ON SALE, EX "GAZELLE," -|Qf| BAGS PAMPANGA SUGAR J **" 60 bags Co.'s No. 1 Pieces 50 bags Rice 60 boxes Souchong " Lemuel* " 30 cases Cherry Cordial , 37 American Ploughs 13 nests Tubs 15 dozen Buckets 27 kegs Ewbank's Patent Nails 30 single-barrel Fowling Pieces 4 trunks Wellington Boots 1 bale Wool Packs • , / 4 half-tierces Negrohead, " Eagle " 20 boxes Soap 76 Bullock Bows and Chains 3 bales Navy Canvas 2 bales Woollen Shawls 2 cases Denims - 1 bale Twilled Calico 9 cases Summer Drapery. Owen & Graham..
MERINO EWES, To Arrive per Ship '-' Constantine,"' from Moreton Bay Direct. 2500 MAIDEN EWES, selected by one of the best judges of Sheep suitable for New Zealand, from the Finest Flocks in the Moreton Bay district. The " Constantine " is expected to arrive early in January, meantime intending purchasers are requested to communicate with Mb. Alfred Buckland, or Bain, Grahame, & Co: December 13, 1858.
Christmas Cakes ! Christmas Cakes ! rpHE usual CHRISTMAS CAKE, containing ■■- Gold Rings, will be cut on next Friday, 24th December, At Canning's Confectionary, Shortland Crescent^ Christmas Cakes Iced, and Plain, from 2lbs. upwards 3 also, Mince Pies, Superior quality, At Canning's Confectionary, Shortland Crescent. Pic-nic Parties supplied with Table Linen, Cutlery, Glassware, Table Service, &c, on Hire, At Canning's Confectionary, Shortland Crescent.
CHRISTMAS GIFT BOOKS. i VERY Fine Selection of Beautifully Illn«trated and Handsomely Bouud GIFT BOOKS, for young people, At Geo T. Chapman's, Bookseller and Stationer. Printed Catalogues of the above, may be had on application. _
CHRISTMAS POULTtfY. SJONKERS begs to call the attention of his • old Customers and the Public, to the fine STOCK OF POULTRY which he has been Fattening for Christmas, and will be happy to supply them either alive, trussed, or dressed. Door to the Wharf Hotel, Queenstreet.
1 Many Familiar Subjects have been added to CROMBIE'S ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY. INSPECTION INVITED. FREE PASSAGE TO ENGLAND. J N CROMBIE begs to announce to thosa * parties who may wish to send Portraits to England or any other pnrt of the British dominions, that he has arranged on the departure of the next Mail Steamer to forward Packages to any address, free of charge to the Sender or Receiver. From the perfect arrangement of the operating room, Portraits can be taken equally well in any state of the weather. December 20, 1858.
RACES! RACES! RACES! THE Undersigned begs to call the attention of Jockeys and Sportsmen to his superior BOOT TOPS, made to any shape, size, or colour, which he is selling very cheap ;• and - would also invite inspection of his first class WELLINGTON: BOOTS, at 20s. per pair, and his GRAIN LEATHER KNEE BOOTS, at 255. per pair. CHARLES MARKS, ! Bootmaker, Queen-street, (One door from Connell & Ridings' Auction Mart.)
To Builders and Others. ON SALE by the undersigned, the undermentioned TIMBER, of first quality, — 10,000 feet of 9 m 3 assorted lengths 10,000 ditto 6 m 3 ditto 10,000 ditto 6 x 2 ditto 20,000 ditto 3 w 4 ditto 10,000 ditto 9h2. ditto 10,000 ditto 9ml^ ditto 20,000 ditto 9 w | ditto 5,000 ditto 6 h 1 ditto 10,000 ditto 10 h 12, h 9 7, 0 m 5, and 6 h 6. Also, a large quantity of Battens and Shingled J. Cadman, Queen-street Wharf. December 2f, 1858.
WANTED, APAHTY OF MEN to clear Bush Land, near Papakura. " / For particulars apply "to _ / Me. Airbed Btjcklat -Queen-street, December 16, 1858. /