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We continue our extracts of the English news to th« 10th of September. . It i« not certain whether George, King of tlia Hellenes, will vHt the Qitten nt \Ymd»or, or uhether lie 'will join the court later tit Balmoral, Ilia M«jesty is at piesent paying n thort visit to his relation* at Riirnpenheim ; but in consequence of the unpleasant relations between, the Guimui States mid Denmurk, ami also the position nf Greece itself toward* the ex-king Olhn, it been determined thut tlie King »f the Hc-lleties slmll «tay but a few <l»y« ut Itumpeuheim. The vole for the annexation of the lonian Island* cannot he taken before the second week in October, and His .Majesty intends to arrive nt Athena immediately after that event. His arrival in London may he looked for either during the Queen's stay at Windsor or immediately after Her Majenty's depaiture for Balmoial. In either ewe Ring George'would go to Scotland to tidte leave of the Pi incest of Walee. La France announces the anival at Paiis of a large consignment of salt meat from Biieoncn Ayrct, being a iiist attempt to open a peunanent trade in that article. The immense mimbei ol horned cattle which feeil on the vast plain* of Buenos Ayres may thus provide a cheap Kind uf food for the poor in France, and on that account the plan hai been encouraged by the Eipperor. The meat sent over this time lius been ap proved by fie Conseil d'Hygieua (or Board of Trade), and the pi ice it is believed, will nut exced 30 centimes per pound. If this be true, an immense sale of the article may he anticipated. A letter from Basle states that the sudden change of weather in Swimeiland, fiom intense heat to gieut cold, lins caused many accidents, and that hevcinl tiavdlers have been surprised by snowstorms in the mountains. A great number of avalanches have been observed in the C.uitonof Appcu/ell, nnd in the chain of the Alps <m the bide of the Valley of the lthine. A terrifia avalnncho precipitated itself fiom the top of the Falkniss into the valley. The inhabitants of the neislihnmlinod do not recollect to have seen anything similar in the month of August. The telegraph file-uner ' Hawthorne' arrived at V.iletta on the 2Bth Amrust, with thoiequisite officials on board to test the Malta and Alexandria cable The Hawthorne ai rived at tbo supposed place of the fault, about sitly-four miles from Alexandria, and after creeping for five daya auiO'-s the line in which the cable was laid, a fragment of the cable, about half a mile in length, was picked up in twenty-seven fathom*. Tlio deeping uns then lepeated, and an end raised, which on testing was found to be in communication with Benghazi. Four mm c detached pieces of the cable were picked up, of about half a mile vault in length, and an end was found that was in petlect communication with Alexandria. A new piece of cablenbout seven miles and a half long, was spliced in, and perfect communication lestoird throughout the whole line. In the shoit length of three miles that was actually picked up, thete were no le«s than ten faults where the cable had been completely seveted, evidently for some time. Theic mo Mill about font miles of unconnected cable left at the bottom, but in what condition it is impossible to tell Some 150 spoil !*ebo its were found by the Hiwthorne ftt uoik on the spot, and the infetence is that their anchor cut up the cable, which at this part is a deep sea cible of small diiituetnr, two of the boats haung been actually found with (heir anchots f .ul of it A bind of bii^mdsin the diotiiet of Bi'ifcia in Itulv, sei/,"d upon a htionjr girl, and took her off to t lie 'woods, where they compelled her to yield t>> then de siies. Afiiul 1 lest«he migl.t disclose tlifit hiding piiu.e, llu-v consulted toother for a time; when one of the niftiau< stepped foruatd to conduct hei out of the wood. They hid not cone, however, hifoie he Midikuly stubbed her in the nee'e, and twite in the abdoint-n The poor jii'l f- II but seeim* tli it bin- was not di ad, lie fiieil his muskf t at her, but only wounded h>-i bluli'K in the hip. He i clouded