SUN. Sun rises to-day, 6.17 a.m.; sets, 5.2 S p.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 11.36; sets, 7.49 HIGH WATER. To-day, 8.44; 8.52 p.m. To-morrow, 9.20; 9.30 p.m. ARRIVALS. SATURDAY, APRIL 9. CANADIAN CRUISER, s.s. (12.5 a.m.), 7178 tons, Sears, from Halifax, via Auckm.s. (4.40 a.m.), 171 tons, O’Donnell, from Mapua. ARAHURA, s.s. (5.45 a.m.), 1590 tons, Wildman, from Nelson. WAHINE, s.s. (7 a.m.). 4436 tons, Irwin, from Lyttelton. KOIII, aux. scow (9,.> a.m.). 12a tons, Goldie, from Collingwood. GALE, s.s. (10.15 a.m.), 934 tons, Davies, from Onekaka. WIRRAL, s.s. (11.20 a.m.), 4066 tons, Tones from New York, via Auckland. H.M.S. DIOMEDE, light cruiser (11.35, from Plcton. KIIMAI, s.s. (11.35 a.m.), 1348 tons, Whitefield, from Greymouth. CORNWALL, s.s. (12.15 p.m.), 10,616 tons Reilly, from New’ Plymouth. TAMAHINE, s.s. (6 p.m.), 1959 tons, Kane, from Plcton. KOMATA, s.s. (6 p.m.). 1959 tons, lush, from Westport. FOXTON, m.s. (7.20 p.m.), 224 tons, Baggett, from Lyttelton. PAKURA, s.s. (11.30 p.m.), >OO tons, Miles, from Gisborne. SUNDAY, APRIL 10. OPAWA, m.s. (4.10 a.m.). 110 tons, Radford. from Blenheim. MATANGI. s.s. (5.10 a.m.), 1349 tons, Hnv. from Nelson. NIKAU, s.s. (6.40 a.m.), 248 tons, MacMillan, from Nelson. ORARI, m.s. (7.10 a.m.). 10.106 tons, Ashworth, from Liverpool, via Auckland. RANGATIRA, e.s. (7 a.m.), 6152 tons, Cameron, from Lyttelton. TITOKI, s.s. (8.40 a.m.), 800 tons, Wahlstrom, from Tarakohe. CELTIC MONARCH, s.s. (7.25 a.m.), 5828 tons, Macfadyen. from Callao. ECHO. aux. scow (4 p.m.), 99 tons, Jarman, from Blenheim. KAPITI, m.s. (6 p.m.), 242 tons, Smith, from Wanganui. DEPARTURES. SATURDAY, APRIL 9. TALISMAN, aux. scow (6 a.m.), 97 tons, Honrv, for Nelson and Bays. POOLTA, s.s. (12.20 p.m.), 1650 tons, Dalgleish, for Dunedin. NORTHUMBERLAND, s.s. (1 p.m.), 11.573 tons. Upton, for Auckland. TAUPATA, m.s. (1.15 p.m.), 171 tons, O’Donnell, for Nelson. KAREPO, s.s. (1.20 p.m.), 2062 tons, Corbv, for Auckland. „ , GALE, s.s. (6.40 p.m.), 931 tons, Davies, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1596 tons, Wildman, for Nelson. , WAHINE. s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 4136 tons, Irwin, for Lyttelton. SUNDAY, APRIL 10. KAIONE, dredge (5.10 a.m.), for Napier. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Huanui, Westport, to-day. Kapuni, Patca, to-day. Hawera, Patea, to-day. Arahura,' Nelson, to-morrow, 5.30 a.m. Wahine, Lvttelton, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Tamnhine, Pieton, to-morrow, 6 p.m. Matai, northern lights, to-morrow. Waipiata, Auckland. Napier, to-morrow. Oplhl New- Plymouth, to-morrow. Zealandia, Sydney, to-morrow. Kanna. Greyniouth. Wednesday. Rata, Wanganui, Wednesday. Opawn, Blenheim. Wednesday. Kapltl, Wanganui. Wednesday. Storm, Bluff. Dunedin, Timaru, Lyttelton. Wednesday. Port Nattier, Nattier, Wednesday. Holnidale, Dunedin, Timaru, Lyttelton, ■Wednesday. ITauraki. Los Angeles, Auckland, Wednesday. „ . ~ Kaponga, Newcastle, Port Kcmbla, Thursday. ... • lonic London, Auckland, Thursday. Walnut. Melbourne, via south. Thursday. Klul, Westport, Dunedin, Thursday. Talisman, Nelson nnd bays, Thursday. Walmarino, Dunedin, Timaru, Lyttelton, Thursday. Totara, Lyttelton, Friday. Holmdale, Wanganui, Inday. Poolta, Dunedin, Timaru, Lyttelton, Friday. Rangitata, London, Saturday. Storm, Wanganui, Saturday. Komata, Westport, Saturday. Rualiine, Lyttelton. Sunday. Pakura, Gisborne, Sunday. Monowai, Sydney, Monday. Kairanga, Portland, Auckland, Monday. