PHASES OF THE MOON. ' MAY. Day. Hr. in. Full moon .... 5 . 742 a.m. Last quarter .. 13 820 a.m. New moon .... 20 12 44 a.m. First quarter .. 20 8 42 p.m. SUN. Suu rises to-day, 6.45 a.m.; sets, 4.49 p.m. .MOON. Moon rises to-day, 7.30 p.m.; sets, 10.57 a.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 8.2 a.m.; 8.20 p.m. To-morrow, 8.42 alm.; 8.59 p.m. ARRIVALS. TUESDAY. MAY 8. ECHO, atix. scow (2.11 a.m.),- 99 tons, Radford, from'Blenheim (Pipitea Wharf). ALEXANDER, s.s. (4.15 a.m.), tons, from Tarakolie (No. 6 Queen's Wharf). ARAHURA, s.s. (5 a.m.), 1590 tons. Wildman, from Nelson (Pipitea . Wharf). MAORI, s.s. (7 a.m.), 3412 tons, Irwin, from Lyttelton (Ferry Wharf). MARAMA,. s.s. (9.30 a.m.), from Sydney. Passengers— First class: Mr. J. JI. Ambrose. Mr. R. Aitken. Mr. N. Aitken. Mr. G. Anyon, Mr. .T. Burch, Miss N. Bonamy, Mr. E. F. Black. Mrs. JI. Black, Mr. D. J. Barry, Mrs. C. Barry, .Mrs. It. Barry, Mr. W. It. Burnett, Mr. .1. 11. Collier. Mrs. J. H. Collier, Mr, J. W. Caldwell, Mr. F. E. Crow, Mrs. F. E. Crow, Mr. A. E. Christie, Mr. I. Carruthers. -Miss I. Clowes, Mr. S. Crawford, Miss R. Callandar, Mrs. C. Callandar. Mr. .1. S. Drysdale. Mrs. 'S.* d’Argeval Mr. JI. E. Dunham, Mr. J. 11. d’Ath, Miss JI. D. d’Ath, Mr. A. C. Davis, Mrs. G. F. Davis; Miss A. Doyle, Mr. C. C. Dlx, Mr. J. A. Ennis, Jllss A. M.. Ennis, Mrs. E. Edmonds, Mr. V. 11. Frdlth, Jlrs. J. Ford, Miss JI. Foster, Mrs. E. Foster, Mr. ,T. Fabian. Mrs. J. Fabian, Mr. J. .W. Franklin, Mr. 11. C. Govan. Jlrs. J. H. Govan, Mrs. K. Goodland, Mr. W. A. Green, Jlrs. JI. L. Green, Jllss- R. JI. Green. Jlrs. C. Grossman. Jlr. Q. Golder, Mr. H. Greseu, Miss JI. 11. Gresen. Jlr. P. Gleeson. Miss P. Garle, Jlr. C. W. Hart, Jlr. T. W. S. Hardie, Miss L. E. Harrison, Jlrs. S. F. Hooper, Jlr. R. Holmes, Jlr. A. W. Hutchinson, Jlrs. A. W. I-lutehlson, Jlr AV. Hutchinson, Jllss G. Hurst, Jlr. W. C. Higgins, Jlr. F. Hunter. Jlr. _ G. .Tones, Jlr. C. 11. .Tones, Jlr. J, F. Kennedy, Jlrs. E. Kennedy, Jlr. IT. J. Kelly, Jlr. H. G. Kerslake.n, Jlrs. H. G. Kerslake, .Miss V. Lambert. Jlr. 11. JfcClclland, Jlrs. JI. JlcClelland, Jllss R. JlcClelland, Jlr. W. K. McKenzie, Jllss A. JlcGee, Jlr. H. McLaren, Jlrs. 11. JI. McLaren, Jlrs. W. G. JtcLean, Jlrs. R. MacDonald. Jlr. K. JlacDonald, Jlr. G. Jlorgan, Jlrs. G. Morgan, Jlr. J. W. Mills, -Miss B. C. JleLean, Jlrs. JI. E. Jlcßurney, Jlr. JI. JlcFarlane, Jliss S. Norris, Jlrs. JL Oldbury-Jones, Jliss E. Oldbury-Jones. Jliss D. Oldbury-Jones, Jliss L. Oldbury-Jones, Jlr. F. H. Prout, Jlr. P. Payne. Jlr. R. V. Pearce, Jlr. D. Pihl, Jliss J. Patterson, Jlr. K. E. Pilcher, Jlr. JI. Pilcher, Mr. A. 11. Probert. Jlrs. JL Paulin, Jlr. G. D. Parker, Jlr. W. G. Reece, Jlr. N. Ratcliffe. -Mrs. I. Ratcliffe, Jlr. V. B. Rae, Jlrs. V. B. Rae, Jllss JL C. Rae, Jllss E. S. Rae, Jlr. T. G. Roberts, Jlr. J. Robertson, Jlr. H. S. Roger, Jlrs. H. S. Roger. Jllss