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i o r'' waso||||i| t t n ot miss I C" 1 4 a : barga’ llls * I - I SS'W I E SALE 1 R atns Y 1 71 I .1 . ‘W-SiWfM s .—•••AT:xT7:7:u ; W' : :’''’

RECIPES FOR PRESERVING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Home preserving is one of the best means of ensuring, an adequate Paste the following directions in your recipe book and set about supply of fruits and vegetables during the winter months. Home preserving your own foods while they ate in plentifu supp y. It 3 preserving is simple when you know exactly how to go about it. a National duty to conserve as much food as possible. Published in the National interests by the . WOMEN’S WAR SERVICE AUXILIARY (Wellington District) • CUT OUT ALONG DOTTED LINES, AND PASTE IN YOUR RECIPE BOOK- —— * — - RECIPES FOR PRESERVING FRU.TS AND VEGETABLES PART, | RECIPES FOR PRESERVING FRU.TS AND VEGETABLES PARTS GENERAL DIRECTIONS >•«!■« bollins point, <»<l | Ivo pomta”’ P«Th« t Jl'»’'rah btm,. Fill for Water Bath Method or Oven Method. of J ar - I or unpee l edj ’ core d O r’stoned. with slightly salted boiling water to within half inch , S .i„. , Cl. „ A. .J. £ polo,. O„P ,L. & = wasn riun Li b paper or a thick ary ciotn. ' Make certain that syrup overflows bottle important), Sterilize for H hours. Remove each jar and required. Top and tail gooseberries. Remove stalks d ? Do no[ a £to scrcw lids dowll w hen jars Make sure cap is t.ghtly screwed down, and do not Make sure cap , has Lrffi e aLin for from all berries. Peel and halve pears, quinces and _ cold _ this may b[ . eak the sea[ . re.cre.wl tenJnuM, th .ami for Have - aPP 4 eS Test jaiTand lids and use new rubber rings TO TEST JAR. and more water in proportions required may oe water in bath cold to start with. Bring water gtadeach 'year. This is important; old rings have lost Stand jars right way up till perfectly cold, then a dded to the fruit syrup left in pan, brought again ually to boding pomt and boil briskly, fot Ito • their elasticity. turn jars upside down. If any leakage, seal is not | t 0 boiling point and more fruit added. hours. 5 Put old iars and lids into moderate oven to perfect. Look for cause and rcsterilize for one-third When all fruit has been preserved, syrup left heat through thoroughly. of the time, or use product right away. over may be sealed into beer or pickle bottles. Use- 4,—PRESERVING OF PEAS. 6. Sterilize new jaYs and lids. To Sterilize.— cTORACF IMPORTANT' ful for sauces, jellies, drinks and winter time desserts. hardest vegetable to bottle, and it Cover jars first with cold water. Bring slowly to in Lol dry place NOT in cupboards Note.-Use corks or caps to exclude air. definkely d * satis f actor y rcsults boiling point. Boil for 15 minutes. Allow jars to kitchen * PRESERVING OF VEGETABLES (Hints). will always be obtained. The following, however, has cool in the water. Important Points.—Sound, fresh products and Satisfactory results in preserving vegetables will been found very satisfactory. Wash pods, but not •7. Grade the fruit and vegetables as regards firm- r >n , n | esatistactory results p so. shell peas. Select freshly gathered peas, if ness and size. Naturally, large fruit will take longer perfect sealing o jars. . ( be assured by: vounc firm products Pre- possible. Grade. Place peas into pan and just, cover to cook than smaller fruit of the same variety. -pQ STERILIZE FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. I . Sln fi ’dorr wb :| P ; s fresh ' with Foiling water. Boil gently for sto 10 minutes, Uniformity helps to secure an even distribution of Method ._ Any largc pan will do . | each jar into the water bath (processing on pan as if for immediate use (no soda) heat throughout the jar, and improves the appear- tha[ boiling watcr | J St rain and hll the bottles. Tap the bottles on the anC Frul may n be packe°d U into either cold or hot -mes to within one tight- | the products twice at required tern- witl Toiling salted water. Place jars or bottles. When using cold jars use cold water fTTL/ placeT at bottom of pan to prevent the I P “ Compfctcly TLling each jar immediately it has rings and caps into position. Sterilize in water bath or syrup. For hot jars use boilmg water or bodmg adng t 0 the botdcs and jars. been taken from the water bath. The sealing of the tor H hours/ Take and it ’Always pack fruit into the jars as t.ghtly as will do if preserving a large batch of | is