"Wheyt and Flour. — Messrs. Low and Motion's. Prices :— Fine flour, £22 ; seconds, £18, per 2000 lbs. ; wheat, 7s. Gel., per bushel ; bran, Is. 3d. per bush. — Mr. Fletcher's Steam Mill. Fine flour, £22 ; seconds, £20, per ton; bran, Is. Gd. per bushel ; wheat, 7s. Gd. to Bs. , do. do. — Mr. Partmgton's Mill. Fine flour, £22 ; seconds £20, per ton; 8. per bushel; bian, Is. 6d. pei bushel ; wheat, 7&. Gd. to Bs. poi bushel. There is no alteration in the price of flour since our lastieport, the market is firm, at above lates: — There has been an advance in the price of wheat dvi ing the week : the pi ices now quoted at the various mills being about Gd. per bushel abo\e previous rates. Bread.— Gd. the 21b. loaf. Biscuit.— Best Cabin, 345. ; Pilot, 325. ; Ship, 30s. per cwt. Butchers Meat. — Wholesale Prices — Beef, per !b., 6d. ; pork, Gd. per lb. — Botail Prices :— Beef, per lb., 9d. ; mutton, per Ib., Bd. to 9d.; veal, per Ib., Bd. to 9d ; lamb, per quarter, 65. ; poik, per lb., Gd. General Markets. — Retail p rices . — Butter, frc&h, per lb., Is. Gd. ; do., salt, Is. 4d. ; cheese, New Zealand, per lb Is. 3d. ; do. N. S. "Wales, none ; do., English, none; lard, per lb., 7d. ; bacon, per lb. lOd. to Is.; egc;s, per dozen, Is. Gd. Poultry. — Fowls, per couple, 4s. to 4s Gd. ; ducks, per couple, ss. to ss. 6c1. ; geese, scarce ; tuikeys scai cc. Potatoes. — 7s. to 9&. per cwt.
Bricks. — £3 per thousand. Flax. — 20/. to 251. per ton.
Timbee. — Merely Nominal. At the j'ards the price is from 20s. to 2os. per 100 feet.
Cattle. — The following prices were realized at Auction, on Tuesday last by Mr. J. Newman.— Dairy Cows— from £10 to £14 each ; 2 year old steers, £5 to £7 each ; 2 yeais old heifers, in calf, £6 to £8 each. A lot of sheep & lambs, consisting of about 200 ewes, and 100 lambs sold at 20s. per head.
Settlers Wholesale Prick Current. Wheat. — Best, samples, Bs. per bushel, Flour.— Fine £22; seconds £18 per ton. Maize. — 7s. to Bs. per bushel. 33 vully.— 6s. (scarce) per bushel. Oats. — 10s. per bushel. Butter.— Fresh Is. 3d. per ft., salt Is. per Ib. Chelse.— New, Zealand, Is. per It. Bacon and Hams.— 9d. to Is. per lb. Eggs. — Is. Gd. per dozen. Potatoes.— £7 to £8 per ton. Hay.— £6 to £7 per ton. Straw. — None.
Spirits.— ln bond, brandy, per gallon, 18s. ; Turn, per gallon, ss. 6d. 20 O.P. ; geneva, per case, 4 gallons, 255. The duty on spirits is 6s. per gallon. Ale and Pouter. — Duty paid, Bass' Burton ale, £11 11s. perhM. ; Colonial ale £4 per hhd. •; Truman's double stout, £9 per hM. ; Colonial porter, £4 los. per hhd. Tobacco.— ln bond, per ifc. lOd. to Is. Gd. The duty on tobacco is Is. per lt>. Coals. — £4 to £5 per ton.