'PHASES OF THE MOON , . DECEMBER. -j ' . Day. Hr. m, Firet quarter ...... l Hl7 a.m. ( Full moos ~„.,..,. 7 ; 9J3 p.m. . , Last quarter 14 5 32. p.m. New moon ....22 ,10 25 p.m.. First quarter 30 ' 4 55 p.m. MOON. ' ' . Itoqn rjses tqrdav, 0.1 p.m.; sets, 0,10 a.m, tormorrow.•"-. ■- ■■' r .'" TIDE '. To4ay, lflJlJ.a.m.; 10.55 j).m.' . To-morrow, 11.19' a.m'ij' 11.43 p.m,' . ••" SUN.- •i ' ..- . Sun rises to Jay. 4.13 a.m. i sets, 7.7 , p.m. -."- ' ARRIVALS. '■' SATURPAY,. JfOpMBBR 29. TAHITI, s.s. (6.25 .a;m.), 7585 tone, D, Todd; from .Port 'Chalmers. -. '•"■" ''"' ' NIKAU, s.s. (7.5Q a.m.), 248 tfl.ns, Hay, for Nelson. . ' ' ' '-.' '■:t ,' ■ MARAItOA, s.B. (8.25 a.m.), 2598 tons, B. Irwin. from Lyttelton. .. Tfi' ANAU, s.s.' (11.20 a.m,), 1697 ton«. Platts, from Auckland. . KOWHAI, ; 8.3. (9.45- p.m.), 792 tona, j. Plowman, from Qreymouth. PATEESA, 5.8..(10.20 p.m.). 1212 tons, T. Bewell, from, Pioton and .Nelson. ... SUNDAY, NOVESIBEB 30. ' OPAWA, s.s. (1.30 a.m.), 110 tons, J. Knoi, put back.,stress of weather. BEMUEEA, s.B. (4.30 a,,m.), 11,276 tons, J. Cameron, from Lyttelton. MAOEI, s.s. (8.20 a.m.), 3412 tons.; W. • Cameron, from Lyttelton. KAITOA, e.B. (11.45 a.m.), 319 tons, Wildman, from Nelson. •'.-•■• •■'.•' ■ BREEZE, s.s. (1.20 p.m.), .553 tons, Vane, from Lyttelton. ■ ■• • CORINNA. s.i. (1.25 p.m.). 1319 tons, O. Elders, from New Plymouth. ' MONOWAI, s.s. (3.45. p.m.), ,3453 tons,. A. Norton, from Napier. • \ ■ s.s. (4,15,(p.m,),i224 tons, Thompson, from Wanganui:' '. ' ,' HATVERA, s.s. (4.55 p.m.); 174 tons, A. M'Kinnbn, from Patea-.' ' . ; :NOR4 NIYEN, trawler (5 p.m.); 166 t-pni, Brusey," from fishing. . ' '".''..' WAIRAIT, 8.8. (6.15 p.m.), 143 -tone. W.. Deiley, from Blenheim. WAYEELEY, q.e. (7 157 tope, A'. Fisk, froin Patea, via'Te Whiti MONDAY, DEOEiIBEB 1. v OANOPUS,' s.s. (0.10 a.m.), US; tpng. SeV ' lars, from Westport " ' ; : PPPARTUBES. ...'.- ■ ; . .SATURDAY, NbVEMBER 29. .'. ' :!W.AIRAIT, s.s. (2 a.m,), 110. tpus,. WDeiley. for Blenheim. • ' ■ : j' WESTMORELAND, s.s. (10.45 a.m.), 12,097 tons, W. Page, for Liverpool, via Panama. , NEUMAEK, s.s. (1.20 p.m.), 5820 tons, H. Jenkins, for Newcastle. .■ ■ . - KAMO, is. (1.30 p.m.), 1236 tons. J. Bankine, for Greyinouth. . ■'■ ■ '■ NIEAU, S.S. (2.10 p.m.), 348 tout, Hay, for Nelson. • KAHTJ, b.b. (4.15 p.m.), 185 tone, Q. Tftomeen, for Castlepoint. , ' ■ •. "• a CALM, s.s. (6.10 p.m.), , 890 tons, T.Braidwood, for : Lyttelton. MARAROA, 8.8. (7.50 p.m.), 2598 tone, B. Irwjn, for {jyttelton.. V KEIJNEPY, g.i (8,5 p.m.), 226: tons, E. Hiiryey, fpr.Fpitpp..,,..,.. .-. .-..'