4 * - -July 25.— Wind >Y. to N.AV. ; rough.
. ARRIVALS. s . "Clyde, schooner, 40 toSiS.dhoshire, from'Wangapoa. BuwiljeUi^Ann, outtw, Hugliot, from tho Thamot, witn oom- , iritaarUt goodt. ■■ ' Ecl«lr,"cnttor, 18 tont, Kolly, from tho Thames. Ono, outUr. 17 tont, Smith, from Omaha. Jlorninr Light, cutter, 28 tons, Tillei, from M.rourjr Bay, * witn timber. ' ,^ „
vessels uxpadrm H.M. I. Falcon, from Sydhoy. H!&r! V Mntine? l7 e gunj™Blako, ftom Portsmowth (loft Oth Mat), t Novelty, p.t , from AVelltngton. „„„.,, , „... Barwon, t.t , from Jlelbomnc, No. 0271, Brd (lit. p., lefb- 20th Bft&uHfui Star, 8 i., from Sydnor, No. Jl2B, 3rd dls. p. Star of tht South, t • from Napior, No, 0007, 2 nd dil. p. NoTrity, p.s., from Coromandel. JCMtwwd Hoi *Wp, from NeW York, via, Sjrdniy, No. 0205 3rd dis. p. John Tempoiloy, tWp, from London, Ko. 1673, 8rfl dis. p, tailed May 2. Bob Roy. tliip, from London, No. 248, 2nd dis. p., sailed 23rd April. Mulhoute. thlp, from St. John's, Newfoundland, No. 3108, 3rd dls. p., tailed December 8. Andrew Jackion, ship, from London, tailed May 20. King of Italy, thip, from London, KGJC, now cotlo, tailed Mayjft. Sunbeam, thip, from London, No. 1317, 2nd dis p. (loading ) Golden City, ship, from London (to load in May). Id* Zeieler, thip, from London (to load in Juno). OfHoy, thlp, from Hobart Town. Sir George Grey, barquo, from A'alparniso, No. 5379, 3rd dli. p. Dulling AVuvo, barquo, from Nowcastlo K*te, barquo, from Syd my, No 0539, 15t dls V "William Watson, barquo, from Newcastle, No. 2530, 2nd dis. p. Dart, brig, from Hobart Town, No. 267 1, 15t dis p. MarU.bng, from Nowcastlo, No 7830. 15t dit. P.R:lady Alicia, btig, from Newcastle. TQII, new cj>do. Bleb*, brig, from Sydney (for llokianga). x Eiifeuo, brigantino, from Tahiti, No. 8651, lit dls p. Clutha, brigantino, from Sydney, No. 2047, 15t dis. p. Jano, schooner, from Tauranga. Tnwera, tchooner, from Poverty Bay. Jano, from Melbourne, tailed 14th inst.
PROJECTED DEPARTI/KKS. For VAirAßAiso.— Ulcoata, 31st. „, , , Guau— Wlntorthurand Lancosiiiro W itch, wirly. Callao.— Balaklava, on discliargo of inward cargo Svdnkv'.— Prince Alfred, Aug. 1 ; Alice Cameron ami Ellon Simpson, early, Melbourke. — Carmen Anguita, early, Noufolk Island. — Lapwing, early. South Sew —Neva and Coral Queen, early. Hobmit Town. -I'icard and Bolla Mary, early. Russell.— Goneral Cameron and Sea Breeze, to-day. AV*noarei.— Kato Grunt and Glimpse, to day. Manoapai — Kftta Grant, to day. Taiianaki — Littlo Fred, 28tb. Cokom\ndel.— Novelty, p.s , to-day. Monoosui. — Ivanhoe, to day. Tabran-qa — Tmiranga ond Hopo, to day. East Coast. — Rose Ann, tariy.