T. C. Richter, Jlr. A. Robottom, Jlrs. L. Robottom, Jlrs. 11. Richards, Jlr. .1. F. Slocombe, Jliss JL P. Smith. Mrs. I. JL Sawkins. Jlr. G. Springhall, Jlrs. W. Simpson, Jliss C. St. Clair, Jliss- I. JL Smith, Jlr. A. Shannon. Jlr. W. Tuckev, Jlrs. A. Thorneycroft. Lieut. ■ R. L. Taverner, Jlr. W. H. Whieldon. Jlr. F. K. Wakeliu, Jlr. C. L. Westcott, Jlr. L. Worrall. Jlr. D. Watson, Jlr. G. S. G. Wells. Jlrs. G. S. G. Wells, Jlr. F. Waters, Second class: Jlr. F. Brady, Jlr. E. JI. Bevan', Jlrs. E. Cole. Jtaster L. Cole, Jtaster C. Cole, Jlr. F. Cole, Jlisscs JI. and G. Cole, Jlr. A. Cunningham, Jlr. R. Christie, Jlrs. E. Christie, Jlr. A. T. Cooper, Jlrs. JI. Davies, Jlr. A. Dawson. Jlrs. E. Evans, Jlaster .1. Evans. Jlrs. F. C. Francis. Jliss P. JL Franks, Jlrs. E. L. Gillies. Jllss H. L. Gillies. Jliss A, Garden, Jlr. T. Guinea, Jlrs. N. Hearfield, Jllss A. L. Holland, Mr. .1. Hcndlcv, Jlr. D. Hunter, Jlrs. D. Hunter, Jliss R. Hunter, Jlr. A. D. Jennings, Jlrs. A. D. Jennings, Jlrs. A. Jarvie, Miss R. .Tarvic, Jlaster L. Jarvic, Jlrs. L. Jackson, Jlr. W. Kearslev, Jlrs. W. Kearsley, Jlr. S. Kidd. Jlrs. L. Letham, Jlaster W. Lcthnm. Jlr. A. Lacey, Jlr. F. N., JlcVlcar, Jlr. D. JlcKeaguc, Jlrs. D. JtcKeaguc, Jlrs. S. Manlev. Jliss S. Manley. Jlrs. E. Jloore, Jlr. L. F. Jlcyrick, Jlr. T. Jlnnt. Jlrs. T. S. Jtuut, Jlr. N. Nicholls, Jlr. J. O'Hara, Jlr. A. L. I’eiersen, Jliss L. Stanbury. Mr. W. C. Shorter, Jlrs. R. Stewart, Jlr. C. T. Jlrs. K. 'Williams, Jlr. E. Whitton; and 91 third class, including 9 Chinese. (No. 1 North Queen’s Wharf.) KOMATA, s.s. (11.45 a.m.). 211 a tons, Whyborn, from Westport (Railway Wharf. TAJIAHINE, s.s. (6 p.m.), 1989 tons. Fish, from Plcton (No. 4 Queen’s Wharf). DEPARTURES. TUESDAY,' MAY .8. JAMES COSGROVE, trawler (7.30 a.m.), for Cook Strait. , MAKURA, s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 80m tons, Spring-Brown, for Sydney. Passengers from Wellington—First class: Jlr. It. G. Booth. Miss Bassett, Jlrs. P. Bugham, Jlrs. E. Bingham, Jlr. J. Benson, Jlr. and Jlrs. Brennan, Jlr. and Mrs. F. Crittenden. Jliss L. Carney, Jlr. Carney, Jlr. Calder, Jlr. and Jlrs. G. E. Cooper, Jlr. T. Cozense, Jliss B. Cousin, Jlr. and Jlrs. Duff, Jlrs. Denniston and child, Jlr. G. K. Donald, Miss JI. Elliott, Jliss Empson, Mr. T. L. P. Free, Jlrs. E. JL Forrest, Jlrs. Flurelot, Jlr. E. J. Gravestock, Jlessrs. Goach (2). Mr. J. A. Groman, Jliss oulton, Jllss Garden, Jlr. Green, Jlr. Heron. Jlr. C. Harkness. Jlr. Hunt. Jlr. and Jlrs. Hyland. Jlr. J. W. Hutchison. Jlrs. D. JL Heughlan, Jliss M. Hunter, Mr. D. C. B. Hall, Mr. Harper, Mr. Howarth, Mr. and Jlrs. Hargreaves, Jlr. J. Johnston, Jlrs. JL Kettlewell, Jlr. A. E. Kaleski, Jlr. and Jlrs. F. W. Lowrie, Jlr. and Jlrs. F. W. Lowry, Jlr. and Jlrs. B. V. JlcDonald, Jlrs. McLennan and daughter, Jliss F.