■. ; PNpAY,'NbjEMB|iR' : 3fl- ' PAPAROA, b.s.' (9.15 a.m.), 7697 loqs, H. Barnee, for London, via Panama. HIWAKA'. trawler - (ir.30.i;p.m.)7 for flah- ' ing grounds. T . ~-i: .;. ' : ,, ■', . ■ MONDAY, DECEMBER 1. : • ' OPAWA. e.B. (2 a;m.), 110 tons, J.'JJnpi, for Blenheim. . "; EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Kaplti, Wanganui, December 1 . Karu,. Wunganui, December 1 Paoroa. Westport. December 1, Alexander, Wanganu'i; December 1. Canopus, Weetport,' December 1. Itivenna, 'Sydney, December 1. Hlneraoa. Weetport, December 1. . Mararoa, Lyttelton, December 3. Nlkau, Nelson, Docembej - §. Patoena. Pioton,' Neleoh,' December %■ Wcstralia. Melbourne, December 2. "" Eipple, Gisbbrne, Coast, December tWootton, Lyttelton, Decomher 2, ' ' Kennedy, I'oxton, December 2. Opawa, Blenheim, Decemlrar 2 L,yttelton,'Deconjbeii 2. Wakatu, .Kaikouja, Dpcopber ?, ,1 Kahu, Castlepoint, December 2.' Maori, 'Lytteftpn, Pcqember 3. Kaitoa, Nelson, December 3. , Invercargill Wanganui; December 3. Waverlcy,' Patea, December 3. Hawera, Patea, Deijembpr i. Kapjti' Waneanui, December 3. ' Kapum, Patea, Deceuiber 3. Wairau, Blenheim, Depamber •3. •■ .. lonic, Timarii, December J, Ayrshire Tpkom.-iru Bay, December j> . Kamo, GreyißOTtb., Pocembe.r 3. ' Palocna Auokland, Durember i. Parattah, 'Friscp, Auckland, j)eo. 4. Kaiwarra, Lyttelton, December '4. ■ AuetraLford, Lyttelton, December 4. Mokoia, Dunedin, Lyttelton. December 5. Moana, 'Frisco, jecomber 13. •'. Pakeha, Newcaetie, December 8.
PROJECTED PEPARTURE9, Blenheim, Wangapui, December 1. I Badei) Powell, New Plymouth, Deo. 1. Kapuqi, Patea, Docember 1. Maori, Lyttelton, December 1. ■ Kaitoa; Nelspn, December 1. Pateena, Pidton, Nclann, December 1, Uonowai,''-Lyttelton.-'Dwe'dih, ilfio. 1. Rarapga,..Jdipjer, December ,I,' "' ■■ Vancouver, Becember:l." '•'., Ihyercargill,, Wangimui '.-December, I; Wayerley, I'atca, Decembpfl.- ; ' ■■ Wairau, BlonbeimV Dectinber 1. ' ■•" Kapiti, ■ Wanganui, Decepibei , - \. • V , Hawcra,' Patea, December • i. ■"■■ Tc Anau, Timarii, Oamaru, Bluif i'Dec. 1. ..Jfa'rarpa, Lyttjlton, DpcQmber .2,; Nikau, Nelson, December I: ■■'■'' . Eipple, Napier,-Gisborue, -AHl(ib; Dec. 2, ptella, Dunedin, December 2. ' • Breeze, Dunedin, .'limaru, Lyttelton De. , camber Z. ■ ' • . ; ' v"' ■ Leitrim, ■ Melbourne, December .2. '•■■ ; Opawa, Blenheim. December 2. . Kowhai, Westport, December 2. " ~, Alexander, West' Coast, December 2. ,J , Cprinna, ■ Tipiainj, ORmaru, Diintidlrj. December. 2. . . . <...-■ / Kennedy, Forfon, Deooinber 2.' ; ■ wakatu, Kaikoura, December 3. ■■■■■■' Maori, Lyttolton, December 3. Kaitoa, Nelson, December 3.