PHASES OF THE MOON. APRIL. Day. Hr. m. First quarter .. 3 528 p.m. Full moon .... 11 18 a.m. Last quarter .. 17 3 47 p.m. New moon .... 25 6 8 a.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 6.20 a.m.; sets, 5.22 p.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 8.32 p.m.; sets, 12.15 p.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 8.37 a.m.; 9 p.m. To-morrow, 9.27 a.m.; 9.54 p.m. i ARRIVALS. THURSDAY, APRIL 13. TAMiAHINE. B.s. (1.5 a.m.), 1989 tons, Kane, from Picton. KAPITI, m.s. (2.50 a.m.), 242 tons, Johansen. from Wanganui. MATANGI, s.s. (5.30 a.m.), 1349 tons, Wildman, from Nelson. WAHINE, s.s. (7 a.m.), 443 G tons, Irwin, from Lyttelton. WAIPIATA, s.s. (8.5 a.m.), 2826 tons, Gray, from Lyttelton. KAIMAI, s.s. (8.15 a.m.), 1428 tons, Hackworth. from Greyniouth. CALM, s.s. (8.30 a.m.). 981 tons, McKenzie, from Wanganui. WAINUI, s.s. (9.15 a.m.), 1633 tons, Howie, from Melbourne via Lyttelton. HODMDALE, s.s. (10.40 a.m.), 6SI tons, Copland, from Timaru. STORM, s.s. (11.35 a.m.), 749 tons, Williams. from Lyttelton. INAIIA. m.s. (noon), 251 tons, Gibson, from Patea. HAWERA. s.s. (12.40 p.m.), 174 tons, McKinnon, from Patea. KAI'RANGA, s.s. (1.15 p.m.), 2830 tons, Whitefield, from Westport. MATAI. s.s. (3.35 p.m.), 950 tons, Burgess, from Cook Strait, ARAHURA, s.s. (5 p.m.), 1596 tons, Hay, from Nelson. FUTURIST, trawler (10.15 p.m.), 241 tons, Ormcs; from Cook Strait. FRIDAY. APRIL 14. TAMAHINE. s.s. (2.25 a.m.), 1989 tons, Kane, from Picton. ECHO, aux. scow (4.5 a.m.), 99 tons, Radford, from Blenheim. KOHI, aux. scow (4.55 a.m.), 125 tons, Goldie, from Waitapu. KAITOA, s.s. (5.30 a.m.), 319 tons, MacMillan. from Nelson. RANGATIRA; e.t.s. (6.55 a.m.), 6152 tons, Cameron, from Lytteltou. HUNTINGDON, s:s. (7.30 a.m.), 10,951 tons, Field, from Lyttelton. WANGANELLA, m.s. (8.25 a.m.), 9650 tons, Bates, from Sounds. POOLTA, s.s. (12.45 p.m.), 1675 tons, Fish, from Lyttelton. OPIHI, s.s. (1.25 p.m.), 1117 tons, Evans, from Lyttelton. KAPUNI, m.s. (2.40 p.m.), 184 tons, McKinnon, from Patea. FAIRBURN, aux. scow (2.45 p.m.), 69 tons, from Little Wanganui. PORT CURTIS, s.s. (5.50 p.m.), 8287 tons, Lewis, from Napier. DEPARTURES. THURSDAY, APRIL 13. RANGITA'NE, m.s. (7 a.m.), 16,732 tons, McKellar. for London, via Panama Canal. TALISMAN, aux. scow (4 p.m.), 97 tons, Henry, for Nelson and bays. CANADIAN LEADER, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 5492 tons, for Dunedin. TAMAHINE, s.s. (6.10 p.m.), 1989 tons, Kane, for Picton. K'l'Nl, s.s. (6.40 p.m.), 13S8 tons, Collins, for Westport. WAINUI, s.s. (6.50 p.m.), 1633 tons, Howie, for Dunedin, Bluff, and Melbourne. CALM. s.s. (6.50 p.m.), 981 tons, McKenzie. for Lyttelton. WAHINE, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 4436 tons, Irwin, for- Lyttelton. MATANGI, p.m.), 1349 tons, Wildman, for Nelson. A.RAIIURA, s.s. (9.30 p.m.), 1596 tons, Hay, for Nelson. JOHN, s.s. (11.5 p.m.), 342 tons, Kanerva, for New Plymouth. FRIDAY, APRIL 14. WANGANELLA, m.s, (12.30 p.m.), 9650 tons, Bates, for-Sydney and Melbourne. RANGITATA, m.s. (5 p.m.), 16,732 tons, Hunter, for Lyttelton. ItANGATIRA, t.e.s. (7.50 p.m.), 6152 tons, Cameron, for Lyttelton. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Port Whangarei, Auckland, to-day. Otaki, Auckland, to-day. Wahine, Lyttelton, to-day. 7 a.m. Matangt, Nelson, to-day, 5 p.m. Maliana, Auckland, to-day. Storm, Wanganui, to-morrow. Kohl, Nelson and bays, to-morrow. Awahou, Gisborne, to-morrow. Arahura, Nelson, to-morrow. 5.30 a.m. Tamahlne, Picton, to-morrow, 9.30 p.m. Kangatira, Lyttelton, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Wingatul, Auckland, to-morrow. Tees. Chathams, Lyttelton, to-morrow. Makura, Sydney, Monday. Rangatira,«Picton, Monday, 5 p.m. Matangi, Nelson, Tuesday, 9.30 a.m. Wahine, Lyttelton, Tuesday, 7 a.m. Tamahlne, Picton. Tuesday, 0.30 p.m. Echo, Blenheim, Wednesday. Kapiti, Wanganui. Wednesday. Hawera, Patea, Wednesday. Kartigi, M(estport, New Plymouth, Wednesday! Holmglen, Dunedin, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wednesday. Maui Pomare, Apia, Lyttelton, Wednesday. Kia Ora, Liverpool, Napier, Wednesday. Orari. Liverpool, Auckland, Wednesday. Opihi. New. Plymouth, Nelson, Thursday. Kini, Greyniouth, Thursday. Kaimiro. Greymouth, Thursday. Monowai. Sydney, Auckland, Thursday. Gale,. Dunedin, Timaru, Lyttelton, Thursday. Gale, Wanganui, Saturday. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Hawera, Patea, to-day. Kapiti. Wanganui, to-dny. Kapuni, Patea, to-day. Kalingb, Gisborne, to-day. Kaitoa, Motueka, to-day. Echo, Blenheim, to-day. Mataugi, 'Nelson, to-day, 7.30 p.m. Wahine, Lyttelton, to-day, 7.45 p.m. Tamahlne, Picton, to-day, 1.15 p.m. Opilii, New Plymouth, Nelson, to-day. Poolta, Napier, Gisborne, to-day. Port Whangarei, Lyttelton. Dunedin, Timaru, to-day. Rangatira, Picton, Monday. 8 a.m. Rangatlra, Lyttelton, Monday. 7.45 p.m. Tamahlne, Picton, Monday, midnight. Arahura, Nelson. Monday, midnight. Fairburn, Westport, Tuesday. Holmdale. Dunedin, Oarnaru, Timaru. Tuesday. Tees, Lyttelton, Tuesday. Maori, Lyttelton, Tuesday, 7.45 p.m. Matangi, Nelson. Tuesday, 7.30 p.m. Makura, San Francisco, via Rarotonga and Papeete, Tuesday. Wingatui. Lyttelton. Dunedin, Timaru, Tuesday. Kohi, Nelson and bays, Tuesday. Inaha. Wanganui. Patea, Tuesday. Kairanga. Auckland. Tuesday. Storm, Lyttelton, Bluff, Dunedin, Tuesday. Port. Curtis, London, via Cape Horn, Wednesday. Awahou. Napier. Gisborne. Wednesday. Somerset, London, Manchester. Liverpool, Glasgow, Wednesday, 7 a.m. Holmglen, Wanganui. New Plymouth, Waikato, Wednesday. Mahana, Wanganui. Wednesday. Huntingdon, Bluff, Thursday. Opilii. Dunedin, Timaru. Lyttelton, Thursday. Otaki. Wanganui. Thursday. Monowai, Sydney. Melbourne, Thursday. Gale, Wanganui. Thursday. Kini, Napier. Gisborne. Thursday. Kaimiro. Auckland. Friday. ■ Gale. Dunedin, Oarnaru, Timaru, Saturday. TO-DAY’S BERTHAGE LIST. Queen’s 'Wharf.—Opihi (No. 2). Tamahinc (No. 4), Hawera (No. 5), Kapiti (No. 5). Port Whangarei (No. 6). Futurist (No. 7). Fairburn (No. 11), Echo (No. 13). Kohl (No. 13). Ferry Wharf.—Wahine, Maori. Matai. Railway Wbar.f.—Kairanga, Kainiai. Glasgow Wharf. —Otaki. Tort Curtis. King's'Wharf.—Somerset, Mahana, Kapuni. Pipitea Wharf. —Huntingdon, Poolta, Kaitoa. Inaha. Taranaki Street Wharf.—Kaimai. Clyde Quay Wliarf.—H.M.S. Dunedin, H.M.S. Laburnum, 11.M.5. Veronica. Burnham Wharf.—Paua. In the Stream.—Kaiwarra. Katoa, Kotnata, Omana, Himatangi, Parcra. MAKURA LEAVES SYDNEY. Cabled advice has been received that the Union Company’s R.M.S. Makura left Sydney last Thursday afternoon for Wellington. She is due here on Monday morning, and will leave again the following afternoon for San Francisco, via Rarotonga and Papeete.
