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(By Imogen.)

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Aliss Marian Cooper, of the District Lands and Survey Office, who has been promoted to the position of literary assistant to (he "School Journal," Education Department, was heartily farewelled by her fcllow-oflieors last Friday afternoon, who also look advantage of tho occaiSion to present her with a. solid silver manicure set us a parting token of their esteem. The fifth conference of (ho Afcthodisl: Women's Missionary Union opened nt Blenheim on Tuesday morning. Mrs. Dukes, •of Dunedin, was in the chair. Tho Jlavor (Air. Corry), Deputy-Mayor (Air. Pike), the Revs. W. A. Sinclair (general foreign mission secretary), AV. Greeuslnde, and Mr. JJvan welcomed - the ladies to Blenheim. Out of nine affiliated women'smissionary auxiliaries, eijjht were represented, delegates being present from Auckland. "Wellington, Christchurch, Palmorston North, Hastings, Dunedin, New Plymouth, and Blenheim. Owing to the absence of .Mrs., Airs. Thompson was elected union secretary pro tern, and Airs. Janiieson as minute secretary. A very successful box opening in connection with the Roseneath Habitation of the Young Helpers' League (Dr. Bnrnardo's Homes), was. held on Saturday afternoon last. After entertaining- tho children to tea Airs. Low, president of tho habitation, presented prizes to Lily Mitchell. Iris Highet, Leith Ridoell, anil George Cox, whose boxes contained tho highest amounts. The total of tho contributions amounted to close on .S.lO, a very substantial increase on that of last year. Silver liadges were awarded to Jtargaref Smith, Lily Mitchell, Leith Riddell. Ewen Scott, and Kelvin Hunter. Mi6s Amy Hadfielo', youngest daughter of the late Bishop Hadfield, has returned to New Zealand after an absence of several years, and is staying with her sister. Mrs. John Marshall, Tutu Totiira, Marton The Wellington District W.C.T.U. commemorated "Franchise Day - ' on Thursday at the Constable Street rooms, where Airs. Evans, ALA., presided. Airs. 3roodv traced the franchiso movement from IBSC. when a lady, who was afterwards Afi-s. (Dr.) Muller, sailed into Nelson. Airs. Shepparo, too, was mentioned as one-who was ideally fitted for tho post of franchise superintendent, and to her of all women was victory finally due. The petition which Sir John Hall presented of 31.000 names, representing a fliird of the women in New Zealand, was referred to a;< being the most numerously signed petition ever presented before any Australasian' Parliament. In closing, .Airs. Aloodv asked all present to realiso their responsibility to the Stale, la have high ideals, a no - to • work and vote till all evils are abolished. Mrs. J. B. Merrett, Christchurch, who has been on a visit to Tlawke's Bay. is now in Wellington, and staying at' the AVindsor. Aiesterdav afternoon a number of guests worn invited to afternoon tea at "The Barn," opposite Kirkealdie and Stains. Airs. Inwood ana' tho Misses 'Latter and Aliddleton were the hostesses, and (he tearooms, which were arrayed in shades of pink and heliotrope, looked charming. Among (hose who were present were. Airs. Fulton. Airs. Ilorlon, Airs. Hudson. Dr. and Airs. Perkins, Dr. Agnes Filz-ICemp. Mrs. ti. Kemp. Airs. V. Samuel. Mr. ami Mrs. Evelyn Wright. Mrs. 1-V M'. H. Fisher. Dr. Bowerbank, Dr. Hogg, Mr. Harcourt. Mr. and Airs. Fitzgerald. sfr. 1). Menxie:'. Mis. Low, Air. E. Coleridge. All I hire ladies, who have but recently arrived in New Zealand, were for some vears working in.n mililnry convalescent home for officers al Brighton. By special request Ihe original play "Thi-onirli the College Looking Glass" was rop'raled iast night at. Ihe Wellington GirN' College, owing to the fact that so many people had to be. turned away, owing