August 18.— Wind, S. ; light : fine. August 19.— Wind, S. ; moderate : fine.
Tasmanian Maid, p.i., Johnion, from Wangarei, with passengers. Alexandra, brig, 28Stom, Stevens, from Newcastle, N.S.W., with coals. Mapere, ichooner, 34 tons, Thwaitei, from Fort Charles, with timber. Caroline, schooner, 21 tons, MoCaskill, from the Thames, with gum. Helen, ichooner, 23 tons, Bicketts, from Tairua, with timber. Julia, schooner, 17 tons, Francis, from Waiheki. Bessy, cutter, 25 tons, Edwards, from the Thamos, with timber. Petrel, cutter, 17 tons, Niemann, from Coromandel, with timber. Thistle, cutter, 23 tons, McKenzie, from Waipu, with produce. Janet Grey, cutter, 26 tons, Stafford, from Mercury Bay, with timber. Comet, cutter, 17 tons, Cross, from Fuhoi, with shingles. Lee. cutter, 22 tons, Lombard, from Cabbage Bay, with timber. Glance, cutter, 18 tons, Dickson, from Matakana, with produce.
*tar of th« South, i.a., 147 ton*, Bendall, for Napier, with general cargo. Paktha, brig, 173 tons, Robinson, for Adelaide, with timber, &c. BiU, brig. 178 tons, Eobertson, for Sydney via Mercury Bay, with timber. Albatross, schooner, 86 tons, Braund, for Taranaki and Wanganui, with general cargo. Orpheus, cutter, 21 tons, Cleveland, for Coromandel, via Waiheki, with sundries. Sovereign of the Seas, cutter, 29 tons, Inness, for Tairua, via Kawau, with sundries. Mahurangi, cutter, 21 tons, Law, for Mahurangi, in ballast. Peter Cracroft, cutter, 19 tons, Sullivan, for Mahurangi and Hot Springs, with general cargo.
H.M. i. Congo*, Commodore Sir William Wiseman, from Hobart Town, via Sydney. H.M. s. Challenger, 18 guns, i.e., 1,462 tons, Commodore Maguire, from England, via Sydney. H.M. s. Eclipse, Captain Fremantle, from Sydney. H.M. i. Brisk, Captain Hope, from South Sea Islands. Auckland, s.s., 500 tons, Harris, from Sydney (due 24th). Wellington, s.s., 261 tons, Benner, rom Southern Forts and , Tauranga (due 21st). Start, p.*.. Fairchild, from Napier, Tia the Coast. Couipore, ship, Halbert, frcin London, No. 5917, 3rd dis. p. (repairing). Winterthur, ship, 829 tons, from London, No. 8953, 2nd dis. p. (to sail June 4). Ida Zeigler, ship, 860 tons, Keynolds, from London, Ne. 76, 3rd dis. p. (to sail July). Siam, ship. 733 tons, Ashby, from London, No. 918, 2nd dis. p (to sail June 5). Tegasus, ship, 1.183 tons, Cornwall, from London, No. 9453, Ist dis. p. (sailed May 30}. Constance, barque, Elliott, from San Frtnciico, No. 6279, 2nd dis. p. Hayola, barque, 400 tons, Herdman, from Leitb, No. 1528, 3rd dis. p. (to sail in June). Bella Mary, barque, 273 tons, Copping, from Hobart Town, No. 8320, 3rd dis. p. „ „ Bessie, barque, 262 tons, Simmons, from Newcastle, N.S.W., No. 6534, 15t dis. p. Banshee, schooner. 70 tons, Sloane, from Adelaide, No. 6418, 2nd dis. p. (to sail Ist}. Ltonidas, schooner. 11l tons, Poole, from Melbourne, via Napier, No. 7069, 15t dis p. Coral Queen, schooner, 92 tons, Trayte, from South Seas, No. 298, 3 rd dis. p. Rifleman, schooner, from Canterbury. Mavis, schooner, 28 tons, Maitland, from Maketu. Fortune, schooner, from Tauranga. Success, schooner, 56 tons, Frost, from South Sea Islands. Cora, schooner, from Dunedin. Kauri, schooner, from Mahia, Hawke's Bay. Queen, schooner, from Napier, via Wangapoa. Hira, schooner, from Tauranga. Donald McLean, schooner, from Poverty Bay. Kate Grant, schooner, 40 tons, Mcliver, from Norfolk Island. Joanna, schooner, from Taurangu. Tawera, schooner, from Napier. Aspasia, schooner, from