- . ;. Pateena, Pictou, Nelsoii '' December 3. ' Canopus, Westport, December 3, ' , Eemuera, London, Decombe'r 3. • Arawa, Lyttelton. Port Chalmers,, Deo, 3,. Woottou,-Lyttelton, December 3. Eiverina, fiydaey, Deccmhor '4.'' -■■' Westralia, Melbourne, via uoulhern ports, Dec. 4. ' Paloona, Melbourne, December 4 Mokpia, Auckland, via Coast, Dec. 5. Ayrshire. Liverpool, December 6.' lomc, London; December 7. OVERSEA STEAMERS. ; AEAWA (S.S.A.). left London' Oct. 5' for . Auckland. Arrived Nov. 15. Arr. WellineOAEPENTAUIA (A. and A) left- Nen' '. Auckland, and AustralSov! 4. ■ GORALA'(A. and A.), left'.New Tori ,'Nov. 10 lor Wellington and Australia. Due Dec. 14. ■ . > ; KAIKOURA (N. 3.5.. Co.), .left Montreal ,\Oct. ? for' Auckland, Wellington, ;fnd [/&,. ... tralla. Arrived Nov. 18. Arrived Wellington Nov. 25. . KIGOMA (5.5.A.),. left London Nov. 21 i for Wellington, via, Suez. ; . . KTJKOW (U.S.S.). left, 'Frisco' Nov. 15 for Napier, Lyttelton,' and Duuedjn, ' LEITEIM (A. and A.), .left ifcw.York Oct. 8 for Auckland. , Wellington'.' and Australia: Arr. Wellington Nov.- 27; • , LIBERTY (U.S. and A.), loading at Now York for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin/ and--Austra)ian- porta;' " ' ■ MAHANA (S.S.A.). due Wellmgton Pe<?. U to load. ■ (TT.B.S.), left 'Frisco Not. 15. ■ Due Weill, iffton Dec. .7. ' .NORTHTJJtBERLAND (F-8.) left Mverpool Oct. 22 for N.Z., via- Bombay and Au»-' tralia. .■ . . OPAWA (N.Z.S. Co.), to leave Lpndoe , end Deo. for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Port Chalmers. OPIHI (Recco). due .Wellington Irom Singapore about Dee. 20 ■ i , 8&P (?- z ,-e-Co.) to leave Oanad.a, Dei. fci&New Zealand. land, Wellington, and Brisbane. -Arrived ?",? y«lUneton Dec. 4. 1 AK.EIIA (S.S.A.), left London October 7 for Australia, and New Zealand. Due Wellington Dep. 8. POET OAEOLINE (CD.), losing Qlaieow LvftrUnT 1100 '-; l or , A «°l''?nd, Wellington Dec 3 Ohalmers, To jail ' fcl%tleltpn D^ nd fo p 0 A U tt;/ e, - b'MW ™ m n"opt. K.s^Ku^Xut^VT' 08 '"' 1, RARANGA (S.S.A.), ari•. Wellington from Australia. to loadT U * ■ RIMUTAKA (N.Z.S Co.) left Ll«r nnn i : ton, and Port ChalinerE. ' vfii. Tenerltt* Oaro Town and Hobart. Duo Deo 21 ■ RHAPEHU; IN.Z.P. . flp.). ' to" fej \ , In Npv. fpr New Zealand. V W-K ' SUFFOLK jF.S.). left Lircrpnoi: . WAHINE (U. 8.6.), to. \ nyh flnlU« KiTizdom for Tfew Zealand WAIMANA (S.S.A.), left London Not 22 for Bombay, Sydney, and N.Z. Due Jan. WAITOMO (U.6.R.), to load In Sineapor* and Calcutta in Dee. for N.Z. The Alexander iVto load at Wellington : to-morrow for Westport. Grcymouth, and . Hokitika, sailing at 5 p.m. The Stella ia to.tai! for Dunedin direct to-night. ' '"' •• The Monowai is to sail at 5 p.m. to- ■ day for Lyttelton and Dunedin.
