Yesterday was the 49th anniversary of the binding of Mr. Massey, as a boy of 14 years, in Auckland. Referring to the fact in his speech at Thames Inst night, Mr. Massey saiil that his parents had arrived in New Zealand a few years before, haying left him at home at school. The ship in which ho arrived was the City of Auckland, afterwards wrecked on the Otald beach. "I need not say," he added, with a smile, ."that when I. landed I had not the slightest notion that one day I would take to politics mid become Prime Minister." (Applause.)'
The Pacific Cable Board and Eastern "Extension Cumpany notify the withdrawal of Ihc privilege! of free transmission of three inquiry telegrams (W S.M.)as from December 31..
The following cases of infleunza were rcuorted between noon on December S and norm December 11:—Auckland. 32 mild. 5 severe; Wellington, 'JO mild. 9 nneunionic. 1 severe; Canterbury, 8 mild, 3 severe: Olago, 3 mild.
The longevity of the African grey parrot in captivity is well known, aid -a further example has h;sn disclosed this week. At the 1889.' July Show of the ■Wellington Poultry, Pigrnii, :,nd Canary Association, Mr. llnwy Price had as on entry, an Afr'can grey jinrrot 18 months old." This was bought by :i Wellington resident, and presented to his niece, in whose possession it iiii", been ever Mnce, iiiit-r its demise, en Thursday at tlie age of 32 years., -
"The housing question is a. matter of great importance to farmers," remarked S>r James Wilson at the annual dinner of shareholder in the New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Distributing Company yesterday. "Farmers must realise that ■ good accommodation . for the workers must go on. Married workers were more likely to remain if , provision wero made for housing. In the early days it wan a common thing to have no wire mattressia, but merely stretchers made of white pine saplings with (lax interlaced. The pioneers did not complain, hut nowadays things had changed, and it was necessary to provide better accommodation. 'They did not want the old-time "swagger," hut the family man, an<! they must provide decent homes ior liic-in. Ho said lie was very pleased to see that the , dairy-companies right tip til.' AVest Coast had been building fiomo lino residences for their employees, and sin-rounded them with nice gardens.
\ Defence General Order issued some time ago provided that, at the discretion of Iho' officer commanding the hospital [•onteriu'd, a iree return rail'pass may bo issued to in-patients after having reoehi'd treatment for our month, and thereafter one free ra'.l pas.-, every three month- , . As the ouMtiim ui Christmas leave liii- bwii coneerni";: soldier patients who are not due ior -i free war-rani-.at tlia time, th* general secretary, N./,.i\'..S.A. (.Mr. I)oii;b..v Seymour) ina«e re?.ii"ding wum , , 'to Ihe Director of Medical Services, who has now advised as follows -.-"Free rail, .and where necessary, coach or boat warrants wi'l be issued to hospital patients to v.hom Christmas leave; ij granted; If thi-'e'i'-ii'enls have not already a , per •:>(! of lwvc due under tienrral l!ca'.!.|ii:irtcrs •Jiisirii'-'liniis. llu:se warraiil- will bo issued in aiiiicipalion of the next i?-uo to' wli'i-li. in due course, they would become enlitled." In .conclusion, j>. (>neral 'JV'Ckivin odds: "I alfo,that these soldiers will receive consider:;-' lion as regards the issue uf nay for.this period."
On tho ground of economy, the . patients at ,, present in I'eatliwMon Military Ifospilal will shortly he i-vn-.-iuitoil and distributed a-iiiim* the various cllier military hosnitills in the Dunimioii. lh° ])i'l'ciif(- ontliuritii's intend lo ut lisis many of the buildings at I'eat hurst on Ca.n'p for the temporary stor.ige of divisionv.l eqiiipnicnl that is new arriving from overseas. Later r.ii, it :s ■.ntcndeU to distribute the matpvial to the territorials, who have been carrying -:>n practically without equipment mice tho outbivak 'of war. TrentlMni Camp. w.ll bo utilised as a permanent General.Memlcuarters School, where Staff Corps olhe'ers, mcmlwrs of the 'J'ernuiieM Stall, and Teritorial officers and n.c.o.'s. nviy ;;« throiigli (nullifying conrses to lit HvbiuseivcV for higher rank.
At (he "breaking-lip" ceremony in-ciin-nection with the Mount Cnuk Hoys School, an honours- board-to the memorv of the ex-pupils of Hie school wimj foil-in the fireal War is to lie unveiled bv Cieneral <■'. S. Itichnrd-on. This is the second honours l»ard to h< nnvcilcil at Ill's school.