-JlcDonald, Jlrs. L. and Jliss McMillan. Jlr. and .Mrs. Jlorgan, Jlr. Jlaling, Jlr. Jloore, Jlrs. .A. Jloore, Mrs. E C. Jlarsdcn, Jliss D. E. Jlaton, Jlrs. Nathan and infant. Jlr. and Jlrs. Northcote, -Hr. .1. A. Ovcrell, Jlr., Jlrs.. and Jliss Overill, Jlr. Pittock. Jllss A. Paton, Jlr. JL O. Rainbow, Lady Reid, Jliss E. S. Smith. Jlr. nnd Jlrs. Stebbing, Jliss bybon, Jlr. and .Mrs. Tomlinson, Mr. L. A. Taylor, Jlrs. F. Thompson. Miss H. C. Taylor, Jliss F. G. Wills, Jlr. G. W. Mil ley, Jlr. Westbrook. Second class: Jlr. Anderson, Jlrs. Archer. Jlrs. Bell and infant, Jlrs. Blair, Jlrs. Bason, Mrs. Barker, Miss E. S. A. Cruse, Miss D. Cornyns, Mr. and Jlrs. Corelli, Jliss K. Carmaehan, Jlrs. E. Alton and child, Mr. Desmond, Jliss E. C. Deiderlck, Mr. ,T. B. Fleming. Jlr. Ferguson, Jliss A. Greening, Mr. M. H. Goff. Mr. rant, Mr. E. Hooper. Jlrs. E. Hickle. Jliss V. Hickle, Jlrs. Hunt, Jlrs. Iwes, Jlr. H. Keen, Jlr. Lee, Jlr. and Mrs. Menzies, Jlr. JL Moore, Jlr and Mrs. McNeill, Jlrs. Jlurphy, Jlr. and Jlrs. Oldridge and 2 children, Jlr. 1. I’. Poole, Jlrs. JL llolpe, Jlrs. H. Russell. Jliss b. Bieket, Jlrs. JL Staffard, Jlr. C. P. Stapleton. Mr. Sharp. Jliss A. Wade, Jlrs. b. A. Made; and 38 third class. KAPITI. s.s. (6 p.m.), 242 tons, Sawyers. for Wanganui. . ARAHURA, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), 1006 tons, Wildman, for Nelson. MAORI, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 341- tons, Irwin, for Lyttelton.
EXPECTED A’BRIVAI.S. Inaha, Patea, to-day. Portland, Foxton, to-day. Hawera, Wanganui, to-day. Kapuni. Patea, to-day. Calm, Wanganui, to-day. Ngaio, Nelson, to-day. AVahlne, Lyttelton, to-day. Opawa, Blenheim, to-day. Kaiton, Motucka, to-day. Kia Ora, Wanganui, to-morrow. Maori. Lyttelton, to-morrow. Arahura, Nelson, to-morrow. Tamahine, Plcton, to-morrov. Holmdale. Wanganui, to-niorrow. Corinna. New Plymouth, to-morrow. Wairuna, San Francisco, Auckland,
to-morrow. Kapiti, AVangamii. to-morrow. Progress. Port AVjaikato. to-morrow. Storm, Dunedin, Timaru. Lyttelton, to
morrow. Kaiwarra, M’estport, to-morrow. Kartlgi, Portland, New llj mouth, to
morrow. Katoa. Westport, to-morrow. Somerset, Port Chalmers, i-rid:‘j. -Manuka, Melbourne, via south, llldaj. Wingatui, Auckland. E-’fifi l .''- Canadian Transporter, Montieat, au<j-
land, Friday. Kohl, Havelock. Friday. Echo, Blenheim, Friday. Kaitoa, Mapna, Friday. Portland. Foxton, Friday. Mahia, Gisborne, Saturday. John, Lyttelton, Saturday. Tougariro. Lyttelton, baturday. Kanna, sVestport Greynioutli, Sa m d.ij Totara, Timaru, Lyttelton, Saturdaj. Komata, M’estport. Sunday. Paktu-a, Napier, Gisborne. Sunday. Kaimai. Greymouth. Sunday. Kaituua. Dunedin, Bluff, Sunilaj. Storm, M'anganul. Sunday. Kaponga. Greymouth, Monday. , r Kurow, Bluff, Dunedin. Lyttelton, ntvs
Corinna - . Dunedin, Timaru, Lyttelton. Wednesday.
