JJuGftc Stocrtw BaUs.
The Cargo of Horses & Cattle, Ex 'Commodore.'
MB. J. NE WMAN Will Sell by Auction, at the Exchange Hotel Yard, on Saturday, the 22nd instant, at 12 o'clock — O A MARES Atf D HORSES, .And — At Newmarket, on Monday, the 24th, at 12 o'clock — 120 HEAD of CATTLE, YOUNG HEIFERS, and STEERS. N.B. The Auctioneer calls particular attention to the above Horses, as being the last that are likely to be imported for some time. Many of them will ma"ke very useful Plough Horses. — The Cattle are very superior, and have been purchased under favourable circumstances, from Messrs. Pye and Crawford, and mostly the progeny of an Imported Bull, and coming from a Daii-y Station, they are remarkably quiet.
MR. J. NEWMAN WILL hold his First Quarterly Sale, in Mr. Kerrs Paddock, near the Punt, at Panmure, on Wednesday, the 2nd November, at twelve o'clock, when, he will offer by public Auction — A NUMBER OF COWS, HEIFERS, AND STEERS.
N. B. — Parties at Howick having Cattle for sale would do well to offer them on the East Side of the Punt, on the same day. EXCELLENT INVESTMENT. Capital Family Residence for Sale.
MR. HANSARD is instructed by Major Greenwood to sell that very convenient and well built FAMILY RESIDENCE in Emily Pr.ACE (opposite St. Paul's Church, and close to Shortland-street and Prinees-strect) now occupied by Major Greenwood. To a Private Family desiring to secure a freehold residpnee in these times of rapidly advancing rents, this is an opportunity which may not again soon be met with. To Capitalists desiring investment it affords an opportunity to receive a steady income from a property which must always command a good rental ;"and which from its position, having 100 feet frontnge to Emily Place, must continue, as it has done, rapidly to rise iv value. Terms Liberal. Princes-street, October 18, 1853.
CAPITAL OPPORTUNITY. MR. A. W. HANSARD HAS been favoured with instructions of Major Greenwood, to offer for Lease for such a period and on such terras as may be arranged, his HIGHLY IMPROVED AND WELL KNOWN FAR M, IN THE FAVOURITE DISTRICT OP MANGAREI (ON the Manukau), ocnsisting of FIVE HUNDRED AND FOUR ACRES, of which 335 acres are fenced and under cultivation, and having two Houses and all necessary buildings thereon As full particulars may be learnt, and the property viewed, on application to Mr. Hansard, a detailed advertisement would be useless. The Stock, consisting of Horses, 700 Sheep, and 30 head of Cattle, and Farm Implements of every description, may be taken at valuation. — Immediate application necessary. Princes-street, Oct 12, 1853.
Chocolate and Cocoa, MANUFACTURED BY J. FRY & SONS, CHOCOLATE MAKERS TO THE QUEEN. T> CAMERON respectfully invites the -*-^* attention of the Public to a very choice assortment of the -above article, justTeceived from London direct : — SOLUBLE CHOCOLATE, HOMCEPATHIC COCOA. STICK CHOCOLATE, CHOCOLATE BONBONS, &c , &c, &c , Warranted fresh and genuine. Queen Street, Ocfc 12, 1853.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 2
Daily Southern Cross, Volume X, Issue 658, 18 October 1853, Page 2
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