NoremberlB,— Wind, N.N.W. ; light ; fine.
ARRIVALS. Pay Dawn, ship, 893 tons, Jones, from Newcutle, N.S.W., with coal*. Anne MelhuUh, barque, 287 tons, Williams, from Newcastle, N.S W., with coals. Elf, schooner, 18 tons, Kuhl, from PuhoL Ware, cutter, 10 tons, Kagleton, from Cabbage Bay, with timber. Morning Light, 27|tons, Tiller, from Great Barrier Island. Katt, cutter, 22 tons, Tapiata, from Kennedy's Bay, with fum, &c. ' Isabella, cutter, SO tons, Darics, from Oralau, Fiji Iriandi, with oil, &c. Kingdore, cutter, 21 tons, Chrlip, from Mahuranfi, with produce.
DEPARTURES. Rita, brig, 198 tons, Trayte. for Sydney, with timber, &C. Warerley.brig. 270 torn, For* yth, for Guam, in ballast. Celt, schooner, 43 tons, McKenzie, for Dunedin Ti* Kennedy's Bay, with timber Donald McLean, schooner, 45 tons, Baker, for Poreriyßay via Tiuriia, with timber, <fee. Clyde, schooner, 34 tons, Abrams, for Tauranga Tia Great Barrier, with sundries, etc. Banshee, schooner, 70 tons, Sloane, ior Wanganui, with breadstuffs. Dot, schooner, 23 torn, McLiyer, forPaViri, with sundries. Ariel, cuttet, 18 tons, Herari, for PUko. with sundries. Cordelia, c .tter, 21 tons, McGregor, for Tryphena, Great Barrier, in ballast. Bittern, cutter, 40 tons, Goldsworthy, for Napier Tia Cabbage Bay, with shingles. Smuggler, cutter, 21 tons, Boss, for Wangarei, with general cargo, Harriet, cutter, 20 tons, Hayes, for Whrogato*, with sundries. Thret Brothers, cutter, 18 tons, Stymour, for M»H|a,wa.l
VESSELS EXPECTED. H.M. i. Eik, Captain Luo«, from Sydnty. Auckland, i.s.. SB3 torn, Harris, from Sydney (due 2ith). Queen, «.»,, 177 torn, Krnft, from Tauranga Mid Southern Ports (due 21«t). Star of the South, ».«., 147 tons, Bendall, from Napier. Btautiful Stir, i s., 125 tons, Morwick, from Napier. Storm Bird, &■., 08 tons, Gleadou, from Wellington, ria the const. Kaon, ship, 700 tons, Roberts, from London (loading), No. 7623, 2nd dis. p. Chile, ship, 769 tons, Stringer, from London, No. 2715 3rd dis. p. (sailed August 15). England, ship, 854 tons, Houston, from London (to nil September), No. 8560, 15t dis. p. Electric, ship, 1,000 tons, Lewthwaite, from London (to sail September 3), No. 0193, 15t. dis. p. Siam, ship, 743 tons, Ashby, from Hobart Town, No. 819, 2nd dis. p. Cossipore barque, Wilson, from London, No. 8917, 3rd dis p. (sailed July 12). Sate, barque, 340 tons, Carter, from Sydney, No. 6559, 15t dis p. Herersham, barque. 500 tons, Sherlock, from San Francisco, No. 1604, Srd db. p. Harrietts Nathan, barque, 113 tons, from Hobart Town, QTDB (new code). Lombard, barque, 203 tons Patterson, from Queensland, No. 582, 3rd dis. p. Helta S. Pago, barque, 217 tons, Evans, from Brisbana (nailed 24th), QTBW (new code). Fanny Small, barqut, 389 tons, Firth, from Chili, WC G S new code). Tenus, brig, 183 tons, Kean, from Hong Kong, No. 2165, 2nd dis. p. Princess Alice, brig, 257 tons, Kiddy, from San Franoisco, No. 4938. 2nd dis. p. Belle, brig. Hill, 193 tons, from Melbourne Tia Napier (left 26th), No. 843, 15t dis. p. Eenilworth, schooner, 113 tons, McKeniie, from Mauritius, No 7853, 15t dis. p. Meteor, schooner, from Napier. Joanna, schooner, 42 tons, Matzeu, from Napitr. Maris, schooner, 27 tons, Purchas, from Tauranga. Rapid, schooner, 31 tons, Martin, from Tauranga. Tawera, schooner, from Porerty Bay. Hope, schooner, 26 tons, Parker, from Taur&nga and OpotikL Pacific, schooner, 60 tons, Bates, from Norfolk Island. Sea Breeze, schooner, 70 tons, Norrii, from Bay of Islands. General Cameron, schooner, from Norfolk Island. Saucy Lass, schooner, 45 tons, JlcKenaie, from Napier. Htlen, schooner, 23 tons, Lonsdale, from Tauranga. Cora, schooner, 90 tons, McCallum, from Invercargill. Hin», schooner, from Tauranga. Fortune, schooner, from Tauranga. Bluebell, schooner, 63 tons,* Cheshire, from Tahiti. Three Sisters, cutter, from Tauranga. Aquila, cutter, 27 tons, Anderson, from Eaipara, SatelliU, cutter, from Christchurch. Lady Wynyard, cutter, from Tauranga. Helen, cutter, from Tauranga. Margaret, cutter, from Opotiki. Agnes, cutter, from Napier.