PROJECTED D EPA KT L BLS. Portland, Foxtou, to-day. Echo, Blenheim, to-dpy* ' .. Calm, Lyttelton, Bluff, Dunedin, Umaru,
to-day. , „ Tamahlne. Picton. to-day, » p.m. Wahine. Lyttelton, to-day. 7. Io t'-m. Ngaio Nelson, to-day, <••>» P-ni-lonic, Southampton, London, na la nania, to-day, (! a.m. Cygnet, Kaikoura. Lyttelton, to-day. Koutunui. East Coast, to-day. Kaitoa, Mapua. to-day. Maori, Lyttelton, to-morrow. Arabura. Nelson, to-morrow.
Komata. M’estport, to-morrow. Holmdalc, Dunedin, Tlinaru, Lyttelton,
to-morrow. Kapiti, Wanganui, to-morrow. Corinna, Dunedin, Timaru, Lyttelton,
to-morrow. Kalwarra, Auckland, to-morrow. Progress, Dunedin, Timaru, Lyttelton,
to-morrow. Tamaroa, Auckland, to-morrow. Kapuni, Patea. to-morrow. Opawa, Blenheim, to-morrow. Storm, Plcton, Wanganui, to-morrow. Kartlgi, M’estport, to-morrow. Jfnraina, Sydney, Friday. . Gale. Lyttelton, Dunedin, Timaru, In
day. Hororata, Auckland, Saturday. Jlanuka, Jlelbourne, Saturday. M’ingatul, Lyttelton, Dunedin. Timaru
Saturday. Kia Ora. Loudon, via Cape Horn, bat
urday. John, Wanganui, New Plymouth, Satur-
•Dy- „ . ■ Kohl, Nelson and bays, Saturday. , Wairuna. Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney, Saturday. Hororata. Napier. Saturday. Totara, New Plymouth, Saturday. Storm, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Timaru, Jlonday. I’akura. Napier, Gisborne, Tuesday. Kurow, Auckland, Tuesday. Komata, M’estport. Wednesday. Corinna, Nelson, New Plymouth, Med- - nesday.
’ TO-DAY’S BERTHAGE LIST. Jlarama—No. 1 north Queen's Wharf. Tamahlnc—No. 4 Queen’.s MTiarf. Calm—No. (> Queen’s Wharf. Invercargill—No. 8 Queen s Wharf. Waverley—No. 9 Queen s W hart. Echo, No. 13 Queen's Wharf. Cygnet—No. 13 Queen’s Wharf. Portland —No. 14 Queen's Wharf. Wahine— Ferry Wharf. Komata —Railway Wharf. Kia Ora—Glasgow, Wharf. Kapuni—King’s Wharf. Inaha— King’s Wharf. Hororata— King's Wharf. Ngalo—Pipitea Wharf. Kaitoa—Plpitea Wharf. Tamaroa —Pipitea Wharf. West Elcajon—Taranaki Street Wharf. Jfaheno—Clyde Quay Wharf. Mararoa —Patent Slip. Jioeraki—Patent Slip. Gale —Patent Slip. ' OVERSEA STEAMERS INWARD BOUND HURUNUI (N.Z.S. Co.), left London Mar 10 for Auckland, Port Chalmers, and Bluff: arr. Auckland May 1. PORT AUCKLAND (C. and D. Line), left London Jlar. 10 for Wellington,, Lyttelton, Timaru, and New Plymouth, left LJ TURAI<INA Co.), left Liverpool Mar 17 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin; left Lyttelton M WEST ELCAJON (Burns-Philp), left li^t^ ar TAMAROA OII (Shaw-Savlll), f ro “ JLIKURA (Union Co.), lett San hrancisco Apr. IS for Papeete, Rarotonga, Wellington and Sydney; arr. Wellington Ma pitUNUS, left Casa Blanca (Morocco) Jlar. 21 for Auckland; arr. May 7. BARON FAIRLIE (N.Z.S. Co.), left Antwerp Mar. 17 for Auckland and New Plymouth ; .due Auckland May 19. JIATAKANA (Shaw-Savill), left Literpool Mar. 31 for Auckland. Wellingtoii, Lyttelton, Dunedin; due Auckland May 0- due Wellington Jlay IG. WAIRUNA (Union Co.), left San Francisco. Apr.'9 for Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney; arr., Auckland May 4; due Wellington Jlay 11. JIAUI POJIARE (Gardner and Bmpie), left Liverpool Mar. 7, Southampton Mar. 20, for Apia and W’ellington; due WclllnCANAl)iaANlO‘ TRANSPORTER (Canadian National Steamships), left Montreal Jlar.'24 for Auckland, W’ellington, Lyttelton; and Dunedin; arr. Auckland Jlay 6; dde Wellington Jlay H. WIRRALL (A. and A. Line), left New York, Mar.