"It is idle to say that- the Liberal Party is responsible for all the progressive "government, and improvement to the working man," said Mr. E. 1 , . Risli : worth. Kcform candidate for the Hutt seat, at hi? meeting at .Vetono last night. Tlie Liberal Party was reduced almost to a state of chaos when the liciorm (I'evernment took .office. The Heforni ■Government, had tried to carry out the proline made in 1012 that they would., change tho incidence of taxation. 1 lie labour upheaval of WM. and the «ulbieak nf war, had jirevcnlwl- the lull completion of the Reform Governments pledges. In reply lo an interj.xtor, Mr. Rislnvorth said: "Jl is no good, that man irtemipting because ho knows that when the Liberal Party was_ in olhce there was a whole heap of jumps ami spies in the Government service, and tl\e whole thing was ratten. There were men, in tho Government service who were afraid to express thsir opinions hom'stlv because they were frightened tliiu they would be repeated to the heads of departments." (Applause) "Mr. Kgata, up the Knst Const, is the onlv man ut present entitled to mil the k-lters M.P. after his name. He was n-turneel nnopiwd. and T 'don't wonder ut it No Maori ho.' w shown anything like It's ability."-llr. A. lv. Newman at St. Mark's schoolroom hist evening.
Last eveniii? at i)-5 the tire br^ad?'recfived ft call from Me.-'-s. Magnus, Sanrierson and O.'.s pi-.-mis- in Walvcfi.-Ul Str«ot." It i< suppived that the lire nii"inr.t»d l\v the fu<- ! ii!T."f an electric wire iittnehed to the lifl. the woodwork l/'ing slightly damaged. .
At "t> -I:'! , !'- I' !!i,v!i i».i!ir-.rmv: cv."!int. „ ini-jnnriiii !;'"n'- 'n ll'e ni'.n n' '■■'.(< eoniT-rnti-n 1;)"'-! " "'» -:•■■ 'v i' 1 linvpi'frl. Dr. tlil-.'i v;il! mv.Hi il :<en''o:i api>vr;i:i.-ito t» Hie weii'-nn.
At the nm'itlily niwHiirr of ths , Js-w----f'uinlv Ci)i':iPil. lir'.il yrs!r:-(Juy. !. w.-is-liHilf'rl I bat the riiris!-!i>:;s hoi'days W from l>it'"bi' W !■• S, ajiif that t'iry b« pa'<l np to January 3. ilex'. , pay c!;\v. The Sl.iiyor "I T.nwfr Unit 01 r. E. l v "RislnvnrilO l>fc«. n(!vi-'il that the eoimoil's niip'.icatinn ivv cur of the Mirp!:is war !»ol(ir-!;iiilMii?iM'p'i n:'-i I- ,, ' 0,, L'rnnliil. A puiiilh , !- «f these vehicle? are li-sw in WfllinstTU ir.irb.-flr «« bo;ii"' the s.s. Vakehn. and miy of Iliem has been allocated to (he'flower "nit bcrOUS'll.
The director of Gilby's College has receivexl int'mation from Mr. A. »'• J^>t; son. I'.T.P.S., thai: at a sleiwtypisls ■ipted exnminnlion comluctiHl by him on Xoveinlxir 2S, out of wven ejindidaVes presented six *eiv succe.ssful in .-;nalii.vins, the percentage of aceuraey beuig J>> to 30 per cent. The mines of ilie suceffsful i!iuid ; dalcs and the rate of i-pe.'d of each art! as follow :-17« words per iv.'rute, Miss Olive M. CoutN; HO 'vnn h lier lniuute, Miss Lottie lTnrris; lUfl.vord-i nor minule. Miss Thehiv, Petersen -100 words p"r minute. Miss Owen M'Coiichie; Oil words per minute. Misses Tilcanor Sinitli ami Mirani Wool
"Jnlin limns once said Ilial ii>e:in streets make mean pi'iipli , . Let us make our streets brisiliter tind i-ienu'i- and better than thev have been, and we'll have better ueoule."—fir. A, K. Newman at St, Mark's Schoolroom,
The Director of Horticulture stales that the Government has approved of the recommendation to p.iy cue penny per 11). net on all fruit exported .luring 1920, _on tlie'imdcrstondin; that (similar conditions to those formerly imposed arc observed. This guarantee is for ihe purpese of protecting exporters against loss during, the.timo the export trade is bcins '.built up.- The great need now is Co secure shipping space, which is no easy matter. Every effort is be/ng uade, however, ;md it is hoped that ihe '.ratio inlorriiptcd by the war will Ik> resumed and augmented. The conditions imposed .by Hit , (lOvei'iimeiit are in ypijnrd In grading • and packing, and eimbV (ho (ioveinment. inspectors to give cert'ficatos as to tiunlily, etc.. as is done in llm ease of other New Zealand products exported. Tin , export regulation* are.awaited eagerly by would-be pspovfarv
The future success of the farmers dc-pc-mlcd upon their sticking together and .ui-riertaking to look niter their own produce, remarked Sir James Wilson at the annual dinner of shareholders in, tli" New Zcalnnd Farmers' Co-operative Distributing Co., Ltd., yesterday. Hβ ireferred to tho Farmers' Institute as a fine example of combination. Townspeople were- inclined to think that tho farmers were monopolists because they owned a few motor-cars. They knew nothing of the disadvantages' under, which the farmers laboured.