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. London.— Siam and "Winterthur, in December; Ida Ziegler, in January : Norwood, NoTomber 15. Mauritius.— Merle Blanc, 20th. San Francisco.— Alice Cameron, early. South Ska. Island* — Ruse, early. Fiji Islands.— lsabella, early. Tahiti.— Kauri, 17th. Hobart Town. —Bella Mary, early. ADSLAldb.— Pakeha, 20th. Mslbourni —Mistletoe, to-day. ITsiroAixu.— City of Melbourne, early ; Dtrwent, to* day. South Sias.— Kauri, early. Napier. — Queen and Agnea, early, Povbrty Bat. — Jane, to-day. Oroxno.— Whitby, to-day, Tauranoa.— Kate Graqt and Tauranja, to-day. MoNQONUL—lranhoe, to-day. Wa»qar«i.— Taimanian Maid, Kith; Ellubeth Mary, to*day. T»V?aiNA.— Qaiello, to-day.
VESSELS IN HARBOUR. (Thfi Ilit dees not include coasting outters.) Taimanlan M»id, p a. Scon, from Wangarei and Hot Springs. — S. Cochrane, ogenl. Enterprise No. 2, p.s. (on ferry service). Enterprise So. 1, p.s. (on ferry service). Gemini, s.s. (new). 'Norwood, ship, 78G torn, Bristow, from London.— E. and H. Isaacs, agent*. Wlnterthnr, ship, 829 tons, Hunt, from London.— D. Nathan, agent Ida Ziegler, ship, 860 tons, Reynolds, from London.— D. Nathan, agent. Day Dawn, ship, 893 tons, Jones, from Newoastlc, N.S.W. — J. S. Macfarlane. agent. Anne Melhuish, barque, 237 tons, Williams, from Newcastle, N. ->.W. — Henderson and Macfarlane, agents. Mistletoe, barque, 268 tons, Duder, from Mauritius. — Harris and Laurie, agents. Monro, barque, 432 tons, Schrooder, from Valparaiso. — Buchola aud Co., agents. Bella Mary, barque, 276 tons, Copping, from Hobart Town. — btone Brothers, agents. Canton, barque, 427 tons, Lelghton, from San Francisco. — Brown, Campbell, and Co., agents. Merle Blanc, barque, 416 tons, Fey dt, from Tome, Chill. — Thornton, Smith, and Firth, agents. Ifayola, barque, 335 tons, Herdman, from Leith, Tia "Wellington—Bucbolz and Co., agents. City of Melbourne, barque, 177 tons, from Newcastle, N.S.W.— Henderson and Macfarlane, agents. John and Pauline, barque. 262 tons, Focken, from [Newcastle, N.S W.— Buohol* and Co., agents. Alioa Cameron, barque, 847 tons, Netting, from Sydney. —Henderson and Maofarlane, agents. Btlla Marina, ship, coal bulk. Marlon, barque, coal hulk (sank) Benjamin Heape, barque, coal hulk. Bnsan. brig, coal hulk. Pakeha, brig, 173 tons, Bobinson, from Adelaide.— Henderson and Macfarlane, agents. Derwent, brig, 321 tons, Champion, from San Franolioo and Sydney.— J. S. Macfarlane, agent. Soropa, brig, 190 tons, McDonald, from Adelaide.— J. S. Macfarlane, agent. Thane of Fyfe, schooner, 131 tons, H«ghes, from Napier.— T. H. Hall, agent. Elisabeth Mary, schooner, 27 tons, Mair, from "WanKarei.— Captain, agent. Kauri, schooner, 84 tons, Shearer, from WangareL— Captain, agent J*' Southern Cross, ■ schdowi r ,'92 tons, Tilly, from South Sea Islands.— Captain, agamX Mapere, schooner, 84 tons, Oarlaw, from Tairua.— Captain, agent. Jane, schooner, 87 tons, Faulkner, from Tairua.— T. Maoky and Co., agents. Jessie Kelly, schooner, 145 tons, Smyth, from Sydney.— Henderson and Macfarlane. agents. Qnten, schooner, 46 tons, Loverock, from Napier.— T. Craig, agent. Kats Grant, schooner, 40 tons, Simpson, from "Wangarei.— J. Boberton and Co., agents. Tanranga, schooner, 60 tons, Sellars, from Tauranga.— T. Mackay and Co., agents. Iranhoe, schooner, 70 tons, McGregor, -from Mongonui. — Cruickshank, Smart, Co., agents.
