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'J'hk 'Lady Denison' biings Tasmanian papers two days later than tho 'Emma Prescobt.' fcJho leaver no do. ilifc of the loss of tho 'Cioolo' Uoats, oats, and hLo Imoy with natno 'Cieole,' were picked up, ami boxes v, ith eaplain .uid pasiengeis' names A patty had been oigiiui/cd to piocccd to the wiouk, bub tlieio wo 10 no hopes of finding survivors. Tho fallowing tclogiam fiom Launoeslon was posted in Ilobait Town on the 25th ult. : ".Repotted licto Ui.ab tho .schooner 'Creole' lias boon wi coked near WaterlioiHO Island. Tho beach for Hides is stiown with catble, hay, ke Oars, lifobuoy, bedding, and olhor ai bicies, \Villi c.iptini's and ship's 11.11110 on, Imvo been found. Tho abovo li vs 1)lp 11 know 11 ainoiij,' tht> inhabitants of the NOl th Coast for tho lusb tlnco weeks, but has only beeu just lepoited." In lofeienoo to this tho Ilobait Town Me> cury of tho '20th ult , Hays :— Wo find that the biig.antino 'Cieole,' 131 tons, Captain Flueity, cle.ucd out .it the Lanncpslon enstwins loi JJnntdii), on the 25t'h August, and parsed thiougli Tamar iio.ids on tho morning of Hie 29th August. The following is tho list ot her passengers : Mr and Mis. Il'.I 1 '. A. C. Townloy and child; Miss ]s,un, Mis Gieen, Mr. llonry Clayton, iM,istoi-> Clayton (2), Mid John llatliay and infant, Mastoih Kaltiay (2), Miss Itattiay, \V. Woyinonbh, Air. James Dean. Her ciew compiled boven men, and eight who were "hipped as gioorna, and their names woie entcicdon tho chip's, papei follows : — Ciow: Ntnniiin Ciaiko, John Cooke, Kich.ud Moitimrr, l'lionias Smith, William Wilson, Thomas .Joyce, W. Dewar, !lobßitThoinp,on. Giooins — Samuel Clow ar, t'leiioiick (jibbti, .]. Lamont, \Vm. Ooli'by, John Wil>on. Thomas Green, and Andrew Stovonson. Ihe 'Ci'eolo' hid, thoiefoiG, th.irly-0110 souls on board, all of whom luve, ib is fcaied, puiishcd. The oirgo was also a valu.iblo one, comprising two hnitdi.d fat sheep, Jiffcecu hoifois, twenfcy-hvo hciil fatcittle, twelvo carb-hoises, 100 lilf. hay, 100 hags hi an, 000 bigs mangold wurtzol, 50 lia^s do , 50 bags eauoti, nisd 50 l>ags oati, shipped uy 11. Clapton ; 0110 hoi so shipped by James Duin ; and 15 p.iUuigca ftmuturo, shipped l>-y M!is. U.vttiay. The agents foi tho ' Csuule' wuo Mes*i«i. J. McNanghtun and Soin. Wntcihouso Island i> s,itu ite about SO milos to tlio not th eastward of Tauiar lluads, and wo am mfoiimd by those wlm havn visited that qu 11 fcci that tlu coast 1-. loeky and piecipitoui, aiid tho miMiis ot coininunicating uith t!ie main 1 uid ettiemdy limited. It is piolublo that the unfoitunate \ was dnvcu on bhoio dining the night of tho 20th August, at which time weaie awaie vety heavy weather pi l\ ailed. '1 he Hgistu of the weather fiom Low Ifead't on that day btated tho wind to he btiong fiuiu the westwaid and squally, the htiometer stard niij at 29° -o'. It id cxticmcly doubtful whethet in the event of a Midden casualty on such a coaib, so Lugo 11 luiinlxM <if pusons could bo sufoly landed, a'ul ih'' tune winch lias dipsud hince Hie penod of the t \viec!>, itl.nost desti o\b hope. Ye .oth aie continually jiibsmg and i<pis«!iny within Mjht of Wuteihouso li'uiil, a'ld a shipwiec'vCil ciew would he almost certain to Miixovl 111 attiatlmq allcntiou by means of -itjnals , l>e-ule tliii, lios\cili, the inhabit mis of the js'oilh Coast ha\e Known of this î foi thj p.a-.t tliwi' weeks, and would not fad to make KC.ticlt foi the biimvoib, whoso names wmd 1 as"-iueilly have been included 111 the tultgiaphic nifouiialinii above given. Tiinbk as tlie conviction is, Uieicfoio, we cannot Jjiing ouiielves to hope that 0110 lias "unvivod out of th' laigi' miitdnn of souls on boaid the ill fattd 'C'rcolo' to tell the t.'lc of hei ilnastci. Wo must cciUnily t.iy ono v out m lcfoicnce to the gio«s caielessness of tho .mlhonties, 111 not jiioviding adequate means of coniiininicp.tion betwepn those isolated beacoa stations jvlon^ oar coast and the mainland. It is only a fortnight ago, tiincc a nutice appealed in thfie colu'im 1 ;, m leteiei't-tj to thi> lindui^ of poi tons of a wieck on tho beidi at Sv\an Island, on 29th Aagtisl list, and although thoie is a lighthouse kteper and staff ab this btutuiii, the lelt' 1 ainiomicin^ tho fact was not d ilul until thrct. diyi afUr the wioe!: was di'-eoveied. Nor did iiiloiii.ation roach the puMic until the 9th Repltmht'i, uhtn tin Ii ltd lo the Maslei Wai dfii was published 111 oui sh)|.pint; folnni'i'-. In of maiitune di-»islci, luini'diale comniumcalioi'i with the authorjlu4 is t=i.»iitia'ly neci' suj, and '-uuly scune means could bcdcMscd by which infoimatiou of wiccKs on ,'h'>^e uol ited and (hngeious ]n onion toned could bo foi v aided to the nciusb station, in^ieaionable lime. — Dlayn Tunn, (hlob ;' 7.

