SUN. Sun rises to-day 5.34 a.m.; sets 5.39 p.m. HIGH WATER. To-day 2.34 a.m.; 2.56 p.m. To-morrow 3.25 a.m.; 3.46 p.m. ARRIVALS. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. NORA NIVEN, trawler (2.20 a.m.), 121 tons, Sutherland, from Cook Strait. MATANGI. a.S. (5.30 a.m.). 1349 tons, Wildman, from Nelson. MAORI, s.s. (7 a.m.), 3488 tons, Irwin, from Lyttelton. TAUPATA, m.s (7.15 a.m.), 173 tons, Hughan, from Motueka. PORT WAIKATO, m.s. (2:15 p.m.), 6(18 tons. Holmes, from Aucklartd. KOHL aux. scow (2.45 p.m.), 125 tons, Goldie, from Collingwood. STORM, s.a. (4.15 p.m.), 749 tons, Williams. from Wanganui. TAMAHINE, s.s. (6.10 p.m.), 1989 tons. Ritchie, from Pieton •SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. ARAHURA, s.s. (5 a.m.), 1596 tons, Hay, from Nelson. RANGATIRA, t.e.s. (7.5 a.m.), 6152 tons, Morgan, from Lyttelton. HOLMLEA. s.s. (11.35 a.m.), 553 tons, Kanerva. from Westport. KARTIGI, s.s. (1.30 p.m.), 2350 tons, Inman, front Greymouth; WAIMARINO. s.s. (1.35 p.m.), 3067 tons, Bruce, from Lyttelton. HUANUI. aux. scow (4.50 p.m.), 144 tons, from Foxton. TE AROHA, aux. seow (4 p.m.), 105 tons, Sawyers, from Little Wanganui. ALEXANDER. m.s. (6.45 p.m.), 377 tons, Martin, from Greymouth; DEPARTURES. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. WAITAKI, s.s. (12.25 a.m.), 2212 tong, Lowe, for Plcton. CAMBRIDGE, s.s. (12.30 p.m.), 10.850 tons. Williams, for Lyttelton. ECHO, aux. scow (1.20 p.m.), 126 tons, Miles, (for Blenheim. KAIMAI. s.s. (1.30 p.m.), 1435 tons, Gaskin, for Westport. WAINUI. s.s. (1.30 p.m.), 1633 tons, MacNleol. for Dunedin. TOTARA. s.s. (3.45 p.m.), 421 tons, Eden, for Greymouth. GAEL, m.s. (5.30 p.m.), 95 tons, for Tarakohe. PAKURA, m.s. (6.10 p.m.). 700 tons, Coldlcutt. for Napier. KAPITI, m.s. (7.15 p.m.), 242 tons, Johansen, for Wanganui. MATANGI. s.s. (7.35 p.m.), 1349 tons, Wildman, for Nelson. TAUPATA, m.s. (8 p.m.), 173 tons, Hughan. for Nelson. MAORI, s.s. 18.25 p.m.), 3488 tons, Irwin, tor Lyttelton. ■ SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. H.M.S. WAKAKURA (9 a.m.), for Marlborough Sounds. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Talisman, Nelson and bays, to-day, Kapuni. Patea, to-day. Maunganui, San Francisco, via Papeete and Rarotonga, to-day. 7 a.m. Marama. Sydney, to-day, 1 p.m. Echo. BleiTTieim. to-day. Hawera, Patea. to-day. Matangi, Nelson, to-morrow, 5.30 a.m. Maori. Lyttelton, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Tamahine. Pieton. to-morrow, 6 p.m. Taupata. Westhaven, to-morrow,_ Wingatul, Auckland, to morrow. Narbada. Calcutta, Auckland, to-morrow. Kapltl,-Wanganui, to-morrow. ' Gale. Dunedin, Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, tomorrow. Rangitano, Lyttelton, to-morrow. Kaitoa. Tarakohe, Wednesday. Gale. Wanganui, Thursday. Totara. Greymouth, Bruce