ENTERED INWARDS. NOVEMBIR 13— Mayola, barque, 335 tons, Herdman, from Leith via Weillngton, with general cargo (as per Monday'! paper/. — Buoholx and Co., agents. 13— John and Pauline, barque, 262 toni, Foclcen, from Newcattle, N S.W., with general cargo (ai per imports). — Bucholz and Co., agents. IS— lsabella, 30 tons, Daries, from Oralau, Fiji Islands, with oil, &c. tas per imports). Pauengers— Messrs. J. Robson, J. Clark.— VV. Pierse. agent. 13— Ivanhoe, 71 tons, McGregor, from Mongonui, with 24 tons gum, 7 head cattle, 86 bushels maize, 10 casks beef, 20 pigs. Passengers— 9. 13— Tauranga, 60 tons, Sellars, from Tauranga, with 2 tons gum, 4 pigs, 60 empties, Passengers— 2o. 18— Kate, 22 tons, Tapiata, from Kennedy's Bay, with 2 tons jum, 80 bags maiae. Passengers -6. ENTERED OUTWARDS. November 18— Pakeha, brig, 173 tons, Robinson, for'Adelaide.—Henderson and Macfarlane, agents. 18— Winterthur, ship, 687 tons, Hunt, for London.— D. Nathan, agent. IS— Kuse, cutter, 40 tons, Haymet, for Tahiti.— Combes and Daldy, agents. CLEARED OUTWARDS. NOTEHBER 18— Mistletoe, barque, 26$ tons, Duder, for Melbourne via Mercury Bay, with timber and general cargo.— Harris and Laurie, agents. 18— Derwent, brig, 221 tons, Dhampion.f or Newcastle, N.8.W., ,»«*i lMt - Passengers— 2l.— J. S. Macfarlane, agent. 18-Cett, schooner, 42 tons, McKenzie, for Dunedin, with 82.000 feet timber, to be shipped at Kennedy's Bay. Passenger—Mr. George McDonald. 18— Kate, 22 tons, Tapiata, for Kennedy's Bay, with 2 tons flour, 4 ton sugar, 1 box candles, 1 box soap. 18-Smuggler, 21 tons, Ross, for Wang.rei, with 10.000 feet timber, 6 cases brandy, 8 kegs nail*. Passengers— 8. IMPORT 3. Per barque John and Pauline, from Newcastle, NS.W 252 tons cool, 430 bags mafic, 220 bags bonedust, 23 casks salt meat, lOcwt. bacon, 93 bags bran, 8 bales hay.— Bucholz and Co., agents. - ' 1 Per cutter Isabella, from Oralau, Fiji Island*; 8 tnni •OC^&nui •i^*,ooo cocoanats, 8 pigs, W. Pierse (agent).
EXPORTS. Per barque Mistletoe, for Melbourno via Moroury Bay : 2 casei laddlery, Owen and tftndeloW ; 1 due mediclneT, fl. Potter; 1 case sundries, 1 roll belting, 1 roll piping, S. H. Smith ; IB bales ;flax, S. Woolley ; 9 casks whale oil, S. H. Smith ; 21 lengths chain, 3 casks chain, S3 anchor! . 43 grapntls, 10 casks cocoanut oil, 2 cates kauri gum, 7 cask* lime juice, 10 caslu whale oil, Harrii and Laurie ; 150,000 feet *awn timber (to b« shipped at Mercury Bay), Harris and Lamri* (agenti).
