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Prizes Include: 1' |JLP| 1S || jf ; I 1.600 Sheep... 10G0 | \ | 2. Cadillac Motor I | Car, 2-Seater 700 BBssßa*w^fl->'"^^ 3. WolseleyCar 5. Piano.Grama- ' _ _ 0 „ of, n 6. 100 Sheep... 150 7. 1 00 Sheep... 150 Yes-foi- the children of the men who known gentlemen as Colonel H. B. 8. 100 Sheep... 150 have sufferbd.or died rv> that wo in Potter, C.M.G., ST.Z.S.C; Colonel A. P. 9 100 Sheen 150 Wow Zealand might enjoy security and Roberts; Mr. C. P. Skerrett, K.C.; Dr. i l9 , comfort. Porcliildrenwhohaveaclaim '' KidtLell; Blossrs. S. Kirkcaldie, James 10. 100 Sheep... lia on you-who have a right to the same Macintosh, James McLellan, Louis 11. 100 Sheep... 125 chance, of a good education as their Blundoll, George Dixon, Harold Beau--12 100 Sheen 125 fathers might havo given them had they champ, William Watson, William Eeece, ', . " not "answered tho call." and Eric Biddiford-if it were not a 13. brinsmead worthy soheme for a noble object. It Pi'*™ 125 Yet you are not even asked to give! ~" . , ' , «, c, ■"' in! Just to bu y as man y Trentham Art men V our mon6y ' assistance aud 14. Sheep ... 1W» Unioil Tickets as you can-and every support. . >. ~„„ r p i j'j shilling ticket gives you 170 chances of _.„ , ~ „ ■■. . ~ .., • And 156 Other winn ing£62Bs worth of Prizes! M out * he * *!" bottom 1 Prizes ° comer—it may bring you the First Prize The Trentham Scholarships Eund would -it will surely bring you the satisfaction Amongst the not have the'backing of such well- of having aided a splendid cause. Prizes are: , 2 Pinncs 4 English Cycles , # ■10 Watches $ I ' Se ts of Silverware, Din- PD|7TCUArUE" TICKETS 1 /-" EACH ner Sets. Tea Sets, FIIS&M WMLUL I i<o BJ kHUH Cutlery, Carpet Squares, _ ' Jewellery, Fitted Dress- 8^ Requisites, Flasks, Car- . \ pet Sweeper, Carved ■■..■• ... ; ' * O*' \ ■ Table, etcete. .about' :&,-Alt ~ , . \ ,: Union to your Mends' r *t^V^t*^ ot \ -help your local Com- rJPM Chairman: . J W \C\ <o^ o <* *;-U& \ Sidney Khkcaidie, Esq. mittee-sell Tickets- I *?° v A Treasurer: it's all fOl' tllC KlddieS ! . ~-"""' f... >\ James Macintosh (of r .•'.' \ Messrs. Wright, Ste- O ' U f l8 6 ••'*"" ' • " \ phe„son & Co.,Ltd.) f Q f ft ; "'">.----\ I 11CKCI \ljju\. •••••'* Colonel 11. R. Potter, I ...■- ** V^' C.M.G,N.Z.S.C; / Equal to Twenty \ fill \ ** Dr. J. W. Anderson. \ 1/. Tickets / ( l[\ \ Secretary: MOH/'f V 1 \^^ James Mcintosh, F.P.A., IllJ W © 7 \L " '" ■ PiiffeSf n accoun *.°^^ e Influenza Epidemic and other causes, the Minister fo: Internal' Affairs has granted permission to extend the time for drawinj /nsJ ITfehmohir'arnmhiirar of tlie Art Union'to July 31. All Butts must be Sent in to, the Secretar; 111 111rSffl WW 111 hH . T nn ~ sjfE. W. »W MM|| - by June 30 . You will be prevd fio own a . ''' ' nB „ , ijur IS wor W-f amou s as the finest phono- • • fiffi*?. *trfnt>ta Wstsß/ffll/(A mWJJH! graph made. The "SONORA" is noted JMIIPPM ff MIMmM? iwrl™P for its Braocf " l !ines ' ils im P° rtant and r wvywwvwtfe* fflllifllTliSrli eiclusiyo features of eonstruction, its IHilHlilmW ability to play ALL ranlces of disc re- • i]L SHIS II HP cord 3 Perfectly, ivithout extra attach- §BP§IIBcMPII Slllllllf ment, and for ita j| ■W/MWSSyif Bl|p||P|: . SUPEKB TONAL QUALITIES ,1 j[J 1 "Sonoras" Cost from to £110. J^W^^-^^W. * H WEITB FOR BOOKLETS. '^W^f^^^^^k^' '■ F. J. PINNY, LML, » ™ is %^ glm I j GOVERNMENT j Jf# A Safe lyre | .. \ OEMRTMENT. "flffi§««& SFIRIf 8 II $1 effcctive non-skid tread iCTWW»wt | aMffiigl !/i|Ok j 1 PSEiIUIiJS 10W. 1 ff ™«J7 "urge SE f[N@ .MACHINES' &. .BICYCLES li/uif j| We kßvo rep(viring an( i applying machines and bicycles in this city for || ffi| , I nearly 40 years, and novr havo clients all over the Dominion and i6l«nds, Wa M j Conditions of Policies libera!. •»«'.*» them , I -:| i-.xtra quality, built upon n , l| /"" "'"" ' ' " —■■■A ~.. |« ibundationofthebesteanvao.- I ijQsinegg ros tricted to NfiwZoalano, I Our Goods are the Best g lAH moneya invested In the Dominion. 1 m |P Our Skill Undeniable \ Serve |p übtain.bu from aii Dc a i.». |: WOP¥ policy guaranteed by the State, g Mii Our Reputation Valuable ■ v «ni K MotorlmportCo.Ltd. ■ W^ 4 \ J Y ° U '' 11 F J.W FEAR ForEvcrythiDl{ :i E s AtJi ,,i TA C3 IS : l ml X '• "• MM«WW " " Wiliiß Street, WELLINGTON. Estab. 1880 ia Commissions. uMmaaßuawawpsgaaggaga^^
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Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 5
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695Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 5
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Dominion. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.