VEBSEIS IN HARBOUR. (This list does not lncludo comtlng cutteri.) H.M. s Eclipse, Fremantle, from AVollington, via tho East Coast. H.M t s Brisk, llopo, from the Kawau. Bul'arat, p s , trom Napier irepairing) "Waitemnta, p.s (on ferry tcrvico > Queen, t s , 177 tons, Cellom, from Southern Ports. Princo Alfred, ts , 000 tons, Maclnn, from Sjdney.— ll "M. Jervis, agent X»ncashiu Witcb, ship, 1,571 tout, King, from London. Bombay, thlp, 000 tons, Sellars, from London.— AY. Grahamo, TVintherthur, ship, CSS tons, Gondie, from London.— D Nathan, agent. Eesolute. ship, 1,072 tons, AVallaco, from Glasgow.— AValter GraliMne, agent. "Ulcoats, ship, 071 tons, Potts, from London.— D. Nathan, John Duncan, iMhL 970 tons, Logic, from London,—Cruickthank, Sui&rtJfuid Co , agents Carmen Anguita, *iilp, 721 toni, Cliarko, from A'alptraiso.— J, Roberton and Co , agents. Vernon, ship, 575 tons, Murray, from Apia, Navigator's Islands. B«U» Slarlim, tliip, coal hulk. B»l»kl»v», b»rquc, 021 tont, Stewait, from London —Combos •nd Daldy, agents. Alice Cameron, barque, 347 tons, Nearing, from Sydney.— Henderson and MftCfarlanc, ngents Ellen Simpson, barquo, — tons, Foole, from Sydney. Bella M»ry, barque, 295 tons, Copping, fiom Hobart Town. Marion, coal hulk. Bnt»n, brig, coal hulk. "Waverloy, brig, 21^ tons, Forsyth, from A'alparaiso. Craig Ellachie, brig, 220 tons, AVestbrook, from Nowcastlo Diederlch Pentzicn, brig, 213 tons, Johcnscn, from Adelaide. Picard, brigantine, 105 tons, Grifllths, from Hobart Town. — J. Roberton and Co , agents Killermont, brigantine, 144 tons, Gallois, from Tutukaka Nev», brigantine, 00 tons, Young, from Roiotonga Cowl Queen, tchooner, Traytu, from Coral Island — Combes and Daldy, agenti Mipere, tchooner, 40 tont, Twaite, from Tauranga, via Mercury Bay. Celt, scho iner, 42 tons, Oakes, from Coromandel Qeotg*. schooner, 25 tom, Nicholls, from Mercury Buy. llnry, schooner, Slinpaon, from Wiuheki. Effort, schooner, Hiaiaka, from Ahuriri Quickstep, 30 tens, Fisher (new) Argo, schooner, 30 tons, Ferguson, from Omaha AVilliam and Julia, schooner, 33 tons, Meehan, from M»hnrangi Hose Ann, tchooner, 20 tons, Jones, from East Ccast General Cameron, schooner, 45 tons, McLivor, from Bay of Islands Ivftnhoe, tchooner, 72 tons, M'Orcgor, from Mongonui. Saucy Lass, schooner, 49 tons, M'Kenzio, from Mercury Bay. Dot, schooner, 27 tons, Anderson, from Mangauai Kate Grant, schooner, 40 tons, Matzen, from Wnngnroi and Mangnpni Hopo, sc)iooner, 23 tons, Black, from Tauranga Clyde, schooner, 40 tons, Cheshire, fiom Wangapoa. Sea Breeze, tchooner, 70 tons, Norris, from Rutscll. Elizabeth Mary, 2tf tons, M'Kenzio, fiom Kenneny's Bay.
