NEWS TO DECEMBEE 23. By the ' Glimpse' baique, we (Sydney Morning Herald) have California papois to the 26th of Decembei, and telegraphic news from New Yoik to the 23rd, boing a w eok later We quote as follows from tlie San Francisco Eieninq Bulletin — NEWS TO AVEDNESDA.Y, DECEMBER 1G Foit) ess Monioe, December 1G. — Following aiD despatches fiom the Richmond papeis — ■ Chaileslon, Dccemboi 11 — Twelve shells weie tin own into the city List night at luteivals during thiee horns The damage is tnlling Second despatch —The city has: been shelled at inteivals dining the day. About nine o'clock this morning Foit Sumtei took fire — cause unknown The fiio communicated to the outer timbei work 01 the south west angle. The wood woik was binned, and .some ammunition wat de.sttoyed. The enemy's laturbattenes opened heavily upon the Fort dming the Hie, .uid wcie leplied to by Foit Moulhieand our battenes. A heavy fiio was kept up all day. Not much damage was done to Foit Sumtoi Chailestou, Deeemboi 12. — The casualties at Foit Snmtei yosteiday were len killed and wounded. Eleven shells weie tlnown into the city, sevi ral of which contained Gicek file, which burned fifteen minutes aftoi the explosion. The die .it Foit Sumter was puiely accidental and unavoidable, and the stiengtli of the fort is as good as befoie Chat lpston, Decembei 14— Tlieie was no hring on Foit Sunitei yesfceiday or to day, and but veiy little hung between the bjttenri Fom shells weie tin own into the city to day Tlinfccon Yankee hiemen, including commissioned ofhoeis of the United States bug Peuy, who weie captiued at Memll lulct, Jiave «ii lived heie Chailesuon, Deceinbei 15 — The enemy fhed fom teen shots at the city this morning Seven buildings weie stunk but no pei son in as injured Oui biiteucs letmned No Imiiij; on Foit Sumtei No new movement on the pait ot the enemy. Foitiebs Monioe, Decembei 1G — The Iviehmond Whiy, in an editoml, s^js that the Atl.uiti (G.i,) Confidently isseits tliab oui cavaliy advanced on tlic 10th above liuigohl, finding it elcai of enemy They piocoeded thence to LooUoul Mount nu md JVEissiciii.ii y Kulge lluii' they tound nothing but debus of the enemy's cainn I lie position seeuud to have been duseitcd On Situuliy last, in the town of Cli itt mooija md below Ihe enemy had visibly li. duccd his Imct The piesumption is th it ahe ivy column hi I gone iftei Longstiect, uid in expedition had stuud into West Teinu sse to look attei rout si, w!io hid t ikt'ii advantage of the absence of's em p-> Wislmigton, Dtccmboi Id --- Scnatoi Wilson's amendment to the Goiisciiption Hill, ollcicd m the &<'u ite todiy p\.cm|its tlio hillnuing piisons — Tho,c mentilly and pli\ sic illy unlit, the Viec Piosnlent of tli 3 United Stites , the Judges of vauous Couits in the United stales , the hauls of \ uioiis executive dcpiitincnls of the United States , Go vcmois of Stiles , the nnl\ son b iblp to nnhtai v duty of a widow wholly dependent cm hislxboiu rm sn]> poit, and in ease thoie aie sevoial sons and nil aie dt.iftcd, suth paunt oi paifnls may s,i^ wlnoh son shall bo exempted , the only biothei ot oi]>lnn cluldion undei tv u'vo je us ot igo, w holly dependent on his labom foi suppcut, whin, amoim seveial sons, two h iv o been ]Kiiuuienlly dis il<led oi dicdininilitai y set viei', the it suluc shall be exempt , my peison convicted oi lilon^ The distinction in classes is abohsheil Any peison cniollcd who shill ]iioeiuc an iccoptable snbsiilutc sh ill bi exempted The lithtnu\ spieiil di-.ii itch fi m Washington sa> s that (■•mial Humid diod at W.flnnoton last mylic of tvphoi 1 tevei mil dysenteiy \A cishinglou, Decembfi 16 The following is a dispatch to the 7'ih!(s, dated Wash n.ton, Diceinbei lGth — "An c IToi L is btiug in ide to give Genei il Butlei full authouty to nc^oti ite a tull exchange of oui piisoncis now 1 inyuishing m Richmond It is undci stood In ie lie has exp'essod a willingness to undiMtake it, Mid Ilieio is conhdonec in his ability to ulleet it jMoiiovci it is nndeistood that he wII lip iiect pi ible to tlu Jtichmond intl.oiitics as ne>{otiitoi, uid tlitj will tic di jio^ed to tieat on the ba is of ooiisulenng all oui p lptim d nogioes — such as aie not claimed is slaves b^ ow ueis — on the same footing as white soldieis "
