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BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE. Arrived per "Cresswell," 'piFTY Cases of the above Goods. To say that they are all of the best quality, would be going rather too far ; — but to say that part of them are the best that England produces, would not°be overstepping the mark one inch. The cheapest Shoes are always the dearest; however, if Cheap Shoes are required, the undersigned will have the cheapest j if dear arc required, he will have cheaper still. THOMAS KEVEN. Shortland-street, Auckland, Sept. 8, 1853.
SMITH AND FOUNDER, Vulcan Foundry, Albert- Street, (Opposite the Clanricarde Hotel,) TN Returning his best thanks to his friends and -*- the public generally for their past favours, begs to inform them that, in consequence of the increase of business, he has been compelled, in order to meet the wants of the times, to remove to those more extensive and eligible premises in Albert-street, where he hopes, by strict attention to trasineess, and punctuality, to obtain a share of their support Orders in the following departments executed, at the shortest notice, and on the lowest terms, viz. : — - Steam Engines, any size, Saw Mills, ditto, Hydraulic Presses, ditto, Pumps, &c. &c. All kinds of Brasa and Iron castings made, to plan and pattern; and, every other description of Engineering and Millwright's work executed. Albert-street, August 1, 1853.
TTPWARDS OF FORTY YEARS' experience *-J has fully confirmed the superior reputation of these Lozenges, in the cure of Asthma, Winter Cough, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, and other Pulmonary Maladies. They have deservedly obtained the high patronage of their Majesties the King of Prussia, and the King of Hanover; very many also of the Nobility and Clergy, and of the Public generally, use them, under the recommendation of the most eminent of the Faculty. They may be safely administered to Females of the most delicate frame, and to very young children, for they not only allay Cough and Nervous Irritation, but they sustain the constitution, by promoting a healthy state of the Digestive Organs. They have immediate influence over the following cases ;— Asthmatic and Consumptive Complaints, Coughs, Shortness of Breath, Hoarseness, &c. &c. Prepared and sold in Boxes, and Tins, of various sizes, by Thomas Keating, Chemist, &c, No. 79, St. Paul's Church Yard, London. N.B. — To prevent spurious imitations, please to observe that the words "Keating's Cough Lozenges" are engraven on the Government Stamp of each Box.
IMPORTANT TESTIMONIALS. Copy of a Letter from " Colonel Hawkeh," (the vrell- " known Author on " Guns and Shooting.' ) Zonaparish House, near WJiitchurch, Hants, October 21st, 1846. Sm,— l cannot resist informing you of the extraordinary effect I have experienced "by taking only a few of your LoffIGNGTS. I had a cough for several weeks, that defied all fliat had Tjecn prescribed for me ; and yet I trot completely rid of it Try taking about half a small box of your Lozenges, which. I find are the only ones that relieve the cough without deranging the stomach i or digestive organs. I am, Sir, your humble servant, P. Hawker. Mr. Thomas Keating, 79, St. Paul's Churchyard.
MH. CHARLES SANDERSON, CIVIL ENGINEER & MACHINIST, COOK-STREET, HOBSON-STREET, AUCKLAND. Designs and Estimates furnished for Civil Engineeiing "Works, Clipper Ships and Stcameis, Engines, Boileis, Mills, and Machinery in general. WANTED,— A Situation as Clerk, or Clerk and Warehouse-keeper, by a competent person. . Apply, by letter, to A. Z. at the Office of this Journal.
Melbourne, Port rinltip, May Wth, 1848. Devr Sir,— l duly received per MaitlancT, the case of Lozenges, and have much pleasure in saying that they have met with a leady sale,— therefore, send me now the value of ten pounds, that is, double the last sent, packed in two cases with tins, &c, as before. The Lozenges require only to he tried, and I am sure the sale will be immense. I am not an advocate for Proprietary Medicines in the general way, hut assure you that the Lozenges have done so much good in almost every, case in which we have recommended them, that I believe them better adapted to this climate than anything else we have seen used. Believe me, dear Sir, your's faithfully, Danl. R. Long. Mr. Thomas Keating.