SAXBYS DAYS. JlBs.— July 27. [N.B —If the day marked prove calm and still, mistrust th* day »fter, and ospechlly the second day after ]
ENTERED INWARDS. JULY 25— 0n0, 17 tons, Smith, from Omaha, with 34 tons firewood and 5 passengeis 25 — Isabella, 3U tont, A r eale, from Omaha, with 50 tons firewood, 38 posts Passengers— 3 26— Morning Light, 28 tons, Tiller, from Mercury B»y, with 10,000 feet timber. Passengers— 2. 25— Dot, 27 tons, Anderson, from Mangawai, in ballast. Pastengert—3 85— Mary Ann, 20 tons, Trimmer, fiom Great Barrier, with 40 tons firewood 95 — Nymph, 18 tons, Isaac 3, from AVangarei, with 2 packages merchandise, 300 rails, J case tobacco. Passenger— Captain Bateman 25— Boyd, 14 tons, Neill, from Mercury Bay, with 0 tons gum, 240 biuhels maizs Passengers— 3 ?s— Clyde, 40 tons, Cheihiro, from AVangapoa, with 25,000 ft. tiniber, Cr»ig,
ENTERED OUTAVARD3. July J6— Coral Queen, — toni, Trayte, for South Sea Islands, in ballast
CLEARED OUTAA'ARDS July ' 25— Rose Ann, 27 tont, Jones, for Taiiranga, with 23 tons Commissariat stores 25— Saucy Lttt, 38 tons, McKenzio, for Mercuiy Bay, with 1 ton coal Passenger— l 25— Sea Breeze, 70 tons, Norris. for Russell, with 1 hhd rum, Stephenson , 1 hhd rum, Cook ; 7 tons flour, 1 ton talt, 1 ton biscuit, 4 caskt bottled beer, 2 tons sugar. 4 tout potatoes, 10 coses drapery, 11 bales drapory, 1 tofa, 11 parcels, onleT Pasttngert— Rev. 31. Burrows, Mrt Burrowt, Miss Burrows, Miss Pugh, Miss Cook, Mr. Brown, Mr. Smith, and 4 in lho ttcorage. 26— Industry, 23 tons, Yates, for Omaha, in ballast. 25— Glimpse, 38 tont, Petonon, for Wangarel, with 3 tont flour, j ton tugar, 1 water-tank, 1 horie, 2 cukt biscuit, 2 cuks ironmongery. Passengers— 7. 15— M»ry Ann, 20 tont, Trimmer, for Waihekl, in ballast. £s— AV»nderer, 23 tont, Mirk, for Coromandel, with 1 bag maize, l chest tea, 2 bags tugar. Pastongort— 3 25-Itabelln, 30 tons, Vealo, for Omaha., with 2 bngt tugar, 3 baft flour.
THE MAORI. I '* To Hit Editor of the Daily Southern Cbosi Sir,— l will thank you to insert the safe arrival of the thip lltori, of London, in your widely circulated paper. The thlp Maori, 700 tont regitter, AA'illiam Ashby, commander, tailed from Auckland harbour at 4 p.m. on the 22nd ol February, 1805, with the wind W S W., continued from tho S.E until tlit 2nd of March, whon the ship wat in lat 41dog, S., long, lsedej? W. The wind on this day thlftcd to the 15 , and remained to from that point until tho 10th of March, and wat tucceeded by a dead foul wind, 'lhe thlp wat driven to fiSdeg. S. lat. The thormometor down to 38deg. at 10 a.m. ; the wind came from tho north, the weathor cold and foggy. Th« man on the look-out reported an icobcre close to tho thip, wbtn tho courto wat altered, and wo passed within a mile of It ; it wat 300 feet in height, and about five inilet in cirenmfertnee. In the evening tlio wind thifted S., and the weather cleared up. 'Tenlarfe icobergt were vitiblofrom the deckt, with vast quantities of fleld-lco around the thip. Th» thip't head wat put to the NE. all night, undtr tmall canvas, to cnablo xa to ttoor clour j of th« approaching ice. On tlio 10th of March, ton very large ictbtrgt were pasted ; 11th of March, ten more were posted ■ on the 12th of March, »ix more wtr* alto poised, with vatt quantities of field ice ; on the 16th eight mor* were patted. Ob* wat proved to bo 000 feet in height above the level of ttw tea, and four miles in length. Tht weather at the time feting