NEWS 01? THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17. Foitiess Momoe, Dpcembei 17 — i ast evening the hospital H Yoiktown took mc I'lio die uiininiiiu uiteil with the bUtoiy, .unl about li.ilf past, one o'clock the iiiii^ii/inu evpliiilc TLa lite (ontinuul, c lusing tlic fuquctifc c v|>l(i~ioii oE shells (lining tlic mylib Abnub frui o clock tins mo mii« .inoihci explosion took J)l.icl, m<l scvci^l buildings weie destioyod 'J'ho ibo\ ono .ill the pai ticukus we hive obt.umd .is j'ct One woundul man .im\r il heic tills C\C Illll!^ \Vrisluiii>ton, IDccciobei 17 — A desjiatoh fiom head quaittis ot the IhiHul Slates Ji'oiees, m Wi-tini Vmjiiin, says th it a dptuhincnt ot tlie 20th IVnns^ h uu i Iniinti\ ilc-tio^cd the f<unidi\ at ICi'enbiu v,, .Shcinndoah V illt> 'I he icbc!s hid beiii usiiii^ tho toundiy fui the jiicpuahou of mm, to bo sent to .Richmond foi the eonstnietiou of gunboats
r;E\7S OF FTC [DAY, DCCEMBER IS Ohattauoogi, Decentbci 1/ — Dining the in.u eh of the lioops hum hcio agunsfc Longstj < ot, at Jvnox >lll(, (il UlgCI S ClUps gilt 111 .1(1 \, lll CO Llf Loilg~tlGl th ammunition ti am, while 1 low .mi's Coip^ was in the it. v Theio was no escape foi it and foity i n loids ot ammunition mil two lncomotm - weie inn into the u\ci, nc. n I oudoti 'J'lic aim> will soon be in wiiii i ';inutrii, but \N lldoii s (.'.u.ihy ■\\ill loniiin active Gencial ]lutlei ih laismg tl n mr of colonial tioops in Ins depai tinent The thice black, ie ,i mi nls of eavaliy, lecently stilts), .ue lapidly Idling up. .Richmond jmieis of the lflthhaic .itclegi.un horn Atlint.i, announcing vci v p.u ticul uly that Gi <nt i},nl c\icuitcd Chattanoogi , m xs filling back to .NVhvtlle, ft ting up the i ulroad as he ictie.itcd, and tint Kaiiloe would |,uisuo him Lonwiticct, il is ", \\onl<l attempt to hold i,o, th castejn 'J'en nc&see The ]>q>eis %\ejc 'veiy bittei oi; Lincoln's mi ssage. KcwVoiU Doecmbci JS — The lfuahl\ specj il fmin 'Washington, the 17th, sijs the Dcmoci ihi menil)Cis of ( (ingics-. held a caucus tins cxriunu; at thoCipitol, which wis \ciy fully attended. The futuic pnbey of the puly «as discu^ed, unaniniiLj wvpic-scd jn f,i\mn of voting all (he men and mi ins lcqutuii foi the msjokhh inoscciition ol the w.u A sjicual telefilm lo the Tuna svys Genenl Ilitchi nek Has tcuip to Foititss A] oiiioc with piopositioiiT to tlio lcliel .vutlioiititi toi tlir exchange of jiiisum is, and w ill jvob.ibly olioi to cxeh inborn \n foi man, qiade foi glide without lefei' uee to offieeis oi nun of the colouied icgimcnts Wishmgton, Dcccnibci IS — About si\ o'clock list evening GOO yuci ilias, mulct Most by, attieked the guild ot the Oiangc and \le\andn.i i uho.u l a mile and a li ilf beyond Fan (ax stition. Tlio guud consisted of one company of the 1 1 5 th "New Yoik, which made a hi i\e ies,stanee, and weioonly ciptuied l>y the cuahy fomiing a hollow squnc aionnd them The icbcls had pieviously cut the telegiaj h wucs, but woid ct uveyed as quickly as | O'-sible to Colonel Dtcw, m conimmd of tlio bittabon at Kuifav station who immediately statted with la's command to lemfoiee the atincked paity 'I he piogitss of the tiain was ■stopped r.t Hope Bun, wlieie lebcls hid burned the bridge, and toie up the ti tck foi about two miles. AVhen Colonel Diew at lived .it J]~opo Run it was quite daik, and he filed seveial volley:; at the iebol«, which they letuined. None of oui men weie wounded It was ]iiobably the intention of the laideifi to captuie a tiam with .i laige quantity of piovisions for the aimy, which was expected about that time, but which happened to be an horn behind time, conse quontly it escaped captuie It is quite likely that the übejs committed fuither outiages on the i.ultoad beyond Hope Run, of which we have not been in fc nmed Washington, Dcocmbei 18 — Latei repoils in le gaid to the lebel attack on the Change and Alcxan dm laiboad say that a company on guard made a gallant, and, as it tinned out, successful lesistance, heating the enemy o/T four times befote being flanked, and having their tents burned, by a poitiou of the enemy who got in the lcir of the company, when they l'etned with «hght damage. The d image to the load has been lep.ured. In moving ofl, the lebels sent to Fiedcncksbuig tlnee ambulances full of wounded.