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Echo, Blenheim, t,o-day. Wirral, Lyttelton, Dunedin, to-day. Tamabinc, Plcton, to-day, 3 p.m. Matangi, Nelson, to-day, 7.30 p.m. Rangatira, Lyttelton, to-day, 7.45 p.m. Huanui, Collingwood, to-day. Hawera, Patea, to-day. Port Wellington. Lyttelton, to-day. Kapltl. Wanganui, to-day. Mnimon, Lyttelton, to-day. Kaimal, Napier, Gisborne, to-day. Opawa, Blenheim, to-day. Canadian Cruiser, Lyttelton, to-day. Nikau, Motueka, to-day. Celtic Monarch, Melbourne, to-day. Arahura. Nelson, to-morrow, 7.30 p.m. Wahine, Lyttelton, to-morrow, 7.45 p.m. John, Dunedin, Timaru. Lyttelton, to-morrow. Cambridge. London. Avonmouth, Liverpool, Glasgow, to-morrow, 7 a.m. Waipiata, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, to-morrow. Holmglen, Dunedin, Timaru, Lyttelton, to-morrow. Pakura, Napier. Gisborne, to-morrow. Komata, Westport, to-morrow, 6 p.m. Kohl. Nelson and bays, to-morrow. Opilii. Dunedin. Timaru, Lyttelton, to-morrow. Rata. Westport, Greymouth, Wednesday. Holmdale, Wanganui. Wednesday. Storm, Plcton, Wanganui, Wednesday. Orarl, Lyttelton. Wednesday. Cornwall, Lyttelton, Wednesday. Hanraki, New Plymouth. Thursday. Waimarino, Auckland. Thursday. Totara. Now Plymouth. Friday. Talisman. Nelson and bays. Friday. Zealandia. Sydney. Friday. Wninui. Bluff, Melbourne, Friday. Holnidale, Dunedin. Timaru, Lyttelton, Friday. Poolta, Napier. Gisborne. Friday. Storm. Lyttelton, Bluff, Dunedin, Timaru, Friday. Kairanga, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Timaru, Monday.
OVERSEAS SHIPS Dominion Bound MIDDLESEX (N.Z.S. Co.), left Antwerp Feb. 7 for Auckland (arr. Mar. 24), Wellington and New Plymouth (arr. Apr. 7). (IRAKI (Federal Co.), left Liverpool Feb. 20, via Dakar and Cape of Good Hope, for Auckland (arr. Apr. 1), Wellington (arr. Apr. 10), Lyttelton, Dunedin and Bluff. WIRRAL (Federal Co.), left New York Feb. 28 and Hampton Roads Feb. 29 for Auckland (arr. Apr. 5), Wellington (arr. Apr. 9), Lyttelton, Dunedin and Australia. lONIC (Shaw. Savill), from London, left Southampton Feb. 26 for Auckland (arr. Apr. 6) and Wellington (due Apr. 14). CANADIAN CRUISER (Can. Nat.), left Halifax Feb. 17 for Auckland (arr. Apr. 5), Wellington (arr. Apr. 9), Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunedin and Australia. CUMBERLAND (N.Z.S. Co.), left London, via Panama Canal, Mar. 2, in ballast, for Auckland (arr. Apr. 9). HAUIIAKI (Union Co.), left Los Angeles Mur. 18 for Auckland (arr. Apr. S), Wellington (due Apr. 13), New Plymouth, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Australia. RANGITATA (N.Z.S. Co.), left London Mar. 10, via Bermuda and Kingston, for Wellington (due Apr. 16) and Auckland. lIORORATA (N.Z.S. Co.), left Antwerp Feb. 21 and Falmouth Feb. 23, via Cape of