Usual 8.30 a.m. Wellington-Upper Hutt train will NOT run. Special train leaves Wellington 9.0 a.m. for Upper Hutt. Stops where required. Special train leaves Cross Creek 3.15 p.m., Featherston 5.40 p.m. for Masterton. Special trains for Masterton. —Wellington dep. 6.45, 8.40 a.m.; Lower Hutt 7.5, 8.58 a.m.; Upper Hutt 7.40, 9.32 a.m.; Featherston 9.45, 11.30 a.m.; Carterton 10.34 a.m., 12.4 p.m. Between Wellington and Featherston 6.45 and 8.40 a.m. trains will stop only at Petone, Lower Hutt, Trentham, Upper Hutt, Kaitoke, Summit, Cross Creek and Featherston. After leaving Featherston, stop where required. ■ln addition, 8.40 a.m. train stops at Mangaroa, Usual 4.15 p.m. Wellington-Masterton train leaves Wellington 4.30 p.m. FOR WELLINGTON. — Masterton dep. 2.40, 3.55, 5.20, 6.20 p.m.; Carterton 2.58, 4.20, 5.44, 6.55 p.m.; Featherston 3.26, 5.30, 6.55, 7.45 p.m,; Upper Hutt 5.34, 7.49, 9.16, 10.33 p.m.; Lower Hutt 6.15, 8.19, 9.50, 11.9 p.m. Between Masterton and Featherston 3.55 p.m. and 5.20 p.m. trains stop where required. Between Featherston, and Wellington these trains stop only at Cross Creek. Summit, Kaitoke, Upper Hutt,’ Trentham, Lower Hutt and Petone. Ths 5.20 p.m. train also stops at Mangaroa. The. 2.40 p.m. train from Masterton makes same stops as Down Mail. The 12.13 p.m. Woodville-Wellington mail train (Masterton dep. 2.9 p.m.) will not take holders of excursion tickets from Masterton, Featherston and intermediate stations (Greytown excepted). These passengers must travel by 2.40 p.m. special train from Masterton. The usual 6.10 p.m. Masterton-Crosa Creek train leaves Masterion 6.20 p.m. and runs through to Wellington. Stops where required. GREYTOWN BRANCH: Usual 11.12 a.m. Greytown-Woodside train and 11.33 a.m. Woodside-Greytown train will not run. PALMERSTON NORTH-NAPIEE. * See Booklet. On January 3. — MANAWATU LINE. Special train leaves Otaki 6.2 S a.m. for Paekakariki and Wellington. WAIRARAPA LINE. Usual 6.55 a.m. Wellington-Woburn and 4.27 p.m. Woburn-Wellington traini will not run. On January 4.— MANAWATU LINE. Usual 8.55 a.m. Wellington-Paekakarikt train will be accelerated, leavini/Wellington 8.55 a.m., Johnsonville 97j>, Plimmerton 10.26 a.m., Paekakariki 10.48 а. Usual 4.9 p.m. Paekakariki-Wellington train leaves Paekakariki 4.0 p.m. WAIRARAPA LINE. 1 Usual 6.55 a.m. Wellington-Woburn and 11.50 a.m. Woburn-Wellington trains will not run. HAWKE’S BAY RACES AT HASTINGS, January 1 and 2, 1930. For particulars of cheap excursion tickets to Hastings and train arrangements see Booklet or inquire railway stations. TAUHERENIKAU RACES, January 1 and 2. On January 1 aud 2, cheap excursion tickets to Featherston, available for return until January 3, will be issued at Wellington, Masterton, and intermediate stations, only by the trains leaving Wellington 6.45, 8.40 a.m,, and by trains leaving Masterton 7.35, 9.25 a.m. each day. Return fare (Ist and 2nd class): From Wellington, 8/11, 6/1; from Masterton, 