NEWS OF SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19. New Yoil*, Deoembci 19 — The Ernes' special coi respondent says Gcneial Hitchcock has letiuned from Foitie«s Momoe, having given his official sanction to Geneial Butlei's plan, by which it is hoped om hufteunt; soldieis -will be leleased fjom then Southern pnsons Genwal Butlei is to send to Uity Point 600 oi SOO confined lebels, with an offei to Commis^ionci Ould to £\chant<e them, man foi man J£ this e\|>eiiiiK nt pioves successful, ,m exchange on thib basis will be lesumed. No nistiuc tions" have been given manifesting a tendency to iguoie the lights, of the coloured soklieis, aspusoneis of war. On the contrary, the most stiiugeat orders
weio lecently issued, under wbich the rebel authorities aie to be helrl stnctly accountable with legard to coloured pnsoneis. Fortress Monioe, December 18 — Arepoifc from Beaufort says : The United States gunboat 'Daylight ' has bom blow n up by the rebels. Another gunboat had chased a blockade innner ashore, and the 'Daylight' went to take possession, when a rebel batteiy tluew shells into her magazine, destroying her, and killing mobt of her officeis and cicw. Although it 1-. believed at Beaufort, the mmoiu needs confirmation Foitiess Monioe, December 1!) -Two of our suigeous who have been in puson at Atlanta, Ga , ai lived last evening, and lepoit that while passing thiough Richmond they weie shown thiough the piisons theie, and they repoit finding our pusoneis quite coinfoi table and well fed, though they were paitly furnished fiom loyal States Washington, Decembei 19. — r J lie Senate of Vngnua, in session at Alexandiia, passed a bill yest nrday for the election of delegates to the Convention to be held on 25th .fanuaiy, to alter and amend the Constitution, so as to abolish slavery m the counties of Aceomae, Northampton, Pnncess Ann, Elizabeth City, and Yoik, including the cities of Noifolk and Portsmouth. By the Piesulent's pioclamation, m Januaiy all slaves in the lemaindei of the State aie s-et fiee. The act sets, forth the leason fot the change Without it, officeis of the State, by existing laws between mastei and slave, would be bt ought into conflict with the authoiities of the United States. Bxltimort., Decembei 19 — A despatch fioni off Charleston, dated December 13th, says that Geneial Gillinoie again shelled the city Oil Thursday night, tlnowiiig a number of shells into iliftucnt paits of the city, and as is believed, doing much damage All the label batteues opened, and a hea\y boiiihaidmctit ensued foi sovetal hoiu-> Thostonn \\ ishedauay tlic lebel obstiuctions, and yesteulay a laige iiumbci of heavy timbeis, bolted toircthci with lion, came down the nvei. They weic seemed uul tow id ashoie b} tugs The amount of timbci th it o imc down is <-o huge that it is believed tint the ohsti notions aie scnously damaged. Washington, Ueccivbei 19 — The /Jitmnr/ Sim has the following — Authoiitics heie have despatches horn Gcueial Giant, at Chattanooga, dated last night at nine o'clock Tiny do not indicate any ueent change in the state of afFans theie. Gi mt is in const mt tckmapliie coinmunicatiou with Geneial Fo->tci at Kuowille, and had thcis been i fighf be twiui Gcucial Long-tic et's toiees and outs ]ivi suing him, as tin pic-s d( spatehos state, Goncial Gi mt uoulil, dnubtlois, h i\c sent su< h dcsji itclics heie 'I lu> 1u t tli it lie sivs nothing about such engage mont induce^ the belief th it the statement-, via ( l weie much exaggeiatod.