- 24, left Newport News Mar. „(J for Lcvuko, Suva, Auckland Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin: due Auckland Jlav’9: due Wellington Jlay IG. PLEIODON (8.1.0. Co.), left Singapore Apr. 23 for Wellington; due May 16. SUSSEX (Union Co.), left Calcutta Apr 6; left Rangoon Apr. 11 for Penang, Singapore, Saraarng, Aucklud, ’"Ellington, Lyttelton, Ennedm; due Auckland Mav 12: due Wellington Jlay 19. QUEEN ELEANOR (N.Z.S. Co.), from St John; left New York Apr. b foi Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin: due Auckland May 14; due Wellington May 20. , tx r \ PORT DUNEDIN (C. and D. Line), left London Apr. 5 for Port Chalmers, Lyttelton, New Plymouth; due Port Chalmers Jlay 11. RLJIUTAKA (N.Z.S. Co.), from London, left Southampton Apr. 13 for Wellington, Auckland: due Wellington May AORANGI (Union Co.), left Vancouver Jtay 2 for Honolulu, Suva, Auckland, and Sydney: due Auckland Jlay 20. NORFOLK (Federal Co.), left Liverpool "Apr. 14 for Auckland, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers: due Auckland May 21; due Wellington May-31. SCHELDEPAS (N.Z.S. Co.), from Antwerp, left Panama Apr. 11 for Auckland and W’ellington; due Auckland May 2-; due -Wellington Jlay 30. PORT CURTIS (C. and D. Line), left New York. Apr. 23 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Llutf, due Auckland May 2a; due Wellington JU RUAHINE (N.Z.S. Co.), from London; left Southampton Apr. 26 for M ellington, Lyttelton, Port Chalmers, and Auckland. due .Wellington June L ' CUMBERLAND (Federal Co.), left LI - erpool Apr. 28 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin; due Auckland June .O; due Wellington June 13. CANADIAN CHALLENGER (Canadian National Steamships), left Halifax Jf'W - 1 for . Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Dunedin: due Auckland June >, due Wellington June 15.
~ -OUTWARD BOUND. (The boats in this list are in alphabetical order.) HORORATA (N.Z.S. ,Co.). leaves sVel--11® May 12 for Auckland Napier, Lyttelton, Wellington: due here Maj -J, lienee -May 31 to London, via Panama. lONIC (Shaw-Savill), at M ellington , hence 6 a.m May 9 to Southampton and London, via Panama. KIA ORA (Shaw-Savill), at Manganui, thence to M’elllngton; due here May 10, lienee May 12 to London, via Cape Horn ; MAHIA (Shaw-Savill), at Gisborne, thence to Wellington; due here May 1-, hence May 17 for London and Hull, via Montevideo and Teneriffe. < MAMARI (Shaw-Savill). at Gisborne, thence Mav 9 to Auckland; theiie-e May 14 to London and JVcst Coast ports, via (Shaw-Savill), at Wuikokopu; thence May 9 to Gisborne, Wanganui, LjD tcltou. Wellington: due here May -3, -hence May 26 for London and Hull, via Montevideo mid Rio de Janeiro. PORT ADELAIDE (C. and D- Lb , at Port Chalmers; thence May 9 to London. via Las Palmas. ' , SOMERSET (N.Z.S. Co.), at Por; Glialiners: thence to Wellington: due here Mas 11- lienee May Iff io London. Avonmouth, Glasgow, and Liverpool, via Panama. TASMANIA (Federal Co.), due New Plymouth May 13 from Townsville; tlience 'Io Auckland, Opua, Napier, Lyttelton. Wellington; due here May off; hence June 2 to Avonmouth, Glasgow, and Liverpool, via Montevideo and Las Palmas. TONGARIRO (Federal Co.), left Dunedin Mav 8 for Lyttelton and M ellington . due here May .12; hence May 16 to Port Chalmers: thence May 23 to London. Avonmouth. Glasgow, mid Liverpool. ZEALANDIC (Sliaw-Savill), leaves Ljttelton May 9 for Bluff, Wellington, Auckland; thence Maj’ 2G to London, via
BY TELEGRAPH. ' OVERSEAS. SUVA, Jlay 8. Arriyed-Tofua, from Apia. Sailed. —Omana, for Wanganui; Karetu fol-. Bluff.