TJio follow inff ad'l'tlonal ppiticulais appear in the Olrio Times of the Sth instant — At tli'> latent date from l.aunccston, Hie 2(Hh ult. , a hi \t had 1' it b'tim'.j Town fui the siCci'O of t'"o wieck of (ho 'Uic-ole,' uith tlic police aii'l Mi. Fcicday, fi>inj<ily '•uoi/iiil olßct'i of the \cs~el, and othti parties weio to proceed to tio spot, accompanied l>y Mi. Tuilioi, ot Olc.idow find 'xuiiim, tli' ■-hip'* 1 , aiccnli Iho follow n-y io the statement of tlie pti-on n imod Biook-, who disoovuul poitions of the wiuok, as lopoit.'d in the lja.mia.ston pipei» : — " Vdiniji 1 Ooulell fiv?t s.iw tiu'JSP 1 ) of liay on V/.Uerinniso J^liUid. and 1 saw 60 odd Mitep and two oi thiLU culs, wit'i som n half-lu t*d In lcuslcn, ft lot of broken cuvkl'i, and two biokcn oais, on Watciliousc Isl.Mid ; .iLo, ii shoit homed led cow, two hoisted (one hl.ick .md one li.iy) : li'i.U, b-i|ii.iie ■•tom, no iiainc. All the fiboxo on \V it-rho iso lsl.tiul, N". \V. Next d.>y, o-i j\li - . Wi'li ni's's point, s.iw 13 tiu^ws hvy, some two or thieo <|n l>o\e\ .i good many tui.ih, white .i ul roil, iUii v Into tiunips, sonic cal)li.igts, .in A mm u in elude, Mime c.ilun doon with bias's knoli', and with gla»s dooi^, Aiueiican lock', Inuncii ci !c piitiUd whito, eoik Itsudur with lope, st""l lomi'l t-'[) with furf >ur lojs, pillow-c.iso and pillow in uki-d 'J'kmtv, 1 Dillow miikod 'Ol'-.ulou,' shecpjienf t>i .Milled " Cn.ole,' i«'i\!vs Iwtso aboiifc Un fuot lonif. A lift" luioy painted while, niul ' (JiPole 1 ' Alii'ic boy, ninkeil l).i\r. I<o<c, in.uktd Cook. Otliei oh( its s^cii, but i inch luokftt. One w.itci c.i">k, 10};illon l isk. Puitions of the wiiick, maiked whito. About cnjht or nine hitches One sp.n. Sonic h.ibv liiioii, in nktd cinnson .mil v.lnto. L'.ibin dooi», .-11 painted, with jjl.iss biolcon out. Oiime.ui One e.u thenwaie knob. Could not net to L iiiiicest'in befoio today. P. mi tt knew the fca-uo lime as I did Did not know that tho (.'Hole had loft till f got to Oeoi^e Town. Found nomr lette. 1 ) ((.w'fc lead), addicssud Tl^nioutli, as told liie by ill. Ji.uiett. Mr. llauett has them in pos->( > s-,ion since that time. Piece of plank found, with cuppa* »». i^o human bodies weio betiu.

