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Fbiday, August 31. The House met pursuant to adjournment.- - : Report on Pensioner Claims. 1 The time for bringing up this report was extended ' till Wednesday (to-morrow.) ! < Report on New Zealand Company's' debt. ] The time for bringing up this report was extended till Thuraday. Appropriation Bill. ;'«- The House resolved itself into a committee of the j whole, for the consideration ef the estimates. | Mr. Tbjltbrs, before proceeding to business, -would \ advise the Committee to exercise caution in the appropriation of the public funds. The House had been informed that £50,000, exclusive of -what was now due, would be required for the purchase of Native lands ; and that unpleasant consequences' -would result from any restriction being placed on the Government in this' particular. It -was quite possible, therefore, that .the revenue might be so entirely absorbed, as to leave nothing whatever for the provinces. Trunk line between Auckland and Wellington. Mr. Cromptox, under the peculiar financial circumstancet of the Colony, would withdraw the motion standing in hi* name on the above subject. Moorings at New Plymouth. Mr. Choktton', pursuant to notice, rose to move, — "That the House be recommended to address hit Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying that a sum of five hundred pounds be placed on the estimates for the purpose of laying down moorings in the roadstead of New Plymouth." This vote wa» objected to on the ground of the moorings in the other harbours of the colony being provided from the provincial funds ; and supported on the ground that New Plymouth received its supplies coastwise, and was thus deprived of its fair share of the^ftustomt revenue : also, that it was at present placed $i a very peculiar position. Agreed to. Salary of the Betident Magistrate. Mr. Carleton,- pursuant to notice, "rose to move,— "An Address to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, requesting him to platfe upon the estimates a sum of £100, additional to the ium appropriated to such purpose upon the civil " list, towards the salary of the Resident Magistrate sitting in Auckland." It would be remembered, he said, that Governor Grey raised the salaries of the principal Goveinmont officers. He d}d not raise that of the Resident Magistrate. That officer was on-the" Civil List for £300, and Governor Wynyardhad promised to recommend further'provision. He omitted to do so, but agreed to an advance of £100, to be returned if the House did not sanction it. Mr. Traveks moved, as an amendment, — " That, inasmuch as the sum of £7000 -was provided in the Civil List for Native purposes, and that the payment to Resident Magistrates in Native districts is a .charge legitimately falling upon that furul;- and, as the House has affirmed that, in other cases, the charge for Resident Magistrates ought to be borne by the provinces, it is expedient that' the whole of the Resident Magistrate's department should be struck out of the •estimates." . '..-.- Considerable discussion ensued, resulting in the'postponeraent of motion and amendment. , f Message from His Excellency \ f Having been announced, the chairman reported progress, and the Speaker read the following messages : — No. 50 — Referring to a sum of £1300 placed on the, estimates as granted in aid for educational purposes, , viz., £600 for schools under the management of the Church of Rome, and £700 for those under the management of Wesleyans, stating that this sum wassso placed j in accordance with an engagement' made byiSir George Grey; and enclosing correspondence conrfeeted thef^-j with. Referred to a Committee of Supply. ' No. 51 — Transmitting an estimate of the sums to be deducted 'a£ first charges 'from the ordinaryand land revenue now under appropriation. Also of. the sums which .will be required for the purchase of Native lands, including a statement of outstanding liabilities en ac r count of such purchases^ Appropriation Bill. . • The House having again resolved itself Into. Committee— : ..'<='• Ms. Hart, pursuant to notice,, rose to move,— • "■That the House be recommended -to address his Excellency the' Officer administering the- Government, •uggesting that a supplementary estimate"'nt down for additional salary to Mr. Justice Stephen^' ~ - Tfye hon. number adverted, to, the inadequacy -of. the salary received by tb,e puisne judge, and,. although much less, than what was required, \e Tf.ould, suggest that an Increase ot £200 per annum be voted, . ( -. • Mr. Sewell agreed in the abstract necessity: of voting an increase to the* salary of this officer, butane 'could not sanction- any addition in thVpreseni state of the finances' of the colony. ' \. J ' ' '. Negatived." ' . ,'. , ', Under the head of , . ' ', r; . Land Purchase Department , The following items were voted :—: — , . Principal Commissioner - - - £500. • Travelling expenses - - - iJ - -• . 100.Native Secretary attached to" the? ,» Department - -, • - -^» • • 300; 7, , Two District Commjuss.ipn.ers' - - 600. Sub T -cotnmissioner,at New r Plymouth i.SP. - Two Clerks ----- -'-,273' 15s. ' - . .Clerk and Messenger at fis. per day. $1 s«i ' , Office Rent - i-><-25- • Contingencies ------- 208 £2190' , An item of £150 for the salary of an interpreter was »ti3ick out. .The item of £600 for. tr»a district,commissioners was met by an amendment that is,bejrtruek, out;andlhe item of jg2oo'for.coi^genciea I tihat ifcba ..reduced;' to £100. Both amendment* were^qsjt,f^ n y j ,_ - — -' 'ExaMmion^f^^^ytfenerai}.^' "" ,; vlt having been'intimatedito the ComTnitt^e *hat Awax&ti'Gaiefal was in atitenannce, '<" •' - ': -• - j \

