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Ootobor 21.— Strong S.W. galo during tho d*y ; nlglit more liiodtwito.

ABRIVAXS. Claud Hamilton, n.» . horn Sydn»y.

DEPAHTUttE. ' Sea Broozo, »olioonor, for Buy of Island).

VESSELS EXPECTED. Coiutnnco, burqno, from SunKrnnelsco, (2nd dp., 0270.) St. Jlncmis, barque, from Adelaide NightingAlo, barque, fioin Adolmde. V.oy Bon Dlxon, from Sun Francisco. Vicoioy, ichoonor, from Oeelong. llcion, sclioonor, fiom Naplor.

PKOJECTBI) DKPARTUBES. lady Bird, 1 1 , (or Southern Vrovincoi EnngntiiA, for Jfnpier nud Dimcdin Annie Wilson, ship, for London, via Lytlolton, Alwynton, biirquu, for London. Adolaiclo, baique, for Sydnuy Novn, biigantino, foi Taianikl Ytiri-n, "scliooncr, for Cncular ifoad. Soft Brec/o, icliooner, foi lUmholl.

VESSELS IK lIAUBOUR. . (IhU list (loos not include coasting cut tori.) H.M. • ». Curnson, from Sjdnoy. Clnud Hamilton, « a , from Sjdney. llangnMra, si , from Southern Piovinces. Luly Bird, « « , from Southern Provinces. Gungei, ship, from London. Ida Zoigler, Fhip, from London. Tyburnm, »hip, fiom liOndon Owon Glendowor, ship, from London. Annlo Wilson, ship, from London. Kate, b.irquo, from Sydney. Alwynton, bavqtio, from \dolaido Adelaide, burquo, returned to port. Sun, britf, rclHtiiiff Mttiy Ann, brl|;antino, from Nov.cnttlo. Neva, brlßiinUne, fiom Snn I''i.mcisco Ynini, ichoonor, fiom Clrculni Jlend Southern Cross, missionary schooner, from South Sea Islands. Albntioss, schooner, from Lyltelton. Osproy, schooner, from Korotonga Success schoonoi, from South Sea Islands.


21— Orphoui, 22 tom, Kiokott, from Wangnroa, with 10,000 feot timber, l'nsmmgoi— 1 European 21— Geoigo, 15 tom, fticholni, fiom tho Tlmmcs, with 1 cow, 10 nhoop, 10 pigs, 8 casks pork, 1 keg houoy, 2 kegs lard, 28 21— Annio Lauiio, 80 torn, Stimrt, from AVangarei, with 11 head cattlo, 1 horso. PaMongori— Messrs. I)cnt, M'Quoen, Sl'Gregor.

ENTERED OUT WA RDS-FOREIGtf. OOTOUEIt 21— Ynrrn, 121 tons, Tullocli, for Circular Head.

CLEAIIISD OUTWAIIDS— COAST WIBK OCTOUKR 21— Georgo, 16 tons, Nicliolm, for th« Tinmen, with 1 bale blanket*, 1 c«o drapeiy, 2 owt. *alt, 5 cwt miffftr, U togs biicuit, 1 pm-knge tobacco, 2 cwt. rice, 1 ton ilpur, 1 box toap 21— Annio Laurie, Stuart, for Wnngarei, in ballast.

