Values At Yesterday’s Sales
Johnsonville A large yarding of all classes of catlie was offered nt the sale conducted in .Johnsonville yesterday. The bullocks penned comprised chiefly medium heavyweighin. A few pens of light and unfinished cattle were yarded. All classes met with a good sale, prices showing little alteration on those ruling last. week. No heavyweight female cattle came forward, the yarding comprising light and mediumweight sorts’. Prime-quality cows and heifers met with keen competition at prices slightly firmer on those ruling last week, though plain cattle met with no alteration. A good sale resulted for prime quality runners and vealers. Plain calves were easier by 5/- a head. Only a few pens of prime heavyweight wethers came forward in the sheep section, the balance of the yarding consisting of light to mediumweight sheep. Extra prime heavyweight sheep met with good competition, prices being 1/- a head firmer than last week's. Medium and lightweight wethers met with no alteration in prices. The yarding of ewes was of exceptionally good quality. Extra prime heavyweight ewes sold readily with prices fully 1/- a head up on those ruling last week. Prices for light and mediumweight ewes were (id. a head easier. Taking into account the quality, lambs met with h good demand, with last week's rates being fully maintained. Prices are :—
Cattle: Prime extra heavy bullocks, £l5 to £l3/18/-, prime heavy £l3/15/- to £l3/5/-, heavy £l3 to £l2/10/-, light and unfinisfied £ll/17/6 to £ll/2/-; extra prime heavy cows and heifers £0 to £8 10/-, prime heavy £B/7/6 to £7/14/-, cows and heifers £7/5/- to £6/5/-; ex-dairy cows £5/5/- to £3/12/6; runners, heavy, £5/5/- to £4/15/-, medium £4 to £3; vealers £2/12/6 to 13/-; small calves 12/6 to 5/-. .Sheep: Prime extra heavy wethers 34/to 31/9, prime heavy 31/4 to 29/-, medium 2S/4 to 25/8; prime extra heavy ewes 26/9 to 24/-, prime heavy 24/- to 21/-, medium 20/3 to 17/-; heavy lambs 26/3 to 22/6, medium 21/6 to 19/-, light 1.7/6 to 15/4. Addington (By Telegraph—Press Association.) CHRISTCHURCH, July 3. At the Addington stock market today there was a better tone about the store sheep sale, the yarding of 700 being rather small. A feature was a line of 148 Corriedale two-tooths and 112 four-year-old ewes. Most of the first mob made 34/9 to 35/-, and the second lot sold at 21/10. Romney-cross hoggets made 22/-, with medium sorts selling at about 10/- to 15/-. Hall'brcd sheep made 11/9, and young wethers brought to 20/3. The fat sheep yarding comprised 5500 head of patchy quality. Butchers' wethers showed a slight improvement, but light ewes slipped in value. Prime heavy wethers made 35/- to 38/-, and the tops to 47/4. Medium grades sold at 30/. to 34/-, wi.tli ordinary sorts selling at from 25/- to 28/-. Best ewes made 38/-, and good pens from 27/6 upward. The mediumweights ranged from 23/- to 27/-, and light sorts to 16/-.
The fat cattle entry of 522 head showed a big increase on the 342 of last week. The best grades maintained values, but ordinary sorts dropped by 10/- a head. Best beef made 44/- to'47/- a 1001 b., with the tops a shade more, and secondary 35/- to 38/-. Rough beef sold at from 30/-. .Several truck lots of turnip-fatten-ed cattle from the south helped the quality. Extra prime'heavy steers made £2l/17/6, and, prime pens sold from £l6 5/-. Medium grades ranged from about £l4, and lighter lines sold as low as £lO. Best heifers made £l7/12/6, and medium £lO/5/- to £ll/15/-. Mediumweights sold from £7/15/- to £lO, and light sorts £7. Prime cows realized to £lO/5/-, with the tops selling at £l5/17/6. A good supply of porkers was offered, but the chopper entry was smaller. The bacon entry was of moderate proportion. Pork sold at 7id. to Bd. a lb., and bacon at 7Jd. to 72d.
Stortford Lodge Dominion Special Service.