Lyttelton. William and Julia, schooner, from Napier. Rose Ann, schooner, from Poverty Bay. Sylph, schooner, from Kaipara. Swallow, schooner, from Mercury Bay. Fancy, schooner, from Canterbury. Celt, schooner, 50 tons, McKenzie, from Napier. Nile, schooner, from WangareL Saucy Lass, schooner, from Napier. Neva, schooner, 90 tons, Young, from Rorotonga. Sea Breeze, schooner, from Bay of Islands. General Cameron, schooner, from Bay of Islands. Ivanhoe, schooner, from Mongonui. Isabella, cntter, 30 tons, Pierce, from.Ovalau, Fiji Islands. Lady Wynyard, cutter, from Napier. Betsy, cutter, from East Coast. Nautilus, cutter, from Napier. Agnes, cutter, fronTNapier. Hercules, cutter, from Poverty Bay. Ruse, cutter, 40 tons. Libios, from South Sea Islands. Shamrock, cutter, from Mercury Bay. Eagle, cutter, from Napier. Marwell, cutter, from Hokianga. Bittern, cutter, from East Coast.
PROJECTED DEPASTURES. For London.— (jaeen of the North, to-morrow. Valparaiso. — Pern, early. Guam. — Venus, early. Stdnet.— Jun§, 22nd ; Novelty, 23rd. Newcastle —Juno, 22nd ; Hebe, early. Tahiti.— Bluebell, to-day. Napier —Beautiful Star, to-day. Tauhanga.— Margaret and Beautiful Star, to-day ; Hope, early. / Makitu.— Margaret, to-day. Fovertt Bat. — Tawera, early. Wanqarki. — Tasmanian Maid, to-day. Monoonoi — Ivanhoe, early. Bat or Islands.— Sea Breeze and General Cameron, early. TVanoakoa. — Argo, early. Cobouandel — Tasmanian Maid, 30th. Jlamoawai. — Three Brothers and Miranda, early. Thames.— George, early.
VESSELS IN HARBOUR. (This list daes not include coasting cutter*.) H.M. i. Elk, Captain Luce, from Wellington via Kawau. H M. i. Falcon. Commander G. R. Hope, from Norfolk Island. Beautifnl Star, s s., 125 tons, Morwick, from Napier.— J. S. Macfarlane, agents. Tasmanian Maid, p.i., Johnson, \ from "Wangarei.— Samuel Cochrane, agent. WaiteinaU, p.*. (laid up.) Enterprise, p.i. (on ferry service. ) Norwood, ship, 786 tons, Bristow, from London.— E. &H. Isaacs, agents. Monarch, ship. 1,444 tons, Macey, from London.—Cruickshank, Smart, and Co., agents. Queen of the North, ship, 824 tons, Green, from London.— Combes and Daldy, agents. Bob Roy, ihip, 850 tons, Sangster, from London.—Cruickshank, Smart, and Co., agents. Piru, barque, 429 tons, Mollenhauer, from San Antonio, Chili. — Thornton, Smith, and Firth, agents. Bliaa Shairp, barque, 387 tons, Gay, from Newcastle, N.S.W. — J. S. .Macfarlane, agent. Juno, barque, 337 tons, Mitchell, from Newcastle, N.S.W.— J. S. Macfarlane, agent. NoTelty, barque, 376 tons, Austin, from Sydney.— Henderson and Macfarlane, agents. Rail* Marina, ship, coal hulk. Marion, barque, coal hulk (sunk). Benjamin Heape, barque, coal hulk. Susan, brig, coal hulk. H«be, brig, 195 tons, Odell, from Newcastle, N.S.W.— J. S. Macfarlane, agent. Tanus, brig, 183 tons. Eean, from Chili— Cruickshank, Smart, and Co., agents. Xuropa, brig, 190 tons, McDonald, from Adelaide.— J. S. Macfarlane. agent. Alexandra, brig, 288 tons, Stevens, from Newcastle, N.S.W. Bluebell, schooner, 53 tons, Cheshire, from Tahiti. — T. Craig, agent. Thane of Fjrfe, schooner, 121 tons, Hmghes, from Napier. — Craickshank, Smart, and Co., agents. Meteor, schooner, 40 tons, Martin, from Kaiapoi, Canterbury. "" — Butt and Anderson, agents. Aifo, schooner, 32 tons, Palmer, from Wangaroa.— Captain, agent Maper., sohooner, 34 tons, Thwaites, from Port Charles. Helen, schooner, 21 tons, Sicketts, from Tairua. Caroline, schooner, 21 tons, McCaskiU, from the Thames.