Bay, Thursday. Holmdale. Onekaka. Thursday. Breese. Dunedin, Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton. Thursday. Ashburton, New York, Auckland, Thursday. Pool!a, Greymouth, Thursday. Pakura, Gisborne, Thursday. Tamaroa, London. Auckland, Friday. Ohifuku Mani, Milke, Auckland, Friday. Port Fairy. New Plymouth. Friday. Walntil, Dunedin, Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Friday. Canadian Scottish, Montreal, Auckland, Friday. Cape Horn, Los Angeles, Auckland, Friday. Kiwitea. Westport, Saturday. Karu, Greymouth, Saturday. Port Waikato, Dunedin, Timaru, Lyttelton, Saturday. Breeze, Wanganui, Saturday. Karepo, Portland. Saturday. Walpiata, Bluff. Dunedin. Timaru, Lyttelotn, Saturday. Holmlea. Dunedin, Timaru, Lyttelton, Sunday. John Knudsen, Talembang. Auckland. Sunday. Walmarino. Auckland, Monday. Port Whangarei. Auckland, Monday. Kalingo, Eden, Monday. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Holmdale, Wanganui, to-day. Titokl, Westport, Greymouth, to-day. Echo. Blenheim, to-day. Storm. Dunedin, Bluff, Oamaru, Timaru. Lyttelton, to-day. Port Waikato. Dunedin, Timaru, Lyttelton. to-day. Tamahine, Pieton, to-day, 2.45 p.m. Araliura. Nelson, to-day, 7.30 p.m. Rangatira; Lyttelton, to-day, 7.45 p.m. Kapuni, Patea. to-day. Port Hobart, Lyttelton, to-day. Omana, Westport, Greymouth, to-day. Walmarino. Auckland, to-day. Talisman, Nelson and bays, to->day. Matangi, Nelson, to-morrow, 7.30 p.m. Maori, Lyttelton, to-morrow. 7.45 p.m. Limerick. New Plymouth, to-morrow. Kapltl. Wanganui, to-morrow. Huaniii, Greymoutlh, Hokitika, to-mor-row. Kiwitea. Westport, to-morrow. Gale, Wanganui, to-morrow. Te Arolia, Westport, Karamea, to-mor-row. Holmlea, Dunedin. Timaru. Lyttelton, to-morrow. Kohl. Nelson and bays, to-morrow. Maunganui, Sydney, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Awatea. Auckland, Sydney, to-morrow. 11 p.m. Wingatul. Lvtteltonr Dunedin. Oamaru, Timaru, to-morrow. Narbada. Lyttelton. Wednesday. Kaitoa. Motueka. Wednesday. Taupata. Tarakohe, Wednesday. Holmdale. Dunedin, Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Thursday. Gale. Dunedin, Oamaru, Timaru. Lyttelton, 'Thursday. .. Breeze. Wanganui, Thursday. Port Waikato, Auckland. Thursday. Poolta. Greymouth. Friday. Cape Horn, Lyttelton, Saturday. Pakura, Napier. Gisborne. Saturday. Port Waikato. Auckland, Saturday. Walnni, Napier. Gisborne. Saturday. Canadian Scottish. Lyttelton. Saturday. Ashburton. Lyttelton. Saturday. Cliifuku Marti, Lyttelton, Saturday. Port Fairy. Lyttelton. Saturday. ‘ Rangitano, Auckland. Saturday. Breeze. Dunedin, Oaiiiaru, Timaru, Lyttelton. Saturday. Knrepo, Greymouth, Saturday. Waiplata. Auckland. Saturday Waimarino. Lyttelton. Dunedin, Bluff, Monday. Holmlea. New Plymouth. Waikato. MonPort da, Wliangarel. Lyttelton. Dunedin, Timaru, Monday.