cold and foggy, the thip was put undor tmall canvas, and it wat with the greatett difficulty that we could keep clear from the floating ice through the night On the 17th of M(aroh, "fif-ni., the tallt were got on tho thip; and, tho wind freth N.w. and fair, the Maori ttruck on a plect of field ice About tht tiit of a cutttr, which made every tlmbtr and plank qulvtr, and created treat alarm for a thort timt umongtt all onboard. Stvtral thettt of eopptr wero taken off tho port Mat, and the feed-pipe belonging to Dr. Koraiandr'i condanting apparatui damaged ; fortunately tlm thip raadt no water. i Am the day advanced the more dangerom the ocean appeared ■ . twtnty-nre largo Ictbtrgt were in tightut ono time, whiltt the fltld ict tztended at far at the tyt could illictrn. At 4 p.m , tht weathtr bti»f vtry foggy, patted between two bergt about " thru milt* apart. TheJieight wat token whon tailing between thtm ; tht on* on th» ttarbonVil tide wot 701 feet, »nd the other on tht port ildt 825 fett, and about four, milct in length. On tht 18th of March had aitrongbrttzo from tht N.AV.; wtathtr dtnttly f o«y . Tbii day patted twenty-five largt ictb«rgt,'and aUo largt quantities of floating ice. On tht 19th
Mn«S^,,»i^f, a rr aoM «K{'M borg*) but field-Jco. Ihav» leY Tli«« '"' romomb « MOing »vim largo qnantltUs of Ihtln? on «' ™ JUJ Uo a %P l 0 of Capricorn. Orouod tho wffi nT 10 « Rnt l' „ " ad no *outU-OMt tr»des, but the noilii k«'i so." 18 2 ? th A » rU f ot lho north-eMt twdw, * fl»™ rinm /*w Ut , w it h * tron B l">nd winds, tlio ship b«ing 8^ ffiTu^ii"^! 1 "" 1 Hoibour. AA r odnesday, May 24, sighted »r«?m f?,«li p ol . nt > %% c o| wt of Cornwall, tho rtilp being 01 days from Auckland. Qonnrnl GaUoway pre«entod on bohalf of all th 6 pa*sengot« n testimonial, oxpros»lng hii approval of all arrangements and comforts ln general; and Goneral Galloway furthtr statod that ho novor wUhed to «ail in » better »hlp . cither for tailing qualities or for comfort, of 021 rr ° rtlraoutll Thunday, May 25, after a pas»nj« BIBTTt ON BOAIfD. April 24, Mrs. JTulHgan, of n son. Deaths on Boajid. M »«]i 10, FO. Donnoll, private, 70th Eotimont. jraroh 12, 11. Murray, private, 67th Regiment Maich 20, D. 3rcMaUon, prirato, 70th Regiment. March 20. Chariot Flanders, private, 43rd llogimont. t May 10, Jolm Erorett, privato, 70th Rcgimont. AVILMAJt ASHBY, I _ , Commandor, ship Maori. Portsmouth Ilarbonr, May 2fi, ISOS. Tho followlig is tho testimonial alludod.to abovo ;— Ship Maori. Dear Sir,— On tha termination of a very pleasant and successful voyage fiom Now Zealand, wo fool that it would ill become- in, tho cabin passengers, to leavo the good ship Maori, w itliout oxpresiing to you our acknowledgements on. the occasion AVo nro deeply sensible how much is duo to you for tlio great caro and skill bestowed in the navigation of tho ihip ; and to you and Mrs A«hby wo would rotuin our thank* for the kind and courteous manner in which you have both itudiod to meet the wishei and comforts of all on board. Wishing you both health and happiness, and ovory mccoss in life— AVo remain yours, vory sincerely, T. J. Galloway, Major-Goneral Charles Slllorv, late Quartermaster-General M. Sillory J E », Sillory A. Jttlio Sillory M A Strange ' T Esmond AVliite, Surgeon CStli Regiment S P Wlnto . A. AY. AViight, Captain 70th Rogimont, in command of tho troops V AVlUinms, Captain 12th Rogimont ir. T, Harrington, liioutonnntllth ßcgimont. To Captain AVilliam Ashby.
