•.TECHNICAL COLLEGE HACKS. At '!':> Aro Baths yesterday afternoon students of the Wollington Tuchnicnl -ColU'K displayed their natutorial paces in a -mimbcr of craes which were unable to be held at the Picnic. The results were as follows:—.. < Gins'- Race, 50yds.-A. Walker,. 1; A. Lou:,', 2; (j. Leslie, 3. Time, 48 4-ssec.; Gir.s'- Race (under 15), 50yds.—13. Nicolas,' 1; G. Davidson, 2; S. Benjamin, !1. 'Time. 58 2-ssec. Boys' Race, 100yds.—Dempster, 1; Corson, 2. .. BANKS COLLEGE SPOUTS.. Tin .annual swimming sports of Banks Collck-I, held tit Te All) Buths on March 11. and IS, resulted as follow:— .' lOOyd.-s. Senior Championship— N. Buckman, 1; D. Earle, 2. Time, SOscc. 50yds. Junior -Championship— J.' Griffin, 1: J. Shand,, 2. Time, 39 l-ssec. Diving.—J. Gavin, 00 points, 1; N. Buckman.GO points, 2 ' . . ". 2,'iyds. Junior Championship —,1. Shand, .1; 3'. ilipkins, 2. Time, 2.1 4-ssec. 50yds. Senior Championship—D.' Earle, 1; 1). Diiinie, 2. Time, 35sec. 50vds. Junior Hnndic'ap.-G. Bridson, 1; K. Hunter, 2. Time, lmin. Gsec. Mlyris. Senior Handicap—N. Buckman, 1; H. fort,' 2. Time, 35sec. DiviiiK for Plates.—.l. O'Donovan, 1; J. Gavin. '2. . .25.1 ds. Junior Handicap.—P. Field, 1; G. Bridson,.2." Time. ."Osec 50yds. Senior Breast-stroke— N. Buckman, 1: G. Bennett, 2. Time, 55scc. ! Learners' Race, 20yds.—J. Smyth,. 1; P. Kennedy, 2. Time, £6scc. Say'ils. - Junior Breast-stroke—P.,Field, 1; J. Shand, 2. Time, 34sec. ~ 100 yds. .Senior. Handicap.—D. Earlo, 1; 11. Falloon, 2. . 25vds, Junior Back Race—G. Bridson, 1; T, Slmnd,".2, ... /■■ iiOyds, Senior Back Kacc—l). Earle, 1; J..Gavin, 2, ..." . .' '.' FURTHER TESTS AT PETONE. Yesterday the swimming tests were continued at Petone. • this time the secondary Department of the Petone District High School participated. Tlie following qualified for certificates: 880vds.-A. Clark, L. Pivwson. 740 yds. —W.' Rodger. 080 yds— I. Thompson. 480yds.—Beryl Bowdeu. 44(lyds.—Beatrice Andrews. F.' Williams, 11. Ibell. . 100 yds. —J. Milhvard..
Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 4
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