HASTINGS, July 3. Wethers were fully 1/- a head dearer at the Stortford Lodge stock sale today. Fat and forward four and six-tooths off high country brought 24/9, and two-tooths out of the same draft 22/6. The sale for store sheep was,* generally, quite sound, and the market was well inet. Very forward pens brought . 20/-, forward 19/-, light 17/6, small 15/9, and’ cull 12/3. Ewe hoggets were keenly sought after to make the highest values of the season, selling tit from 25/1 to 28/9. Most of the in-lamb ewes were mixed in age, and made firm rates. Good five-year-olds brought_26/3 and six-tooth to five-year sorts 27/9. Medium two-tooths made 14/8, and light four and six-tooths .19/-. The beef market showed little change. The market for cows was topped by the £lO/1 t/G paid for a, prime heavy entry of well-bred Aberdeen Angus beasts. Another. good draft made from £9/17/- to £l()/7/G, The top price for heifers was £lO/7/6, with the others making £B/12/6 to £9/17/6. Ox beef was in short supply.
Dominion Special Service.
PAHIATUA, July 3. Mainly wethers and hoggets were yarded in the sheep section of the weekly Pahiatua stock sale, and a marked improvement in prices was noticeable. Station cattle sold well. The attendance of buyers was moderate. Prices are:—
Sheep: Fat wethers, 27/- to 25/-; fat ewes, 17/3; four-tooth wethers (stores), good, 24/7; two-tooth wethers (stores), 22/3 to 20/9; wether hoggets, medium, 18/7 to 17/6, small, 14/- to 12/6. Cattle: Hereford cows, fat, £B/10/- to £7: light, fat P.A. cows, £6/5/-;‘ fat bullocks. £ll/2/6; P.A. steers, £6/5/- to £4/11/-; P.A. cows £4 to £3/4/-; weaner heifer calves, 35/-; 20-nionth heifers, £3/16/-.
Masterton Dominion Speciai Service. MASTERTON, July 3. Fat sheep were penned in larger numbers than in the past two weeks at the weekly stock sale in Masterton 'today. As the sale progressed prices showed a decided improvement on recent sales, despite the fact that opening bids showed a slight easing. Store sheep were in strong demand, with breeding ewes, in particular, being keenly sought. The rates for fat and store cattle remained on a par with those of earlier sales. Prices are:— Sheep: Fat wethers 26/- to 26/10; fnt ewes 18/3, 19/9, 2.1/6 to 22/-, light 14/to 16/6; fat S.D. ewes 23/- to 24/3; fat hoggets 17/6 to 22/-; forward wethers 25/1; store wethers 20/6 to 23/6; m.a. : ewes r.w. Southdown rams 20/- to 26/3; five-year ewes r.w. Ryeland' rams 20/7; small two-tooth ewes 17/6; b.f. hoggets 9/- to 17/6; woolly wether hoggets 10/1 to 15/-. Cattle: Fat heifers £7/5/- to £B/1/-; fat cows £5/9/- to £B/7/-; fat dairy cows £3/5/- to £5; weaner Jersey heifers, £3. Wanganui Dominion Speciai Service. WANGANUI, July 3. Light entries were forward iu all sections of the stock sale conducted in Wanganui today. A good sale resulted for fat sheep, with prices firming by about 2/- on last week's values’. Mostly aged cows were forward in the dairy section, and the values were not very high. The sale for pigs was good, with the entry being the smallest for some years. Prices are:— Sheep: Fat wethers, 24/- to 27/6; fat ewes, 20/6 to 22/3, light 16/G to 19/-; fat hoggets, good, 23/6 to 25/-, average sorts to 21/-: forward ewes, 10/-; breeding ewes to 22/7; wether hoggets, 17/2. Cattle: Fnt steers. £9/1/- to £lO/6/-, light, £7/12/6 to £B/11/-; fat S.H. cows, £6/9/- to £7/12/6; fat Jersey cows, £5/10/- to £6/15/-, light, £4/5/- to £5/5/-; store cows, £2/10/- to £3/1/-, medium Jersey yearling heifers. £2/14/to £3/10/-, small, 19/6 to £2/1/-; springing heifers, £5/10/- to £7/1/-, small and backward sorts, £3/12/6 to £4/10/-; dairy cows. £5/10/- to £7/5/-; aged culls, £3 to £4/15/-. Pigs: Light porkers to 35/-; forward stores, 28/- to 32/-, stores, 25/6 to 27/-; poor weaners, 14/- to 16/-. Vealers: Good runners, £5/8/6 to £6; vealers, £2/5/- to £2/11/-; calves, 21/- to 32/-.