important too es- H Ith possible, because when cooked the fru.t shrmks. Do vcgctablcs p ack and part l y | pcc S b “id. pels, as old peas will take much longer out the whole process. Read bean reape. not oZlety X fruit with water or syrup, and -al jars. (See general directions.) Use very hot | f 0 lh Thc young(?r the b l c t he better the 2nd sort hds to Sh n haff an inch of top of jar to'allow for -ter in pan ,f using hot: jars . and l.qu.d. Cold , , Nevcr p , peas whcn cha colour. return bottles to pan. expansion of air and to. prevent liqmd boiling over. -er in eh below I for vegetables is 1 and lemon or vinegar may be used Place rubber rings. mto position and see.that they gl . aduatly t 0 boiling point. | dcs Ltspoon to I tablespoon of salt to each four in the proportions of 1 teaspocm of sugar and rest quite flat. P ace lid on and scrc - htl > p “ B oil briskly for time required. Lfft out each bottle | breakfast cups of water (1 quart). To suit ind.vidual dessertspoon lemon to each . cups of 1 q . using bottles with glass tops and clamps place immcdia[ely directions t 0 scal . Add to salted water. rubber ring into pos.tion; do not t.ghten clamps. [hat (he ac(ion of —BOTTLING OF BEANS. , axx FOR OVEN METHOD. any bacteria is killed. Scarlet Runners, French or Butter Beans. S.—EASY HOME METHOD PLUfr J. - ' Place several thicknesses of paper on to scone ° f Syrup for Fruits:- dry Ingredients.-! lbs. plums; very firm plums. 3 tray or oven tray. Place jars on top of this; allow Ihm Syrup—l cup sugar to 2to 3 cups water. | I > g c|o(h Rcmovg b rea kfastcups of water. 5 breakfastcups of sugar. ■ : h SoffoS t . P M T ’ I beLl till (continued in Part 2, be Ion’). | « I parti I recipes for preserving fruits and vegetables part a ™gar l,«, dii.olvea,,, Sio.ln „rep Pl.o. rabbor rin S . Imo po.ijlon. Pack p0.d.0. | <ke>• bo<.™°mol,'Tb.l'"na “.lore S'LlnmU. 'a. mar a. pos.Mo'(o, 21 boor., n.-TOMATO RUREB. or allowed to get cold. lid 011 ve T I‘ghtly. Place bottles into water bath or 6.—RASPBERRY JAM. Wash and dry tomatoes thoroughly; P la «. into the oven. Cook until syrup nettrly reaches Ingredients. 9 lbs. raspberries, 9 lbs. sugar. oven slides and cook till very soft ana skins shrive . TIME FOR OVEN 801 FLING (FRUII). boiling point, and begins to ooze out of bottle. , Method. Place raspberries into well buttered Remove from oven. Press through .a wire sieve “J 1 ' 1 * Heat oven for 15 minutes, regulo turned to No. 1 Time about 50 to 60 minutes. 212 deg. (boding preserving pan bring slowly to the boil and stir till only skins and seeds remain. Bring pu.p to boi (260 deg.) Champion Cooker; No. I (260 deg.) point), when using watcr bath. | (hey ar( _ mus hy anc J no lumps. Add heated sugar and bottle immediately in previously heated bottles. New World Cooker. Very moderate oven. _ 260 deg. in oven (very moderate oven). | and bring quickly to boil; boil hard for five minutes. Fill to overflowing and screw tightly. Berriea fruits will take from 20 to 0 minutes When fruit is ready lift our each bottle and stirring all the time. Remove from stove and stir ROTTI ED TOMATO JUICE, raspberries, blackberries, cape goose ernes, curia , stand on p j ecc o f wo od or thick cloth. Screw , occasionally, till partly set, then bottle, cover. . ,' , Droduct select tomatoes which are,,, down ea J Jar immcdlatc)y it has been removed t ,J “/JLf goodl colour. wLh thoroughly. Cut etc. ■ | ; n .. re , (rom oven. Screw very tightly (important). Fest 7.—BOTTLED RASPBERRIES. Ready for Dessert. fo -irselv and simmer gently until very tender. All other flints appioximate y , DO j nt to sec if sealed. Turn bottle upside down, should | Select raspberries which are fresh and dry; wash S tra i n Add salt to taste, bring to boiling point Appearance-till syrup nearly rea hes boding point enoug(i Method ._ Fill hot jars with Strain ato fill . A -, t hin a half-inch and begins to ooze out of the bo tie ° raspberries, shaking the jars in order to obtain a top Adj-t new rubber jar rings, dipped To obtain 180 deg., mrn thc 2.—APRICOTS. Oven Method. , f u [| pac k. Make a syrup of 3 breakfastcups o( ;n boiling P water; add ste rilized covers and tighten oven ta a n d on haff ‘ Allow a longer time for fruit al Heat oven for 15 minutes with Regulo at No 1 sugar to 2 breakfastcups of water. Pty the boding using sc[ . ew . top Jars , loosen scai l 1 P ‘ ' for Champion Cooker, and 1 for New World. Select syrup over lhe berries till jars are full. Adjust * half-turn—release the second spring, if using this aegree. unripe side, just when the rubber and lid lightly, and pl;«»i in oven deg. which sea| wi[h a spr ; ng . p[ ace on rack tn a VEGETABLES.