Vessels Discharging HERTFORD (Federal Co.), left Liverpool June 6 for Auckland ■ (arr. Aug. 17), Wellington. LyttMton, Dunedin (arr. Sept. 12) and Bluff (due Sept. 16). LIMERICK (Union Co.), left Log Angeles Aug. 9 for Auckland (arr. Aug. 30), Wellington (arr. Sept. 3), New Plymouth (due Sept. 16), Lyttelton and Dunedin. PORT HOBART (Port Line), left Liverpool July 25 for Auckland (arr. Aug. 31), Wellington (arr. Sept. 10). Lyttelton (due Sept. 15) and Dunedin. NARBADA (Union Co.), left Calcutta Aug. 3 for Penang, Singapore. Samarang, Auckland (arr. Sept. 5). Wellington (due Sept. 15), Lyttelton (due Sept. 17), Timaru, Dunedin and Blnff. AURETTA. left Oeean Island Aug. 25 for Auckland (arr. Sept. 7) and Wanganui (due Sept. 14). ASHBURTON (Federal Co.), left New York July 31 and Newport News Aug. 4 for Auckland (arr. Sept. 9). Wellington (due Sept. 17), Lyttelton, Dunedin and Australia. CANADIAN SCOTTISH (Port Line), left Montreal July 23 for Auckland (arr. Sept. 9). Wellington (due Sept. 18). Lyttelton and Dunedin. TAMAROA (Shaw, Savill), from London. left Southampton Aug. 8 for Auckland (arr. Sept. 11) and Wellington (due Sept. 18). NAIRNBANK, left Cuba Aug. 11 tor Auckland (arr. Sept. 11). CAPE HORN (Union Co.), left Los Angeles Aug. 23 for Auckland (arr. Sept. 13), Wellington (due Sept. 18), Lyttelton, Dunedin. Bluff and Australia. Dominion Bound MAUNGANUI (Union Co.), left San Francisco Aug. 26 for Papeete, Rarotonga. Wellington (due Sept.- 14) and Sydney. TACOMA STAR (Blue Star Line owners. N.Z.S. Co. agents), left London Aug. 7 for Dunedin (due Sept. 15) and Lyttelton. JOHN KNUDSEN (Vac. Oil Co.), left Palembang Aug. 24 for Auckland (due Sept. 16) and Wellington (due Sept. 20). CHIFUKU MARU (Wright, Stephenson), left Milke Aug. 25 for Auckland' (due .Sept. 14), .Wellington (due Sept. 18). Lyttelton and Dunedin. ROTORUA (Federal Co.), left Liverpool Aug. 15 for Auckland (due Sept. 25), Wellington (due Oct. 2), Lyttelton. Dunedin and New Plymouts, REMUERA (Federal Co.). left Newport Aug. 18 for Auckland (due Sept. 241 and Wellington (due Oct. 1). HQRORATA (Port Line), left New York Aug. 2d and Philadelphia Aug. 24 for Auckland (due Sept. 24), Wellington (due Sept. 29).x Lyttelton and Dunedin. NAPIER STAR (Blue Star), left Liverpool Aug. 24 In ballast for Gisborne (due Sept 27). . AORANGI\(UnIon Co.), left Vancouver Sept. 9 tor Honolulu, Suva. Auckland (due Sent. 28) and -Sydney. GOLDEN CLOUD (Burns, Philp), left Los Angeles Sept. 1 for Auckland (due Sept. 27). Wellington (due Oct. 1) and Australia. CUMBERLAND (N.Z.S. Co.), left London Aug. 21 for Auckland (due Sept. 30) and Wellington (due Oct. 8). REYNOLDS, left Seychelles Aug. 30 tor Auckland (due about Sept. 30). PONTYPRIDD, left Seychelles Aug. 29 tor Bluff (due about Sept. 30)WAIRANGI (Shaw, Savill). left London Aug. 28 for Suva (due Sept. 27), Lyttelton (due Oet. 5), Dunedin, Bluff and Timaru. CANADIAN HIGHLANDER (Port Line), left Montreal Aug. 26 for Auckland (due Oct. 4), Wellington (due