hi* musket put tlye nruz?le to her In east, and (nod, but by a cmMilMive movement his victim pushed (he weapon awjy with Uuv mm, and the ball penetittid into h. r body in a' slanting diiection without kdliiig h>i. A tlii/d time the «i«Nassin Wided his frill), and filed at her three step' ofF; the: ball ppueti ited under her light aimpit, went aloiiir the lilw" ami chop nut at the abdomen The miscreant, thinking he had despatched hci fm ccttaui, then 'went away, but, strange to any, the poor creattue had only swooned, and on lecoteiin^r manajfil fodrag her mangled body to a neighbouring but, wlrcli. how ever, proved to be deserted, and as she wis sinking with thitst, and could find no water, she lay down to dio. Meanwhile a company of grenadieis found the girl welfc«iiii(r in hor Mooil, and earned hei to their camp The officer in comiiiand endeivouicd to induce pome pcaonuls f> enry her to the neatest hospital, offering them |>iymp))t, but they irfusrd u.iiier I'nrjons pietcxts, which shown fciiafc (hey were lather favourable to the biijrmds than otherwise. Atlensjth tlnee grenadiets nndeitonk the duty, and she was taken to A(|iiiloma, wheie, strange to say, tlipfcurge.m expj cased a hope of hei tecovery. We have reason t<i believe, says tlie Morning Post, (hat a t eaty of alliance just been couclu<led between Denmnik and Sweden, with a viuw to the defence of Danish ten itory fiom any German aggiea <aiou. At the Kdlaloe petty sessions, eighteen peii-ons H'fiie summoned for having been engaged in a faction fight mi the 2(ith August. Two" families, named Connella and ykehaus, had. a long-standing dispute about the ritrht to an new of land, lesnltmg in pio ttactod litigation and innny collisions They arc all related as fii stand second cousins. Whenever they met they fonghfc, and nt a pl^oo'.otl PaliybuiJ^«», on the day mentioned, they had an engagement which, both for the vigour of the onslaught and the mttnbui of casualties, aoioplete'y eclipsed all that had preceded it. It appeared tliiifc the fight was originated by the Skebans. Pitih forks and other n capons were ineil', ami nuch was the fuiy of the combatants that they broke the Inndl&s of some of the instalments on eai>h other's peisons ; loaded whip handles prostiated those thliy struck, and stones flew thieMy in every diiection. Tho wt/tt} erjiled at leuu'lli mote through the exhaustion of both paitio3 tU4l> any othei cause. Many of the combatants were left senuoiess on the giouud. Both parties belong to the more rtsprctablo o)as» of f.umeis and compiiaed all a^es, from the giey headed man of threescore yeais to the young gill and boy of sixteen. They weie all lrile, heaity, and comfoitably-diesscd )eraon<, and nearly every one boie some inaiks of the savage affiay in which they had been engaged. The magistiates said they nevei saw such biutahty in theii lives. Sentences of fiom two months' to tlneo weeks' imprisonment, with haid labour, wora passeil upon the most guilty of the combatants ; the othcis were bound to keep the peaca. Considerable excitement his been cieated along tho river banks in the vicinity of Lime-house Reach by a very ioi'inu9 accident happening to the well known Antwerp steamer 'Baron O*y,' which resulted in tho (inking of that vessel She mid neaijy 100 pa i -si;mr l .|s on board, and was on her way to St. JCatbei (lie's Wharf to land them. It was neatly low water, and in passing through Limehouso Beach the usual course in mid stream was taken. She was pioceeding at a reduoetl speed, when a Midden «houk was felt, as if the ship had ittriiok something, and in a few moments she heeled over. The en^liiea woic immediately stopped, and, as may he easily imagined, some alarm ensued among ths passengers. A biief examination was sufficient to show that th«s vessel hid sustained a serious rent in her bottom by striking upon a piece of lock or the remains of an old anchor. Legioy to Qui;i:n VrcTontA.