' . SAILERS, Veesel. Left. ' Due. Ban Franciicu to AucklandHenrietto Nov. 8 end Deo. Ban Franciico to WangannlWaneanuj .' 0 Sept, 13 • Not. Ba,nFra,ncjaco to I.ytteltoa— Luzon Nor. 10 or d Deo. Pan Francisco to Tihiaru— I'lanto . gept. 9 Not. THE BBRTHAIiB hISI. To-day's berthaso list is a> under:— Arawar-No.l Queen's Wharf. Kapuni—No. 3 Queen's Wharf. Loitriin-No. 4 Queen'? Wharf. •Baden Powell—No. 5 Queen's Wharf. Kaitaugata—No, 6 Queen's Wharf, Huia—No.' 8 Queen's Wharf. 10 Queen's Wharf. Wa'lrau-No. 11 Queen's Wharf. Pateena—No. 12 Queen's Wharf. Alexander—No. G Queen's Wharf. Paprea—No. 13 Queen's Wharf. Stella—No, 14 Queen's Wharf. Tβ Anau-No" 16 Quern's Wharf. Mpnowai—Taranaki Street Wharf, ; ' Haransra—Clyde Quay Wharf. ". ■ ■.<■ ■ Kovvliai-r-Olyde Quay Wharf. ': Jtaori-Ferry WMrf. Hinemoa—Ferry TTllarf. Tahiti-Railway Wharf. ' : .•/Oanppuß-r-Railway Wharf.- ■ : ' Bemuera—Glaeeow Wharf. Invercargill-Glasgpw Wharf. Hawcra—Glaegow Wharf. ' Kaplti-Glasgow Wharf. ' ' ■ Karii—Glasgow Wharf. Corinna—King's Wharf. ' Waverley-King's Wharf. Ngatoro—King'e Wharf, Breeze-Pipitea Wharf. Klni-Slip Wharf. Waitangl-Slip Wharf. ' BY. TELEGRAPH. OVERSEAS. MONTEEAL, Novemher 26. ■ Sailed—Whakotano,"for New Zealand. NOVA SCOTIA.' November 26. Arrived—Kumara-,;from Wellington. : ; ; SAN FRANOISCO, Novemher 26. ' Sailed.=C6mmerce, for New Zealand. : •■■-•.- COASTAL SATTODAr,'NOVEMBER 29. . :-.-"■. POET AHUEIRI.. . . '■ . (5 a.m.), from Wellington. • .. ■ PIGTON, Arrived— Paeroa-, put in, bound Westport ■ to Wellington. V NELSON Arrived'-Tutanek ai (8.40 a.m.), from ,Picton. To Bail.-Tutanekai (5 p.m.), for Westport; TVafnjea (11 p.m.), for Westport. ' ' .'■'■' WBSTPOET Sailed,—Hineinqa (5.15 p.m.), for Wellington." ' ■ GREYMOTJTH. Arrived.—Ngaher'e (1.30 a.m.), from Wel- ■ lington!-- . IjYTTELTON. Arrived.—Wootton (1.10 a.m.), from Wellington i Kalkoura. (9.15 a.m.), from Wellington. I POET CHALMERS. Arrived—Mokoia (5.30 a.m.), from Wellington. • • . ■ . ' SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30; '.'•. . WANGANUJ . .-' . SaUed.-Knru (1.45 a.m.), fpr Wellington. ' :..-■;.;■. .. .',' ffoxTON. ■' Arrived.—Kennedy ' (1.14 p.m.), from We}llngton.- ■ ' ' " •, " ,"" WESTPORT. Arrived—Eegulue (0.30 a.m.), from Wellington. " ' . ',"'■• Sailed.—Oanopui (1.30 ' a.m.), for / Wellington. '■. > ■ GREYMOUTH. Arrived—Ngatoro (3 p.m.), from Wellington. " ' . • LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Mararoa (1 p.m.), from Wellington. ■ . ■ MAEAEOA'S LONG TEIP. By TeleurKnh—Prcoß Association. Christchurch, November 30. The ifararoa, whjch arrived at 12.55 p.m. to-day from Wellington, was delayed by heavy southerly weather. Very heavy seas were met with until close to Lyttelton. ' , DUTCH ;STBAMBE AT AUCKLAND, /ijy T.elegraph-J'reas Assoqiati-'m, November 29. The Dutch' steamer Nan Cloo'n arrived from Sydney to-day. She is hound for Chile flnd called'in for wato.r, Ttja veseel is ■understpbd. to have German and Austrian P3e6engeri).. ■ \ THE. KAIWAREA., The Union Company's new cargo steamer Kajwarra, which arrived at Lyttelton oji Thursday, morning from ArtrlaJdo laden with salt and luperphoephale, is on her maiden New Zealand. A standardised veeßel' of 3100 tone gross, with fi oarryinz capacity of 5000 tons, she wa3 built in 1918 by' John' Bluiner and Eon, Sutherland. Well equipped in every' department, she is altogether a. fine typo of cargo veeael, and a valuable acquisition to the company's fleet. Her speed averages 10 knots, and she has five holda. Bha is equipped with wireless. After cornIng off the;stocks she left England on Julx 16-fpr- Norfolk (Virginia), where 6he loaded coal for 'San Francisco,, and from tMero proceeded to Vancouver to 103. U. general merchandise for Sydney and Adelaide. Including'the ca-ptain, 75 per <ent. of the oElcera and crow are.returned mon who have seen much active, service. The veseel is under the command of Captain A. F. Watcfilin, and his. oflicers are us follow ;->Ohief, Mr, J. W. Bundrod'; second, Mr. O. E. Knapp; third, Mr. G. L. Carter; ohiof engineer,, Mr. J. M'Kcnzie; second, Mr. G.