Good Hope and Sydney, for Auckland (due Apr. 12) aud New Plymouth. PENYBRYN, left Nauru Island Mar. 31 for New Plymouth (due Apr. 12) and Wanganui. GALLIC (Shaw, Savill), left London Feb. 27 in ballast, via Cape o£ Good Hope and Sydney, for Oamaru (due Apr. 17). PORT HUON (C. and D. Line), left Liverpool Mar. 12 for Auckland (due Apr. 15), Wellington (due Apr. 22), Lyttelton, Dunedin and Timaru. LARCHBANK, left Java Mar. 24 for Auckland (due Apr. 14). AORANGI (Union Co.), left Vancouver Mar. 30 for Honolulu, Suva, Auckland (due Apr. 17) and Sydney. ROTORUA (N.Z.S. Co.), left London Mar. 4 for Suva (due Apr. 11), Auckland (due Apr. 18), Port. Chalmers, Timaru, Lyttelton and New Plymouth. BENHOLM (Federal Co.), left New York Mar. 19 and Tampico Apr. 5, for Auckland (due May 10), Wellington (due May 15), Lyttelton and Dunedin. . MATAROA (Shaw, Savill), from London, left Southampton Mar. 24 tor Wellington (due Apr. 27), Lyttelton, Dunedin and Bluff. PAKEHA (Shaw, Savill), left London Mar. 27, in ballast, via Panama Canal, for New Plymouth (due Apr. 26). VENTURA (T. and W. Young and Burns, Philp), left San Francisco Apr. 7 and Los Angeles Apr. 8 for Honolulu. Pago Pago, Suva, Auckland (due Apr. 29) and Sydney. GOLDEN CROSS (Burns, Philp), left Los Angeles Apr. 1 for Auckland (du« Apr. 27), Wellington (due May 1), Lyttelton. Dunedin and Australia. PORT DUNEDIN (C. and D. Line), left London Mar. 24 for Wellington (due Apr. 28), Auckland, Napier and New Plymouth. HERBORG, left San Francisco Apr. 5 for Auckland (due May 1), Lyttelton, Dunedin and Timaru. CANADIAN CHALLENGER (Can; Nat.), left Halifax Mar. 26 for Auckland (due May 2), Wellington (due May G), Lyttelton. Dunedin and Australia. BRISBANE MARU (Federal Co.), left Jtojl Mar. 29 for Hong-Kong, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Wellington (due May 2) and Auckland.
TAIROA (Shaw, Savill), left Glasgow Mar. 25, in ballast, for Lyttelton (due May 2). lIKRMINIUS (Shaw, Savill), left London Apr. 1. in ballast, via Panama Canal, for Bluff (due May 9). NARBADA (Union Co.), left Calcutta Apr. 3 for Rangoon, Singapore, Samarang, Sonrabaya, Auckland (due early May). Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. RANGITANE (N..S. Co.), left London Apr. 8 for Auckland (due May 12) and Wellington (due May IS). Loading for Overseas CAMBRIDGE (Federal Co.), at Wellington; hence Apr. 12 at daybreak to London, Avonmouth, Liverpool and Glasgow, via Cape Horn, Montevideo and Dakar. CANADIAN CRUISER (Can. Nat.), at Wellington; hence Apr. 11 to Lyttelton, Tlmaru and Dunedin; thence Apr. 15 to New York, Boston and Montreal, via Australia. CUMBERLAND (Federal Co.), at Auckland : thence to New Plymouth, Lyttelton, Wellington; due here Apr. 26; hence to Napier; thence Apr. 30 to London, Avonmotifh, Liverpool and Glasgow. CORNWALL (Federal Co.), at Wellington ; hence Apr. 13 to Lyttelton; thence Apr. 16 to London. Avonmouth, Liverpool and Glasgow, via Montevideo. GALLIC (Shaw, Savill), loads at Oamaru Apr. 17; thence to Lyttelton and Wellington: due here Apr. 22; hence to Tokomaru Bay and Auckland; thence May 4 to Southampton and London, via Cape Horn.