Oet. 10). Lyttelton. Dunedin and Tintaril. JUSTITIA (G. H. Seales, Ltd.), left Liverpool, Nova Scotia. Sept. 1 for Auckland (due Oct. 10), Wellington (due Oct 10>. Lyttelton, Timaru and Dunedin. lONIC (Sbaw, Savill). from London, left Southampton Sept. 4 for Wellington (due Oct. 15) and Auckland. TONGARIRO (Federal Co.), from Liverpool, left Milford Haven Sept. 10 for Auckland (due Oet. 19). Napier (due Oct. 25), Wellington (due Oct. 28). Lyttelton and Dunedin. KAURI (Union Co.). left the Clyde Sept. 5. Via Cape of Good Hope and South Australia. for New Zealand (due mid Nov.). Loading For Overseas CAMBRIDGE (Federal Co.), at Lyttelton: thence Sept. 15 to London, Avonmouth, Liverpool and Glasgow, via Cape Horn and Montevideo. CANADIAN CHALLENGER (Port Line), loads at Bluff Sept. 24; thence to Dunedin, Lyttelton, Wellington; due here Sept. 30; hence Oct. 2 to Auckland: thence Oct. 6 to New York. Boston and Montreal. DUNEDIN STAR (Blue Star Line), at Auckland; thence Sept. 14 to London, via Cape Horn. HERTFORD (Federal Co.), loads at Bluff Sept. 16: thence to Lyttelton, Wellington; due here Sept. 24; lienee Sept. 28 to Wanganui. New Plymouth and Auckland; Uhence Oct. 13 -to London, Avonmouth. Liverpool and Glasgow, via Pa nama Canal. NAPIER STAR (Blue Star Line), loads at Gisborne Sept 28: Uhence to Napier, Timaru, Wellington; due here Oet. 4; hence Oct. 7 to New Plymouth and Auckland: thence Oct. 17 to London, via Cape Horn PORT FAIRY (Port Line), at Oamaru: thence Sept. 15 to New Plymouth. Wellington: due here Sept. 18; lienee Sept. 19 to Lyttelton and Auckland: thence Sept. 29 to London, via Cape Horn and Teneriffe. PORT HOBART (Port Linfi). loads at Port Chalmers Sept. 16; thence Sept'. 18 to Timaru. Napier, Gisborne, Auckland and Wellington: due here Oct. 4; lienee Oct. 7 to London, Avonmouth, Liverpool and Glasgow, via Cape Horn and Teneriffe . RANGITANE (N.Z.S. Co.), at Lyttelton: thence Sept. 14 to Wellington; due hero Sept. 15; hence Sept. 10 to Auckland: thence Sept. 24 to London, via Panama Canal. SURREY (N.Z.S. Co.), at Auckland: thence Sept. 14 to Southampton and London. via Panama Canal. TAMAROA (Shaw, Savill). loads at Lyttelton Sept. 24; thence to Port Chalmers. Wellington; due here Sept. 30; hence Oct 3 to Auckland; thence Oet. 0 to Southamp ton and London, via Panama Canal. ZEALANDIC (Sbaw, Savill), at Auckland: thence Sept. 17 to London. AvonmouUh, Liverpool and Glasgow, via Cape Horn and Las Palmas.
.TO-DAY’S BERTHAGE LIST, Queen's Wharf —AAvatea (No. 1 south), AVaimarino (No. 1 north). Tauiahiue (No. 4). Holmdale (No. 6), Te Aroha (No. 10), Aralhura (No. 12), Talisman (No. 13), Kohi (No. 13). Echo (No 13), Port Waikato (No. 14). Ferry Wharf—Rangatira. Matai. Railway AVharf—Klwltca. G’-.-’n.w Wharf—Storm.' King’s Wharf— Dori Hobart, Kapuni Hawera. Alexander. Pipilea Wharf—Marama Narbada. Ao'.ea Quay—Holmlca. Taranaki St. Wharf—Maunganul. Titokl. Miramar Wharf—Omana. Burnham Wharf—Paua. Patent Slip—John. AVahine, Titoki. In Dock—Limerick.