-Fluker; third, Mr. R. Gardner ( fourth, Mr. H. Young; chief steward, Mr. J. MacNicolj wirdcsi operator, Mr. J. Smith. It <is anticipated-that the veaael will bo ready for dispatch on Wednesday. for Wellington, where the remainder qf Jier careo will be discharged. At thjs port the orew will be aiijiisd- off, ae. the . v'epsol is under Euglieh articles. ' TIIE AUSTRALFOBD,The Commonwealth steamer Auetralford (Union Company, ajeuts) arrived at Lytteltpnion. Thursday. Duripg. the war period tUo Australford was running betvreon .■English ports, Canada, and Australia, currying foodstuffs. In Maroh last she Jcft-Barry, Dock, for ail Afnoan port, where a cargo of coooa beans wae loaded fpr New Yor|:, La,dcn with general targo the- vee'sel afterwards, proceuded to Melbourne,, via PiHiama, Queensland, and Bfiebane. Captain O. G. Kydd, who is in ■command, has with him the: following officers:—Chief, Mr. O. J. Dalziel; scoond, Mr. W. Steel; third, Mr. C. Kuan; chief engineer, Mr. Vt r ; B. Burns; eeoond, Mr. W. B. Mitchell; third, Mr. J. Irvine; I fourth, , Mr. C 1?aton; fifth, Mr. T. Lea; wirolona operator. Mr. C. Lawry; purser, Mr. W; A, Miller; chief steward, Mr. J. [W. Henderßon. After discharging a large portion of her general cargo at Lytteitou she will' sail for Wellington and Auckland with tho balance. REMUEEA TOR HOME, j The. New-Zealand Shipping Company's Bteamer Romuera is to Bail .for London, via- Panama, on Wednesday next. .THE. HINEMOA. : The Government steamer Hinotnoa will arrive bad: in Wellington at about noon to-day. Sho probably spent yesterday at Port Hardy, and. will call at Tho Brothers lighthouse on her way to.Wellington. . . "" , FOR HOME. The Westmoreland left Wellington on' Saturdsy for. Liverpool, and the l'aparoa yeotorday for London. Both vossels will .take, the Panama route, . . ■■ TAHITI FOE VANCOUVEE. The ..Tahiti, which arrived from. Port Chalmers on Saturday, Iβ to tail to-day for. Newcastle, Fiji anil Vancouver. RIVEEINA DUB TO-DAY.. Acoording- to wireless advice from the Huddart'Parker steamor ltiverina she Is due in the etream at 3 p.m. to-day from Bydney direct. • . ■;" : ' .. ;MESS-TABLE".eOSSIP. Mr/ G.FJ.Hilliard, late third officer of the Eakanpa, ii to join the Tahiti aa third-officer, relieving Miv A. J. D. M'Arthur, who -will come u«horo for instruc'tions.. ... • . ■ , . Mr. D. H. Cambridge has joined tho Union Company's ecrvice and been appointed third officer of the Mararoa., relieving Mr. A. B. Anderson, who has transferred to the Kaitungata aa third officer. Mr. E. Gibbons, third officor of tho .Kaitangata, ,is to come ashore on leave. Mr. R. H. Stewart, late chief officer of the Marama, who has been ashore on holiday leave, has ioined the Manuka ae chief officer, relieving Mr. A. Hetd, who has transferred to the Maheno as chief officer. ' ' ."•■■.- Mr. A, W. Creese,. chief officer of tho Maheno, has come ashore on holiday leave. Tho following steamers were oipecEcd to be within range of Wellington wireless station last ntifht:—Tahiti, Tutnnekal, Nuddea, Riverina, Westmoreland, Neumark, and Paparoa. In range of Auck'land: Talune. The Kamona, now at Auckland, ia to undorgo eurrey and overhaul there, The Kalapoi is to load at Newcastle this week for Lyttolton. The Union Company's barque Dartford Iβ due at Melbourne alioiit the middle of December from Itjuique (Chile). Tho Government Bteamer Tiitanckai nrriyed at Nelson on Saturday morning with His Excellency Lord Liverpool on board. The vessel wns lo hnre continued her voyage to the West Coast on Saturday evening. The Waihora is expected to leave San Francisco this week with cisn oil and general cargo for discharge at Wellington, Melbourne, and Sydney.
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Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 57, 1 December 1919, Page 11
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2,185SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 57, 1 December 1919, Page 11
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