TIIK IDA ZIEGLTSR. Tho following address waspiosented to Captain Roynoldt, of tlio Ida Zicglor, on tlio ariival of that vessel at London :—: — Ship Ida s!logler, May 2, 18C5. Captain A. Reynolds, ship Ida Ziegler. Doii Sir,— A\'e, tho undersigned, passengers by tho thlp Ida Ziogler, cannot bid you fatewcll without expressing our sincere thanks foi tho kindness and attention to out comfort that wo hat o mvauablv experienced, both from yourself and tho oll'icon under you, dmlng our voy.igo from Auckland, now drawing to a close. Neither can wo fail to romombor, with gratitude, jour unremitting caro nnd watchfulness, to which (under Providence) wo owo our safety, during tho long and perilous passage of tho ship through tho ioo _ We nil join in wishing yourself and ofhoeis a p'oasant time of it ushoro, and oveiy svioccts in tlio prosecution of tho career )ou haio chosen, and remain, &c , (Hero follow the namos of 30 passengers )
Tim AVEATITER Tho ■weatlieif yosteiday was vory boisteroi«, and tho shipping were in some danger. In tlio afternoon it blew a gale from tho westward, and was afterwards lariablo In tho evening it set in N AY , accompanied by hail and lightning, which continued for so»» hours, when tho wind moderated Several small crnfHeft tho harbour during the morning, but owliij; to the unfavourable weather thoso cloired during the afternoon wero unablo to tako their dop.nturos Tho schooner Lapwing, which was undergoing some slight iopiir3 on the North Shore, wa3 drhen on to the locks by thotovority of thogalo, and sustained slight^uijurj*. Two watermen's boats wero also swamped, but wo lmvo notlicaidof any damngo to the vessels in hnibour arising /rom the gale
n m s. mutine. II M s s Mutine, 17 guns, Commander AY. P. Blake, ins been appointed foi service on this station, and took her departuie fiom Plymouth dock-yard on tho fcth of May, in company with II M s s gunboat Gloancr, and was to proceed to Rio Janoiro in company nith her, beforo coming on to Australia The Mutine, to which Commandor Blake has only recently boon appointed, is fully rigged, nnd having shipped her stores, hoisted tho commanded pennant, and left for this port, via Rio and Australia. Sho has on board a ciow of 175 mon, besides a detachmont of tlio Woolwich division of tho Eoyal Marines The Mutino may bo expected to airivo lieio towauls tho latter end of next month.
THE VEUXOX. AYe understand the light dues imposed upon this vessel on her arrival in port have beon reduced to 4d per ton, 0d boing the rate chargeable to all vessels coming from beyond tlio Australian colonies, ;
PASSENGERS PER SHIP ANDREAV JACKSON. AA'e subjoin a list of passengeis by this ship, holding linct orders from Messrs Ridgway and Son, and who sailed from Graveseml on 19th May last. Thirty-three of them have A land orders for 40 acres, and one for 20 acres Twenty-three havo received B land orders | for 40 acres, and eleven for 20 acres —John Inwrence, William Trottor, John Eastwood, AVilliam Kacly, Alexander J C Cothln, Thomas Seaman, Jas AVelh, William File, Emily and Talnpy Sotton, Richard Clarke. AVm Kehse, Patrick Gorman, Frederick Aloy, Walter Cato, Thomas Robinson, Alfred A ley, Mason Dndlo) Taj lor, John On en, John and Martin Monaghan, AVm Denison, AVm. Rogeri, AVm Nicholl, James AVallaco, Margaret Small, John Nicholl, Jamos Wallace, Roso Anno Ridley, H AValker, Simpson Moore, S and D Dunlop, P. Kehelley, Jas Cafferty, Mary, Mary, Anne, Jamos, Emma, Lizzie, France?, and John Lawrenco , Leonard Eastwood : Mary, Louisa, William Thomas, Arthur, and Lewis Roberts Eady , Lydia, Sarah Lydia, Thos AVillmm, Hannah Maria, and Susan Soaman , Eliza Henrietta AVells, Mary Ann, Frances, and Thomas Murphy, Martha Kchsc, Eliza Aloy, Martlii Cato, Harriett Robinson, Miry Dennison, Jano Jlorrott ; Thomas, Bridget, and Patrick McDermott , Bridget Gauloy, Ellon Nicholl, nml Isabella AVallace The following is a list of nominated passengers by the Andrew Jackson, forwarded by Mr AY. C. Daldy:— Mary Porter, Penelope Massey and four children, David Stool and wife, Catherine Cassidy, Agues McCormick, Hugh Nappier (the other portions of the family havo not made up their mmd 3 at present), Patrick Kchllly, James McCaflerty, Hannah and Ann Evans, Miuia Crabb ami child, Mury Forilthamandtno children, Emma Barton and threo children, Catherine nunter and tix daughters. Ellen Roobutk, George Robert Giaham, two sisters and two brothers, Kato Ryan and threo listers, '•arah Cook and three children, Elleu Scanet (matron) and Fanny Scanes, Jessie Currio and two children, Mary Element and three childron (land-order for Pollock ipcclal settlement), Sarah Bosloy, Edmund Wrigloy, Mary Doran and two sisteri, Ilonry Tldd, 'Jhumas Lcadbcttci, Samuel and David Dunlop, William and Mary Chapman, Mary Jane Robson, Rhoda Baker, AVilliam Dobbs ivud family, Thomas Brennan.