4/B', 3/1. Trains fof Featherston run as follows: Wellington dep. 6.45 a.m., 8.40 a.m.; Woodville dep. 6.45 a.m.; Masterton dep. 9.25 a.m. Return trains run as'follows:—FOß WELLINGTON: Featherston dep. 5.30, б. 7.45 p.m. FOR MASTERTON: Featherston dep. 5.55 p.m. (Ist), 5.40 (2nd), 7.42 p.m. (both days). The 7.50 a.m. Wellington-Woodville train will not take passengers for Featherston. Between Wellington and Featherston, 6.45 and 8.40 a.m. trains stop only at Petone, Lower Hutt, Trentham, Upper ■Hutt, Kaitoke, Summit, Cross Creek and Featherston. In addition, 8.40 a.m. train stops Mangaroa. SPORTS AT PARAPARAUMU. On January I—Special train leaves Wellington 8.44 a.m. for Paraparaumu. Return train leaves Paraparaumu 6.0 p.m. for Wellington. MARTON RACES, January 1 and 2. Special cheap excursion tickets to Marton, available for return until January 3, will be obtainable at Wanganui, Taihape, Foxton, Paekakariki and intermediate stations on January 1 and 2. Return fares from principal stations: Paekakariki 17/6, 11/11; Otaki 13/8, 9/4; Levin 11/5, 7/9; Foxton 10/3, 7/-. These tickets will be issued by morning trains only and will not be available by express and relief express trains. Train for Palmerston N. leaves Paekakariki 7.25 a.m. January 1, 6.15 a.m. January 2, Otaki 7.14 a.m. Ist, 7.0 a.m. 2nd ; Levin 8.46 a.m. Ist, 7.38 a.m. 2nd. Connects with train leaving Palmerston 10.3 a.m. Ist, 9.25 a.m. 2nd. for Marton. Return train leaves Marton 5.35 p.m. on Ist, 5.50 - p.m. January 2; connecting train for Paekakariki and Wellington leaves Palmerston 6.50 p.m. Ist, 7.20 p.m. 2nd (Wellington arr. 10.33 p.m. day, 11.49 p.m. second day). / Limited express leaves Wellington 7.52 a.m.. Marton arr. 11.41 a.m. Limited express leaves Matton 7.29 p.m.. Wellington arr. 11.10 p.m. each day (Holiday excursion fares). Goods traffic will be suspended on January 1 and 2. For full particulars see Booklet, obtainable free at all railway stations. SPECIAL VALUES. JAENTAL Repairs in 3 nours: finest A-’ materials moderate charges. Rapid Dental Repair Service. 15 Manners St. Telephone 47—562. SILVERSTONE’S Auction Mart, Wool, worth Buildings. Cuba Street, for Furniture. Carpets. Chesterfield Suites, at genuine hnlf-price. PABCO WOOD FIBRE WALLBOARD, Now obtainable from yyiNSTONE, LTD., (Incorporating W. A. CHOTE, LTD.) ’Phone 21—142. 12 Ghuznee Street, Wellington. Large Stocks. Prices Reduced. Service and Quality. npiKl TOHEROA SOUP.—Pack « few A tins in your holiday hamper. All grocers. Agents: George Tromas and Co. Ltd, 'Phone 22—664, ♦ v