to lack of room when Ihe play was given hist week. It has been decided by some of Ihe members of Ihe Pioneer Oiub to hold an infurmnl meeting every other Wednesday evening lo consider subjects of mutual national interest. Dr. Agnes Bennett will act as president, and Airs. Mortimer secretary, who, with the committee appointed, will be respunsible for the subjects dealt, with, in what is to be called "The every other Wednesday circle." In connection with the Y.AV.C.A. Week of Prayer, a speciall- meeting will be held on Thursday evening next at Herbert SI reel, when Miss Al'Lean, A1.A.., will be the speaker. Her subject, will be "For the Spirit of Sacrilicial Service." II: irf hoped all members and friends will bo present at this meeting, 'the subject for prayer will be AuslraUsin and ihe Convention. A jumble sale, lo be held in St. Thomas's Schoolroom to-day week, is being organised by Ihe A'.AV.C.A., in aid of their furnishing fund. Gifts of clothing, furniture, bonks, etc, will be most, acceplabie. A.< next Sunday is (ho first day of the world's V.W.C.A. we ; ek of ' prayer, V.W.C.A. members are asked lo make a special effort fo be present at 4.10 p.m: A short address will be given 'by Mrs. Ai'Ciay, president of the Wellington V.W.C.A'., and some of the members of ihe Religious Work Committee will assist, Aieetings will be hrf.d throughout the week as advertised. The usual Saturday evening social will lake pluce at Herbert Street, commencing at 7.30. Aliss. Caddick will be in charge of the. musical and games part of tho programme, and the Bulldog Oiub will piovide refreshments nt the close of the evening. - It has been decided by the Wellington Executive of the Navy League to tend to the authorities at Home the total amount of King George's Fund in hand, with a recommendation that a generous grant should be made to Lady Dimsdale's Hostel for Sailors. Aliss Nesla. Carwell Cooke is Arranging a dance recital! by her pupils, which will be held ill the Grand Opera House on Siilurdny, October 1.1, beginning at halfpast two. The proceeds are to go to tho Nurses' Club in Kensington Street, which is in need of renovations, as, like many oilier such institutions, it: had to stand over vhiie the war was on.. Nurses do not. love the bright light of publicity as a rule, but in this case what, affect's Ihe comfort of the nurses should be tho affair of every'mitiy seeing what they have done both during Ihe war and the epidemic. The council of t the Trained Nurses' Association will arrange for stalls in tho entranco vestibule of the Opera House, at: which sweets, llowers, etc., will be sold during the aflernoon. Presentations. During the annual meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Hie Y.M.C.A. on Thursday last, the president, Airs. Dumbell. look the opportunity of making a presenlalion to Airs. Montague, who is leaving shortly for Auckland. Mrs. Montague has ken one of Ihe most enthusiastic, members, and will be greatly missed. Airs. Dumbell spoke in warm appreciation of Airs. Montague's services, and. on behalf of the ladies, presented her with an amethyst enamel hand-niado brvoi.-h. set in silver. Airs. Alnnliigiic suitably replied. •\ nrescntaiion was also inane lo Airs. Dombell in recognition of the valuable services she rendered for a period of live vears as lion, secretary of the auxiliary. Airs. Kersk'.y. in making Die prcsrnt'iilion on behalf of the ladies, expressed Iheir great appreciation of Mrs. Dumiiell's faithful and valuable work which had been very arduous on account o! the war. Alanv good wishes accompanied the gilt, which was a. cortil enamel pend-.-ini set in oxidised silver, with chain lo match. Mr-, llotl spoke also in appreciation of Airs. Dunibcll's services. Mi*. Dunibel! thanked the limits for their I kind though and good wishes.