PASSENGERS PER Slffp JOHN TEMPERLEY. The following is a list of passongeis by this vessel, holding land orders from Messrs Alexander V lUdguny and Son Twenty-four of the immigrants have received B land ordors for 40 ncics, and ton for 20 acres; also, twelve havo A l*nd ordors for 40 acres Tho John Tomperloy sailed from Gravcsond on the Bth May last : — Walter Hampton, Samuel Dyor. Ella Matilda Atkinson, Rebecca Putman, Hannah Komi*]), Jano Hay, John Stufford, Jane Elizabeth, Jano Steelo, Annio Rebecca EHle Henrietta. Emily Susan, and Georgine Sarah Shortt; Eliza and Charles. Bristow Bennett, John Bafclman, Samuel, Anno, Margaret, and Roso Jlcllroy ; Jano, Robert, and Mary Jano Mooro ; Elba Mulligan, Ponolope and AVallace, Massoy, Maria Crabb, Emma, Eliza Maria, and Richard James Barton, Sarah, Elizabeth A.nn, 'lhomasllarry, and Ohafles Cooke , Jamct Aloxandor Pond, AVilliam Alfred Putman, Henry Xondall, Christopher Story, Jano Robbio, Richard Steelo, Mary Andrews, William Ilemy Bonnott, Andr»w Dionytiut Fitzpatrick, Chailos AVilliam Androwi, Thomdt and James Mcdland,
THE LOST J, B. H. Tho agentt for tho ill-fated J. E. If., which tailed from Melbourne for England in July last, and of whose safety all hopet have now beon abandoned, hn.ro published a coiroct list of her pnsscngort and crew. The former is at follow! : Cabin : Mist Lovor, Missßartropp,,Mr. H O AValker, Mr. Y. Boaso, Mr J. Mothorwoll, Mrt. Kcrfoot, and Uochlldien, Dr. Starling Steerage : G Smallwood, It. Suthoiland, G. Church, J Martin, Mrt Dickenson, Aloxandci Gray, Mrs Gray and four childron, G Zintanovitch, J Thompson, J. Young, J. Gomez, S J. Santos, Mrs Santos and four children, Mist Gomez, Miss E. Barnes, Gcorgo Dowson, John AVilton, Josoph Jackson, Mrt Joseph Jackson, J G. Schweimfnrth AY. Holland. Tht following is tho ciew list :— AVilliam Alfred Abbott, master : James Grahnm, chief officer ; \Vm. Woodman, second officer ; J. AY. AViight, pursor^ John Oreeno, M. Teddimaino, Joseph Davioi, John Thompson, Homy AVilton, S. Bcadham, AVm Robertson, John Heawiok, Si.mnol Morriton, O. Grachum, T AVallace, C, Btnshaw, AVm. Smith, Albert Souch, Alox. Mason. Hans Clannon, L. S. Clinch, AVilliam Booker, M. Giegory, and two othen, namct unknown.