THE TROOP-SHIP NORWOOD. The hired troop-transport ihip Norwood, Captain Bristow, wu inspected by the Resident Transport Officer yesterday, mid pronounced ready for the reception of her living freight. The baggage of the men under orders to proceed by her was shipped yesterday, and the troops embark at 2 o'clock today. The Norwood has been fitted up io the usual manner by Mr. Anderson, and looks in perfect readiness for a long sea-voyage with troops. The after part of the 'tween-decks has been fitted up for the conveyance of the non-commissioned officer! of the detachment, together with invalids and women and children ; whilst the forward porb is to be used us a prison. The vessel has been supplied with a patent condensing engine, manufactured expressly for her by Messrs. V lckery and Masefield, of this port. The engine is on the most approved principle, and reflects credit on the makers. The galley or cooking apparatus has been manufactured by the same firm to her order, arid is capable of providing for a much larger number than those to be conveyed iv her. The condenser produces 350 gallons ier diem, or sufficient to •apply the troops throughout the passage -without recourse to the tanks. The apparatus is most completely finished by the builder*, and no expense has been spared to equip the vessal for the voyage. She has shipped a large amount of gunpowder, shot, shell, guns and gun-oarriagei, and Government stores at the Queen-street Whaif. She takes home men of the Royal Aitillery, in commaud of Major Bostock— namely.l94 rank and file, 5 staff-sergeants, 42 women, and 75 children. There are also 24 invalids, and 17 oonviots of various regiments, the latter to be taken from the Stockade, the men having the usual hammock: accommodation in the 'tween-decks, and the women and childreu, and staff-sergeant 3, cabins in the intermediate. The following officers and families will occupy the cabin : — Major Bostock (in command), Mrs. Bostock, and family (2) ; H. De Burgh Adams, Esq., Principal Purveyor to the Forces, Mrs. Adams, family, and servant (7) ; Deputy- Assist. -Cemniissary-General J. Draper, Mrs. Draper, and family ; Captain W. G. Martin, Mrs. Martin, and family ; Lieutenant J. E. Kobson nnd Mrs. Robson ; Lieutenants Marshall and Costobodie, Veterinary-Surgeon Blake, and Dr. A. 0. Applin (68th), in medical charge. The troops embark at 2 o'clock to day, and the vessel leaves for Plymouth to-morrow. Colonel Gamble, Dr. Gibbs, and Dr. Applin accompanied Captain Spain on'a vHt of inspection to the vessel yesterday, when everything was pronounced satisfactory.
ARRIVAL OP THE BARQUE ANNE MELHUISH. The barque Anne Melhuisb, Captain Williams, anived in port at 11 o'clock la^t evening, from Newcastle, N.S. W., with a cargo of coals on account oE Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane. She left on the 29th ultimo, and experienced a fine-weather passage throughout. Made the Three Kings on Sunday morning, and had favourable winds along the coast. Saw no vessels du> ing the passage. Reports the barque Free Trader to load for Uobart Town when she sailed. Since her last visit the Anne Melhuish has been on the slip at Newcastle for an overhaul. Cargo: 540 tons coal, Henderson and Macfarlane ; 350 bushels (10 tons) maize, Captain Williams. — Henderson and Macfarlane, agents.
ARRIVAL OF THE SHIP DAY DAWN. The ship Day Dawn, Captain Jones, arrived yesterday morning from Newcastle, N.S.W., with a cargo of coals on account of Mr. J. S. Macfarlane. She sailed from Newcastle on the Ist instant, at 5 p.m., and had a fine- weather passage. On the 10th, spoke the barque Lombard from Port Curtis, 18 days out, with a cargo of cattle, about 150 miles to the westward of the Three Kings ; and also sighted several sail in the distance off the Three Kings. Passed the North Cape at 3 a.m. on Monday, and came up harbour yesterday morning. We have much pleasure in welcoming our old friend Captain Jones, after an absence of little more than two years from this port. We are indebted to him for one day's later Austrian news, Cargo : 504 tons coal, J. S. Macfarlane j 155 bags maize, GilfilUn and Co.— J. S. Macfarlane, agent.