KIA ORA (Shjtw, Savill). at Oamaru; thence Apr. 11 to Bluff, Port Chalmers and Wellington; due here Apr. 21; hence Apr. 23 to London, via Panama Canal and Kingston. lONIC (Shaw, Savill). loads at Bluff Apr. 18; thence to Timaru, Port Chalmers and Wellington (due here Apr. 29); hence May 4 to Southampton and London, via Panama Canal and Jamaica. MAIMOA (Shaw, Savill), at Wellington; hence Apr. 11 to Lyttelton; thence Apr. 14 to Dunkirk. London. Avonmouth, Liverpool and Glasgow, via Panama Canal and Kingston. MIDDLESEX (N.Z.S. Co.), at New Plymouth: thence Apr. 12 to Nelson. Picton. Tlmaru, Wellington; due here Apr. 26; hence Apr. 30 to London and Hamburg, via Montevideo and Dakar. NORTHUMBERLAND (N.Z.S. Co.), at Auckland; thence to Port Chalmers; thence Apr. 21 to London, via Montevideo and Dakar.
ORARI (Federal Co.), loads at Bluff Apr. IS; thence to Port Chalmers, Timaru, Wellington; due here Apr. 27; hence to Auckland; thence May 5 to London, Avonnioutli, Liverpool and Glasgow, via Cape Horn and Dakar. PORT ADELAIDE (C. and D. Lino), loads at Nelson Apr. 18: thence to Wellington; due here Apr. 22; hence to Wanganui; thence May 2 to London, via Cape Horn and Montevideo. PORT ALMA (C. and D. Line), at Auckland; to London, via Capo Horn and Dakar. PORT NAPIER (C. and D. Line), at Napier; tlienee Apr. 12 to Wellington: due here Apr. 13; hence to Port Chalmers; thence Apr. 19 to Loudon, via Cape Horn and Montevideo. POItT WELLINGTON (C. and D. Line), at Wellington: hence Apr. 11 to Lyttelton; thence Apr. 15 to London, via Cnpc Horn and Montevideo. POUT VICTOR (C. and D. Line), nt Opua; tlienee to Gisborne. Napier and Wellington; due here Apr. 24; hence Apr. 27 to London, via Montevideo. RANGITATA (N.Z.S. Co.), loads nt Auckland Apr. 23; thence to Napier and Wellington: due here May 6; hence May 13 to London, via Panama Canal. RUAIIINE (N.Z.S. Co.), at Timaru; thence to Lyttelton and Wellington: due here Apr. 17: hence Apr. 23 to London, via Panama Canal. TO-DAY’S BERTHAGE LIST. Queen’s Wharf.—Wirral (No. 1 north), Tamahine (No. 4). Foxton (No. 5). Parcra (No. 6). Inahn (No. 9). Titoki (No. 10). Kohl (No. 11). Matangi (No. 12). Opawa (No. 13), John (No. 13), Waipiata (No. 16). Ferry Wharf. —Ran.gatlra. Railway Wharf.—Kaimai. Komata. Glasgow Wharf.—Cornwall. Maimoa. King's Wharf.- —Cambridge, Orari, Hawera. Kapunl. I’ipitea Wharf.—Port Wellington, Celtic Monarch. Echo. Kapiti. Thorndon Breastwork.—Nikau. Pakura. Aotea Quay.—Recorder. Taranaki St. Wharf.—Canadian Cruiser. Clyde Quay Wharf.—H.M.S. Diomede. Miramar Wharf.—Kiwitea. Patent Slip.—.Tohji. In Hie Stream.—Kaiwarra, Katoa, Omana. Putiki, Himatangi. Ngahau BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEAS. SYDNEY. April 10. Sailed.—Hororata, for Auckland. LONDON. April 9. Arrived.—At San Francisco. Makura. Sailed.—From San Francisco, Ventura: from London. Rangitane. COASTAL. SATURDAY, APRIL 9. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Cumberland (4.20 p.m.), from London. Sailed—Waipiata (12.30 p.m.), for Napier; Piako (6 p.m.). for London. PATEA. Arrived.—Hawera (9.50 a.m.) and Kapunl (10.10 a.m.), from Wellington. WANGANUI. Arrived.—Orepuki (10.15 a.m.), fro i Wellington. PICTON. Arrived.—H.M.S. Veronica (12.30 p.m.), from Lyttelton. NELSON. Arrived.—Opihi (8.30 a.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived. —Rangatira (0.45 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed. —Wakakura (12.50 p.m.), for Akaroa; Rangatira (8.25 p.m.), for Wellington. SUNDAY. APRIL 10. LYTTELTON. \rrived.—Wahine (7 a.m.) aud Gale (2.50 p.m.), from Wellington; Alexander (4.10 p.m.), from Tarakoliew