Nom'l. Way ok Mrvsumsft Di.vrvxcr. — Tt was evident to us that we should not bo able to conduct our «miey in the usu il manner, as of com do it would be out of the question attempting to measmo linos on shoie. Wo weie thciofoie duven to adopt othei e\pedimts for dctoi mining distmce?. On considciation, the best appealed to bo oC calculating fiom tin* I.Uo of twuulling of bound. The gunboati having at uved liy the '28th, wo auclioicd the thieo vessels in tliofoiin of a tu.ui»li', ha\wg e.ich side about tlueo miles loiil,. Tlie latitude and longitude of each weie found fiom oliscn.ition°, and that position which woiked out best, and fiom the most H'hable elnononiotei, was adopted Signals weie then dctei mined upon, and guns weio filed fiom the dnfeiont ships in turn, the peiiod which i'lap«ed between the* flash and lepoit being noted on boaul eich \e-isel. Thus we hail tho time t dun for tho tiavelling of (ho sound eithei with, against, or across Iho wind, and the mean or host lesults weio adopted. Our mlo foi the iato of fciavellin-jf of sound was 1,000 fort per second, when tho tciiipoialuie was at 32° Fain- , and two feet moie per second for e\uiy additional degiro of torn pel a tine Tlie beaungs of each vessel btiuy taUen fiom the othei m. tlio dist.U'eus known, and tho latitude and longitmlo of any one \essel nwci limed, we weic enabled to lay them down on a blank shi.o6 of paper ruled like a chait. By tins ine.iiis «o knew thtt wlieucvui wo obsorvod with tlie oompasa from any point on shoio, or in ,boati, two oi Unco of tho fixed vessels, tho>o heruinpf when laid do«n on tho chiut, from the position of tlie vessel/! liieicon, would indicate the point whence the obseivation was made; and if we weie enabled to obseivc all tluou vessels, which wo made a. mle ot doing whenever piacticable, tho thieo bof.iii)!."? shorihl, if the positions weio concet, intersect in tlns'snmc )>omt • tlnis we had the pioof of our woik always at hand, and had the satisfaction day after day of lviiouiiig how we got on. The space within easy iiuige of the (list three points being finished, the rearmohc vessel was moved lortvaids so as to form with the othei two n second tuangle, her position being fixed by what jii is technically tunned cross healings ; and thus we pioeood along the eoabt. The ptotting mm laying down of our woik being all done at our leisme on boaul of ship, it was only nfcessaiy when we went on Bhoro to take tho bearings of tho tlnee vessels fiom leading points, noting the angles iiv the book, and making approximate sketches of the coast. As legaids the result of tho woik, we found that after smveying nouthwauls fiom the gieat wall for eighty mile\ wo closed on tho " Rha-lui-lien " island, of which tho latitude and longitude aio known; and found that our woiked out position varied fiom that laid down fiom solar observations by less than half a milo of longitude, which was very satisfactory ; indeed, an error to that amount is just as likely to occur in the solar observations as in our tiiangulation. — Three Fears' Senice in China, By Licut.-Col. Fiiher, O,R, Ji E.

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Bibliographic details

Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1952, 19 October 1863, Page 4

Word Count

TOTAL LOSS OF THE SCHOONER 'CREOLE,' AND THIRTY-ONE LIVES (PASSENGERS AND CREW.) Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1952, 19 October 1863, Page 4

TOTAL LOSS OF THE SCHOONER 'CREOLE,' AND THIRTY-ONE LIVES (PASSENGERS AND CREW.) Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1952, 19 October 1863, Page 4


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