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I^7 LI LI If LMJ Zni Uu Uci MARK SOIiER VILLE Offers for Sale, Ex Late Arrivals, 6CAROTEELS CURRANTS 150 doz - Blacking, Day and Martin's 10 barrels " 20 gross Paste ditto 2 barrels Barcelona Nuts 100 " Vestas, Bell and Black's 56 cases Eleme BaLms I°° " L J?- B ' ?J. at J he T s . . 4 20 « Muscatel ditto 2 " Albert Night Lighta 20 " Drums Sultana ditto 20 arrels Carolina Rice 2 cases Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel 20 hags Patna do. 1 « Metz fancy fruit 1 case BaklD g Powder 3. hales ,soft shell Almonds 40 Starch 2 cases Imperial Plums ? ' ue 1 " mixed Spice, in packets &c, &c, &c. 1 " ground Cinnamon and Cloves 10 " Maccaroni To Arrive per "Kingston." 4 " Arrowroot jgo rcaing assO rted Grocer's Paper 10 « Vermicelli 100 boxes Belraont No. 1 Sperms 4 " Tapioca - 20 cases Starca 6 " patent Groats and Barley 2 " Black Lead 4 barrels Carroway Seed 2 " Chocolate and Cocoa 1 " Tartaric Acid, in jars 4 <« Lhjg 1 . " Cream of Tartar 2 a F renca Capers 10 cases Wothorspoon's Confectionery 5 « Sauces, assorted 17 " Pickles 10 u j ams an a Jellies 15 " Bottled Fruits 10 « w # W. Vinegar, quarts and pints 10 " Salad Oil 2 0 « Bottled Fruits 0 " " Decanters q « Wotherspoon's Confectionery 9 " Jams and Jellies 2 " Patent Groats 10 " W. W. Vinegar x „ Fancy Soap 8 « Kaspberry ditto 16 « p ear i gagog ag0 6 " Sauces assorted ' j « pp o t Ashes 10 " Salmon and Lobsters 5 casks hite Herrings 15 " Sardines 5.1 « « tt 3 " Potted Meats 2 0 2 " Crystal Soda 11 " Table Salt, in jars and bottles 2q 2 q « Oatmeal ? " gurrie Powder 1Q „ Pearl Barley } , Jvushware, assorted 10 << Sp ii fc Peas 1 « Shop Twme, ditto 10 « N v hitin 16 " Mustard, 1 and 21b. bottles j2j 2 " Bath Brick 2 u Essences, assorted 5 tt Barcelona Nuts. 2 " Chocolate , , Vi 2 " Cocoa M. Somerville begs to state that the quality 200 tins Ked Herrings of the above Goods can be relied upon, from 5 casks Saltpetre the fact of their having been purchased m the 20 " bi-carb. Soda eminent London Houses of Messrs. Travers 10 w Crystals, ditto Crosse and Blackwell, Feast, Coleman, Day and Martin, &c. CITY MART. Just arrived, per "Gazelle" <G) Sydney, 320 Bags No. 1 Pieces [ 10 bags Patna Rice 60 " White Crystals j 40 boxes Soap 20 " Crushed Loaf | 1 hhd. Loaf Sugar
THE attention of those who wish a Light Hat, is called to THE NEW MOHAIR, Three and a half Ounces, ZEPHYR HAT, On Sale at W. KATTRAY'S, New Zealand House.
(Member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain J BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Auckland and its neighbourhood, that he has commenced business as a CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, I in Princes-Mreet, and hopes by strict attention to business combined with moderate charges to merit I a share of their patronage. Prescriptions carefully dispensed. T. P. has received a supply of Drugs and Chemicals from England of the best quality including the following articles : — iEthereon Respirators Salmon and Ody's single and double Trusses Enema Apparatus Children's Feeding Bottles India Rubber Teats Nipple Glasses and Shields Glyster Pipes Violet Powder, Boxes and Puffs Oiled Silk Pure Flax Lint Fumigating Pastiles Gelatine Cappules Sponge Mather's Balsamic Plaster Cachou Aromatise Medicine Chests Silver Capped Smelling Bottles Price's Golden Oil Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes Honey and Brown Windsor Soaps Soda Water, Lemonade and Ginger Beer, &c, &c.
JAMES MOLLOY, Tailor, BEGS to inform his friends and the Public generally, that he is prepared to execute Orders at his Residence, corner of Wakefield and Cook -streets, and hopes by unremitting attention to Business and punctuality, to merit a share of public patronage. Cook- street, Auckland, Dec. 21st, 1858.
T. & H. COOKE, Cabinetmakers and Upholsterers, HIGH-STREET, AUCKLAND, {Next door to Mr. John Rout's Store.) T& H. COOKE beg to inform the inhabitants , of Auckland and the neighbourhood, that they have commenced business at the above address, where they hope to receive a share of puhlic support. The Furniture offered for sale will be found superior in quality, and moderate [a price.
BRITISH HOTEL. WM. KENNEDY begs to call the attention of |tbe Public to the following List of Prices for First Class Liquors. No. 3 Burton Ale, $ bottle, 10d., f glass, 3d. London Stout, bottle, 9d., *$ glass, 3d. Port Wine, ty bottle, 35., e # glass, 4d. Sherry Wine, f bottle, 35., glass, 4d. Brandt, Genuine. Irish Whiskey, 3a., glass, 3d. Scotch Whiskey, bottle, 35., *$ glass, 3d. Old Tom, "$ bottle, 3s , glass, 3d. Hollands Gin, f bottle, 2s. 6d., f glass 3d. Jamaica Rum, (a treat.) Jamaica Shrub, bottle, 2s. 6d. Cordials, of all sorts. Queen-street, Auckland, December 18, 1858.
I TO BE LET, THAT very commodious and convenient Dwelling House, together with 10 acres of Pasture Land, situated in the best part of the village of Onehunga, the property of Captain Symonds. Possession can be given in about a month from this date. Apply to Reader Wood, Architect and Land Agent. Wyndham-street, November 8, 1858.
For Sale or Lease, QEVERAL Cattle or Sheep Runs, containing from 400 to 4000 acres each. Also, A number of improved Farms, varying from 40 to 500 acres each. For particulars apply to Wm. Attken, House, Land, and Estate Agent, Queen-street.
BOOTS ! BOOTS ! BOOTS ! ! pRIME WELLINGTON BOOTS, 20s. •*• Superior Short Wellingtons, 16s. Calf B'.ucher Boots, 10s. Ladies' Cashmere Boots, from 6s 6d. Every other description of Boots and Shoes equally low in price. A large assortment of Children's Boots and Shoes. Geo. Tureell, Vaile's Buildings, Qneen-street. 9th December, 1858.
D. NATHAN & CO. HAVE ON SALE FIVE BALES OF 10ft>. WOOL PaCK-*. November 16th, 1858. I
To be Let or Leased, fIiHAT convenient Store, with upper and lower -*- Floors, in Fort-street, lately occupied by Mr. Walter Brodie. Apply to D. Nathan & Co. Auckland, Deo. 9, 1858. .
FOR SALE, 117 ACRES of L A.ND in the Hunua. This Land is of good average quality, is partly fenced, and has a frontage to the Hunua Road now making. For further particulars, apply to Mr. Geo. Walters, Papakura. December 9, 1858.
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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XV, Issue 1199, 24 December 1858, Page 1
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1,031Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XV, Issue 1199, 24 December 1858, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XV, Issue 1199, 24 December 1858, Page 1
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