We were in error yo3torday in ttating that tho Ida Zieglor loft thit port for London on the 23rd of January. AVo ilnd that the did not tako her final doparturo until tho 27th, and comequontly mrido the potsago in 05 days. The ship Maxwell, Captain Jones, which wat in thit port with immigrants, sailed from Callao for Queonttonn on tho 4 tli of March. The thlp Chariot of Famo, Captain Clarko, and Glemleron, Captain Brown, tailod from Bombay for Liveipool, in company, on tho Bth of April. The City of Manchester, Captain Auld,tailod from Bombay for Liverpool on tho 18th of April, The ihip Flying Foam, Captain Porkint, tailed from Calcutta for England on tho 10th February. lhe thip Vistula, Captain Peck, tailed from Callao for England on the 16th March, French nowtpapcrt announce that tho Emporor of Russia hat decided that vottols of all nationt entering Ruiiian portt from ttrett of weathor thall bo fico from navigation, tonnago, quarantine, and all other dual whattoevor."— "MUchtll't Maritime R&giiUr." Tht barque Bella Mary, Captain Coppin, it alongside- tho Quoen-ttreot AYharf discharging inward cargo Tho brlif Craig Ellachio came alongtido the wharf yotttrday to dliebargo htr inward cargo of coalt from Newcattlo. The barquo Ellon Simpson, from Newcostlo, via Sydney, with coali, (sjc, wat alongiido the whaif ditcharglng cargo, Tho Craig Ellachio, whioh txperlenced very bad weather on the pattage;to thit port, it about to have her foromatt ropaired and new talUr bent befort precluding to sta Tho tohooner Coral Quten, Captain Trayte, onterod outwwdt at tht Quttomt yojtordny for the South Sea Itlandt
port with immigrants some olghtoen montlnrngo,' l arrivod at Deal from Molbourri* on,tln 24th;.May,^Trith-a'TaluiiblroaYbo 1 ! and a largo numbw of passeng«r*/;an well.^jsssS *? A ft *_ „ i ' 'Tlio tonnago loading on tho borth* at* London" tor Australia 1 and Now Zealand ii 40,800 toni; ,! : ;,-,-- '-^'t^- VI ~'j .' , Tho Admiralty called for tondor», l on tho 18tU May, for ths conveyance of the following ammunition? &0.,-for,tliu port j— ll'toni light luff taokles, 11 tom light empty cartridges, 42 tons,heavyjooso aholli, 88 tons hoavy powder,*'! tons h«avy i' Tho ship King of Italy Batted from Gvaveienfl on the 29th May for tuis port, having on board a number of immigrants tone out undor tlio auspices of tho Nonconformist ( Albertland) < Emigration Society. Sh» is consigned to Mooin. HarrU and Laurie, of this olty. l - ' " -' Tho is troopship Himalaya left Malta 22nd "April for Gib* raltar and Canada. , '■ Tho following vossols went olongildo Ciutom'-hauio-dttoot Wharf y»sterday morning to dtsohargo tholr cargoes of tlmbor : —Tho Emma, outtor ; tho Morning Light, outttr, from Moronry Boy; tho Stag, outtor, from Wangapoa; tho Clyde, sohoontr, from Wangapoa ; tho Savoy Lin, sohoontr, from Mercury Bay ; tho Elizabeth Mary, schooner, from Kennedy'sBay. Tho following yosioli olearod outwards at tho Customs yestorday, hut in consequence of tho sovtrlty of the", weather wore uimblo to Havo tho harbour :— The Industry, for Omaha : tho Mary Ann, for Waihekl i tho "Wanderer, for Coromandol j tho Isabolla, for Omaha ; tlio Koso Ann, for Tauranga ; the Savoy Lass, for Mercury Bay. Th» cutter Ono, Smith, master, arrived ywtorilay morning from Omaha, with a cargo of firewood and five passengers, having intulo a good run down the coast. Tho outter Morning Light, Tiller, master, arrived in harbour oarly yOTtorday morning from Mercury Bay, with i cargo of 10,000 ft. sawn timber. > flho had likewise two passongers, and wont alongside Oustom-houso-strcet Wharf to discharge yestorday morning. Tho outter .Elizabeth Ann, Hughes, master, arrived in harbour early yesterday morning fiom tho Thames, with a load of sheopikins, tallow, &o , on account of the Commissariat. Tho