ARRIVAL OF THE CT.A.UD HAMILTON. Tlie ICfi M. Company's steamship Claud Hamilton loft Sydney Heads at 8h m. on the loth inst , with light 1111-3 from lonthwarrt, bnt with a very heiny cross sea running, the lemidns of tlio Into gale. Had then two dajs light baflling winds, the barometer keeping very low. On the 19th, wind from N. by K. blowing hard in squalls AVmd shifted to N.W. at 4 i> in. in a vory heavy gust, tho barometer down to 29 08 From thence to Three King* strong winds backing from west to north, with a very heavy cioss ica, tho baromotei remaining down to 29 20, and indicating \ery much worse weather in our \icimty. Passed the Three Kings at 8 pm. 20th Inst , weather very hazy. Rounded Cape Butt »t 11 30 a w 21»t, and entered tlio haibour at II 40 p m , and camo to anchor off th« wharf Tho Ulaud Hamilton again nrrivos punctual to her ihto, and with her usual good fortune— or rather owing to her admlrablo qnnhtici as ft *ea boat— with the loss of one horse only {notwithstanding bad weathoi and high sea) out of 91 shipped in Sydney. It will be icon that amongst tho passengors she brings us tho assistance of nino aimy surgeons. Cakoo.— 3 case* dlothing, New Zealand Government, 2 boxes, 1 parcel, 1 case, Ilendorson and MacforUno ; 10 boxes tobacco, 2 cases cigaii, John Roberton and Co. ; 8 cases, 18 camp ovens and covors, I 1I 1 A Philip*; 40 bags maizo, A. Buckland , 70 bag' maize, 2 bales bacon, Eaton and Dew olf : 31 bags maize, Kolly and Donovan ; 2 case* morchaud'so, F. H. Lewisssn , 31 jar* and 10 cases China oil, C A. Harm , 30 boxe* candles, 2 trunk* boot*, ordoi ; 9 cases, 2 bale*, 1 trus*, 2 case* cigars, CO boxes tea, 10 hhds rum, 43 boxo* tobacco, 214 mats sugar, O. Petschler; 3 cases, 1 casting, 1 box, 1 parcel, 5 bales paper. W. C Wilson . 84 mat* *\'gar, 2 chesU tea, 1 box tolncco, half tierce do., S. M. French . 20 boxe* soap, 10 casks malt, sGbngs cofteo, Mark Somenille , 350 bags si.gai, Momn and Co. ; 81 bags sngar, T W Marsh ; CO bags sugar, Buchanan and Stewart ; 6 hhds ginger wine, Thos Macky and Co ; 1 case sundries, 1 trunk boots, 4 bags bacon, 4 che«ts tea, 8 bags hams, A T. Muuroe ; 1 case, 1 tin box, 0 pieces matting, S and J R. Vailo , 1 package, 1 caso boot*, 1 balo leather, S. Rout ; 1 box drapery, Brown, Campbell and Co , 1 ca»o drugs, T B Hill , 35 chests tea, 200 mats sugar, John S Macfarlane and Co . 20 boxes candles, 10 bag* rice, CO boxes •oap, CO boxts tobacco, Owen and Graham ; 13 hunks boots, C package* tobacco, 1 package arms, Gilttllan and Co , 9 boxes, 2 wood packages, 1 package, 2 cases, Cicighton and Scales , 7 boxe* silver com, 2 boxc3 copper com, Bank of New Zealand ; 1 box mittchoi , Chailes Davis , 28 packages, 1 case, 30 drays, 4 casks, 3 casts harness, 91 hoWcs, Commissariat Foi Napier— 1 case, Maltby and Co , 1 case, A. M Biown Passehc.biw. —Mis Robtrton, 3 children and servant ; Mr , Mr*, and Ma»ter Petschler, Mrs Gumby, Staff-Smgcon and Mis Youiijr, Lieut -Colonel Sir Henry M Hnvelock, 18th JRogiment, Assist™ t-fsurgeon llemy, 43rd Regiment, As&ibtantSurgeon Neill, 05th Regiment ; Stall Asbutant-fmrgeons Jones, Dempster, Andcuon, Wntson, Kellett, and O Connell , Mcssr*. Creighton, Wardell, G. S leathes, and Kirkcaldio : Mrs. Cuthbert, Charles Tiumper, T Johnston, G Spiing, Thos Kolly, Win. Uiay, B Newell, J D Llojd, White, Muir.Mu Roy, C Mitchell (12th Regiment), W. Cosgrove, and 5 grooms. The IR M Co 's stoaniship Auckland ai rived on tho morning of the 13th, and steamed at once into the diy dock, whoro »ho vrill be thoroughly cleansed ai)d pau.tei}, and put in flrstrate ordei -for the next mails to Auckland Not the slightest symptom is to bo *ecn of her striking on thoioclc atllawke's Bay which she nnuthav* hit flm with her heel. No *igus of the Charlotte Andrews up to tuno of Claud Hamilton* departure.

- SIIIP3 LOADING AT LONDON FOR NEW ZEALAND. For Auoklnnd — Bombay, Sollcrs ; Chariot of Famo, Kerr ; City of Manchester, Yule For Canterbury — D G Fleming, Crnickshank , Alpaca, Jordan: Derw on twatcr, Thomson, Zoal.india, Foster ; Canterbury, Mncdonald For Invercarglll —Witch of the Tees, Bartly ; Edward Thornliill, Reynolds For NeUon —Napier, rotlierldge : Anno Dymo?, Knight For Otago —Vicuna, llson ; Ethereal, Duncan , Lady Raglan, i'indHter. For Wollington.— Wild Duck, Bishop ; Douglas, Lowe.

