Today’s Programmes Empire Broadcasts The National Broadcasting Service wlb reuroadcast Daventry news or use record inga of Daventry news at the follow-ini: New Zealand times: 6.0 a.m.; 7.0 a.nt. K-0 a.m. (summary); 0.15 a.m.; 12.30 pan. J.Jo pan. (main items of previous news •>.40 p.m.; 9 p.m.; H.O ran. On Sundays tne noon transmission will be recorded from Daventry and rebroadeast at 1.10 p.m -Transmission 1 from Daventry. directed to Australia, New Zealand and the Far '-ast, at 4.25 p.m. and closes down nt 1.45 pan. New Zealand time. Transmit ters in operation are: GSB <31.55 ni„ 9.51 mc/s.): OSD (25.53 tn.. 11.75 mc/s.I: GSI(IO.S'Jm.. 15.14 mc/s.): GSI 119.66 m. 15.21 mc/s): GSP 19.60 tn.. 15.31 mc/s.). A fill news bulletin Is given at 5.45 p.m. and p news summary at 7.30 p.m. Additional news bulletins and summarle: are broadcast from Daventry during the day. most being receivable In New Zealand ror the convenience of readers who possess shortwave receivers a list of the times and
2YA, Wellington 8.50: Weather report for aviators. 7.10: Breakfast session. 7.30: District weather report. 9.30: Recordings. 10.0: Weather report for aviators. 10.10: Devotional service. Recordings. 10.28 to 10.30: Time signals. 10.45: "The Morning Spell: Take Down a Book,” by Mrs: Mary Scott, 11.0: Recordings. 12.0: Lunch music. 1.0: Weather report for aviators and weekend forecast. 3.0: Running commentary on Rugby Football Match (relayed from Athletic Park). 4.45 (approx.): Recordings. 5.0: Children's session. 6.15 (approx.): Dinner music. 0.55: Weather reports. 7.0: News. 7.28 to 7.30: Time signals. 7.30: Topical War Talks. 8.0: Wellington Competitions Society’s Concert. 9.10: Weather reports and station notices. 9.15: Dance programme. 10.0: Sports summary. 10.10: Dance programme (continued). 11.0: Close of normal programme. 2YC, Wellington 3.0-4.45: Light music. 5.0-0.0: Recordings. (1.45: Signal preparation for Air Force. 7.0: After-dinner music. 8.0: Classics tor the connoisseur. 9.0: On with the show. 10.0: Melody and humour. 10.30: Close down. 2YD, Wellington 7:0: "I'oll Asked for It”: From listeners to listeners. 10.0: Close down. IYA, Auckland 7.10: Breakfast session. 7.30: District wwitber report. 10. O: Devotional service. 10.1.5: Recordings. 11.0: ‘‘Mary Makes a Career" 11.15: Running commentary on l lie I'akiiranga Hunt Club's meeting. 12.0: Lunch music. 1.0: Weather forecast. 2.0: Recordings. 3.0: Football relay. 4.30: Sports’results. 5.0: Children’s session. 6.15 (approx ): Dinner music. 6.55: Weather reports. 7.0: News. 7.30: Topical Talks from the 8.8. C. 8.0: 'Taaklwaiora Maori Concert Party 8.32: Alfred Cortot (piano), Legend: "St. Francis Walking on the Water” (Liszt). 8.10: Phyllis Tye (mezzo-soprano). In Elgar numbers. "Like to the Damask Rose.” "A Song of Autumn,” "The Poet’s Life,” "The Shepherd's Song.” 9.10: Weather reports and station notices. 9.15: A radio romp. 9.45: Jeanette MacDonald (light vocal 1. “One Kiss”; “Lover, Come Back tn Me” (Romberg). 9.51: Carroll Gibbons mid his Boy Friends, "If You Were the only Girl” Memories. 10.0: Sports summary. .10.10: Dance music. 11.0: Close of •iorin.il programme. 3YA, Christchurch 7.10: Breakfast session. 10.30: Devotional MTviee. Recordings. 11.0: “Music and I bnvpr.'.’’ 11.10: Recordings. 12.0: Lunch nnj-ic. 2.0: Recordings. 2.30: Commeurnry on Rugby Football match. 4.30: Si or:s results. 5.0: Children’s session. 6.15 : Dinner music. C. 55: Weather sports 7.0: News. 7.30: Topical War from the 8.8. C. '.O: Regimental Band of H.M. Grenadier Guards, “Colonel Bogey on Parade.** B.lo* •“I'nios of the Silver Greyhound.” 8.35: Host on Promenade Orchestra, “Stars and Stripes Forever** March; “Semper Fidelis” •March (Sousa). 8.41: Jennette MacDonald <soprano). “One Kiss’* (The New Moon): “Lover Come Back to Me” (Romberg). 8.47: Caroll Gibbons (piano), and his Boy Friend®. “Chloe” (Moret); “Magnolias in the Moonlight” (Scliortzinger). 8.53: The Western Brothers, “Lord Haw-Haw. the Humbug of Hamburg” (Western). 