds., 3 cues, 2 pkgs. ironmongery, 6 wheels, 3 bullock yokes, 3 pairs bows, 5 tons potatoes, 1 cue, 360 bars iron, 110 bundles iron, 50,000 shingles, 20,000 feet timber, 31 bullock chains, 6 plough s SJcases jams, 3 cues salmon, 1 ton biscuits, 1 cue boots, Cruickshank, Smart, and Co. (agents).
WEEKLY SUMMARY. Shipping business during the week has been moderately brisk. The winds have been principally fresh and favourable off the coast, facilitating alike the progress of the coasting craft and foreign-going vessels. For the season, the weather has oeen unusually fine and summer-like, and free from extremes. The arrivals foreign number four, and the departures six. The barque Bella Mary, Captain Copping, arrived from Hobarb Town on the 20th instant, with a full general cargo and a number of passengers. After a protracted passage, the little ■crew steamer Midge, Captain Loutit, arrived from London vift the Cape the same evening, 149 days ont, after a fine-weather passage. The Midge ii only 57 tons register, and came out under canvas, rigged as a topsail schooner. Particulars of her build and au aooount of her passage have been given. The Circular Saw brig Stuan, Captain Paulsen, arrived on the 22nd from Newcastle, N.S.W., with » cargo of coals on owner's account. On the 23rd the i.s. Auckland, Captain Harris, arrived from Sydney with the English mail, vifc M*r»ejUe«,
and cargo. The s.s. Star of the South, Captain Bendall, arrived on the 21st from Napier, with the remainder of the men of H.M. 12th .Regiment for embarkation for England. The schooner Bluebell has arrived with grain front Christchurch, with loss of part of main rigging in a gale before reaching Napier. The departures foreign have been the mission yacht Southern Crosi, Captain Lilly, for Norfolk Island, on the 23rd, with Bishop Patteson and the remainder of the Mission scholars from the station at Kohimarama. After leaving Norfolk Island,, the yaoht will proceed on Her annual tour of the islands of the New Hebrides, and Solomon Islands. The barque Mistletoe, Captain Luder, sailed on the 24th for Sydney, with cargo and passengers. On the 25th the barque Helen S. Page, Captain Cairnoross, sailed for Brisbane, in ballast j and on the 26th the schooner Ivanhoe, Captain McGregor, sailed for Noumea, New Caledonia, with a general cargo, and the brigantine Surprise, Captain Ellacott, for Tahiti, also with a genera] cargo. The schooners Banshee and Rose Ann have Bailed with timber for Napier, and several vessels have arrived from the latter place, vi& the coast, with sheep and produce. The Australian fleet are still located in Sydney, with the exception of H.M. s. Brisk, which may be daily expected here from the South. The Sydney papers state :— The continued illness of , Commodore Maguire having rendered his return to England advisable, Captain Luce, of the Esk, being senior captain on the station, has temporarily taken command of the squadron, and shifted the pennant from the Challenger to the Esk. The latter vessel has completed her time of service on the station, and orders for her return home are daily expected. This will probably necessitate further changes, H.M. s.s. Curagoa and Eolipse have arrived in England from this station.
ABRIVAL OF THE S.S. WELLINGTON. The New Zealand Steam Navigation Company's 8.8. Wellington, Captain F. Renner, arrived here at noon yesterday from Tanranga and Southern ports, with mails and passengers. She reports having left Otago at 3 p.m. on the 14th, and arrived at the Bluff at 9 a.m. on the 15th ; left same day at XI a.m., and arrived off Hokitika at 4 p.m. on the 16th, hay» ing experienced strong head winds and thick weather throughout the passage. Transferred passengers an d mails to the steamer Bruce on the morning of the 19th, and left for Nelson at 9 a.m., arriving there at 8 a.m. on the 20th; left same day at 9 p.m., and arrived at Picton at 4 a.m. on the 21st ; left same day at 8 a.m., and arri/ed at Wellington at J0.30 p.m. on Sunday last; left Wellington for Auckland on the 23rd, at 5 p.m., and arrived at Napier" at noon on the 24th ; left Napier at 7.5 p.m., and arrived at Tauranga at 9 pun. on the 25th, leaving again at 0.30 a.m. yesterday, and arriving here at noon, after a remarkably quick run. The s.s. Wellington supplies the place of the s.a. Taranaki, which has again been put on the West Coast route, and was to leave Wellington the same evening. She brings the fragment of the last Panama mail, ex Mataura,— the s.s. Kaikoura, with the current mail, not having been signalled at Wellington up to the time of her departure, after 24 hours' detention by the Government, awaiting her arrival. We are indebted to Mr. Kebbell, the purser of the Wellington, for full Southern files. Passengers : Saloon — Mr. and Mrs. Beetham, six children, and servant ; Mr. and Mrs. Domett, Miss Smythies, Miss Hay, Major Campbell ; Messrs. Fawn, Clark, Lazarus, Ellis ; Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. Haynes, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Levy, and Mm. Robinson. SteerageMr. Cundy, Mrs. Williamson, Mr. Stanley, Miss Hankins ; Messrs. Ford, Martin, Dougal, Fielding, and Matai. Cargo : From Otago— l case, 1 cask, 1 keg drugs, Wellsman; 208 bags grass-seed, A. Buckland. From Lyttelton— l bag, D. Hale ; 1 parcel, Young. From Wellington— l c»se ink, Collector of Customs ; 67 feet luggage, Commissariat ; 30 boxes candles, Bucholz and Co. j 1 case, Maney ; 1 horse, Fawn ; and sundry cargo for Napier and Tauranga, short landed,— Combes and Daldy, agents.
ARRIVAL OF THE SCHOONER FLYING BUCK, The smart fore-and-aft schooner Flying Bucls, Captain Brown, arriv«d yesterday afternoon from Dunedin, with a cargo of oats, &c, on account of Messrs. Cruickshank, Smart, and Co. She reportß havimg left Otago heads on Friday, the 19th instant, with a strong north-east wind, which continued for the first four days, and waa succeeded by south-eait wind and thick squally weather for the remainder of the passage, arriving as above. Reports having been in company with the ship Countess Russell, bound here, on the 20th mat., off sßanki's Peninsula. The Countess Russell left Otago Heads on the 18th instant, and may be expected to make the harbour to-day. Cargo : 400 bags oats, 2 tons provisions Cruick. shank, Smart, and Co, (agents).
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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 3043, 27 April 1867, Page 4
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2,276PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 3043, 27 April 1867, Page 4
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