ARRIVAL OF THE ISABELLA. The cutter Isabella returned to port yesterday morning, after an absence of nearly four months at the islands. She brings a cargo of oocoanuts and cocoanut oil on account of Mr, Fierse, her owner. The Isabella left Auckland on the 27th July last, and had a moderate passage to the South Sea Inlands. The following islands were sighted before arriving at her destination, Ovalau, Fiji, namely :—: — On the 13th August, the island of Malolo, bearing; E. by N., and Johnson's Island, N. £ W. ; on the 14th, Navula Point, N. £ W., and Naronga Point, E. by S. ; on the 15th, Vatulele, Mbanga E. N.E., and Namueka ; on the 16th, Cantavn, and 17th Mambulalu and Mbatiki; on the 18th, Wakaya, and the same day arrived at Levuka, tbe town of Ovalau, Fiji Islands, where the vessel was chartered by a storekeeper for the conveyance of sheep from Malaki and Manu to other islands. Left Ovalau for Auckland on the 24th, and had head winds and light breezes from the south, during the first part. Afterwards experienced a N.E. wind, and was -within 150 miles of the North Cape on the Ist instant. Had light S.E. winds, and made the Great Barrier Island on Monday morning, arriving in por as above. The Isabella brings no later news respecting the native disturbances at the islands than that to hand last week per Protectorate cutter Ruse*. FT. Ms. Esk arrived at Ovalau from a visit to Erromanga and other islands the day before the Isabella left. Passengers : Messrs. J. Clarke and John Gibson. Cargo : 3 tons cocoanut oil, 6,060 oocoanuts, 8 pigs, Pierse (agent).
MISCELLANEOUS. The Dbrwent. — The brig Derwent, Captain Champion will leave the harbour this morning for Newcastle, New South Wales, in ballast, with the following passengers : — J. Chapman, William McAllister, A. Thomson, Mrs. Flynn, Mrs, Maloney, four other females, and twelve children. The Mistletoe. — The barqae Mistletoe, Captain Duder, sails to-day for Mercury Bay, where she will load 150,000 feeb of sawn timber for the Melbourne market, on account of Messrs. Harris and Laurie. She also takss a small parcel of 19 bales Aucklaud fla::, shipped by Mr. S. Woolley, 20 casks oil, and other merchandise for Melbourne. She returns to this port from Melbourne. The barque Mayola entered inwards at the Customs yesterday, and will haul into the wharf about the end of the week to discharge cargo. The Hamburg barque John and Pauline entered inwards at the Customs yesterday. The brig Pakeha, Captain Robinson, for Adelaide, and the cutter Kuse, Captain Haymet, for Tahiti, entered outwards at the Custom-house yesterday. The cutter Kate, Tapiata, from Kennedy's Bay, discharged a cargo of kauri gum and maize at the wharf yesterday. She brought up five passengers. The schooner Celt, Captain McKenzie, sailed last evening for Dunedin, via Kennedy's Bay, to ship 32,000 feet sawn timber at the latter place. Passenger : George McDonald. '1 he cutter Smuggler, which, put back on Saturday, sailed yesterday with additional cargo for Wangarei, and three passengers. The schooner Kauri has been put on the berth for Tahiti, to sail about the 17th. The schooner Tauranga will sail for Tauranga today, and the schooner Elizabeth Mary for Wangarei. The brig Waverley, Captain Forsytb, sailed early yesterday for Guam, in ballast, with 20 tons bar iron. The brig Biba, Captain G. H. Trayte, sailed yesterday morning for Sydney, with a cargo of timber, Ac, and live passengers. The schooner Dot for Pakiri, and cutter Atiel for Piako, sailed yesterday with sundries. The schooner Clyde, Abrarus, master, sailed yesterday for Taurangn, via the Great Barrier Island, to ship 1,000 posts at the latter place* The schooner Donald McLean, Baker, master, last night for Poverty Bay, via Tairua, with timber and general merchandise. The schooner Banshee, Captain Sloane, sailed yesterday afternoon for Wanganui, with 600 bags wheat and 600 bags flour, after discharge of which ■he proo-eds to Adelaide on her owners' account. The cutter Bittern, Goldsworthy, master, sailed last night for Napier, yj'& Mahurangi and Cabbage Bay, with 10,000 shingle», &o. The c itter Morning Light from the Great Barrier Island, and schooner Elf from Puhoi, arrived yesterday with cargoes of firewood, ice,
The cutter Cordelia sailed yesterday for Port Tryphena, Ctreat Barrier Island, in ballast. The cutter Wave, Kagleton, master, arrived yesterday from Cabbag* Bay, with a cargo of sawn timber. The paddle-steamer Tasmftnian Maid has been taken alongside Custom-house-street Wharfy to be overhauled And painted before resuming the Wangarei trade on Monday next. The Bchooner Queen sails to-day for Napier, with cargo and paasengers. The schooner Kate Grant hauled in to the wharf last night to take in Commissariat stores, &c, for Tauranga. The cutter Ringdove, Chrisp, master, arrived yesterday from Mahurangi, with a cargo of settlers' produce and six passengers. The French barque Merle Blanc came alongside Queen- street Wharf yesterday, and commenced discharge of her cargo of breadstuff*. The barques Monro and Canton are still lying in the stream, with their cargoes unbroken. The cutters Three Brothers for Mangawui, and Harriet for Whangaroa, sailed last nighc, with passengers and sundries. The brig Pakeha was hauled on the hard last night to have her copper inspected. The schooner Martha, in making the port on Saturday last, grounded on Scott's Point. The light wind blowing was the cause of the accident. The schooner was got off at flood tide, without having sustained anyapparent injury.