BY TELEGRAPH. COASTAL. AUCKLAND. . Arrived. —Maungmiul (10.35 a.m.), Iroin (12.50 p.m.), for ■Vancouver. WANGAM I. Arrived.—Breeze (9.30 a.m.), from WellingSailed.—Calm (1.50 p.m.), for Wellington.
PICTON. Arrived—Holmdale (11.15 a.m.), from Wellington. j ... KAfKOURA. Sailed.—Cygnet (10.10 a.m.), for Wellington.
3VITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. Tile following vessels were expected to be. within range of tlie uniler-mentioiieU wireless stations last night:! AUCKLAND.—Canadian Britisher, Waiiinlil.’ Tutanckal, Baron Fairlie, ■'mirti Chief. Matakmia, Wirral. Stmilej', Cltj’ ot Mandalaj’. -Knlkorai, Tlsiiarcn, Niagara, Sussex. Tasmania. Dunedin, Canadian Transporter. Iltirunui. CIIATIIAJI. ISLANDS.—Port Dunedin, Pukeko. Queen Eleanor. WELLINGTON.—Maori, Wahine. Ngaio, Arahura, Kia Ora, Diomede, Jiaiuari, Malila. .Maui Pomare (via Apia), Plclodon, Wairuna. AWARUA.—Tahiti, Paua, Voco, Port Auckland, Tongariro.
The Kartigi. with cement from Portland, via New Plymouth, is now due here to-i'iorrow, and later will proceed to Westport.
THE KIA ORA. At present loading in the roadstead the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co.’s steamer Kia Ora will next proceed to Wellington, where she is due row morning. The vessel will sail .finally from here on Saturday for Loudon, via Cape Horn.
DEVON LEAVES MONTEVIDEO. Cabled news lias been received by the New Zealand Shipping. Co. that the Devon arrived at Montevideo on Friday from Wellington, and sailed again on Saturday for Dakar, on route to Loudon and Hull.
lONIC FOR HOJIE. The Shaw, Savill, and Albion Co.’s finer lonic, which Is to sail from Wellington at G o’clock this morning for Southampton and London, via Panama, will take the following passengers:—First class: Jliss N. M. B. Bonamy. Mr. A. D. Campbell, Jlr. W. Clark, Mrs. Clark, Master J. W. Clark, Jlr. W. Cooper, -Mrs. Cooper, .Miss J. E. Cooper, Jliss C. JI. Crowdy, Jlr. J. G. Cruickshank, -Mrs. Cruickshank, Mr. R. E. Fisher, Mrs. Fisher. Jlrs. W. D. Guthrie, Lieut. T. W. S. Hardie. Jlr. E. Hav. Jliss J. E. Hewlett. Jlr. J. ELane, Jlr. W. H. Jleyers, Mrs. Jleyers, Jlrs. F. JI. Jloore, Jlr. .1. D. JleVicar, Miss E. E. Nixon, Miss A. N. Orr, Jlr. S. I'. W. Robinson. Jlrs. Robinson, Jliss Jt. A. Storev. Colonel G. A. Strutt, Jlrs. Strutt, Jlrs. E. L. Sturge, Jlr. R. M. Tench, Mr. F. Turner, Jlrs. J. C. Weddcrspoon. Jlrs. F. I. White. Jlrs. JI. Woodcock, Jliss E. Woodcock, Miss M. Woodcock, Jliss H. Woodcock. Jlrs. Sawkins. Second class: Jlr. O. Morrison, Mrs. Jlorrlson. Mrs.. JI. A. R. JleGregor, Jlaster R. R. JlcGregor, Jlrs. S. Navlor. Jlrs. E. JI. Norris. Master It. R. Norris. Mr. W. Peaker, Miss JI. Peters, Jliss Reed, Mrs. I. JI. Richards, ■Mr. A. Savill, Jlrs. E. A. Shaw, Jlrs. JI. K. Shipherd, Miss S. Jt. Shipherd, Jlrs. O. JI. Southall. Miss .1. E. Southall. Master C. Jt. Southall. Jliss W. C. Swan. Jliss H. C. Taylor. Jlr. I. Woolf, Jlrs. Woolf, Jtr. T. W. Worters, Jlr. J. H. Young, Jlrs. Young, Mrs. A. Barley, Jlr. G. C. Boyd, Mr. S'. H. Burrough. Jlrs. Burrough. Jliss A. A. Burrough, Jlrs. JI. Carroll, Jlr. H. Cliadwiek, Mrs. Chadwick, Jlr.- P. P. Crawford. Jlrs. Crawford, Jlr. T. Davis, .Mrs. E. Doekrill, Jlrs. JI. JI. Gatheridge, Jliss J. Gatheridge. Jlr. W. Glen, Jliss .1. Gray. Mrs. C. JI. Grover, Jliss R. Hamil-ton-Gordon, Jlr. H. Hearfield, Jlrs. Hearfield, Mr. ,T. Horne, Jlr. R. W. G. Lye. Jlrs. Lye, Jlrs. E. S. Lyne. Jlrs. J. J. Jlillward; and 160 third class.