TF any CATTLE or SHEEP are found at large J- in the Hundred of Auckland, infected with disease of any sort, after this date, the Wardens will take legal proceedings against the owner thereof, for breach of Bye-Laws, under the Crown Lands Ordinance. D. G. Smale, Clerk to the Wardens. Warden's Office, Auckland Hundred, 10th October, 1853.
STEADY EMPLOYMENT for— 2 MEN with Families, and 4 SINGLE MEN, at Coromandel Mills. Apply to Roe, Street & Co., at J. A. Gilfillan & Co.'s Wharf.
THE Wardens of the Auckland Hundred having directed the assessment on Cattle for the half year now past, as well as the present quarter, the License Holders are requested to immediately send their returns into the office, agreeable to byelaws,^ otherwise the fine for noncompliance will beijiporced. D. G-. Smale, Clerk to the Wardens. Wardens Office, Auckland Hundred, 10th October, 1853.
mHE CHRISTIAN BRETHREN, commonly J- called Baptists, desire to intimate to the Inhabitants and Strangers of Auckland, that they meet for Divine Worship, in the School Room, Albert-street, near Smale's Point, every Lord's Day. In the morning at eleven, and in the evening at six o'clock. The Services are for the present mutually conducted by the Members of the Church. The order of worship is Strictly Primitive. In the morning the Lord's Supper, reading the Scriptures, Exhortation, Prayer, and Praise are attended to : and in the evening, a discourse is delivered by one of the Brethren. The people are invited to attend.
To the license Holders of the Auckland Hundred.
THE WARDENS of the Auckland Hundred give Notice to all License Holders that, if they do not comply with the additional Bye Law compelling every License Holder to forward an Impression of his or her Brand, on wood, to the Wardens' Office, Newmarket, on or befoie the Ist proximo, a fine of One Pound will be inflicted on every person not complying with the same. David G. Smale, Cleik to the Wardens. Wardens' Office, Auckland Hundred, October 10, 1853.
THIS Seminary (near Upper Queen-street) continues open for the reception of Pupils. The School Room is lofty, light, and capacious, being 40 feet by 24 feet, and is well ventilated. There is ample and separate accommodation for Assistant ' Teachers, and for Pupils of both sexes. A covered Play Ground is provided for protec tion in wet weather. The usual Branches of Education are taught: Reading and Writing, Orthography, English Grammar and Composition, Geography, History and Chronology, Arithmetic, Mensuration, Geometry and Algebra, Book-keeping, &c, &c. Terms, from os. 6d. to 325. 6d. a quarter, payable weekly or quarterly in advance. Youths engaged in business will be taken as half day Pupils Classical Studies: Terms of the respective i Teachers. The System adopted is of the drawing rather than of the driving character, — in short, to be made both agreeable, attractive, and effective. J. Robinson. Auckland, September 28th, 1853.
A COMMITTEE having been formed for the purpose of raising a Subscription to aid two of our brother Pensioners who had their Cottages and Property destroyed by Fire ; and accredited parties having been appointed by the Committee to visit Auckland and the different Pensioner Settlements, for the purpose of either receiving Subscriptions or appointing places where Subscriptions could be paid in ; — we, the Committee, having received an account of monies received from parties in Auckland and elsewhere, do consider it our duty to publicly state that we have received a considerable amount— much more than they originally expected, of which it is their intention to give a detailed account as soon as the Subscription List is closed. Till then, we hope the Public, who have so spontaneously come forward to unite with us in our endeavours to assist the unfortunate, will have patience, when a true account of all monies received will be publicly accounted for. The Treasurer, Capt. A. McDonald, has received all monies collected as yet. On behalf of the Committee, James White. Howick, Sept. 27th, 1853.
WANTED, mEREE JOURNEYMEN PAINTERS. ■*- Wages, Seven Shillings per day. Apply to Mr. John Pouter, Painter, Queen-street. Sept. 26th, 1853.
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Daily Southern Cross, Volume X, Issue 658, 18 October 1853, Page 1
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1,402Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Daily Southern Cross, Volume X, Issue 658, 18 October 1853, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Daily Southern Cross, Volume X, Issue 658, 18 October 1853, Page 1
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