— A singular ca*e box just been brought up before the Tubonal of the Seine. Tt appears th vt a lady, a "alive of London, who was first manied to a lii-h English treiitleinan, was man ii'd a second time to a Fiench Nobleman, Count de Silly. She died in October lost, and in her will which contained numerous lruacies, was the following bequest; — "I bequeathe to her Majesty the Queen of England a nil in of 100 000 francs to be employed foi the benefit of the London pool." The several legatees and the Executors wrote to the EiikJisJi ambas<adm to acquaint him with the fact, infoiinaliou of which wi\i in due time transmitted to her Majesty, who deolded to accept the leiracv. One of the legatees then ititinu iited that her Mnj'Sfv should luC the lelutives have the money. The JSiiglmh legal authorities iveio considled, anil thoy gave the opinion that tho relatives had no light to the money, of whioh the Queen was the soveieign dispenser, unless they came under the categoiy of tho poor. The general legatees then lequiied the l oyal signature legally affixed to a foimal document, and they pi oceedeil to summon the Queen to appear on Hie 2nd of July, either in person or by procuration. The mnniU'inp wns sent on the 22nd of June. The ense then dime befovu tlio Tul'lHml of the Seine, the plain tiff apph ing that »n order should bo u)aj|e for the payment of the leiracy to her Majesty 'a amba««adoi. The legal lepresentative of hdft Majesty ]>roceedtd to contend that the money should be paid over to tht inr»lia«sidor, who was recogmsed by all legal authority, many of whom were quoted, as representing in everything tljo jjeraon of bis soveieign. A precedent was cited, in which a legiwyr to the Pope was given, over to the Nuncio after some dispuui, Tjie question, the advocate for the Queen contend* d, was not one of private law, but of international law. The adynpuu on the othei side tnaiutained i.hut the leuiioy was m.uli) to tho Que/Jii as a privateindiviilual, ami the intentions of the testatrix: vyoiijd not he cariied out unleis her MfJuty booaa^ penonnll/ ihe almoner q{

tlie Mini left tit her disposal. The ambassador represented lii« Government — tliat in,, tlio chambers of hi* country, the minisliy, and the loyal pel mm ; lint hu could not repiemjiit one nf those parties separately from the rent. The French law knew neither Roveieigna not ambassadom. The Queen ought to submit to the requirements nf the law, and to put liur signature nt (he foot of n speoial and authentic procuration. Tlntt ««« the only gu.uiiiitee which the legatees could have ih:it the sum left hud pushed hi to the utivru^b bauds foi which the tebtatux hud destined it. The piesMent of the tribunal, ftl. Beiunxt, dteided in favour of hei Majesty, miying Unit an ambawidor lepieseiilul Ins pnveieign in a supienie demee, mid what hu mid and did w«« substantially laid and done by his soveleisrn. [t is said that Tiiinl Civile linn left the greater partof his foitnne to a hod of Gum-ial Evie. It scums that a thorough investigation is to lie made into the cner.instancis attending the i^ue of the notorious order ni to Woolwich Arsenal on the occasion of her Majesty's depmtuio for thecnnti <ent. The Seeret»iv at Win him issued ojders to that effect The shatteied trunk of Heine's oak was hlown down on the mm ning of August 31. A biauch of the tiee which fell fioni tlie trunk upwards of twenty j'eamniro has been caiefully preserved in tlio Royal Ktoie* of Windsor Castle. Since then this famous tree has been fenced in with park pales, and a plate has heen attached to it upon uliith is en j'l ft veil a quotation fioiu "The iMeiry Wives of Windsoi." A Maon'l.iic Mountain' has heen diicoveied in Swedish Lapland, and the vefn, which is several feet thick, pioiuist'i to he one of tlio richest sotiices of m.ignels at present known. A natural magnet weighing 40(llln his alieady been obtained, ami larger oii"s ate expected. Nrws has ainve<l fioin Brest to the effect that the laigo Amt'iican ship ' Anglo-Siuum,' Cnpi. C.iv.uly, was huuiul by the Confedei.ile steamer 'Floudn,' on thu 21st Aujfirtl, about thiily miles B.S.W. oft the head of Old Kinsale. The 'Anglo Snxun' wnso.vned by Measis. Duncan, Kemlull, and Co., and at the time she was runtuied by the'Flonda' she had the Channel pilot on! The Captain of the ' "Flond.i,' beloie lie