— Newcastle Chronicle, October 31. A meeting of the Cawarra Wreck Company was held lait evening, at the Ship Inn, when At wts announced that, since Monday, 'a great portion of the brass railing connected with the bridge and poop, several portions of a second steam wincb, a bower anchor (Trotman's patent) weighing 170wt., with fifteen fathoms cable, had been picked up, and by this day another, anchor with one hundred and ninety -nine fathoms of cable will likewise have been piohed up. The company are working indefatigably, and intend sending down another diver. — Ibid. Floating Dock Company. — A meeting of this company was held at Rouse's Hotel last evening, at 7 o'clock. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The honorary secretary (Captain Boyce) submitted a form of application for share 3, which was approved of and confirmed. He also submitted a prospestus of the compauy, a portion of which was approve 1 of, the remaining portion to be decided at another meeting, as that meeting had to adjourn in consequence of the directors having to attend other meetings elsewhere. We are given to understand that over £3,000 worth of shares have already been taken up. — Ibid. Thb King of Italy. — The ship King of Italy, which arrived at Lyttelton from Newcastle, N.S.W , on October 31, underwent extensive repairs in that port, of which the following account is given in the Newcastle Chronicle of the 29th ultimo :—": — " On the 25th, July this vessel, commanded by Captain Meredith, arrived in this port for repairs, but they have been of so extensive a character, and so well carried out, that they deserve more than a passing notice. The repairs were necessitated from the ship beiug hogged for war, 1 and leaking badly — iv fact, a general weakness was observable throughout the hull, and it was determined, after mature consideration, to give her a thorough refastening. Fur this purpose she was placed in the hands of Mr. J. Cuthbert, the resource! of whose establishment are equal to the heaviest; demands, and he has just completed the very extensive work. Captain Meredith, an old and experienced shipmaster, states that, during the many years he has been associated with shipping, he never saw a more excellent piece of work, and he is satisfied that his ship is far stronger and in better order than when built. Nor is this an isolated opinion. 1 his vessel has been visited from time to time by our ablest marine surveyors, who are unanimous at the satisfactory manner in which she had been turned our. The King of Italy was built in Bremen in 1855, for Mr. li. B. Ginnes, of Plymouth, is 1,363 tons register, and 245 feet in length. These paiticulars are necessary to realise the weight of work done. In the first place, she was fitted with two sister keelson*, 60 feet long by 13 inches square, placed from the foremast ssction, leading aft from these keelsons ; leading to the lower deck beams are five diagonal timber.* at an angle of 45 degrees, with iron lodging-knees below the lower deck. In the 'tween-decks, on the lower deck beams, are two fore-and-aft stringers 16 inches square, and running in lengths varying from 50 to 65 feet ; attached to those is a. third stringer, 14 inches square, do welled and dovetailed in the beams,and the whole are bolted right through to the side. From the lower deck to the tipper deok are placed additional iron diagonal knees, and lodging-knees are also fitted to the upper deck beams ; there are twenty of them, wood and iron alternate, these being also strongly fastened, right through. These necessary proportions of the work are completed. The vessel was placed in the Fitzroy Dry Dock, and on taking away the carefully-laid blookt, came down to her original shape. * All the above-described strengthening was then securely fastened, and this portion of the repairs thus completed, sue was then caulked throughout, sheathed with muntz metal, taken out of dock, ami ballasted with 500 tons coal ; but there is not the least sign of anything giving, her shear being as true as when she was first laid down. The King of Italy has been repaired under the special survey of Captain Donald and Captain Norrie, an old shipmaster, and a practical ship-builder, and has received a first-claS3 certificate."
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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2903, 14 November 1866, Page 4
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3,833SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2903, 14 November 1866, Page 4
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