"' For London direct.
/X rpHE Al Clyde Built Barque tffc|\ J- "COMMODORE," Tons Register; James BroadgjggjgißP* foot, Esq., Commander; will sail as above on or about the Ist December next. Ha 3 superior accomm6dations for Cabin, Second Cabin, or Steerage Passengers. For Freight or Passage apply to J. A. Gilfillan & Co. 17th October, 1853.
For Sydney direct.
/t. t rpHE Fast sailing Barque jagfcNv X "GRATITUDE," j£||g||^3oo Tons, D. Smith, Commander, mSSSBeS* yfiw s a il for the above port in a few days. For Passage only, apply to Combes & Daldy. 18th October, 1853.
Boat for Sale. -\ A LIFE BOAT, twenty-five feet long, 0\ J\. yyifa oars> sa i]^ an( j rudder complete, Ji|l|;on board the "Joseph Fletcher." Apply to Brown & Campbell. 17th October, 1853.
fTHE "JOSEPH FLETCHER" will be ready, J- on and after Monday, to receive HARD BALLAST from any boat bringing it alongside; — 200 Tons wanted, for which the highest port price will be given. Steam to Australia and New Zealand via Panama and the Pacific.
rpHE AUSTRALIAN MAIL STEAM J- PACKET COMPANY have now in course of building for this service the following IRON SCREW STEAM SHIPS, viz..— 2 2 | Commanders. j o ° o Kangaroo 1550 300 Capt. Johnson, R.N. Dinornis 1550 300 Captain Stamp. Emu 1656 300 Black Swan... 1620 300 Menura 1560 300 The first-named of which will be dispatched from England for Sydney about July next, the others to follow <at intervals of one month. ■Champion Wetton, Secretary. $0, Moorgate-street, London.
THE following fine first-class Ships are intended io he continued as Regular Traders : — 'Joseph Fletcher,' Foster, 900 Tons. 'Cashmere,' G. Pearson, 800 " 'SirEdw.Paget,' S. Chapman, 700 « 'Cresswell,' W.C. Barnett, 700 « A New Ship, 1000 « 'Simlah,' Jas. Turnbull, 750 « 'Stately,' T.Ginder, 700 " 'Maori,' C. G. Petherbridge, 900 " 'Victory/ 700 " 'Columbus/ A. Holton, 650 « 'Persia/ W. Broadfoot, 550 « 'Clara/ G. Potter,...-. 600 " 'Lord W. Bentinck/ E. Canny, 600 " The Undersigned, Agents for the above splendid line of Vessels, are authorised to arrange with settlers here who may be desirous of bringing their friends in Great Britain out to this Colony, and are prepared either to pay the Passage Money at once to them, or to give satisfactory security for its payment on arrival of the Vessel. Passage Money, if paid on Engagement: Chief Cabin (lower deck) 40 guineas each. Fore Cabin 26 « Steerage (enclosed berths) 20 " " Ditto, for single men only 18 " " Children, under 7 years, one-third, or under 14 years, two-thirds of the above prices. Further particulars on application to Brown & Campbell.
TO BE LET,— A FARM fronting the North Shooe (Takapuna, Nos. 28 & 29), containing about forty-five .acres. The ground is very rich, is partially fenced, and some portion has been under crop. With little expense it could be rendered very available. If not let, the owner would be glad to treat with a respectable man to cultivate and look after the above property. Apply to Mr. Bartley, Princes-street. r. Ex * Joseph Fletcher/ The Undersigned have on Sale — 4>A TONS LIVERPOOL SALT. v Brown & Campbell.
Mechanic's Bay Paddock.
IN consequence of the numerous enquiries made by the natives visiting Mechanic's Bay, for Horses, the undersigned will be happy to receive Horses in the above Paddock for sale. Commission 5 per cent, and no charge for keep, if sold within 14 days. N.B.— A few useful HORSES for Sale. B. GILLINGUAM.