"Wheat and Flour. — Messrs. Low and Motion's. Prices :— Fine flour, £22 ; seconds, £18, per 2000 tbs. ; wheat, 7s. to 7. 6d., per bushel ; bran, Is. 3d. per bush. Mr. Fletcher's Steam Mill. Fine flour, £22 ; seconds, £20, per ton ; bran, Is. 6d. per bushel. Mr. Partington's Mill. Fine flour, £22 ; seconds £20, per ton ; pollard, Is. 8. per bushel ; bran, Is. 3d. per bushel. The flour market is firm, prices remain steady, about 2000 bushels of wheat have been delivered at the mills, during the week, the price for which has been from 7s. to Bs, per bushel, according to quality. Bread.— 6d. the 2lt>. loaf. Biscuit.— -Best Cabin, 345. ; Pilot, 325. ; Ship, 30s. per cwt. Butchers Meat.— Wholesale Prices .-—Beef, per Ife., 6d. ; pork, per tb., 5d. — Retail Prices .—Beef, per tb., 7d. to Bd. ; mutton, per lb., Bd. ; veal, per tb., Bd. ; lamb, per quarter, 6b. ; pork, per lb., 6d. General Markets. — Retail prices : — Butter, fresh, per lb., Is. 6d. ; do., salt, Is. 4d. ; cheese, New Zealand, per tb Is. 3d. ; do. N. S. Wales, none ; do., English, none ; lard, per Ib. f 7d. ; bacon, per lb. lOd. to Is. ; eggs, per do^en, Is. 6d. Poultry.— Fowls, per couple, 4s. to 4s 6d. ; ducks, per couple, ss. to ss. 6d. ; geese, scarce ; turkeys scarce. Ail kinds of poultry fetch high prices, there being a great demand for the shipping visiting the port. ) Potatoes. — 7s. to Bs. per cwt. Timber. — The timber trade is in a very unsettled state, so that it Is impossible to quote prices with accuracy. At the timber yards the price asked is from 20s. to 2-3s. per 100 feet. While parcels have been bought from the sawyers during the post week at from 15s. to 18s. per 100 feet. There is no doubt but that, prices must soon come down, the demand for shipment to the Melbourne and Sydney markets having ceased ; and, at present rates, it would not be remunerative to build, while at the same time, prices are too high for speculation. Settlers Wholesale Price Current. Wheat.— Best samples, Bs. per bushel. Flbur.— Fine, £22 ; seconds £18 per ton. Maize. — 7s. per bushel. Barley. — 6s. (scarce) per bushel. I Oats.— los. per bushel. Butter.— Fresh, Is. 3d. per lb., salt Is. per lb. Cheese. — New Zealand, Is. per lb. Bacon and Hams.— 9d. to Is. per tb. Eggs. — Is. 3d. por dozen. Potatoes. — £7 to £8 per ton. Hay.— £6 to £7 per ton. Straw. — None.
Spirits. — In bond, brandy, per gallon, 18s. ; rum, per gallon, ss. 6d. 20 0.P. ; geneva, per case, 4 gallons, 2os. The duty on spirits is 6s. per gallon. Ale axd PourEß. — Duty paid, Bass' Burton ale, £11 lls. perhhd. ; Colonial ale £4 per hhd. ; Truman's double stout, £9 per hhd. ; Colonial porter, £4 15s. perhhd. TeßACco.—lnbond, per !b. lOd. to Is. 6d. The duty on tobacco is Is. per fb. Coals.— £l to £» per ton.
Daily Southern Cross, Volume X, Issue 653, 4 October 1853, Page 2
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