AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. I'eilding.—Stock sale. S IVilleston Street, 10.30 a.m.—Sale oi furniture (E. Johnston and Co.). 08 Hanners Street, 2 p.m.—Sale of furniture (Ramsey Wilson and Co.). _ 108 Cuba Street, 2 p.m.—Sale of furniture (L. Silverstone and Co.). TO-MORROW. Corner Riverbank Road and Kirk Street, Otaki, on the ground, 1.30 p.m.—Sale of six-roomed residence and contents <H. E. Leighton and Co.). Campbell Terrace, Petone, 1.30 P-m.— Sale of residence and contents (J. M. Pearson). MONDAY. Te Hauke-Koparekone homestead. 11 a.m.—Sale of stud bulls (Williams and Kettle). Levin East, Queen Street, on farm. noon. —Sale of stock, etc. (N.Z. Loan). Bulls.—Pig sale (Levin and Co.). FARMING INTERESTS CHRISTCHURCH SHEEPSKINS SALE DRY CLASSES IN DEMAND. BY TBLEGBAPH. —RBBSS ASSOCIATION. Christchurch, October 13. The weekly sale of sheep-skins was held yesterday when a fair sized catalogue was offered. Dry skins sold at fully the prenous week’s rates, but green skins scarcely held the exceptional prices ruling prev*°Dry skins sold as follow:—For sound half-bred lljd. to 15d., three-quarter-bred lUd. to lid., cross-bred IGJd. to 12d., merino 9d. to 12Jd., hoggets 13d. to GrMn skins —Half-bred 10s. 9d. to 20?., three-quarter-bred 9s. Id. to 20s. Id., cross-bred 7s. Sd. to 12fl. lOd. CHRISTCHURCH WOOL SALE SUPPLEMENTARY % LOTS OFFERED. a: TBLSGSAPH.-I’RESS ASSOCIATION. Christchurch, October 13. A supplementary wool sale was held vesterday at Messrs. Pyne, Gould, Guineas, Ltd.’s land sale rooms, there was a comparatively small bench of buyers. The catalogue comprised 609 bales, exclusive of 200 bag lots, aud the following were the offerings and order of sale:—Pyne, Gould, Guiness, Ltd, 214 bales, N.Z. Farmers’ Co-op., 110; H. Matson and Co., 56; National Mortgage, 35; Dalgetv and Co., 174; N.Z. Loan Co., 20. Total, 609. The sale was a good one, the standard of prices showing a slight hardening on values at the preceding sale. Only occasional lots were passed. Top price for orutchings was 131 d. per pound; four bales of greenhills wool good orutchings made from that price down to HJd. and seconds from 7£(l. to lid. Locks made up to Bsd. A few fleece lots were forward. Two bales of half-bred hogget sold at 21jd. and seven bales of Taruna Corriedale at 20 to 21Jd. Four bales of Alaska brand half-bred sold at 21Jd., other odd lots selling at 20d.
AUSTRALIAN RECORD ESTABLISHED BY FRIESIAN. Big performances are still being made by cattle produced from Mr. J. Donald s famous old Westmere stud, which lie dispersed some years ago in order to permit of his taking up the breeding of thoroughbred horses. The latest performance credited to a Friesian cow of Mr. Donald's breeding is the I( sj’ | '. ctc f. l S. o .' a production exceeding 10001 - butterfat. This performance was recently established in Victoria by the cow Westmere Oakwood Duchess, eight years old. Fhe exact figures produced are not yet available, but the production exceeds 10001 b. of butterfat for the year s test of 365 days. In addition to being described as the greatest Friesian cow so fai tested in Australia, Westmere Oakwood Duchess recently won the type and utility class at the Melbourne Royal Show, and her son won the new class for bulls judged on type and the production ot their dams Mr Donald had previously forwarded to Australia quite a n ! ,mber t , which have put up records in the various Slates and also won championships at the Koval Shows, but this latest success scored ‘by Westmere Oakwood Duchess is the highest production yet recorded by a cow bred at Westmere, although performances still standing to the credit of Mr Donald’s stud, which for years have remained as New Zealand records over all breeds. are those credited to Westmere Princess