ON DECEMBER 31— ' MANAWATU LINE. Usual 11.25 i>.m. Wellington-Johnson-ville train runs through to Paekakariki. WAIRARAPA LINE. Usual 6.55 a.m. Wellingtou-Woburn and 4.27 p.m. Woburn-Wellington trains will NOT.run. Special trains run as follows: — FOR WATERLOO.—Leave Wellington 9.47 p.m. Leave Waterloo 10.20 p.m. for Wellington (does not stop Ngahauranga and Kaiwarra). FOR MELLING.—Leave Wellington 10 p.m. Leave Melling 10.40 p.m. for Wellington. Usual 6.10 p.m. Masterton-Cross Creek train runs through to Wellington, arr. 11.26 p.m. With exception -.10.20 p.m. WaterlooWellington train, above trains stop where required for passengers. ON JANUARY I.— WELLINGTON-PALMERSTON N. Ordinary timetable will be suspended, with the following exceptions:— Wellington-Auckland expresses, 7.52 a.m., 2.0, 7.15 p.m. Auckland-Wellington expresses, 7.10 p.m., 7.40 p.m. (previous day), 7.53 a.m. The Up and Down New Plymouth, and Napier-Wellington expresses. The 6.58 a.m., 3.43 p.m. Palmerston-Wellington, 5.20 a.m., 5.40 p.m. Wellington-Palmers-ton trains. The usual 6.11 a.m. Paekakariki-Pal-merston train leaves Paekakariki 7.25 a.m. The usual 5.10 p.m. Palmerston-Wel-lington train leaves Palmerston 6.50 p.m. Special train leaves Wellington 8.44 a.m. for Paraparaumu, returning from Paraparaumu 6 p.m. for Wellington. Stops where required. For suburban trains see below. PALMERSTON NORTH-FOXTON. Trains run on Foxton Branch as under:— FOR PALMERSTON NORTH—Foxton dep. 8.10 a.m., 5.5 p.m. FOR FOXTON.—Palmerston dep. 10 а. 7 p.m. WELLINGTON-WOODVILLE. With exception of 7-50 a.m. WellingtonWoodville, 12.13 p.m. Woodville-Welling-ton, 7.35 a.m. Masterton-Wellington trains, which run as usual, ordinary timetable is suspended. The 7.50 a.m. Wel-lington-Woodville mail train will not take passengers for Featherston, excepting those travelling on inter-island tickets. Usual 6.45 a.m. Woodville-Cross Creek train .is accelerated from Mangatainoka, leaving there 7.3 a.m., Pahiatua 7.20, Eketahuna 8.19. Masterton 9.25 a.m. Ordinary 6.10 p.m. Masterton-Cross Creek train runs through to Wellington, arr. 11.30 p.m. Stops where required. Train usually leaving Featherston. 12.50 p.m. for Woodville, leaves Featherston 4.15 p.m., Masterton 5.25 p.m. Usual 4.15 p.m. Wellington-Mastertbn train leaves Wellington 4.30 p.m. SPECIAL TRAINS—FOR DIASTERTON.—WeIIington dep. б. 8.40 a.m.. Lower Hutt 7.3. 8.58 a.m., Upper Hutt 7.38, 9.32 a.m,, Featherston 9.45, 11.30 a.m., Carterton 10.34 a.m., 12.4 p.m. Between Wellington and Featherston 6.45 and 8.40 a.m. trains will stop only at Petoiie, Lower Hutt, Trentham, Upper Hutt. Kaitoke, Summit, Cross Creek and Featherston. After leaving Featherston stop where required. Tn addition 8.40 a.m. train stops at Manga roa. FOR WELLINGTON. — Masterton dep. 3.40, 5.20 p.m. FOR MASTERTON.—WoodviIIe dep. 6.45 p.m. FOR WOODVlLLE.—Masterton dep. 7.45 a.m. * FOR MASTERTON. — Cross Creek dep. 4.40 p.m. GREYTOWN BRANCH. Usual 8.30 n.m.. 11.12 a.m. GreytownWoodside, 8.50, 11.3 ft a.m. WoodsideGreytown trains will NOT run. For alterations to Palmerston NorthNapier trains see booklet. SUBURBAN TIMETABLE. FOR JOHNSONVILLE.—WeIIington dep. 6.30, 8.20, 8.44, 9.10. 10.7, 10.31, 10.53 a.m., 1.25, 4.17, 5.15, 5.40, 6.19, 7.26, 9.30. 10.35. 11.25 p.m. FOR PLIMMERTON. — Wellington dep. 10.7 a.m. FOR PAEKAKARIKI. — Wellington dep. 8.20, 8.44, 9.10,10.31 a.m., 5.40, 6.19 p.m. FOR PARAPARAUMU.