SUSSEX REPORTS. En route from Calcutta, via Singapore and Samarang, the Sussex has reported by wireless that she expects to arrive at Auckland on Jlay 13. She will later proceed to Wellington. Lyttelton, and Dunedin to complete discharge.
> JIESS TABLE GOSSIP. The Kaiwarra lias been recommissioned at Auckland, in command of Captain F. L. J. Jaunay. His deck officers are as follow: Chief, Jlr. H. S. Collier; second, Jlr. J. W. Knox; third, Jlr. G. JI. Schofield. . , . Jlr. R. B. Stcere has been appointed third officer of the Kurow. Captain E. R. Lowe lias rejoined the Corinna, relieving Captain A. S. Dalglicsh, who Is awaiting instructions. Jlr. L. R. Leeder has relieved Jlr. H. A. Litchfield as third officer, of the Waikouaitl. . , , Jtr. S. H. Crawford has arrived from Sydney, and is awaiting orders.
VANCOUVER MAIL STEAMERS. The Niagara, from Sydney, lett Auckland yesterday for Suva, Honolulu, and Vancouver, and is due at Suva on hrlday. The Aorangi, from Vancouver, Is due at Honolulu to-day. She will sail again this evening for Suva, Auckland, and Sydney, and is due at Suva ou Jlay 17, and at Auckland on Jlay 20.
SAN FRANCISCO JIAIL STBAJIERS. ■The Jlakura, from San Francisco, via ports, left Wellington, yesterday lor Sydney.' where she is due on Saturday next The Tahiti, from Sydney, via Wellington, Rarotonga, and Papeete, is due at San Franeisco on Friday next. She leaves on the return voyage on Jlay 16.
ISLAND STEAMERS. 'The Tofita, from Apia, arrived at Suva at 4 a.m. yesterday, and will leave at 4 p.m. to-morrow lor Auckland direct, where she is due on Jtay 14. The Waipahi, from Suva, is due at Auckland to-day, and will sail aßain tomorrow for Rarotonga, • Aitutaki, and Mangala.
TRANSPACIFIC CARGO STEAMERS. # Tlie Waikawa. from British Columbia ports, is due at San Francisco She wlli proceed thence to Los Angelis on Sunday next to complete loading tor Apia, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, and New 1 from Sydney, via Suva and Honolulu, is due at Vancouver on Saturday next. She will proceed theiKC to San Francisco to complete, loading for Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne, and Sydney, and will clear San Francisco ou from Sydney, Suva on Jlav 1 for Vancouver, ban I rancisco, »nd Los Angeles to load for Auckland, Jlelbourne, Adelaide, and Sydney. She is •’’k’lm WaPhemo" clcaV Sydney on Jlay 1.1 -fnr Vancouver and San 1* r.inclsco, x Fiji to load for Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne, and Sydney. , The Wairuna, from San FranclhLO, leit li^ y Mr AdelatdE and Sydney She is due at Wellington on 1 The’ Waiotapn, from the eced 1 thene r e al to Ct Au°ckfand, Wellington, Melbourne, and Sydney.
MAMARI DELAYED. Owing to heavy seas the Shaw, Siwffi, and Albion Co.’s steamer The n vess a i e is to leave* there li'naliv Dom i the ll iau'cr’por 1 t next Monday for London, Avonmouth, Glasgow, and Liverpool, via Cape Horn.
si',: s .a r o™u. i"" 1 also at Sydney (C. 8. and New York.
MARAJIA IN A GALE. A rouch passage was experienced by the Union Co“s 'intercolonial SepgfSS s,pruis n %’llio°he>ivj 1 io°he>ivj’ £1 weather continued iinm wlmn,finer<m.>di : ved S a t couple '^ e n ?J a J a the brought a large number majority of whom wJi-n-sM .The Marama is to sail trom w Hngiou on Friday on the return trip to Sydney.
THE CANADIAN TRANSPORTERT ™ Canadian National steamer, Canadian T-'rnnsi>orter ar Ivul - 1 Auckland on Saturday evenn g w»l l C siir oad a d ll nt S ilnlifax’and left hmrc'on March 2G for ?!;^ge tcred mid delayed Hie vessels mrival i>J Roop is in command and Mr. E. Smith; tourtli. Mr. .. W- >■ VI‘V • wireless operator. Mr. I>. O. -' kernite; chief steward. Mr. E. Moreton. The Canadian Transporter is due at W lington on-Fridaj’ morning.