NEWS OF SUNDA.Y, DECEMBER 30 New Yoik, Dcceinhp) ]O— A Folly Mmd, <5 (' , couespondent of the 15th says — -A hi ass 12 ponndei and JOO nmiid of solid shot weio dis( ovuuil lnuicd DCiii i'mt Putnam It is thought th it theiebcls hufoii the evaou ition of Gicyg Imiied .a quantity ot ammunition oi all soits iSuuoh is now being made foi it New York, Dcccmbci 20 — (Ji edible witnesses fiom Riohnionrt stole thai our pnsoncis aie bottoi foil lluui then own ]>L>o|>le, and much bettei than thoy would bo ucic it not thai the dospeiato shaits of tlieciti/uis of tin 1 Conleiloiacj must I>l LLjitfiom din knowledge Ficsh boot is now 4 doll us ]>u jidind , tiesli hi i id '■} dollais 50 cent-- pei loaf, such a-, toimcily oos>t .") ci.i)ts 'J hi> consequence is that tiiousnids must stn\e, oi go into the aimy and diMdo then lations w then finiibe 1 : It his been <l< temimcil by the lebels to cnn<-cii|>t cveivmilo butwipii the ages of httcen and fifty, foi one last despuate clfoit in favoui of the Con i tedriao\ In tins consul lption, bofh negioes and md whites aic to be included, and will be thiown nit') thu l.mks togcthci indisciiminatuly With this imnieii'-e monsjiel, Jefl l>a\is nitaiis to piccipitato himself upon Wa-liingtou, Penusylv ima, and Olno, commanding in poison lfewill eiifle.ivom to stimulate the passions of these hoides by the most tx tiava»ant stones.
NEttS OF MOND \Y, DECEUB3R, 21 N islmlle, Deeeinbu It — Adwcisfiom Ivnowille to the e\ cuing; of the 10th lopiesent eveiythmg quiet cliicctiou Longstn et had ictiimed to Bull Gip and om advance hail f.illen back to Kutlerlgo, tlie enui M showing no disposition to follow 0111 tioops, who hue been heavily lcinfoiced since thesiego, and ]\\\c been so disp >=>cd is to give them the contiol of •ill the countiy west of Kutledgo Itispiobable Hint Lom,stieet's x tiogiade movement was made solely ioi < ho put pose ot wnitcing ins umviii Watmgi A al'iy, oi with the view of inowug, b) the w,iy of Ashes 1110, into Noith Cuolina The l.nlioad is m operation south fioni Knoxsille as fai as London, at tlif ciossiijit of Holbten n\ei The Tennessee and Moisten have iisen sufficiently to a fib id nisigifcion with Ohittanoogi Supplies aio aiming i ipiilly. It is denned to opeiate on the 10 id c ibfc \\<ud as f<ii is Monistowu to which point oils will be tunning in thiee da\.s Oenei il Fostei has established his head qn.uteis aLKnox\ilfe Genual Giant amved heio l.isb night Washington, Deceinbei 2il —'I he Joint Committee of the .Sen tte and the House of Deleg ites of Vn <; inia, at Alexandiia, i^iecd last night on ,i bill eilhnga c"ii\Liiti»n foi the abolishing of slaveiy m that State, winch will be iusse,l to moiiou IVeu YoiK, Dcceuibci 21 — The special telcgiam to tlic Ti Jnmc, fnim \V ishm^ton, on the 19th, si^s th it a ne^' \mll soon be aiiancrcd foi Genei il Cuitis, the Piesulcut hiving siul tliar tlie chutes against him, in connection with cotton spc dilation aic cutiicly unfounded A scutluuiit who h is lesided m Ilidimond (lining tlio pistfhe ye u^, iceently icichod this cily hiving left IJichmond on the itli of Decenibei, and has fuiuished us with the follow ins: lnfoimation — '11 c »\misoii of the citj md foits nuinbei about 1000 men, w lio aie pituci[iilly cinployees of the (i<i\ci muciit 'I hi \ aic uincd witli Ijcluian uilosTho f'utilio ition consists of s,e\eial lines of cntieiiehnieuts, cuthwoiks md nile ]uts, besules the fmts The foith