College Sports The Wellington Boys' College could not have had heller weather lli.-m that o yesterday for Iho annual spoils, and iicdleVto sav there was a large gatherin" of parents, friends, old College boys and spectators generally to watch the various events, The grounds were lookin" verv "teen, fresh and spacious, and il:°was "nut surprising that some of the "iris from the Girls' College should have drawn a comparison between their own cramped quarters of an acre and a <jiiar. tc->- and tho apparently limitless area pivei over to the boys with its trees and picturesque slopes. The compariBin was indeed an invidious one- I hat necessary adjunct to such open-air gatliurii'iKS a band, was there, and played very enjoyably. Afternoon tea as usual was served in the old eollego building. Among those who were present were members of the board nt governors, iiri-padier-Gcncral Richardson, the ' Mayor (Mr J. P. 1-nkt') and' Mrs. Luke, Mr. and Mrs. .T. V. Inrth, Colonel Slcemnn, Colonel Sinvtlio, Miss M'Lean (prmcipa of the Girls' College), Professor and Mrs. Easterlies, Mr. and Mrs- H. M. Gore, tho Rev. J. I'atcr.son, Miss Marchanl, Mr. Bell. Mr. and .Mrs. Cresswell, Miss Hatlmm, Miss Coad, and many other interested onlookers. Owing to ('he departure for the south in the eveiiiii" Their Excellencies tlie_ Gover-nor-General and . the Countess 01 Liverpool were not able to be present. District Nursing Guild. The committee of the District Nursing Guild of St. John held its monthly meetiii" on Monday, November 3, at the residence of Mrs. W. 11. Sefton Moorhouse. The following members were present- Mrs. Moorhouse (presiding), Mrs As A. Corrigan, Mrs. J. R, Gibbons, Miss M, Alacandrew, Aliss M. E. L.ltobieson. and Miss E. M. Rowley (hou. secretary). Apologies for absence were received from Mrs. Balcombe Brown and Airs. Tripe. Much regret was expressed by tho members at the death of Mr. Robert Ewing, who has boen a generois supporter of tho work of the guild for many years. Tho oistrict nurses reported that thirteen patients were registered during the month, one died, one was sent to the hospital, and one to tho Ohiro Home. The nurses treated 310 cases during the month. 2SO in the patients' own homes, and 3(1 at the office of the guild in Ghnwiee Street. Various diseases were treated, such as suppurating wounds, burns, ulcers, abscess, whitlow, pleurisy, bronchial pneumonia, rheumatoid arthritis, and hemiphlegia. The report of the nurses each month is in itself convincing evidence of the value of the work they perform, and shows Dint such work is worthy of the hearty support of the community. They gratelullv acknowledge gifts of soup, puddings, cakes, scones, clothes, and books from tho following donors-.-Mrs. Moorhouse, Mrs. Chalfield. Miss Neill, a party from St. Peter's Chinch, and an anonymous donor. The. nurses would be glad of gifts of old c-iean while, rag for bandages, etc. A special appeal is made to the public to assist the committe and the nurses in providing the annual Christmas treat for the children of the patients. Y.M.C.A. Ladies' Auxiliary. The annual meeting of the Y.M.C.A. Ladies' Auxiliary was held in the association rooms on Thursday, November G. The president, Mrs. Dumbell, was in the chair. Thero was a good attendance of ladies, and the following gentlemen were also present-.—.Mr. Brown, president, of the Y.M.C.A.; Mr. Varney, National War Secretary (Y..U.C.A.); Mr. Greig, chairman of I lie Social Committee; and Air. Haw general secretary of the Y.M.C.A. These testified to the excellent work done by the. ladies' Auxiliary, not only by giving financial help, but also in assisting «t: the social function.-) of the 'institution. The annum; rep:irt showed u prosperous year's work, close on J;2(I0 having been raised dui'ng the year, without any assistance whatever in the shape of public appeals, street sales, etc. After Mr.-'. Wright, the treasurer, had presented the balance-sheet, the. election of officers for the ensuing year look place, and resulted a» follows:— Honorary president, Airs. W. ill. AVilliums; president, Mrs. Tattle; vice-presidents, Alosdamos DuimVil and lion, secretary, Miss L. 'Kinky (re-elected); lion, treasurer, Airs. Ke.ily;'Executive Committee, Alesdiu'nes Cle'land, Giesen, Hurley, Knowles, Bint, Varney, and Mxs Hutch. Votes of thanks were accorded to Mr. flay and his stall', and Miss Eraser, the matron, for their courtesy and help during tho year. The Plunket Street Day. The Plunket Society was fortunate in having good weather for its street wale yesterday, and that tho cause was a popular one was shown by the readiness with which peori.e bought from the nUills, and in other ways showed their interest in tho effort which mis being made. Tho stalls showed a great variety of goods, and had there, been larger supplies contributed those in charge could have sold very much more. Some beautiful flowers had been sent in. among the donors being Her Excellency the Countess of Liverpool, who, in addition, had sent cakes for each stall, /.n- which guessing competitions had been arranged, and eggs. Airs. Massoy also had forwarded a iarge supply of* flowers, and a great many had been sent in from the Hutt, the bays, and surrounding districts. In charge of tho different stalls were the following:— Moo's stand: Alesdames .1. Tripe, .1). Cooke, and AV. Bethune. Kclburn stand: Alwlnmes C. Earle, Corrigan, PhillipsTurner. Post Office: Mrs. Colin Holmes, with workers from the 1-1 utt and Petone districts, as the stall represented that district. Kirkeaidie and Stains: Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Pon6onby, and Mrs. Eichelbaum. Flowers, Hnrcotirfs Buildings: Mrs. AV. D. Stewart, Mi's Kirkcaklie. Mrs. Cooper, Airs. Taylor, and Miss Hall. Flag collection af: the Post Office: Airs. C. Richardson and Airs. Keith Kirkealdie. Boulcott Street stall: Mis? Burnett, Mrs. Aloore, Airs., 'fully, and Airs. 0. Johnson. Flag collection with this stall: Miss AV. Thompson. Courtenay Place: The Plunket Nurses (five). Among the winners of tho various competitions was a returned soldier, Air. Randall, who won a barometer, and it may be obtained by railing at tho Plunket rooms. The committee is very grateful to the Public AVorks Department for the stalls, and to the D.I.C. for decorating I hem. The total results from the nppeal are not yet known. Appreciation of Plunket Work One of the very pleasing teal ores in connection with yesterday's street appeal in aid of Vim Plunket Society's funds was (he readiness with which parents. boiJi fathers and mothers, came forward and either bought most readily from the stalls (on the part of the fathers quite extravagantly) in- else did so much to stock them- This was particularly noticeable with the Plunket stall at: Courtenav Place, which was in charge of the nurses, and it showed hew greatly the work of the society was appreciated. Many handsome donations mid gifts were also received as a grateful recognition of this work. One gift, of 241b. of lea from Air- Creed, of Gamble and Creed's, was but an example of this spirit and, needless to say, this tabula was very greatly appreciated by the workers.

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Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 38, 8 November 1919, Page 4

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WOMAN'S WORLD Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 38, 8 November 1919, Page 4

WOMAN'S WORLD Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 38, 8 November 1919, Page 4


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