NORFOLK I,EAVES PANAMA. Cabled news lias been received bj tl Federal Company tliat. the Norfolk m i ivul at Panama on Saturday trom Livi I , Uli May ni, mid at Wellington about ten days later.
ZEALANDIC TO LOAD. Tlie Shaw, Savill. mid Albion < oinpnn> s •Klvise that their new motor-ship Z.'.l..ui "die is to leave Lyttelton tu-niglit to load at, Bluff. Wellington, and Auckland.■ J’',}!; will sail finally from Auckland on Maj -6 for London, via Panama.
THE HORORATA TO LOAD. The New. Zealand snipping vise that tlie Hororata will leave Wilfing ton at (> a.m. on Saturday to h’- 11 ‘ Auckland. Napier, Lyttelton, and later at Wellington. The vessel is dm- bat k - t Wellington ou May 211, mid vvlll 1 ‘ ally from tills port on Maj’ ol lor Lon iloh, via Panama.
THE MAI.MOA. The Shtw. Savill. and Albion Companj s stoner Maimoa an’ived at Wuikokopu n 7 a.m. yesterday from >.apler for twithci loading. She was loading at IVaikokopn yesterday, an<l will leave there this after noon for Gisborne.
PORT ADELAIDE'S I‘ASbLNOLItS. The C. and D. Line advise that the Port Adelaide, which is to leave Port Chalmers at 0 o'clock tills morning lot London, via Las Palmas, will take the following passengers Mr. and .Mrs. H<l Hassock and two children (trom bytlnev). Dr. and Mrs. 11. W. Webber (trom Dunedin). Mrs. and Miss Hettargh (from Wanganui'. Mr. 11. ,L P. Denny (from Dunedin), Mrs. Purnell and two infants
(from Christchurch), Dr. Rennie (of Wellington) accompanies the vessel as ship « surgeon. THE SOMERSET. Tlie New Zealand Shipping Company advise that the Somerset will now leave Port Chalmers ou Thursday for Wellington, where she is due on Friday evening, to complete loading. The vessel is to sail from Wellington next Wednesday for London, Avonsmouth, Glasgow and Liverpool, via Panama. THE MAHIA. The Shaw, Savill and Albion Company s steamer, Mahia, which arrived at Gisborne on Sunday from Nelson, has not been able to load any cargo at Gisborne owing to heavy seas. She is expected to commence loading there this morning, and will proceed thence to Wellington, where the vessel is due on Saturday. The Mahia is to sail finally from Wellington to-morrow week for London and Hull, via Montevideo and Tencriffe. WAIRUNA AT AUCKLAND. An arrival at Auckland at four o’clock on Sunday afternoon was the Union Company’s transpacific cargo steamer Wairuna from the Pacific coast. She brought 10,000 tons of case oil, timber, and general merchandise, 200 tons of which she put out at Auckland. Tlie cargo was loaded at Vancouver, Powell River, Ocean Falls and San Francisco. The Wairuna sailed from San Francisco on April 10. The weather was fair during the voyage until Thursday morning, when a westerly gale, with rough head seas, was encountered, and tlie boisterous conditions delayed her arrival by about four hours. Captain A. W. Creese is in command, and he has with him the following offi-cers-Chief, Mr. J. Ritchie; second, Mr. R. Tulloch’; third, Mr. .T. Broughton: chief engineer. Mr. N. McMurrich; second, Mr. W. Faulkner; third, Mr. B. Issac; fourth, Mr. M. Barr; fifth, Mr. W. Rugg: wireless operator, Jlr. 11. Heather; chief steward. Mr. A. Thorne. Tlie Wairuna is due at Wellington on Friday. MISCELLANEOUS. Tlie liner Tamaroa is to sail from Wellington at 5 p.m. to-morrow for Auckland to complete discharge of her Loudon cargo. The Holmdale is due here to-morrow from Wanganui, and will go on to southern ports. Tlie Progress, from Port Waikato, is due here to-morrow and will go ou to southern ports. The Wingatui is to leave Auckland today for Wellington and southern ports. The Totara is to leave Timaru to-mor-row for Lyttelton, Wellington, aird New Plymouth. Tlie Kaponga is due at Greymouth on Friday to load for Miramar and Wellington. The Kaiwarra is now due here to-mor-row from Westport, and will go on to Plcton and Auckland. Tlie Kanna is expected to leave Westport to-day for Greymouth, Miramar, and Wellington. The Storm is now due here to-morrow from southern ports, and will go on to Picton and Wairganui.
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Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 186, 9 May 1928, Page 13
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4,270SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 186, 9 May 1928, Page 13
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