aic spaiselv minucd, and the. nuinbei of c;iius mounlcd uu all the winks is quite' lueousidei \ bl< compiled with tin n extent At the time om piisoneii [ilanncd to escijic, the Union men of I'ielilnond veio iw.ueo! the inteudtd efioit, and would hue jniind the pii-oucis, liail rhej «uceeerled J^ioin tho \iiiioiuv in JiithiHond, and tlic woilcsat Kiyi ttex.llo, NC, ibout 800 muskets pei u.eek ,uc turned out All the-e gups aio nflid at tho Tii dcs; n Woiks, and aiiaus^einciits aie bcMig mule l>v wlucli they hope to make 2 000 nlles l>ci mouth The pimcipil powilei m.uinf ictoi y u m Augusta Ga J lie lo^s ot the miehmeiy it l''.v^ it!e\ illo would |>io\e mi pliable Eul^' m tin. wii iiml until i\ei\ 1 ite (1 itt, (hawmgs of piojtctiks iilopted l>\ oui riiuiinmenl wole ii reived fi om W iiMiinsjloi), nnd in sihiik cases thpii muml\etuie ininiiit ncttl in Ixicliinond, even hefnie they wnt made heic '1 lie iiu\ dol i Fiench couette, fin tie pin pose of att( inlmu to the lerno* d of Fiench tub icco, 11 id M ei toil considei ible feeling imnnij the mciohnnls, .ml tlippioplc wuo loud in objections mule to il~ being yi veil up unless the Fieii'h would i mi> the Mock ule All hopes of fuiei^n intervention hid died out ' of Etuflind to allow tho i.nus to "id e\< iteil much indignation mniimicii is tho nbel inthi'Mlies hid gold to ply in adv nice foi them boulh Oiiolim. w is openly lenounced in tin w lth de\ out w lshes th it the St ite might be mi k I'lip people lie vny iiixioiis foi m exchange of pnsoneis, and it is thought that the cessation of exch uige w is a plan ulopted by oui Government to pievent them lefilhng th ii' nuny Eoitiess Jiomoe, Decenibei 21. — The I?ichmi>nri papeis. of the 19th contain the following fiom Cl.aileston the 18th — The Tionsidea .and thiee mointois, while .ittemptnig to pass the obstructions became entangled, and the lion«idis will piobably have to be abandoned. Two monitois are also badly disibled. New Yotk, Decenibei 21 — A speoiil \Va-lnnc;ton disp itch to the Post says that ComjiGss will piobably adjoin n foi the holidays, and the ch aft will be postponed foi twenty days The Russian fleet will leave for Fortress Mom op (luting the piesent week. The Piesiiient will visit the A/'iQii d in the flagship on Tuesday or Wednesday
NEWS OF TUESDAY, DKCEMBER 22 New YoiU, Deeembei 22 — -General Aii<ret mu'e a trip to-diy on the lailroad as fir as Bull Run, foi the pin pose of inspecting the load, and piovidmg igamsi.aids b\ the enem>. The budges weie fimnd to he in good condition Measuies have lieen adopted that, doubtless, will ])i event another descent being made upon the lino within tins depaitment Gneiillns and small fquacts of iebel eavaliy still infebt the cotmtiy beyond Afanassa 1 ! Depiedations upon Government propel ty between that point and the Rippahannoelc aie of fiequent occuiience. A special Washington despatch to the Times «aj s — A lettei leceived to day fiom a distingui'.lird officer of the fleet off Chaileston says that, so far is visible, the only obiti notions in Chaikston haibom aie the dmilile line of piles acioss the channel fiom Foi t Pinlcnpy to the middle gionnd, nul fiom there to F.nt Johnson Theie is .an openinir of .iliout 200 feet, wlieie, it is thouglit, the obstuictians can be easily rtraovtd by the momtois The Missouu question has leceived a settlement. Tiosecians will be sent to St. Louis and Cut Us to Kansas, displacing Ewmg.