Pieterje, 9391 b. of butterlat as a junior four-year-old, and Netheiland Princess IV, 805ib. of butterfat as a senior two-year-old. . Westmere Oakwood Duchess is sired by Dominion Oakwood, a bull bred by the New Zealand Government in its Wcraroa stud. This bull is sired by Oak do Koi II Homestead Fabes, a bull selected in America for the New Zealand Government by Governor Hoard, of Wisconsin, and he is out of the great imported cow. Woodcrest Daisy, selected in America for the Weraroa herd by Mr. W. M. Singleton. Woodcrest Daisy was the heaviest producing raw at Wcraroa. It is interesting to note that another son of this latter cow is one of the. herd sires being used in the Government herd. The dam of the new 10001 b fat producer is Woodcrest Duchess Paul, by Mr. Donald’s great imported sire, Woodcrest Pietjo Pontiac, from Westmere Duchess Paul. The latter cow is by Paul Pieterje. and traces her descent from the original cow, Domino, imported from Hollan’d by the late John Grigg, of Longbcach. SALE OF ABERDEEN ANGUS BULLS AKITIO ANNUAL SALE. The Wairarapa Farmers' Co-operative Association. Ltd., in conjunction with Messrs. Williams and Kettle, Ltd., conducted the, annual Aberdeen Angus stud bull sale on behalf of Mr. F. Armstrong, at Mr. Cowan’s farm. Timber Bay, Dannevirke. when thev offered 50 two-ycar-old Polled Angus bulls to a good attendance. The bulls came forward in good condition. and met with keen competition throughout the sale. With the exception of one bull, which was afterwards disposed of, everything was. sold under the hammer. The following is n list of buyers and prices:—Clulow Estate, 23pns.: Estate R. Morrison. 281gns.; E. Hiddiford. 30gns.; Wardell Estate. 30gns.; Jonathan Holden, 22gns.; W.F.C.A.. Ltd.. 15gns.: D. G. Speedy. 30gns.; Wright, Stephenson son and Co., ISgii?.; Estate Chas. HerWardell Estate. 27gns.; Dalrymple Bros., 46gns. • Wae Wae Pa Station. 19gns.; W.F.0.A.. Ltd., 15gns.; Wright, Stephenson and So., 35gns.; Estate Chas. Herbert, 35gna.: Wyley Bros., 36gns.; 0. F. Vallance, 20gns.; Burnview Station, 21 gns.; It. W. Beckett. 21gns.: Tatham Estate. 20gns.: R. E. Beckett. 19gns.; Simon MacLeod. 22ffns.; Rupert Morrison Estate, 30gns.- C. F. Vallance. 18gns. -. Jonathan Holden. 37ens.: E. Ridtliford. 30gns.: Tatham Estate, 30gns.; R. F. Blair, 20gns.; Estate Chas. Herbert. 30gns.; Hartgill Estate. 17gns.; R. E. Bunny, 31gns.; L. G. Grosso. 24gns.; Dalrymple Bros., 20gns.: Bartgill Estate. 20gns.: Norval Snecdy. 181 gns.; W.F.C.A.. Ltd.. 12gns.: E. Riddiford. 30gns.; Hartgill Estate, 12gns.: L. G. Crosse, 20gns.; Estate B-. Morrison, 26gns.; D. G. Speedy. 20gns.: Wardell Estate, 26 gns.; R. E. Beckett, 35gns. LONDON DAIRY PRODUCE . MARKET The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co.. Ltd., have received the following cablegram from their London house, dated October 12: —Butter: New Zealand, market irregular; 1745. to 180 s. per cwt. (last week 178 s. to 1825.). Cheese: 104 s. to 105 s. per cwt. (last week, 104 s. to 1065.). Market dull. LONDON TALLOW SALES (Rec. October 13, 5.5 p.m.) London, October 12. At the tallow sales 1251 casks were offered. and 942 were sold, at about 6d. per cwt, advance. Fine mutton brought 365. 9d. per cwt.; medium, 34e.; fine beef, 395.; medium, 335. 6d.—A.ILA. and "Suu.” The Bank of New Zealand, produce department. has received the following advice from its London office, under date October 12:—Tallow; There is a good demand. Current quotations: Good mutton, 365. 3d. to 365. 6d. per cwt.; good beef, 365. 6d. to 375.; good mixed, 365. to 365., 6d.; gut, 295. to 335. Messrs. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., report having received the following cablegram from their London house, under date October 12:—Tallow: 1250 casks offered, 938 casks sold. Prices:. Mutton, in general, unchanged; inferior, Is. higher; other descriptions, 6d. higher. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency. Co.. Ltd., have received the following cablegram from their London house, under date October 12:— Tallow.—Wc quote present c.i.f. and c. values for the following descriptions of tallow: Fine mutton, 375. pcr cwt.; good beef, 395.; mixed, 365. 6d.; market inactive. WHOLESALE PRODUCE PRICES Messrs. Laery and Co., Ltd., report wholesale values as follow: —Mixed fowl feed, 5-sack lots or over 6s„ lesser lots 6s. 3d.; linseed meal, 30cwt. lots or over £l5 55., half-ton lots or over 16h. 1001 b., lesser lots 16s. 6(1.; linseed nuts, 30cwt. lots or over £l3 ss„ ton lots or over 14s. 100 lb., lessor lots 14s. 6d. 1001 b., freight paid main line stations on 30cwt. parcels; oyster shell grit, 5-sack lots or over 55., lesser lots ss. 6d. 1001 b.: pipi shell grit, 5-sack lots or over 55., lesser lots ss. 6d. 1001 b.; wheat, Bs. bushel, sacks in; oats, machine dressed and clipped seed Algerians ss. 4d. bushel, farmers’ dressed seed Algerians 45., 4s. 3d., feed Gartons 3s. 6<i„ grade Gartons 4s. 2d., 4s. f.d., crushed 4s. 9d., Duns 4s. 4d., ss. 2d., black 45.; ryp corn, 601 b. to bushel, ss. 6d. bushel; mixed wheat and rye corn, 601 b. to bushel, 6s. 6d. bushel; feed barley, 4s. 2d. and 4s. bushel; shelled oats for chicks, ss. to ss. 2d.; Gisborne maize, 6s. Bd. bushel; chick raiser, No 1,501 b. bag 9s. 6d., 1001 b. bag 18s, 6d.; Baby, 501 b. bag 10s. 6d.; Chuck-chuck, 251 b. bag. 6s. bag; partridge peas, Bs., 9s. 3d. bushel,feed peas 7s. and 7s 6d„ Prussian blue 12s. 6d.; wheatmeal, feed half-ton lots, £l4 15s. ton; butter, farmers’ prime separator and dairy bulk and pats, Is. Id. to Is. 2d.; turkeys. Is. 3d. to Is. 4d. lb.; geese, 15s. pair; ducks, runners, young, Ils. to 135.. large whitec 14s. to 15s pair; fowls, white Leghorns Bs. to 95., black Orpingtons and similar varieties 10s. to 125.; eggs, first grade new laid, Is. Bd.; fungus. New Zealand, Bd. to lOd.; dressed pork, 60’s to 90’s, 7Jd. to Bd.; sucking pigs, 9d. to 10d.; sucrosinc, half-ton lots or over .-£ll 10s., lesser lots 12a.; barley pollard. half-ton lots or over £7 10s. lesser lots Bs.; maizemeal, 10s. bushel; meatmeal. half-ton lots or over £ll ton. lesser lots Hs. 6d. cwt.; charcoal. 14s. 9d 501 b. bag: agricultural salt. £5 ton. less than ton lots 6s. 6d. cwt.; rock salt, ton lots '5 10s., lesser lots 65.; mutton birds, in kits. lO.ld. bird. Tasmanian in casks. 7d. bird; molasses, in casks 405.. in cases 8s 6d.; Blenheim chaff, ton lots. £7 10s ton. ’ess than ton lots Bs.; Hawke’s Bay lucerne, £5 ss. ton. f.o.r. Hastings; Bien helm lucerne hay. £7 10s. ton. f.o.r Wellington; Java shelled peanuts, 4 lb., sacks in; peanuts in shell. 4<l. lb. sacks in; barley meal. £9 ton, half-ton lots. lesser lots 9s. 6d.; peameal, half-ton tots or over £ll. lessor Jots Ils. 6d.; bran, halfion lots or £7 Ids., lessor lots Bs.; nollard. half-ton lots or over £9 10s., lesser lots 10s.; black leaf 4(1 spray, 21b. tins 135., 101 b. tins 605.; seeds, white clover Is. 6d. lb., cowgrass Is. 3d. lb.. Danish cocksfoot 9(1. lb., Italian rye 6s. bushel, perennial 7s. 6d. bushel. Western Wolths 6s. bushel; Routh Island potatoes. Dakotas £9 to £9 195.. whites £6 Ids. to £7 10s.; high-grade seed potatoes, ton lots, Ration Supremo £lO. Gamekeeper £5 155., Red Dakotas £7 10s.. Arran Chief £5 155.. less than ton lots 10s. extra.
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Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 17, 14 October 1927, Page 14
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1,828FARM & COMMERCIAL Dominion, Volume 21, Issue 17, 14 October 1927, Page 14
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