Mr. Cauletox moved that he be called in and examined. During the examination of Dr. Knight, ,a discussion having taken place as to the precise line of examination which was to be taken, he was requested to withdraw. During his absence it was decided that it was competent for the Committee to examine him generally respecting the Estimates. He was then recalled, and the wa* proceeded, with. The Chaibman was then instructed to request fhe attendance of the Colonial Secretary. Legislative Council. "Under this head were voted : — I Clerk - - - -• £200 i Mesenger 10s. per day when employed 75 £275: House of Representatives. The, following amounts were voted .— Speaker * £«<> Assistant Clerk - - - - - - - 200 On the item, Clerk £250 being moved, the Speaker moved that it be £350.— Agreed to. On the item,— Chairman of Committees, £100, being moved, Mr, O'Netli. moved that it be £200. Agreed to. On the item,— Sergeant at Arms, £150, being moved, Mr. Travers moved that it be £200.— Agreed to> On"the item,— Expenses of Members, exclusive of Speaker, £2800, being moved, Mr. Sewell moved that it be struck out, but withdrew his amendment. , Mr. Lee moved that it be £300.— Agreed to, The consideration of the following items was postponed :—: — Messenger --------- £120 Passages for Members ----- 600 Printing, Stationery, and Contingencies 1000 Colonial Secretary's Department. The item of,— Messenger, £90, was agreed to. Colonial Treasurer's Department The item of,— Clerk, £250, was agreed to. The Chairman reported progress, and the House adjourned till next day at 12 o'clock.

Saturday, Sbptesibbk 1. ' The House met pursuant to adjournment. Message No. 51. Mr. Sewell moved that Message No. 51, from hia Excellency, be referred to the Committee of Supply. Agreed to. Charge of the House during recess. Mr. Ham 1 , in the absence of Mr. Travers, pursuant to notice given by the latter, rose to move " that a Committee be appointed to enquire into the advisability of appointing an officer to take charge of the House during the recess, and as to the appointment of Messengers ; to report 'on Tuesday next. Committee to consist of the Speaker, Messrs..' O'Neill, Greenwood, Merriman, and the mover." Agreed to. Appropriation Bill. The House having resolved itself into Committee for the consideration of the estimates, Mr. Sewell moved — ' - " That thft Committee do recommend the House that a respectful titWress be presented to his Excellency, praying him to place upon the estimates the sum of £90,014 for the services of the several Provinces in New Zealand, to be divided amongst such Provinces in the like proportions as the gross proceeds of the re%enue of the colony shall arise therein respectively, and to be paid over to the respective treasurers of such Provinces Fqt the public uses thereof; and to be subject to the appropriation of the respective Provincial Councils thereof. ' "That, in order to supply the Provincial Governments with, funds for current purposes, it is desirable that the present system of advances be continued, subject to general adjxibtment at the termination of the present financial year ; and in order that the finances of the Provinces" may rest on a secure basis, the whole arrangement ought, under no circumstances, to be disturbed." 'Mr. Fobsaith "was about to move art amendment, •when a ' Message frani his Excellency Having been announced, the Chairman repoited progress, and his r Excellency's Private Secretary was introduced, who delivered, tjie following to the Speaker, by whom they were read to the House. ( No. 52— Transmitting copy of two letters from Mr. Commissioner M'Leaa r dated 30th. and 31st August, on the subject of the purchase of native lands. No. 53— Transmitting copy of the correspondence between the Government and the Oriental Bank • .Corporation, relative to the establishment of a branch-in the colony, as called for in a resolution of the House dafed 29th August. ' No. 54— Transmitting a further report 'frorajflx. G,eo. Cooper, relative to the Native' disturbances, at New Plymouth^ dated August 8, 1854, ' accidentally omitted from Message No. 43. * ' .. -• -•- — ~- -Message No* 62.-. -' • •«* >v J The House resolved iuelf into a Committee-of'Wkyf and Means for the consideration c£ his Excellency's Message No. 52. The Message and enclosures having been read, Mr. Sbytell rose to moye — That this House, deeply impressed with the importance of continuing ,the 'purchase of Native landf, is nevertheless sensible of the % reat difficulties which at this moment Surround the question proposed' to it by his Excellency, viz., of borrowing money for -#iat purpose. , "If, -however, his Excellency ihall be pleased to transmit to the House a Bill fc* that object, the. House will gave,to«uchthe utmost consideration whjph to»e,«R4 circumstances will permit. Mr. Fobsaith moved, as an amendment^ " thai; all the wdrds of the resolution be" struck out, and the following substituted' :— • That, in: order to meet the case submitted to the House in bis Excellency's Message No. 52, the charges against the estimated ieven,ttes of the current year', as stated in Message No. 51, should be increased by the mm of JS20 tOOO, t 000, wKicn sjttnis should be exclusively •appropriated' to the purchase of land.' " Original motion put aiid carried.' ' < ' "fhe^Sgea^er -haying .returned^ #»° chairj.and the ■ ~ [ t •