Westfield (By Telegraph—Press Association.) AUCKLAND, July 3. An average entry of good quality beef sold readily at very firm rates at Westfield today. Extra choice ox beef made 39/- a 1001 b.; choice and prime, 36/- to 3S/-; secondary and plain, 32/- to 35/-; extra prime cow and heifer beef, 32/- to 36/-; choice and prime, 29/- to 31/-; and ordinary cow beef, 25/- to 28/-. Extra'heavy prime steers made £l5 to £l5/17/6; heavy, £13,10/- to £l4/10/-; medium, £l2/5/- to £l3; light, £ll/10/to £l2; small and unfinished, £7 to £lO 15/-; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £lO to £l3/7/6; heavy, £8 10/- to £9/10/-; lighter, £7/5/- to £8; others, £5/5/- to £6/15/-. An extra heavy yarding of good quality calves met with steady competition, but. values dropped considerably from last week s high quotations. Runners made £6/10/to £9/7/-; heavy venters, £4/12/- to £5 10/-; medium, £3/12/- to £4/8/-; light, £3 to £3/10/-; small. £2/6/- to £2/18/-; unfinished and bucket-fed, £1 to £l/15/-; bobby and rough, S/- to IS/-. Another small pig offering sold well, all values remaining firm. Choppers made £3/5/- to £4/14/-; heavy baconers, £4/9/- to £4/15/-; medium. £3/16/to £4/4/-; light, £3/9/- to £3/13/-; heavy porkers, £3/6/- to £3/11/-; medium, £2/15/- to £2/19/-; light, £2/6/- to £2/11/-; small and unfinished, £l/16/to £2/2/-; stores, £lB/- to £l/15/-; slipe. £l/3/- to £l/7/-; weaners, 16/- to £l/2/-. A full sheep entry sold freely at firm rates. Extra heavy prime wethers made 36/- to 37/-; heavy, 34/- to 35/-: medium, 31/6 to 33/-; light, 28/- to 30/-; plain and unfinished, 24/- to 26/6; extra heavy prime young and maiden ewes, 26/- to 27/-; heavy, 23/6 to 24/6; lighter 20/- to 22/6; plain and aged. 17/- to 19/-; others, 5/- to 15/6. An average number of lambs sold well at steady ruling quotations. Extra heavy prime lambs made 30/9 to 32/3; heavy, 27/to 29/-; medium. 24/6 to 26/-; lighter. 22/- to 24/-; light. 20/- to 21/6; small and plain, 14/- to 17/6; and culls, 3/- to 10/-. Burnside (By Telegraph—Press Association.) DUNEDIN. July 3. Both sheep and cattie were firmer in price at the Burnside stock sale today. More than 270 fat cattle were penned, and prices from the start were firm, but improved by 10/- as the sale weiit_ on. Extra prime bullocks made to £2O/7/6; prime, £l6 to £l7/7/6; medium, £l3/2/6 to £l4/7/6; and light, from - £9/5/-; extra prime cows and heifers, to £l4 2/6; prime, £lO/12/6 to £l2/2/6; medium, £B/15/- to £9/10/-; and light from £7/12/6. The best of the three and fouryear store steers made to £lO/6/-. The offering of 1235 fat sheep included about 100 hoggets. The quality was good, hut the supply was barely up to requirements, with the result that there was a general rise in prices by 2/6 to 3/6 a head. Extra prime wethers made to 48/3; prime, 39/6 to 43/-; medium, 34/9 to 36/9; ami light from 27/6; extra prime elites, to 39/-; prime, 26/- to 29/-; medium, 23/6 to 25/3; and light from 15/-. A medium entry of fat pigs was forward. A keen demand resulted, and there was a consequent rise in values. Heavy baconers made to £6, with medium sorts selling from £4/10/- to £5. Porkers realized to £3/15/-.
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Dominion, Volume 33, Issue 239, 4 July 1940, Page 14
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1,838LIVE STOCK MARKETS Dominion, Volume 33, Issue 239, 4 July 1940, Page 14
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