Wheat and Flour. — Messrs. Low and Motion's. Prices :— Fine flour, £22 ; seconds, £18, per 2000 lbs. ; wheat, 7s. to 7. 6d., per bushel ; bian, Is. 3d. per bush. — Mr. Fletcher's Steam Mill. Fine flour, £22 ; seconds, £20, per ton; bian, Is. 6d. per bushel; wheat, 7s, to 7s. 6d. do. po. — Mr. Partington's Mill. Fine flour, £22 ; seconds £20, per ton; pollard,ls. 8. per bushel; bran, Is. 3d. per bushel ; wheat, 7s. to 7s. 6d. per bushel. There is no alteration in the price of flour since our last report, the market is cry firm, and the quantity of wheat delivered at the mills, during the week, small, fine .samples clean and free from smut, would fetch from 7s. Gd. to Bs. per bushel. Bee\d.— Gd. the 2ib. loaf. Biscuit.— Best Cabin, 345. ; Pilot, 325. ; Ship, 30s. per cwt. Butchers Mpat. — Wholesale Prices ■ — Beef, per lb., Gd. ; pork, per lb., 5d. — Retail Puces — Beef, per Ife., 7d. to Bd. ; mutton, per ib., Bd. ; veal, per lb., Bd. ; lamb, per quarter, Gs. ; pork, per lb., 6d. General M utxirrs. — Retail j» ices . — Butter, fresh, pei lb., Is. 6d. ; do., salt, Is. id. ; cheese, New Zealand, per lb Is. 3d. ; do. N. S. Wales, none ; do., English, none; laid, per lb., 7d. ; bacon, per lb. lOd. to Is.; , eggs, per dozen, Is. Gd.
Poultry. — Fowls, per couple, 4s. to 4s 6d. ; ducks per couple, ss. to ss. 6d. ; geese, scarce ; turkeys scarce! All kinds of poultry fetch, high prices, there beia-i a great demand for the shipping visiting the port. Potatoes. — 7s. to 9s. per cwt. Bkicks. — £3 per thousand.
Timber. — The price is merely nominal, there beLio no transactions to any extent. At the yards the price "asked is from 20s. to 255. per 100 feet. While paicelj have been bought fiom the sawyers during the past week at from. 15s. to 16s. per 100 feet.
Settlers Wholesale Price Currext. "Wheat. — Best samples, Bs. per busbel, Plouk. — Fine, £22 ; seconds £18 per ton. Maize. — 7s. per bushel. Bakley. — 6s. (scarce) per bushel. Oats. — 10s. per bushel. Butter. — Fresh, Is. 3d. per ft., salt Is. per tb. Cheese. — New Zealand, Is. per ifo. B icoN and Hams. — 9d. to Is. per Ib. Eggs. — Is. 3d. per dozen. Potatoes. — £7 to £8 per ton. Hay.— £6 to £7 per ton. Straw. — None.
Si'luits. — In bond, biandy, per gallon, 18s. ; rum per gallon, ss. Cd. 20 0.P. ; geneva, per case, 4 gallons' 2Js. The duty on spiiits is 6's. per gallon. Ale and Pouter. — Duty paid, Bass' Burton ale £11 11s. per lihd. ; Colonial ale £4 per hhd. ; Truman's double stout, £9 per hhd. ; Colonial porter, £4 log, per lihd. Tobacco. — In bond, per H>. lOd. to Is. 6d. The duty on tobacco is Is. per ft. Coals. — £i to £5 per ton.