8.56: Harry . Horlick and hfs Orchestra, “My Beautiful Lady” Waltz (Caryl!). 9.10: Weather reports and station notices. 9.15: Billy Cotton and his Band. 9.21: Lyn t’hristie (saxophone), “La Paloma” (Yradier): “Rigoletto Quartet” (Verdi). 9.27» Lnnino Lane and his Lambeth Walkers. 9.33: Billy Cotton and his Band. 9.36; Lyn Christie, “Indian Love Call” (Friml): ‘ London derry Air” (arr. O’Connor). 9.42: Eddie Peabody and his Dizzy Strings. 9.45: Billy Cotton and his Band. 9.48: Jack Hulbert and The Rhythm Brothers. 9.51: Cecily Courtneidge and Jack Hulbert. 9.54: Eddie Peabody and his Dizzy Strings. 9.57; Billy Cotton and his Band. 10.0: Sports summary. 10.15: Dance music. 11.0: Close of normal programme. 4YA, Dunedin 6.59: Weather report for aviators. 7.10: Breakfast session. 9.30: Recordings. 10.0: Weather report for aviators. Recordings 10.50: "Music mid Flowers." 12.0: Lunch music. 1.0: Weather report. 2.0: Record Ings. 3.0: Commcntry on Senior Rugby match (relayed from Carlsbrook). 4.45: Sports results. 6.15 (approx.): Dinner music. 6.55- Weather reports. 7.0: News. 7.30: Topical War Talks from the 8.8. C. 8.0: Plaza Theatre Orchestra, “The Three Bears” (Coates). 8.10: Dorothy Sligo (soprano). "Spreading the News” (Oliveri: "Cherry Ripe" (Lehmann). 8.16: Charles Brill Orchestra. "Soirees Mitsicalcs" (Ros sini). 8.26: Arthur Robertson (baritone) "Lochnager,” "The Auld Hoose” (Moffat) "Gala Water” (McFarren). 8.35: The Roes rio Bourdon Symphony, “Persiflage’ (Francis): “The Cotton Pickers” (Hare)"Intermezzo” from “Goyescas” (Grana dos). 8.45: Dorothy Sligo (soprano), "The Song of Sunshine” (Goring Thomas): “The Two Roses” (Bantock). 8.51 : The New Light Symphony Orchestra. "Triana” (Al beniz): "London Bridge” March (Coates) 9.10: Weather reports and station notices 9.15: Old-time dance programme. 10.0: Sports summary. 11.0: Close «f normal programme.
Tomorrow’s Programmes
2YA, Wellington
9.80: Itecorditigs. 10.0: Weather report for aviators. 11.0: Homan Catholic Church service (relayed from St. Mary's). 12.15 (nppi-ox.): Recordings. 1.0: Weather r t . port for aviators. 1.10: Daventry news Dinner music. 2.0: Works by Tschalkuv sky Series (No. 4): "Concerto No. 1 in J’. Flat Minor" played by John Barbirolli and tile London Symphony Orchestra. Sole pianist. Arthur Rubinstein. 2.35: "For tin’ .Music Lover.” 3.0: "New Zealand Brains Abroad.” 3.12: “New Tunes for Old.' 3.35: Musical comedy and light opera 4.0: "Thereby Hangs a Tale”: Stories behind musical favourites. 4.30: Band music 5.0: Children's song service. 5.45: Daven try news. Recordings. 0.55: Weather reports. 7.0: Anglican Church service (relayed from St. Thomas' Cliurcb). 7.45 (ap prox.): Recordings. 8.0: Boston Promenade Orchestra. "Three Cornered Hat” Dances (de Falla). 8.12: Joseph Miller (baritone). “Don Jnnn Serenade,” “A Summer Love Tale.” "To the Forest” (Tschaikovsky). 8.21: Therle Oswin and Barbara Coyle, “Marchenbllder Suite” (Schumann). 8.37: The Boston Promenade Orchestra. "Scherzo from String Octet" (Mendelsoshn): "Polonaise Militaire in A Major” (Chopin). 8.15: Keserved. 9.10: 'Weather reports and station notices 9.15: “The Taming of the Shrew.” 10.40: Close of normal programme. 2YC, Wellington 6.0: Recordings. 8.0: “Voices in Harmony.” 8.45: Reserved. 9.0: The lighter classics. 10.0: Close down. 2YD, Wellington 7.0: "England, My England.” 7.35: "Martin’s Corner." 8.0: “I Hear America Singing.” 8.30: Keyboard Colleagues. 8.45: Reserved. “Dad and Dave.” Instrumental music. "Tim Man in the Wheel Chair”: A "Piccadilly” feature. English notes. 10.0: Close down IYA, Auckland 9.20 (approx.): Recordings. 11.0: Sal ration Army aervice (relayed from Congress Hall). 12.15: Recordings. 1.0: Dinner music. 2.0: Recordings. 3.0: Talk by Lord Elton, “Reading in Bed.” 3.30: Haydn’s '‘Oxford” Symphony, played by Bruno Walter with the Conservatoire Orchestra. 3.50: Recordings. 5.0: Children’s song service. 0.55: Weather reports. 7.0: Baptist service (relayed froin Baptist Tabernacle).