Due Wellington Saturday The New Zealand Shipping Company yesterday received a wireless message from its motor-liner Rangltata, reporting that she expects to reach Wellington at 3 p.m. next Saturday. She is cn route from London via Bermuda, Kingston and the Panama Canal, and will later proceed to Auckland to complete discharge of her London cargo. AUSTRALIAN TRADE Union Cargo Service The following are tiie movements of Union Company vessels in its intercolonial cargo service:— The Gabriella is to leave Wanganui next Friday for Westport and Greymouth, then to Sydney and Newcastle. The Kalingo is to leave Greymouth toward the end of this week for Melbourne, thence to Adelaide and Melbourne to load for Auckland and Napier. The Kaponga, from Newcastle, left Port Kcmbla on Friday for Wellington. She is due here next Thursday. The Karetu, from Newcastle, left Sydney on Friday for Fiji, Tonga aud Auckland. The Waikouaiti, from Newcastle and Sydney, is to leave Hobart to-day for Bluff, Dunedin, Lyttelton aud Timaru. The Wainui, from Melbourne, has reported by wireless that she expects to reach Bluff at 11 a.m. to-day. She will leave there again later to-day for Dunedin, Lyttelton and Wellington. The Wainui is due here next Thursday and will leave again the following day for Bluff and Melbourne. ORARI IN PORT. To continue discharge of her cargo from Glasgow and Liverpool to the agency of the Federal Company, the New Zealand Shipping Company’s motor-ship Orari'arrived at Wellington yesterday morning from Auckland and berthed at the King’s Wharf. She is to leave here again on Wednesday for Lyttelton, Dunedin and Bluff to .complete discharge. PORT VICTOR LOADING. The C. aud D. Line has received a wireless message from the Port Victor, en route from Newcastle, reporting that she expected to reach Opua yesterday afternoon to commence her Homeward loading. She will later complete at Gisborne, Napier and Wellington. She is due here on April 24 and is scheduled to clear this port finally on April 27 for London, via Cape Horn and Montevideo. MATAROA LEAVES BALBOA. Cabled advice has been received by the Shaw-SaviTl Company that its liner Mataroa, en route from London and Southampton to Wellington and Auckland, cleared Balboa last Thursday. She is due at Wellington oti April 27. MAKURA AT SAN FRANCISCO. Cabled advice has been received by the Union Company that the R.M.S. Makura, from Sydney and Wellington, reached San Francisco at 6 a.m. last Friday. She will leave there again on Wednesday for Papeete, Rarotonga and Wellington, and is due here on May 2. The Makura will then withdraw and lay up for overhaul and survey. Her place will be taken for one round trip by the Mauuganui. RANGITANE LEAVES LONDON. Cabled advice has been received by the New Zealand Shipping Companv that its motor-liner Rangitane left London on Friday for Auckland and Wellington. She is due at Auckland on May 12. AUCKLAND SERVICE. The Waipiata, from Auckland, via Napier, is due here to-morrow, and goes on to Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Bluff. The Waimarino, from Dunedin, via ports, is due at Wellington on Thursday, and goes on to Auckland. The Kairanga, from Auckland and Portland, is due here next Monday, and goes on to Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Timaru. lIORORATA LEAVES SYDNEY. Cabled advice has been received that the New Zealand Shipping Company’s steamer Hororata, en route from Antwerp with basic slag for discharge at Auckland and New Plymouth, left Sydney on Saturday, and is due at Auckland on Wednesday. The Hororata proceeded via the Cape of Good Hope and called at Sydney for bunkers. CORNWALL IN PORT. To continue her Homeward loading the Federal steamer Cornwall arrived at Wellington at noon on Saturday from New Plymouth nnd berthed at the Glasgoy Wharf. She is to leave here again on Wednesday for Lyttelton to complete, and is scheduled to clear that port finally on, April 16 for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool and Glasgow via Cape Horn and Montevideo. CUMBERLAND