TESTIMONIAL TO THE CAPTAIN OF THE GANOKS. We have much pleasure in giving publicity to the following testimonial presented by the passengers to the captain of the Oinges, for Ins euro mid attention to thoir comfort during tho voyago from London to tins port. We h ive ourselves had an opportunity of inspecting this noblo vessel (which w ill well repay a visit from any ouo interested in naval aichitccture), and are pleated to lind thatCaptaiu Funnoll (v.ho is an old friend, having boon horo in 1865 as chlof oiflpor of the Meichantman) is worthy of tho fine ship he commands. The class of vessels lately despatched to this port, of which the Ganges and Portland are modeW, show that Oils city I* increasing in the estimation of the English commercial and maritime world. " Auckland, October 20, 1803 "Wo, tho undersigned pvssenfeors by tho ship Gineos, from London, on our arrmil at Auckland, desiro to express our gratitude to Captain Funnel* for his untiring u atchfulncss over our safety, also for his kindness goneiaUy during tho whole of tho voyage, by presenting him with a small token of our regard, accompanied by our heartfelt thanks, and uoit wishib for his future welfare " (Signed by tho passengers ) It was originally intended to purchase a piece of plate, but Mtbpitayofmanyof tho passengers in thii town was short, it was eventually determined to leave tho selection to dptain Funnell, and to present u. jjurie instead.

lIISCI'XLANEOUS, The Soft Brcczo wiled yostorday for Napioi at S o'oloclc. Tho Adelaide, for Sydney, wa. roiuly for son yesterday, but tho rough weather prevented her departure w , Unn Tho lady Bird, i * , i« >till alongsldo tho Annlo Wilson, very hard for the groator part of yesterday, and increased towaids nightfall, .with a heavy sen and tho wind from W.N W. to W.S.W. Of course it put a *top to the discharge ° f Th"c«>Wi| Of tho ichooncr Flora"! McDonald, a coaitlng craft, had a tumor pscapc yesterday. Tho ve«ol wa. .hitting her quarters, and ju jJpiijß so the boom knocked the cantata ovcrboaul. Uo went astern, but managing to keep hinnclf attoat, he was pickod up by u dingy thijt jyn. lowered Kent cleared the heads at about half-past ten o'clock yesterd.iy morning for Cantoibury. ..... Tho lUngatira and Lady Bird are both advertised to leavo Hl T]iß O Hi*V<WJ>-— Th° good ihip Hnrwood, which hai on moro than ono occasion vi»ited tho Waitomata waters, arrived at Invercargill on tho Ist of GctoW, inakingthe passage fiom "Pea "Brco/o returned to tho heads lust oyoning, tljo rough woathor piobably having prevontcd her fioin proceeding tO Tho'Fiowning Beauty was on the borth, at Sydney, for Nolionland AYollington, when tho Claud Hamilton tailed Tor A ilu'uVm'.Co i itoanwhip Prince Alfred wa* at Sydn»y, on the borth to lail for NoUon on the 2.lth Instant. The two iteam bargon, iron clad, for Hie Waikato, may bo otnectcd at the Waikato in loss than five wooki Tho fnvourito clipper barqno Alico Cameron, Capt Barron, arrived from Auckland, ivt Sydnoy on 'Cuosdoy ovening 1 1>« ISth having be it outside the headi that day from noon Tho Alice Canwon left Auckland on the lit, with light southerly uVowe ami (l,d not pa»s the Three Kings until tho fifth day out The inValidK on board, officer* ai well as men, oxprosied their thanki to Captain Barron for his attention during tho V °Tho°'Alico Cameron wai on tho borth for Auckland when ilia Gland f Hamilton took hor departure on tho 15th, A full ofeow Waiting her, and .ho wa. expected to leave on tho 22 ?f\f . ■ Eslc is royorlod (o hoy? arrived in Sydnoy Imrbour « ft riv mi tho morning of UiolStiV %is of the same class as the^Cura^i mid win doubtlon visit Auckland She was ivinr in Farm Cove when tho Claud Hamilton pa»«d. y ofntaii Stnploton, of tho baique Boservo, reports having Silnlnß S he took her departure at noon on tho Olh instant. 'TifdrewS^fYom A^)/. id to thi. poit, at 1 p m., on tho Oth torday mornhlff.— '* *JPP'f °i Oeto .«« if-"'i f-"'

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1955, 22 October 1863, Page 2

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1955, 22 October 1863, Page 2

PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1955, 22 October 1863, Page 2


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