Union Cargo Service - ■ —~ The following are the movements of Union Company vessels-engaged In Its intercolonial cargo service:— The Gabriella, from Graftou, Coffs Harbour, and Port Stephens, Is to leave Newcastle to-morrow for Auckland and Wellington. The Kaikbral is to load at Newcastle today and completes at Sydney for. Auckland. < • ■ *. ■ ’ Ibe Kslpoga is to load at Edlthburg about Wednesday and completes at Stenhouse Bay, Adelaide, and Melbourne for Weßlngton and Tarakohe. The Kaiwarra is to leave Newcastle to- ?. a y IP,! Sydney to complete loading for New. Plymouth, Wellington and,Napier. The Kalingo. from Newcastle, is to ‘ leave ( ° r WeU!n Kt ° n ’ WeBt P° rt The Karetu Is to leave Newcastle to-day and Sydney to-morrow for Bluff, Dunedin. Timaru, Lyttelton and Miramar. From here she will proceed to Port Chalmers to survey. The new motor-ship Kauri is to load at South Australia about' the end of October tor New Zealand. The Omana is to leave Wellington today for Westport and Greymouth to load for Melbourne. She will then load at Melbourne and Adelaide for Bluff. Dunedin. Lyttelton, Wellington and Wanganui. The Walkouaiti, from Newcastle and Sydney, is to leave Dunedin, to-morrow for Timaru and Lyttelton, thence via Bluff, to ■ Sydney and Newcastle. The Waipahi, from .Sydney and Newcastle. via New Plymouth, was due at Gisborne yesterday to complete discharge.' The Waitakl U to leave Bluff to-day for Melbourne. She will leave Melbourne again on September 23 for Bluff. Dunedin. Lyttelton and Wellington. TONGARIRO CLEARS MILFORD HAVEN Cabled advice has been received by the Federal Company that the Tongarlro, from Liverpool, cleared Milford Haven last Thursday for Auckland, Napier. Wellington. Lyttelton and Dunedin. She is due at Aucklaud on October 19. WAIRANGI CLEARS BALBOA. Cabled advice has been received by the Shaw, Savill Company, that Its motor-sfilp Walrarigi. en route from London to Sura, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff and Tim?ru, cleared Balboa last Thursday. Site is due at Suva on September 27 and at Lyttelton ou October 5 MAUNGANUI DUE 7 A.M. TO DAY. From San Francisco via Papeete and Rarotonga, the Union Company’s R.M.S. Maunganui is due in the stream at Wellington at 7 a.m. to-day. and will berth at the Taranaki Street Wharf. She is to leave here again at 3 p.m. to-morrow, for Sydney. RANGITANE LOADING... The New Zealand Shipping Company’s motor-liner Rangitane reached Lyttelton on Saturday morning from Auckland to commence her Homeward loading. She is'due at Wellington to morrow for further loading and will leave here again next Saturday for Auckland to fill up, clearing that port finally on September 24 for London via the Panama Canal. NARBADA LEAVES AUCKLAND. After having been delayed at Auckland, the Union Company's chartered steamer Narbada left that port on Saturday evening for Wellington. She is due here tomorrow morning to discharge the local portion of ber Eastern cargo, and will again on Wednesdaj- for Lyttelton. Timaru, Dunedin and Bluff to complete. TAMAROA’S MOVEMENTS. The Shaw. Savill liner Tamaroa is now due at Wellington next Friday from Auckland to complete discharge of her London ca rgo. ALEXANDER TO SLIP. The Anchor Company’s motor-ship Alexander. which arrived at Wellington yesterday evening from Greynioqth. Is to go on the Patent Slip to-morrow morning for eleaning and painting. MARAMA due 1 P.M. TO-DAY. En route front Sydney to Wellington, the Union Company’s Marama has reported by wireless that she expects to arrive in. the stream at 1 p.m. to-day. She will berth at the Pipitea Wharf. The Marama will nay off and lay up at Wellington until the ”nj of October, when she will enter the Melbourne service. CAPE HORN AT AUCKLAND.