cutter Ariel arrived in harbour early yostorday morning from tho Thames, with a cargo of kauri gum Tho cnttor Eclair nrrived from tho Thames on Monday evening, with a load of fhowood. Tho schooner Clyde, Captain Cheshire, arrivod in harbour early yosterday morning from Wangapoa, with a cargo of 25,000 foot sawn timber, and went alongsido Custom-houso-strect Wharf to discharge Tho schooner Sea Broezo will sail for tho Bay of Islands this morning, and tho outter Glimpse for Wans«voi, being unablo to loavo yesterday owing to tho unfavourable woathor. Tho Hoso Aun will sail this day for Tauranga with Commissariat stores Navioatjok ov tub Moynk.— Wo aro lnformod that a now company lias Just been inaugurated in this town for the purposoof navigating tho river wUlf vessels of light draught recent experience having demonstrated tho practicability of tho schomo We understand that in ono day throo subscribers put down their names for £500 each, and anothor for £250 Thoro is thus ovory prospect of tho enterprise doing carried out with spirit -" Belfast Gajiotto," Juno 30. A dreadful calamity occurred early in the morning of April 28, on tho Mlßslsslpi Kiver, a few milos abovo Memphis. An oxplosion took placo on board tlio steamer Sultana, having on board over 2,000 Union soldiers iccontly released from rebel prisons, and it is estimated that 1,4000f them woio killed ; tHT boat burned to tlio water's edge, and then bank. Tho barquo Crishna, Captaiu It. Thompson, in towing in yestorday morning with tho Bungarco, met with a mishap Tho steamer's 10 inch Manila hawser parted just off Nobby's and tho vessel was obliged to let go hor best bower anchor fortunately tho stearaor I'iinco Alfred proceeded to her assistance, and suecocded in getting a line on board, not before sho had struck hoavily on tho rooks outsidijSmshipping her ludder, besides othordamogo, which willneceftitato the vessel going on tho slip.-" S. M. Herahl, ' July VM3OI Tub Schooneh Pilot.— Wo understand that, upon hor arrival in tho port of Melbourne, on 20th Juno ultimo thtf" schooner l'ilot, having on board n cargo of potatoes, which had boon cleared out at this port for Gu»m, was seized by tho Customs authorities, being an infringement of tho law — " Warrnambool Sentinel," July 6. » Bl Tho Miiauda, 15, screw corvette, 1,030 tons, and 250 horse power. Captain Uobert Jonkins. C.B , arrived at Splthoad on Saturday afternoon, from Auckland, Now Zealand, and, on anchoring, exchanged tho customary salutes with the Victory in Portsmouth harbour, the ilngship of tho Coinrnandcr-iu-Chiof at Portsmouth, Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, G.OB The Miranda sailed from Auckland on tho 7th of Folnuary* last, and has experienced generally Very flno weathor during tho passage to Spithaad, which has bcen-Miado irithout calling at an intermediate poi t On tho 23th of i'obruary, in ltt fiO 10 S., long 1 42 1! , a very largo number of iceborgs weie in sight, soino of tliom being of unusual sizo. Tho crew woie at quarters during tho forenoon, and som» very cxctllont shot piactico was made at several of tho bergs The Miranda has been in commission upwards of four jears and a-half Sho had steam up at 530 p m yestorday at Spithead, and was oxpocted to sail immediately afterwards for the Nore for dismantling and paying out of commission in the Medway A few passengers and naval supornumoiaries came home in her from Now Zealand —"Times," Jlay 22.
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Bibliographic details
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXI, Issue 2501, 26 July 1865, Page 4
Word Count
4,335PORT OF AUCKLAND. MISCELLANEOUS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXI, Issue 2501, 26 July 1865, Page 4
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