destioyed his puze, stiipped her of all ho w inted, kextaufcs, chronometers, he. Tlie civ.v, twenty in numhei-, iveie landed at Biest on the 23th of August. Thk 'Twukd,' upwnrda o( 2,000 tons buithen, ami formi rly thu ' Punjaub,' twenty one ({ill) fnuate in the Indian service, which has recently hern ch.irfceiul by Government for the convoy anco of the great Indi.iu tekgiaph cable to he hud down between .Suez and Bombay, nanowly escaped deati ncliou by file on the moiningof A n<rnst 28. She is lyiiiif in tlio junction basin, of the West India UocKs, litting out for the eKpt'dition Tin to huge iron plated ciicular t.inUs have been built in hei hold fur th>' leception of the cable, and wliieii we to be filleil with wati-i for the piosei vation of the composition with which the c.iblc is co.ilcd. On tho above niniiuin; )t was discoseied that she was on ihe, wbich, with Home "difficulty w.n extinu'liwhed. lUcn hoiisi a rou China — It irf' stated that "Golden Pledge" will leavo Kujilanil^after the St Leger, having been put chased hv theswjpe paities who liuve liouglit "G.udeiK-r," "BticKn^"," "iMillionmie," " JnviHtnient," " ll.idilm^tou.'njid othci blood stock this yeal', Peninsular :ii]B)iii-ntiil ste.unship'Pein,' fioin Knutiininptmi onjle 20ih Augiiht, li.kl in p'M t of lur niryo "13noi(Hloii/^? fi Jnveslinent '' and •' Millionaiic," destinud foi (JliijK It hue l)ijwevei, hi en nseert.iineil that " Tnvestlßfcnt " « tit ti it Si a Tins will be a loss to his owner. Mr Dent, a nit ich.uit in Chum, who ga\e -Mi. Aleiry A3, 000 foi the hoise. '"Dv titoi " was sold on Aui;ii->t 2K, at Si ock ton to go to China. The pi ice is t.tld to be ■2,») 10 A <miilihi», n.ud in these 1 ititmles an umisuil, acci" dent has lakuii pl.iu>i :ii Peckham. A littl buy who h id a i|ii tin 1 u vii bit mother t-]tn>k /ill )|iuh>' in a com held Tii" niuht was inn- of hrilli nit ui<i"iili<:j)t In c'u- tnoi uiiiy it w.ts fniind that the little fellow was blinded by sleeping undi r tho dirtct notion nf the nmoiilie.unc., and it in feaicil the will bu foi -life CosrrnriiATE VrssEts k* Evgi.i&h Yards — iMiich discussion has taken pi ice of Lite lespectiuif two Vt.s-.ils bultilliig in lijiulish slnp y mis, for the pi< Ruined u-e ol the ( ,'ou (< del ilew. Tlie j'lm mcijiati-iii Siciely ndilie«Ned Kul Ltu>-st'll on the ui.itti i, inul ;:|i|!tv|' j (! to him to enfoice the proii'ious of tho Foieiirn Knli> tnii /it Apt, in this |> ti J^is lonlslnp it plied bv remiinliiig tin; society pinsecutnnis in Unhsli eouils of liw must be founded on the affidavits of ciedible witnesses, and that nlthmijih thuyhi-l pointed out thpy supposed to be an liifuutfc'ihenl. of the law, they had I tilt t\ to fijiuish him with c\id<n(e<if the f.ict It was quite evitltiiit funil t)|is uu-\\ei th it Kail Unwell was peifectly willing to lakot-fcups fi|i (.l|j.' pieveutioii of a violation ~of the Fmeigu ICulc-tioi nL Ait, if lie weie furnished w"th sulh(i>ut tLStimnny to justify him in siilli a pioccedimr. That some in.itfi nils of n.itiuo have since been laid befoie him in ly be mtei'idd fion; the fact that it his been subsequently determined by unve|<in>'!it \,(} detain the vessils, ,md to tlnow upon the InnldeiH U.h (,iuis i.f j)|oof. Tbc defence anticipaleil is somewhut i»uudal>oiit flui bmlileis ale iiudi r»tood to allege that they weie employed by a French house, house via-, employed by the late Paclia of Eg^pt, and that the jljei-ent Pach i, having repudi.itecl the c<>ntntct tlie iiuiici. f<u' si)c!( th.-y are said to be. weie lift on the hinds of the PiMiiuii hfiiise, 'J'he stm y does not hang well together and has been oil tinin«(..;ft tj.ilj y ilpmtd bv t'iu Const itulionnel, but the com ts will hoc hnvc niucih diliiuulty in dctei mining its value.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1977, 17 November 1863, Page 4

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ENGLISH NEWS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1977, 17 November 1863, Page 4

ENGLISH NEWS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1977, 17 November 1863, Page 4


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