18— Queen of the North, »hip, 824 tons, J. T. S. Green, for London, with general cargo (as per export report). Passenfen—62.—Combes and Daldy, agents. U-Star of the South, «.•., 147 tons, W. Bendall, with 10 tons flour, order ; l(>0 bags oats, 20 boxes candles, 4 casts sardines, 10 caies lobsters, 50 bags maize, 60 bags potatoes, 60 bag* oats, Bucholz and Co. : 15 tons flour, 200 bushels maize, 14 hones, 500 bushels oats, 110 bags bran, 12 bags potatoes, order.— J. S. Macfarlane, agent. 18— Orpheus, 21 tons. Cleveland, for Coromandel, via Waiheld, with 10 casks meat, and 5 tons provisions. Passengers—4. 18— Sovereign of the Seas, 29 tons, Inness, for Tairua, via th« Kawau, with 106 drain pipes, 1 case plants. Passenftri — l. 18— Peter Cracroft, 19 tons, Sullivan, for Mahurangi and Hot Springs, with 2,000 bricks, 3 bags lime, 2 tons potatoes, 5 cwt. flour, 2 cases brandy, 1 roll zinc, 1 cask beef, furniture. 1 Passengers — 4. 18— Mahurangi, 21 tons, Law, for Mafakana, in ballast.
18— Star of the South, s i., 147 tone, Bendall, from Napier, with 70 head cattle, 500 sheep, J. S. Macfarlane (agent). U— Beautiful Star, s.s., 125 tons, from. Napier, with 32 head cattle. 700 iheep, A. Buckland ; 2 boxes candles, 34 gals. colxa oil. J. S. Macfarlane (agent). 18— Satellite, 27 tons, Cnrrie, from Napier, via Mercury Bay, with 16,000 feet timber, 10 tons kauri gum. Passengers— 4. 18— Boyd, 1« tons, Major, from Mercury Bay, with 10 tons kauri gum. 0,000 shingles. Passengers— 2. 18— Hope, 25 tons, W. Black, from Tauranga, with 16 empty hhds., 3 tons bones, 10 pkgs. drapery. Passengers— 3. 11— Mahurangi, 21 tons, Law, from Matakana, with 31 tons firewood. 18— Victoria, 22 tons, Major, from Coromandel, with 20,000 iMt timber. , 18— Aron, 18 tons, SulliTan, from Mahurangi and Hot Springs, with 29 tons firewood. Passengers 2 18^ S ? Teri i gn of the SeM - ® ton «. lnne ". fo ° m Kawau, with 60 tons firewood. Passengers— 3.