The Union Company's chartered motorship Cape Horn reached Auckland yesterday from Los Angeles. She is due at Wellington next Friday to discharge the local portion of her Pacific Coast cargo, and Is to leave again -the following-day for Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff and Australia to complete. , GOLDEN CLOUD LEAVES iOS / " ANGELES. Advice has been received that the 0. and O. Line steamer Golden Cloud cleared Lbs Angeles on September 0 for Auckland, Wellington and Australia. She is now due at Auckland on October 5. TAMAROA'S PASSENGERS. I’he Shaw. Savill liner Tamaroa, which reached Auckland las' Fridav from London and Southampton, via the Panama Canal, brought the following passengers:— For Auckland: Mr It. P. (’ Alston. Mr A A and Mrs Cameron Mrs G M. and Masters (21 Glennie Mrs. K. and Master K. Hedges. Canrain G A Humphrey-Davies. Mrs. F. A. Johnston. Mr. J. R. and Mrs Morris. Mrs. M. A. G. Robertson. Mrs. E. P Simson. Sir James Steel-Maltland. Miss G. Steel-Maitland. Lieutenant-Colonel E. Swifte. Mrs. B. Tanp. Mrs C. J. Thorp. Miss E. IVaters Miss D. E. Wright. For Wellington : Mr. G. IV. Arnold. Mr J. H.. Mrs. and Miss J. Beavon. Air J. C.. Mrs. and Misses (21 Holmes. Mr. N. M.. Mrs. and Master R. Izard. M’ss Mayhew. Mr. Freeborn Parsons. Mrs A M. and Miss M. Plintmer. Mr. S. Simmons. Miss A. Tomlinson, Mr F. and Mrs. Warden. For Napier: Dr S.. Mrs. .and Masters (2) Secular. For Lyttelton: Mr. A, E Harker. Mrs IV. and Misses (2) Barr. Mr. A. S. Holdsworth. Mrs. F. A. P and Master P G F. Kingsohte, Mr. F Marsha'l For Po*-t Crn'mcrs: Mrs M A. I. and Meste- L. J Clarke: also 21 passengers for Australia BY TELEGRAPH OVERSEAS. LONDON. September IL Arrived.—At Colon. Wairangl: at Quebec. Canadian Cru'ser. Sailed.—From Milford Haven*. Tongariro. LONDON. September 12. Sailed.—From Victoria. Aorangi. BY TELEGRAPH COASTAL. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 12. AUCKLAND. Sailed.—Wingatui (2.30 p.m.l. and Narbada (6.30 p.m.l. for Wellington. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Kara (5 45 p.m.L from Wellington. PICTON. Arrived.—Waitaki (8.10 a.mJ. from Wellington LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Walpiata (6 a.mJ. from Weilington: Hangitane (6.3(1 a.mJ. from Auckland: Rangatira (6 4(1 a.mJ. from Wellington , _ Sailed.—Waimarino (6.2-1 p.m.l. and Rangatira (8 35 p.m.l, for Wellington. greymouth. Arrived,—lames Cook (7.35 a.mJ. from Wellington DUNEDIN. Arrived.-Hertford (7.1(1 a.mJ. from Lyttelton. ■ . _. Sailed — Holmglen Ki-40 p.m.l. for Ttmarn. COASTAL. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. AUCKLAND. Arrived —Port Whancarel (!• am.). from Wellington: Cape Horn (1.30 p.m.l. from Bos Angeles LyTTELTOX Arrived—Gale (6.40 ami, from Timaru: Maori (7 a.mJ. and Cambridge (8.40 a.mJ from Wellington WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels wore expected, to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations last night.- - AUCKLAND.—Kaikorai. Matua. Maui Pomare - Auretta. Chifnku Maru. Elmworth Zealandlc. Niagara. WEI.LINGTON. —11.M.5. Leith, Nucnla. HM s Wellington, Aorangi. Limerick. Akaroa. Hororata, Rangitata. Rerauera. Rotorua. Tacoma Star, Marama. Maunganui. Narbada A AVARUA.—lames Cook. Karetu. Makura. Triaster. Golden Bear. Golden Coast. Nieuw Zeeland. Mooltnn. Queen Mary, Strathaird. Tliorhild. AVanganella. Triona
Day. Hr. m. Full moon ... J. 1 0 a.m. Last quarter . 8 3 0 p.m. New moon ... 1« 6 0 a.m. First quarter . 24 10 0 a.m.
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Dominion, Volume 29, Issue 299, 14 September 1936, Page 12
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2,758SHIPS AND CARGOES Dominion, Volume 29, Issue 299, 14 September 1936, Page 12
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