—Time for Water Bath or Sterilizer. apricots begin to change colour, for best results. F. for 20-30 minutes. Then seal. ■ dccp pan o f watcr which is at thc same temperature Beans and Peas.—Three hours. Have water boiling Wipe with damp cloth. Cut into halves, leaving Kir r- r a as thc jars; be sure that water comes up to one inch in thc sterilizer or water bath the whole of the time. t h e stones in a proportion of thc halves. Pack 8. PEACHES AND ‘ • from top of jar, and not touching each other. Bring If desired, sterilize for H hours; allow to very tightly into either hot or cold jars. Place rubber Wash and dry peaches carefully, then place over t 0 bojl and boil for sto 8 minutes. When processmg get cold, then in 24 to 48 hours sterilize again for rings into pos i tion . Fill jars with syrup (medium) steamer for 7 minutes lor blanching; remove skins ana complete, remove from pan and tighten seal, another H hours. to within half-an-inch from top of jar. Hot syrup pack firmly in bottles; coyer with boding syrup, ad- ]f pr( . fer[ . ( , dj proces sing may be done in a very slow Asparagus, Mushrooms, Sweet Corn.—Three fol . jlot j ars . Co | d syt . up f or co ld jars. Screw lids just rubber and lids lightly, and place in oven ovfn> 2 60 deg.—Regulo No. 1 for Champion Cooker, hours, or sterilize twice—lJ hours each time. on s ] ac kl y . Place several thicknesses of paper on deg. F. for one hour, then seal tightly. and No .1) f or New World—allow 40 minutes of Carrots, Beetroot, Cauliflower. —-2 to 2f hours, 01 top o f scone tray. Place bottles on paper. Place PEARS oven-processing. ■'"c” .'.r.'nd (V..T 23._PRESBRV.NG OF WHOLE TOMATOES, retain one inch of stem. Boil for 15 minutes. Rub about one hour for quart bottles; half to three-quartets ( iar J core Drop Select firm and not too ripe. Prick tomatoes, skins off under running water. Pack whole or in lor pint bottlcs> till skins o f apricots just begin to « so ‘ water untH ready using a s l larp fork. Place tomatoes on a flat tray,halves, or in slices. Cover with slightly salted water break . o fill ti c jars This saves discoloration. Pack the Cook in a moderate oven until tomatoes are just „„ai„ .. 10, T. 0..-2 .o 2! Ko„„. R„ „ . ,o„ = ± £ ’Z ili,.: n . s iT ’ .0..Lr0».. 5 . S-Laoh;., lo,^ iTOlr . T„ NECTARINES, ETC. Note.—When cold should apricots rise to the degrees then allow temperature to fall to seal when tomatoes arc cold. Select firm fruit just beginning to ripen. All top o f t he bottle, stand bottles upside down for several £ degrees and maintain as near as possible lor Another Simple Method for Fomatoes.—Grade fruits have a much richer flavour if preserved with p( acc bottles on their sides for several days. . . 5 •’ and select firm tomatoes, prick with fork. Place into the skins left on, but the rough furry skin on peaches ’ . J™. 260 j E f or Jars , poU r boiling salted watcr to within half an is very objectionable to soma folk. ‘ .. , I 11, can .be done in incb of top of jar. Adjust tings and caps. Sterd.ze Peel peaches, if desired, or remove skins by PRESERVING FRUI F-Every Var.ety . M' hours. I(I _a PPIFS in oven with Regulo at No. 1 Champion Cooker; placing into steamer and steaming till skins will Simplest Method of AlL—Wiur this method moie ,’ n re nd slice them, and pack No. j for New World Cooker. Time 40 minutes to slip off easily. Tima about 7 minutes. Leave whole, fruit and less syrup can be packed into jars. | I * P f ; b L , n tbe bottles Fill the bottles 1 hour, till skin just cracks. Seal each jar immedt- ’ S Imo halve, and remove stones, or cut fru.t into a syrup two cups o waler to each cup of J rrng, and screw l.d ately. slice., a. desired. sugar; or a syrup as desired. | ■ > l(contiHued in Part 5, ahoi'f right). | RECIPES AS DEMONSTRATED BY THE HOME SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF THE WELLINGTON GAS COMPANY LIMITED

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Dominion, Volume 34, Issue 112, 5 February 1941, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 34, Issue 112, 5 February 1941, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Dominion, Volume 34, Issue 112, 5 February 1941, Page 4


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