■8.15: The Opera, "Don I’asrjunle,” by Donizetti. 8.45: Reserved. 9.10: Weather reports and station notices. 9.15: Acts 2
and 3of “Don Pasquale.” 10.30: Close of normal programme. 3YA, Christchurch 9.20 (approx.): Recordings. 11.0: Anglican service (relayed from St. John's Church). 12.15: Recordings. 1.0: Dinner music. 2.0: Recordings. 3.0: Symphony No. 8 in B Minor ("The Unfinished”) (Schubert), played by the Berlin Slate 'Opera House Orchestra. 3.25: Recordings. 50: Children’s service. 5.45: Daventry news. Recordings. 7.0: Presbyterian service (relayed from Knox Church). 815: Recordings. 8.30: The Orchestra of La Scala Theatre. Milan. “Tanci-edi” Overture (Rossini). 8.39: Peter Dawson (bass baritone), "Mother O’ Mine” (Tours); "Danny Deever” (Damrosch). 8.45: Reserved. 9.10: Weather reports and station notices. 9.15: Althea Harley Slack (piano) "17 Variations Serieuses. Op. 54” (Mendelssohn >. 9.28- Audrey Holdgate (soprano), of Granville Bantock Songs. “The Festal Hymn of Judith,” "Yung Yang. “The Ellin Lover.” "From the Tomb of an Unknown Woman,” “Feast of Lanterns.” 9 42- Philadelphia Orchestra. "Caprlcclo Italian, Op. 54” (Tschaikovsky). 10.0: Close of normal programme. ’ 4YA, Dunedin 9.20 (approx.): Recordings. 10.li,: Weather report for aviators. Recordings. 11 0: Presbyterian service (relayed from Sti Andrew's Presbyterian Church). 1.0: Weather report for aviators. 1.10: DavenIrv news, Dinner music. 2.0: Recordings. 2 30: Sir Adrian Boult and the B.BJ . Symphony Orchestra. "Enigma Variations.” 2.56: Recordings. 5.0: Song service 5.45: Daevntry news. Recordings 6 30: Church of Christ service (relayed from St. Andrew Street Church of Christ). 7.45: Recordings. 8.30: Sketch by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hailey “The Blue Gown" (Schmitt). 8.4;,: Reserved. 9.10: Weather reports and station notices. 9 15: The Boston Promenade Orchestra. "Mignon” Overture (Thomas). 9.23; Essie Ackland (contralto), “Knowcst Thou tlie I.and” (Thomas). 9.27: Beniamino Gigli (tenor), "Farewell Mignon (Thomas). 9.31: Lotte Lehmann (soprano), "A Gipsy Lad 1 Well Do Know, fllt-re With Him is She Now” (Timinas). 1)37: British Symphony Orchestra. "Marriage of Figaro’ Overture (Mozart). 9.41: V. Ursu leae (soprano) and E. Berger (soprano). "Letter Duet” (Mozart). 9.44. Peter Dawson (bass-baritone), “Now Your Days of Philandering Are Over” (Mozart). 9 18: Anna Case (soprano). "Oh Wliat heelings (Mozart). 9.52: Alexander Kipnis (bass), and E. Rinziczka (mezzo-soprano). 'lll Have Vengeance” (Mozart). i).s(i: Bournemouth Municipal Orchestra, “Marriage of Figaro" Fandango (Mozart). 10.0: Close of'normal programme.
most favourablp frequencies for recent ior tollowa (New Zealand Standard Time):— J--.ro a.m. .... (GSF, 19.82 tn., 15.14 mc/sj 3.30 a.m. .... (GSF. 19.82 tn. 15 it mc/s.5.30 it. in, .... (GSP, 25.53 nt.. 11.75 ntc/s.' 8.20 a.m. .... (GSC. 31.82 in.. 9.58 mc/s.) 5.15 a.m. .... (GSF. 19.82 nt.. 15 14 me/.’. 1 11.0 a.m. .... (GSF, 19.S2 m., 15.14 mc/s. I 12.30 p.m .... (GSE. 25.2S in.. 11.80 me/s. 2 p tn. .... (GSB. 31.55 tn.. 9 51 me/f 4.0 p.m. .... (GSB, 31.55 tn., 9.51 tnc/s.) H O p.tn. .... (GSF. 19.S2 nt.. 15.14 mc/s.
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Bibliographic details
Dominion, Volume 33, Issue 283, 24 August 1940, Page 9
Word Count
1,629WEEK-END RADIO Dominion, Volume 33, Issue 283, 24 August 1940, Page 9
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