Per ship Queen of the North, for London : Under bond: 1 case cigars, 1 case tobacco, E. and H. Isaacs ; 3 butts sherry, Brown, Campbell, and Co. Duty paid and free : 250 cases, 2 casks kauri gum, R. Walker; 131 cases kauri gum, Brown, Campbell, and Co. ; 63 cases type, W. C. Wilson ; 81 cases 3 casks kauri gum, Joseph Leach; 2 cases effects, Combes and Daldy; 1 case merchandise, E. and H., Isaac* ; 5 drains ironsand, Newman and JSwen ; 3
kegs, F. White ; 1 case mathematical iuBtrumentB, B irtlett ; 2 cases gum, CUytim ; 621 cases kauri gum, Harris and Laurie ; 271 cases kauri pum, »<we» ainl Gnham ; 4 cases machines, Harris and Laiuie; 1 box curiosities, C. Davis ; 1,124 eases kauri (and a quantity in bulk), Combes and Daldy ; 100 oases 17 hogsheads 329 cases kauri gum, S H. bmith ; 445 cases 15 bags kauri gum, quantity horns, quantity glue piece*, 10 bales wool, G. Turrell ; 8 bales flax, T. H. Hall ; 386 cases kauri gum, 1 cuk 2 cases metal, J. Roberton and Co.; 2 cases mnchinery, Rev. SS. Blackburn ; 380 cases 1 cask kauri gum, W. Grahame ; 2 portmanteaux, 2 trunks, 1 case, Combes and Daldy ; 9 bundles 1 cask metal, quantity metal in bulk, Harris and Laurie; 14 bales wool, J. S. Macfarlane ; 4 bales wool, 5 bags horns, 2 cases sheepskins, Huy«-sen Brothers ; 20 brass guns, 2 iron guns, 408 boxes shot and shell, 7,262 solid shot, MilitHry Storekeeper ; 157 cases kauri gum, Brown, Campbell, and Co.; 2 cases hardware, Owen aud Fendelow ; 21 bales flax, 20 kegs nails, Cruickshauk, Smart, and Co.; 2 cases books, Dr. Fischer; 385 cases kauri gum, W. J. Young ; 10 cases kauri gum, J. Roberton and Co. ; 5 packages effects, Combes and Daldy ; 4 cases plants, A. Goldie ; 3 bales flax, 84 cases kauri gum, Bucholz and Co. — Combes and Daldy, agent?.
THE SHIP QUEEN OP THE NORTH. This vessel cleared at the Customs on Saturday, and will probably take her departure early to-morrow for London, with a full general cargo and 62 passengers. A manifest of her cargo will be found in our exports column, and includes 4,75* cases kauri gum, besides 17 hhds., 15 bags, 5 cases, and a quantity in bulk, shipped by Auckland merchants. She also takes 32 bales Auckland flax, 28 bales wool (the last of the season), 5 drums iron sand, &c. ; and the following cargo shipped by the military storekeeper :— 7,262 solid shot, 403 boxes shot and shell, 20 brass and 2 iron guns. Passengers: Captain and Mrs. Homer, Harry G. and Mary Homer, Ensign E. Dovefcon; Mrs. Wild, Henry, Alexander, and Lilly Wild ; Dr. George Rydings, Emily M. and Hester B. Rydings; K. and Mrs. Lazarus, David, Esther, and Rayner Lazarus ; Morris Asher, Archibald Gilmour, James Tomhnson, J. F. and Mrs. Edmonds, Robert and Mrs. Dixon, George and Mrs. Newton, George, M*ry, and Henry Newton; Philip Brennan, DSarah Lemont, Isabella, Anne, Frances, and George Robinson ; Peter Melaney, R. L. Pinching, George, Emma, and Mary Spurway ; Mary, Thomas, and David Jardine j Agnes, Thomas, Grace, and Janet Niccol ; John, Adelaide, Mark, and Kate Marks ; Thomas Reid, William Harris, Emma and Fanny Harris, John Kuight, Philip Gaffrey, Charles Garner, Ellen Curling, Samuel Hunter, Thomas Spencer, J. White; 50 English, 9 Scotch, 3 Irish ; total, 62.