Mr. Sewell moved that a. respectful address be presented to his Excellency, embodying the foregoing resolution. Agreed to. , ' Appropriation Bill. The House having resolved itself into Committee on the Appropriation Bill, Mr. Sewell's resolution respecting address to his Excellency, to place the sum of £91,014 on the estimates for the Provinces, was put. Mr. Hart moved, as «n amendment, that the eoniideration of the resolution he postponed. Amendment carried. The Estimates were then proceeded with, and the following agreed to : — Bank of Issue, Auckland. Manager £150 Wellington. Manager £150 Clerk 170 Supreyie Court. Travelling Expense* of Judges on Circuit £300 Auckland. Registrar £400 Crier (increased from £90, on the motion of Mr. Forsaith) 100 , Contingencies . . . . 50 Wellington. Registrar (also Registrar of Deeds £400 Deputy Registrar 225 Crier (increased from £90, on the motion of Mr. Hart) 100 Contingencies 60 Nelson. Deputy Registrar 50 Contingencies 20 New Plymouth. Deputy Registrar 25 Contingencies 10 » Canterbury. Deputy Registrar 50 Contingencies 20 Otago. Deputy Registrar 25 Contingencies 10 Begistrar-Gmeral, undexi the Marriage Act. Registrar-General (reduced - from '"-!.». £300, on the motion of Mr. Sewell) 200 >. Messenger . . . . : 12,,, Begistrar of Deeds. The item, New Plymouth, also Post Master, £200, was struck out, on the motion of Mr. Sewell. The item, Canterbury, for 7 months' arrears of 1853, £87 10s. was postponed. The item, Nelson (also Resident Magistrate), nil, was also struck out. Native Secretary's Department. The whole of the items under this head were postponed, on the motion of Mr. Brown, until certain information should he obtained respecting the civil list. Besident Magistrate's Court Auckland. Chief Clerk £250 Interpreter and Clerk (half salary) , also Clerk of the Legislative Council, with the salary of £200 per annum 125 Extra Clerk 180 Bailiff - IS5\ Wanganui. Resident Magistrate 200 Forage, at 4s. per diem, (reduced from £73, on the motion of Mr. Sewell) ■• 54- ]ss. Interpreter 76 • East Cape Resident Magistrate 200 Interpreter, at 7s. 6d. per duy, . . 136 17s. 6d ffawke's Bay. Clerk and Interpreter , 150 Nelson. - , Resident Magistrate 300 Mr. Sewell moved, that this Committee recommend to the House that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying him to place upon the Estimates For the Resident Magistrate at Canterbury £300 Clerk to do. 75 For Resident Magistrate's Department at •Wellington 819 5 Clerk to Resident Magistrate at Nelson 100 Agreed to. . I "•. The Speaker having resumed the chair, TheCiIAiRMAN reported progress. Mr. Sewell moved that the above resolution of. the Committee of Supply be adopted, Agreed to. Mr. Sewilx, as Chairman of the Finance Committee, brought up the following resolution, by way of report, in reference to the petition of Mr. P. A. Deck, late commander of the Colonial brig Tictoria, which resolution the Committee recommended for the adoption of the House. " That a declaration having been received from Mr. P. ( A.' De ck, late commftnder'df the Colonial brig t% yrc]E6ria,'; on the subject of distribution of pay on account of nonrendering of certain accounts, the Committee agreed to report that, in their opinion, such declaration may be properly received as discharging Captain Deck from all liahility.'' - v ' This resolution having been affirmed by the Home, Mr. Sewell moved that an addres be presented to bis Excellency, embodying this resolution. j Agreed to. Mr. Merriman having moved that the House he counted out, and being found that there were only 9 members present, I The Council adjourned till Monday, at 4 o'clock.