WANGANELLA'S PASSENGERS For Sydney and Melbourne The Huddart- Parker motor-liner Wanganella, which left Wellington at midday yesterday for Sydney and Melbourne, took the following passengers:—Mr. A. Watts, Major Toms, Mr. E. G. Laue, Mr. George Epstein. Mrs. I. M. Murning, Mr. McLean, Mr. D. H. Le Soucf, Mr. and Mrs. Furness, Miss J. C. Saxton, Mrs. H. M. Hull, Mr. and Mrs. Gamble, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Trenam, Mr. S. E. Chatterton, Mr. F. 11. Clark, Mr. A. C. Butcher, Mr. IV. Dawson, Mr. I. Duncan, Mrs. and Miss Kean, Mr. Hounslow, Mr; McKinnon, Mr. W. F. Edmond, Mr. Kelly, Mr. R. Can. Mr. Bindsehedlcr, Miss Watt. Miss Newell, Mrs. W. T. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. L. Dwan, Mr. S. CI. Nutt, Mr, O'Callaghan, .Mr. and Mrs. G. Sykes. Mr. and Mrs. G. Jenkins, Mr. Grounds, Mr. T. Brash, Mr. D. Fulton, Rev. T. K. Ewen, Miss Kelly, Mrs. J. Wilson, Miss D. Strickland. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Miss Moore, Miss Montague, Matron E. Walker, Professor Richards, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hutcheson, Miss I. H. Gould, Miss D. Kilner, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Gould, Mrs. H. B. Archer, Mr. R. B. Nelson, Mr. Hann, Mr. L. E. Smith, Mr. L. A. Clausen, Rev. Mr, Grealy, Mr. P. Mcßae, .Mr. and Mrs. I. Gunn, Mr. Malaher, Mr. Morgan, Mr. Napier, Mr. Hannaford, Mr. I’. N. Bonnet, Mrs. and Misses (2) Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. R. Wood, Miss G, E. Gee, Mr. Wallworth, Miss Osorue and infant, Mr. and Mrs. Livingstone. Mr. J. B. Wright, M and Mrs Livingstone, Mr. J. B. Wright, Mr W. Illingworth, Mrs. and Miss A. Clark, Miss Mathers, Miss McAlary, Miss E. Judge, Miss P. Page, Mr. A. Davidson, Mrs. A. Clarke, Miss V: Charlton, Miss Turner, Mrs. E. Woodhams. Mr. and Mrs. Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Truscott. Miss Gane, Miss S. Cooper. Miss L. Russell, Miss I. Dongan. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bottomley, Mrs. Castle and two children, Miss D. Sweeney, Mr. W. Chandler, Mr. C. M. Hayward, Mr. J. R. Elliot. Miss V. S. Rope, Mr. Castle, Mrs. J. A. Plimmer, Mrs. and Miss Berman, Mr. and Mrs. Bduras, Mrs. 1.-L. Bond, Miss Zieger, Mrs. S. Holm. Colonel and Mrs. E. Turton, Mr. A. Rose, Mrs. Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. G. Robinson, Miss E. A. Smith, Miss J. Waugh, Young Sher King, Young Sui Sue, Ng' King Chong, Young Yee Fong, Joe Lai Fun, Pak Yuen, Ah Chong, Young Chan Won, Young Chan, Mrs. R. Simmonds and Misses Simmonds (2), Mr. and Mrs. P. W. King, Mrs. "Weston and infant, Mr. and Mrs. Mullen and infant, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jewell, Mr. Harris, Mr. Mackay, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Munro, Miss N. G. King, Miss M. G. S. King, Mr. 8. J. Warwack, Mr. W. R. C. Oswin, Mrs. R. E. Fowler, Mrs. Anderson, Mr. G. G. Speedy, Captain R. H. McIntyre, Miss C. M. Dare. Mrs. Sampson. Miss F. Smith, Mr.’ and Mrs. Carson and child, Mr. and Mrs. Key, Mr. W. J. fleslehurst, Mrs. Cosmas and two infants, Mr. J. A. Hosking, Miss Mackie, Miss Heenan, Mrs. Everett, Miss Ross. Miss H. Gooder, Miss C. E. Acheson, Miss R. Mortimer, Mrs. Gilkison, Miss H. Gilmer, Mrs. Dutton, Mrs. Triplow. Mrs. 11. McDonald, Miss D. Mawley, Miss Mintow-Senhouse, Mrs. and Miss Paris, Mr. G. E. Clark, Mr. A. P. Brown, Miss E. Luffman, Mrs. J. Millie, Miss Anson, Miss V. Anstice, Miss Ashley, Mrs. Wilson and infant, Mr. and Mrs. W. Harrison, Mrs. Crine, Mrs. Spicer. Misses Baldwin (2), Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone, Mr. E. H. Notley, Mr. Armstrong, Miss H. Gunn. Mrs. D. Wilson, Miss M. Campbell, Mrs. Heighway, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Waliworth, Mr. A. J. Cant, Mr. Gordon, -Mr. MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. W. Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Butt, Miss Manning, Krs. Dorrington, Mrs. Crossley, Mr. E. J. Page, Mr. Paterson. Mr. J. Tompkins, Mr. and Master Lea, Mr. and Mrs. Peryer, Mr. Manning, Mr. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Vickers, Mr. and Mrs. E. Garrett, Mr. nnd Mrs. Radpliffe and infant, Mrs. Donald and boy, Miss M. Park, Mrs. Barras, Miss M. Swaine, Mr. R. W. Massey, Mr. W, W. Snow, Mr. Miles, Mr. and Mrs. E. Banks, the Rev. and Mrs. Newell. Mrs. Wildey and Misses Wildey (2), Miss Cross, Miss Soundy. Mrs. Hendie, Mr. Anson, Mr. Malcolm, Mrs. E. Robertson. Miss E. Anoni, Mrs. F. E. J. Oakley. Mrs. Shearer and infant, Mr. and Mrs. Cundall, Miss Sharp, Miss Crawford, Mr. R. J. Thompson and two children, Miss Humphreys. Mrs. Jeffreys, Mrs. M. Pearce, Mr. Liddle, Mr. H. James, Mr. V. Conlon, Mrs. Kelly and three children, Mr. W. H. Ashworth, Mr. R. P. McMillen, Mrs. Pilkington. Mrs. E. Milne, Miss Pilkington.. HUNTINGDON* IN PORT. To continue her Homeward loading to the agency of the New Zealand Shipping Company, the Federal steamer Huntingdon arrived at 'Wellington yesterday morning from Lyttelton, and berthed at the Pipitea Wharf. She is to leave here again next Thursday for Bluff to fill up, and is scheduled to clear that port finally on April 24 for Montevideo, Santos, Rio de Janeiro, and London. OTAKI IN PORT. The New Zealand Shipping Company’s steamer Otaki is due at Wellington this morning from Auckland and will berth at the Glasgow 'Wharf to continue her Homeward loading. She is to leave here again npxt Thursday for Wanganui to fill up and is scheduled to clear that port finally on April 22 for London, via Cape Horn, Montevideo nnd Las Palmas. MAHANA IN PORT. To continue her Homeward loading, the Shaw-Savill steamer Mahana is due at 'Wellington this morning from Auckland and will berth at the King's Wharf. She is to leave here again next Wednesday for Wanganui to fill up and is scheduled to clear that port finally on April 21 for Hook of Holland and London, via Cape Horn. BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEAS. LONDON, April 13. Arrived.