—WeIIington dep. 8.44 a.m. FOR WELLINGTON. — Paekakariki dep. 7.23, 9.42 a.m., 5.8, 5.30, 6.17, 6.35, 9.15 pan. Plimmerton dep. 7.45, 10.8 a.m., 5.31, 5.55, 6.45, 7.15, 9.37 p.m. Johnsonville dep. 7.9, 8.22, 10.3, 10.57 а. 12.2, 2.10, 4.50, 6.16, 6.38, 6.53, 7.22, 8.3, 8.30. 10.3. lO.lg, 11.25 p.m. FOR UPPER HUTT. — Wellington dep. 6.45, 7.50. 9.2, 9.25, 9.45, 10.18, 11.32 a.m., 12.15, 2.5, 3.53, 4.30, 6.14, 9.45. 11.15 p.m. FOR WELLINGTON. — Upper Hutt dep. 6.45, 7.53, 8.43, 10.44. 11.59 a.m., .12.48, 4.54, 5.10, 5.38, 5.58, 6.37, 7.49, 9.20. 10.22 p.m. FOR LOWER HUTT. — Wellington dep. 6.45, 7.50, 8.40, 9.2, 9.25, 9.45, 10.18, 11.32 a.m., 12.15. 2.5, 2.30, 3.10, 3.53, 416, 4.30, 5.25. 5.55, 6.14, 7.30, 8.40, 9.45. 10.30, 11.15 p.m. FOR WELLINGTON. —Lower Hutt dep. 7.5, 7.27, 8.34, 9.24, 11.20 a.m., 12.38, I. 3.15, 4.50, 5.10, 5.26. 5.47, 6.18, б. 6.40, 7.1, 7.16, 8.8, 8.19, 9.30, 9.50, 11.5 p.m. FOR MELLING. — Wellington dep. 9.2 9.25, 9.45, 10.18, 11.32 a.in., 12.15, 2.30. 3.53. 5.55. 6.14, 7.30. 9.45, 10.30, 11. p.m. Return trains, Melling dep. 722 8.30, 9.21, 11.16 a.m.. 12.31, 1.26, 31i; 5.43, 6.12, 6.30, 6.35, 7.12, 8.5, 11.2 P ’f’oß WATERLOO.— Wellington dep. 7.15, 9.10 a.m., 1.10, 5.9, 6.20. 11.5 p.m. Return trains —Waterloo dep. 8.19, 9.45, a.m., 1.50, 5.51, 7.6, 11.46 p.m. PALMERSTON NORTH-NAPIER.— See Booklet. ON JANUARY 2.— ■WELLINGTON-PALMERSTON N. Usual 6.11 a.m. Paekakariki-Palmers-ton North train leaves Paekakariki 6.15 a.m., Otaki 7.0, Levin 7.38, Shannon 8.10 a.m. Special train for Paekakariki leaves Wellington 5.44 a.m. Usual 8.55 a.m. Wellington-Paekaka-riki train will be accelerated, leaving Wellington 8.55 a.m., Johnsonville 9.26. Porirua 9.45. Plimmerton 10.26, arr. Paekakariki 10.48 a.m. Usual 5.10 p.m. Palmerston-Wellington train leaves Palmerston 7.20 p.m., Wellington arr. 11.49 p.m. Usual 5.25 p.m. Wellington-Johnson-ville train will not run. Usual 8.0 a.in. Foxton-Palmerston train will bo accelerated. Foxton dep. 8.0 a.m., Himatangi 8.16, Palmerston arr. 9.10 a.m. Usual 4.15 p.m. Palmerston-Fox ton train is delayed to leave Palmerston 7.30 Pl Special train for Wellington leaves Palmerston 2.46 p.m. Stops en route onlv at Levin, 3.41 p.m.. Special trains for Wellington leave Otaki 4.30, 9.9 p.m., Paekakariki 5.5, 5.25, 6.17. 9.55 p.m.. Johnsonville 6.39, 7.22. 11.27 p.m. These trains stop where required for passengers. WAIRARAPA LINE. Usual 6.55 a.m. Wellington-Woburn and 4.27 p.m. Woburn-Wellington trains , will not run. ' Usual 6.45 a.m., Woodville-Cross Creek train is accelerated, Mangatainoka dep. 1 7.3, Pahiatua 7.20, Masterton 9.25 a.m, .
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Dominion, Volume 23, Issue 80, 28 December 1929, Page 2
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1,718Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Dominion, Volume 23, Issue 80, 28 December 1929, Page 2
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