LOADING. In ballast from London, the Federal steamer Cumberland reached Auckland on Saturday to commence her Homeward loading. She will later complete at New Plymouth, Lyttelton, Wellington and Napier. The vessel is due here on April 26 and is scheduled to clear Napier finally on April 30 for London, Avonmouth, Liverpool and Glasgow. THE PORT NAPIER. The C. and D. Line steamer Port Napier is due at Wellington on Wednesday from Napier to continue her Homeward loading. She will later proceed Io Port Chalmers to fill up, and is scheduled to clear that port finally on April 19 for London via Cape Horn and Montevideo. THE TANKER HERBORG. The Norwegian motor-tanker Herborg left San Francisco on April 0 with bulk oil for discharge at Auckland, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Timaru, and is due at Auckland about May 1. The Herborg is a new vessel of 7900 tons gross and was built at Copenhagen last year. THE VENTURA. The Matson Line steamer Ventura wrts to have left San Francisco last Thursday and Los Angeles the following day for Honolulu. Pago Pago, Suva, Auckland and Sydney. She is due at Auckland on April 29. MESS TABLE GOSSIP. Captain A. T. Norton is in command of the Union Company’s motor-ship Hauraki, which is due at Wellington on Wednesday from Los Angeles via Auckland, and his officers are: Chief. Mr. J. Warwick; second, Mr, .1. W. Thomson; third. Mr. E. R. Pate; chief engineer, Mr. R. Frith; second. Mr. W. Williams; third, Mr. A. G. Step; fourth, Mr. T. Pellett; sixth. Mr. A. G. Boyle; wireless operator, Mr. S. F. Stafford ; chief steward. Mr. J. Norris. Captain H. Bowan. late of the Corinthic, is in command of the Shaw. Savill liner lonic, which is due at Wellington next Thursday from London and Southampton via Auckland, and his officers are: Chief officer. Mr. H. O. Griffith; first. Mr. R. P. W. Stevens; second, Mr. F. D. Kean ; chief engineer. Mr. A. Cunningham: second. Mr. H. Warren; third, Mr. R. W. Sankey: surgeon. Mr. C. IT. Wilson: purser. Mr. IT. J. Pitman; chief steward. Mr. J. A. Burtinshaw. The death occurred a few days ago of Captain Frederick G. Kendall at I lie residence of his brother. Mr. A. W. Kendall. of Woollahrn. Sydney, after n long illness. Captain Kendall joined flic Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand ns fourth officer, and was later one of the company's youngest and most successful captains. He left the Union Steam Ship Company to join the Victorian pilot service, where he remained for several years until he resigned because of business interests.
PIAKO SAIDS. Having completed her Homeward loading the New Zealand Shipping Company’s steamer Piako left Auckland on Saturday for London and Hamburg via Cape Horn, Montevideo nnd Las Palmas. THE CELTIC MONARCH. En route from Callao to Melbourne, the steamer Celtic Monarch. 5828 tons, arrived at Wellington yesterday morning and berthed at the Pipitea Wharf to replenish her coal hunkers. She is to leave here again to-day for Melbourne. MARINE EXAMINATIONS. Certificates were issued by the Marine Department last monlh to the following: Master of n foreign-going steamship: L. B. Thomas. C. R..Carlyon. IT. IL Pike. First-class engineer (steam) : W. J. Gibbs. J. L. Hunter. Second-class engineer (stenm) : A. W. Lauchlan, W. E. Downs, E. D. O. Mackn v. Third-class engineer (steam) : A. R. Saniiida. . „ „ , „ First-class oil engineer: S. H. J. Bennett.
Day. Hr. m. New moon ... . 6 12 51 p.m. First quarter . . 14 2 46 p.m. Full moon ... . 21 8 57 Last quarter . . 28 2 44 a.m.
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Dominion, Volume 25, Issue 167, 11 April 1932, Page 12
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3,127SHIPS, CARGOES AND MAILS Dominion, Volume 25, Issue 167, 11 April 1932, Page 12
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