—At Southampton, Akaroa: at Honolulu. Mariposa. Sailed.—From New Westminster. Hauraki. LONDON, April 12. Arrived.—At Colon. Wirral and Fordsdale. Sailed.—From Balboa. Port Hunter. SYDNEY. April 13. Arrived.—Waikouaiti. from Bluff. Sailed.—Makqra (4 p.m.). for Wellington; Monowai (4.20 p.m.). for Auckland. , COASTAL. THURSDAY. APRIL 13. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Karamea (8.20 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed. —Mahana (6.45 a.m.) and Otaki (7 a.m.). for Wellington: Waipalii (3.25 p.m.). for Suva; Wingatui (5.40 p.m.). t'or Wellington. PICTON. Arrived. —Storm (7.10 pan.), from Wellington. GREYMOUTH. Sailed.—Karepo (11.30 a.m.), for Sydney. LYTTELTON. Arrived. —Rangatlra (6.40 aan.), from Wellington : Poolta (7 a.m.) and Opihi (12.5 pan.), from Timaru; Wakakura (4 pan.), from Akaroa. Sailed,—Poolta (5 p.nt.). Huntingdon (5.45 pan.), Opihi (7.25 p.m.) and Rangatira (8.50 p.m.). for Wellington. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Waimarlno (9 aan.), from Lyttelton. Sailed. —Opawa (6.45 a.m.). for London; Holmglen (6 p.m.), for Timaru; Waimariuo <9.45 p.m.), for Oarnaru. FRIDAY. APRIL 14. LYTTELTON. Arrived.- —Wahine (8.45 a.m.) and Calm (1.40 pan.), from Wellington. To Sail. —Wahine. for Wellington. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Ngahau (9 aan.). from Bluff: Gale (12.30 pan.), from Wellington.
PORT CURTIS ARRIVES. To complete her Homeward loading, the C. and D. Line steamer Port Curtis arrived at Wellington late yesterday afternoon from Napier, and berthed at the Glasgow Wharf. She is scheduled to clear this port finally next Wednesday for Loudon, via Cape Horn. SOMERSET’S DEPARTURE. The Federal steamer Somerset is now scheduled to leave Wellington at daybreak next Wednesday for London, Manchester, Liverpool. Glasgow, and . Avonmouth, via Cape Horn, Montevideo, and Dakar. AKAROA ARRIVES HOME. The Shaw. Savlll Company has received cabled advice that its liner Akaroa reached Southampton last Wednesday. She left Wellington on March S for Southampton and London, via the Panama Canal. MESS TABLE GOSSIP. Captain H. G. B. Field retains command of the Federal steamer Huntingdon, which arrived at Wellington yesterday morning from. Lyttelton, and his officers are:—Chief. Mr. P. Calcutt: second, Mr. T. K. McDonald: third. Mr. C. W. Roberts; fourth. Mr. E. R. Rae; wireless operator. Mr. A. Mneridge; chief engineer, Mr. A. W. White: second. Mr. A. Percival: th’rd. Mr. F. E. Roberts; fourth. Mr. H. Maroe; fifth, Mr, H. Willton : sixth. Mr. H. Barker: seventh. Mr. G. Ralfs: civet refrigerating engineer, M.-<W. H. White; second. Mr. E. A. Hulls; chief steward, Mr. E. A. Chapman.
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Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 171, 15 April 1933, Page 14
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2,257SHIPS, CARGOES AND MAILS Dominion, Volume 26, Issue 171, 15 April 1933, Page 14
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