' Monday, Septx^bkr 3. The House met pursuant to adjournment. Messages frqm his Excpllpncy* ' No! 55— Transmitting copy of correspondence relative to the purchase of certain native lands in the Ah,urjri district. ' Ordered to stand an Order of the Day for Tu«sda.y. No. 56— Enclosing return from the PrqYince. of Cdnterhiirr pf shro letters despatched froijn thaf trpvince during the year ending 31st Mvph, JBs^.

No. 57 — Transmitting to the House " A Sill to enable the Governor to raise a loan, not exceeding £50,000, by the issue of debentures, for the purchase of native lands." Head a first time, ordered to be printed and to stand an Order of the Day for Tuesday. No. 58 — Enclosing a memorandum of the AuditorGeneral, in reference to the ad interim report of the Finance Committe.e, presented to the House on th 29th ult. Referred to the Fip»npe ppipnxittee, and ordered to be printed. No. 59— Enclosing Additional Estimates, for the p undermentioned services :—: — Extra clerical assistance in Colonial Secretary's office £205 6 3 Pensions 105 0 0 Resident Magistrate 1294 5 0 Referred to Committee of Supply. Salaries of Officers of the House. Mr. Merriman, in absence of Mr. Caileton, and pursuant to notice, rose to move " That aa the Legislative Council, through being debarred from interfering with details of Appropriation, are unable to entertain the question of adequate provision for its own officers, it becomes incumbent on the Representatives to affirm, with respect to the Council also, a resolution which was passed in favour of the officers of this House during the second session of the Assembly, namely, • That it ife of the greatest public importance that 'he services of officers of this House should be secured by the payment of their salaries, irrespective of any questions arising out of other duties or services." ' Mr. Mirriman moved that a respectful address be presented to his Excellency, embodying the foregoing resolution. Agreed to. Appropriation Bill. The House resolved itself in Committee for the consideration of the Estimates. Case of Mrs. Taylor. Mr. Mackay moved the consideration of Message No. 39, enclosing application from the widow of Mr. Taylor, late Chief Clerk in the Customs at Auckland. Agreed to. The Message and enclosures having been read, Mr. Mackay moved " That the Committee do recommend the House to address his Excellency the Officer administering the Government, praying him to send down a Supplementary Estimate, for granting to the widow of the late Mr. T. E. Taylor a sum of money as a gratuity. Motion Negatived. Late Messenger of the Legislative Council. Mr. Taylor moved that the Committee do recommend the House to address his Excellency, praying him to send down a Supplementary Estimate of £23 for additional salary for the messenger of the Legislative Council for his services during the last two sessions of the General Assembly. Negatived. E.M.S. Pandora. Mr. Travers moved that the sum of £500 be appropriatedas a gratuity to the officers and crew of H.M.S. Pandora. The Speaker resumed the chair, and the House adjourned.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XII, Issue 855, 7 September 1855, Page 1 (Supplement)

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GENERAL ASSEMBLY. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XII, Issue 855, 7 September 1855, Page 1 (Supplement)

GENERAL ASSEMBLY. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XII, Issue 855, 7 September 1855, Page 1 (Supplement)


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