ARRIVAL OF THE BRIG- ALEXANDRA. The brig Alexandra, Captain Stevens, arrived yesterday afternoon from Newcastle, N.8.W., with a cargo ef coals, after a good run of eleven days. She left Newcastle on the evening of the 7th instant, and experienced strong N.W. winds until making the Three Kings, on Tuesday last, seven days out, and had light winds along the coast. Reports the barque Bessie as the only vessel loading coals for Auckland wheu she sailed, her cargo being on account of Messrs. Combes and Daldy. The Alexandra brings no papers. Cargo : 415 tons coal, Henderson and Macfarlane; 4 tons oatmeal, J. Roberton and Co. — Henderson and Macfarlane, agents.
MISCELLANEOUS. Thb Pakeha.— The Circulaf Saw brig Pakeha, Captain Kobinson, sailed on Saturday evening for Adelaide, with a full cargo of timber, and doors, sashes, mouldings, skirting, &c, shipped by the Union Sash and Door Company. Passengers : Mr. George Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Adams and four children, Mr. aud Mrs. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and child, Mr. J. "Williams, and Mr. W. Franklin. The brig Rita, Captain Robertson, sailed on Saturday evening for Sydney, vifv Mercury Bay, to ship 100,000 feet of sawn timber at the latter place. The s.s Star of the South, Captain Bendall, left the harbour yesterday morning for Napier, with a general cargo, and fourteen horses shipped at the Tamaki. The s.s. Beautiful Star, Captain Morwick, sails to-day |or Tauranga and Napier, with shingles and general cargo. The paddle-steamer Tasmanian Maid, Captain Johnson, arrived yesterday morning from Wangarei with a small cargo of produce, and four passengers. She left Wangarei at 4 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, and the Heads at 8 o'clock, arriving alongside Queen-street Wharf at 2 a.m. yesterday. Reports the cutters Smuggler and Aquila loading coals, and the schooner Elizabeth M»ry and cutter Glimpse just arrived from Auckland. The barque Bessie, on her way from Newcastle, with coals, for this port, leaves for the Islands upon discharge, to load guano. The cutter Peter Cracroft, Sullivan, master, sailed on Saturday evening for Mahurangi and the Hot Springs, with bricks, lime, suudry merchandise, and four passengers. The schooner Albatross, Captain Braund, sailed on Saturday for Taranaki and Wanganui, with a cargo of 6,000 feet timber, 50 tons flour, 50 sa3hes and doors, and 40 tons Commissariat stores. The cutter Mahurangi, Law, master, sailed last evening for Mahurangi in ballast. The cutter Orpheus, Cleveland, master, sailed for Coromandel, via Waiheki, on Saturday, with sundries and four passengers. The cutter Sovereign of the Seas, Inness, master, sailed yesterday for Tairua saw-mills, via the Kawau, with drain pipes, &c. The schooner Mapere, Thwaites, master, arrived yesterday morning from Port Charles, with a oargo of sawn timber and several passengers. The cutter Lee, Lombard, master, arrived yesterday from Cabbage Bay, with a cargo of timber. The cutter Bessy, Edwards, master, arrived from the Thames on Saturday, with a cargo of sawn timber. The cutter Petrel, Niemann, master, arrived yesterday from Coromandel, with timber and passengers. The cutters Glance, from Matakana ; Comet, from Puhoi ; and schooner Julia, from Waiheki, arrived on Saturday evening with cargoes of shingle 3, firewood, and passengers. The cutter Janet Grey, Stafford, master, arrived early yesterday morning from Mercury Bay, with a cargo of 22,000 feet sawn timber. 'lhe cutter Thistle, McKenzie, master, arrived, yesterday from Waipu, with a full cargo of settlers' produce and several passengers. The N.Z.S.N. Co.'s s.s. Wellington, Captain Renner, is due here to-morrow from Tauranga, Napier, and the South, i The schooner Caroline, McCaskill, master, arrived yesterday from the Thames, with a cargo of kauri gum. The schooner Helen, Ricketts, master, arrived ast night from Tairua, with sawn timber.
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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2829, 20 August 1866, Page 3
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2,536PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2829, 20 August 1866, Page 3
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