The following is a despatch to the JS. Y. Woild — Head Quaiters, Army of the Potomac, December 21. — So fur as we can judge, the rebels have not changed their position Oui men have made for themselves moib comfortable quarters, impervious to frost and •now. There is nothing later from Rnoxville. New York, December 22— The Government has decided that the safety of American vessels leaving this port requires that no person be allowed to leave, as a passenger or otherwise, on any A meiican vessel, without Gist leceivmg a pass from the Maishal of the district It is undeistoud that a gunboat has already been stationed at Sandy Hook to intercept all vessels leaving this port by that outlet, and anothei at Throgg's Neck, to examine vessels leaving by the Sound, with instructions to detain such ai are without passes. Any one can obtain a proper passporb who can have his loyalty vouched for. The adoption of this stnngent measure is probably to prevent * lepetition of the Chesapeake affair. Philadelphia, December 22. — By a gentleman who left Richmond on the 20th, we have the following later information. He says : — Richmond papeis of the 20th have despatches from Bristol, Tenessee, stating that Longstreet, with his aimy, was advancing, and no doubt a seveie battle would be fought in the vicinity of Jonesboro, Tenessee. Reinforcements from Colonel Jackson's and General Sam Johnson's commands were going to Longstreet. A despatch from Mendian, Mississippi, reports that Joe Johnston's ai my intends to leinforce Haidee It is also rumouied in Richmond that Lee will be sent to command in noith-west Georgia, as the only hope of retrieving the heavy dis isfceis to the lebels in that quarter. His army in Viigima has gone into winter quarters, except one division undet Geneial Eaily. Some excitement and uneasiness existed m the vicinity of Staunton, Virgim i, in consequence of the near approach of Avenll's command liuheden and Rhodes weie endeavouiing to oppose Avenll's further advance, and a fight was expected m that quai tei. NEWS OF "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23. New Yoik, Decembei 23 — A special Washington despatch to the Ti ibune says Geneial Butler telegraphs that the statement telegiaphed as coming from the Richmond papers, that the Ironsides and two monitois have been disabled off Chailestowu, is nottiue. The following is a speci il despatch to the Times, dated Washington, December 22nd ; The House committee on W«ijs and Means to day finished the Naval Apmopu ition Rill. Very little reduction from the estimate's was made by ths commute H, was determined nut to meet agiin until after the holidays, when they will tike up the lecommeiid itioni of the Secretaiyof the Tievuny. The vetetan tegiments in the aimy of the Potomac aie to have tlun bounty money immediately. The iii it instalment will amount to about 150 dollars per man The numhei of men from the army of the Potonneie enlisted for the wai 13 ovti 10,000 men. The sentiment of senatois lpspectin^ the 300 dollar i\< mption cixu^e is wholly changed They will stuke out the evemption clause, and not inseit any amount in its pi ice The feeling i» geneinl that the army must be hlkcl up and the wai vigorously piosecuted to the em) S'enitoi Wilson will soon introduce a bill for the enlistment of solditis in the rebellious States. Peisons so enlisting mly entei any legimont now in the field fiom loyal Stites they may select. The desne is to get them into veteiin legiments , and at the same ti.nt them is a laige field fiora which the loyal States can diaw tioops
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Daily Southern Cross, Volume 2075, Issue XX, 14 March 1864, Page 4
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3,907LATER AMERICAN Daily Southern Cross, Volume 2075, Issue XX, 14 March 1864, Page 4
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