Tho begonjn house at the Botanical Gardens, which is to be opened on Sunday, will be open to visitors on Sunday and Wednesday afternoons --during- tjie summer liiontbs ' . ■ '
Last evenins at G. 35 the fire brigade received a call from 07 Tory Street, (the Excelsior Firnishing and Manufacturing Company). The premises comprise a simile -stow building, which was only very, slightly damaged. The belongs to the Kcbblc Estate. •
"The true interests of this country lie with the worker," declared Mr. E. IV Rishworth at his meeting at Petone' last nittht. ."If the men who are responsible for the labour in this country are not prepared to work the country cannot prosper. We must have tho fullest production that we can get out of the land." A voice: "Out of the man." Mr. ■Rishworth: "The man who understands his responsibilities will give the best in him. not onlv for the work that he is doing, but for the good of his country. (Applause.) AVe must realise that if we are to make- a, success of anything we are working at, wo must give loving, and the best work in. us. A man who works only for what, he is paid for only gets raid for what he works. The true worker realises that true work is essential for the - prom-ess of this country. (Applause.)
"Them is in New Zealand unieli miscrv mid' trouble," said Dr. .Newman at St Murk's Schoolroom last evening, 'and every year J-'ees " n increase in the hospital and charitable aid rates. There must be a policy of uplift and a stricter inciuiiT into the causes of poverty and wretchedness. During the last session tho nensions to the aged had been increased, and pensions had been granted to emdemic widows. ' But why stop at thai Wliv not pensions to widows ot men who died from cancer and consumption A pension had been granted ■to widows with children, but. they did not eet'so-miich as the epidemic widows. Thev must readjust their ideas on these Questions. The old notion was (hat the weakest should «o -to the wall, but different notions prevailed • now, and tho State should .see that tlie lot of innocent sufferers should be made easier, lhcro was insurance against death and accident • Wliv not insurance against sick,,n,s i [am one who thinks that Ji active war should be waged against iUhcalth and disease, said Dr. Newman. In the old days New Zealand was regamH as a health resort, and consumptive!) were'allowed to ton;.; m freely and snrcad the disease They had to fglit if hard, and as the result the ■ deaths r-om consumption, once 18 in 10,000, were roducen to 11. then 10, S, 7, and it were now Gi ner 10.000, and in a lew years he honed the disease would lie stamped out Mtroethei- in New Zealand. (Appl™*) ••Typhoid wn< once prc.valen in Wcllington" but it had been stamped out, thanks to an excellent system of drainage; I hey •should now niake n crusade , against cancer which, if tackled in earnest, cnulo h> reduced as was consumption and tvuhoid. (Hear, hear.)"
■ Speakiii" at Sydney Street last evening Mr J. P. Luke said that the importance nf the motto in town-planning, "ono house one family," was strongly strcsseil i)V Jl. -.Augustine Key, ono of Hie greatest French town-planners. . Speaking at the To\vn-i)lanninc; Conference-calico by. tho Koval Institute of iiritish Architects. in London in 1910. and which was of an international character, said:— "J. lie oner■retic character of tli-.- Anglo-Saxon race reveals itself very clearly in this matter of dwellings. The only thins with which we might reproach these residential cities, as lliev exist, in England, is hat thev sometimes conceal then- important buildings behind a mass of these ideal small dwellinKs-the collars. -Scvertlie-lo-s it is ono of tho crowning glories ot (i real Britain to have made her own this motto: 'One house, one family." .
The British film iiitalry. long neglected, is beginning to .-how unmislakablo signs of vigorous life. Vor some timo past British kinema productions have become increasingly ambitious under the spur of competition from tho t;nnco Stale, where the business of film-making mnl;s as the country's- fifth greatest, industry. Now ii company, has just been formed in London,'with.a capital of 4:1,(100 01)0, which will concern themselves exclusively with the production of British films, They are jjoin? lo esta-b isli a kincmsVcity at Harrow \Voald Park, with Hie larwst sl-ndio in Hie world, a hostel to accommodate their'own actors and actresses and Ihe capacity lo produce no fewer 'than fiO' niclurcs in a year. Not the least iutereslin',' fpalnre of the project, is the fact that some of England's most eminent dramatists, including Sir Artbnr Tiiiero. Mr. K. C. Carton, and Mr. Edward Knnl>lnclv-..hnvi> consented to net as nmmlwrs "f ft consultative literary comnr'ftoe More and more, too, the bestltiiown actors.ami actressy are turning tlir> 5 r tn'onts lo th<* "I'tis.- from winch for n. long time they exhibited a tendency to hold aloof.
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Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 68, 13 December 1919, Page 6
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2,284LOCAL AND GENERAL Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 68, 13 December 1919, Page 6
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