, & -- , A, The actual goodness of all our Jewellery makes ourß pre-eminently THE HOUSE'FOR RINGS ' . We have established a ; very high reputation for ENGAGEMENT AND DRESS RINGS Purity of Gems and consistently' , 1 good quality of settings and work- .. „„, ,il »II", . ENGAGEMENT manship arc leading characteristics DRESS RINGS RINGS of our rillg9- Th 9 (l6si^ni, • in Bvery _ case, represent the highest achieve- /i^^^Sjfel I m ent of the ring craftsman's art, WHW I the beat that can be made. Wl^Sß**" I . Fine Quality . Fine Diamonds, Our Ring Display is worthy of your Pflarl> 76b . from £10 upwards. I immediate attention. [ .minimum ji W. LITTLE JOHN. & SON, 'LTD. jL 222-224 Lambton Quay - - __Jj][^ljj| I u\ ' rom Orchard Ifsis \l ( VI • W y° u picked apricots in your |Ess& | I oivn garden and made them into ffl^M I 1 ,am w ' l ' l - ' s "^ ar ' with™ a SSraKkJ' [ 1 would be doing practically what is done fflnLiy'. : £{iOQ. TWg&r rQ U Ceoiral Qlago apricots—juicy and lus- ■ lis%? J"SffisOT 1 c '° us ■ * lones We femoTW ' — 'k"' ilrwH '>&•s§?£& fflSSfflwljll No.l sugarisadded—nohSingclie—«nd BMwi? ' • v'ss&'iiLft\ iSSSsaSIh K ' a,n " raac ' e ln M " , ' lar J' >'oam-li«aled HKSA w double aluminium boilers. Try Si. B^wfl $ : iffi : sso? ■ m dcrltii tins «nti told by all storei. Jw! HypTa Ff* ft IT RCI r*" For T fIOTHACHE Insert—| lln over 3000 cases Dolg's Treatment has i I V^^?^W^r^| , ' Kegiitercd Name I EL succeeded. Unsolicited testimonials M 1 fl KK KAi II iirauia trecniprl ' V@W seen on application. Write for Jf g |jIIUUJu\ICJCJ HEAN'B ESSENCEI Free Booklet. . ,M. I For Q^rA ond . goM I r.r' J - f? OIG . W ■■■■ \ Throats dilute to a pint by addlae water g I \ 1 " 1 " 6 J \i, ■ lum.v" ' 'iwillilJJM— imuwmm*um»mml9* jgSffvpasßßTYsamxj mwwwmswwwßt 'cnskmmmmmßsr'mcmm ESlfTP'ilis. Smfl ftmrpiSi JiLMHiiamaimHTOigM Jfeaasdl ffggffiM *«^K I ■ ; —-r>ooof j Every new material of the ■ .li season is to ■ be found in \ the extensive variety of , Mm Dress and Cestttme Mm, Irabncs at ; If 'The Peoples Store/'"' %W 'Our values being the best, ?M(s J it will pay you to see these J II goods first. ; II ■ -'■" Some of the SMART [J • TWEEDS referred to are: 1 • |] . GREEN, BROWN, AND GREY || TWEEDS, in soft warm shades in || ' plain or checked effects || ''42ms.'wide,-6s.'lid:; 7s."lid. yd. Hi 44ins. wide, Bs. lid. yd. m Gwlfc) ' DOMINION TWEED, a special . |j Jill' ■' ALL-WOOL fabric, ideal for. prcs- | II 58 * n3, w '^ e ' ° 1 I DONEGAL TWEED EFFECT, a II W?QW" pleasing variety of and | /jK most dependable quality » (1 54^ns ' 123 ' 6c *' yc^* VW BANNOCK-TWEEDS EFFECT, I quite a strong feature for this U autumn. 56ins. wide, 16s. 6d. yd. Patterns forwarded to country cusf 1 ! tomers. Postage paid on mail order H j ■ ' ' ■ ' • parcels. mrmirff wnnrj iTOwmaiwnMiawuiyiiqj yigmrj 'eymsgg ■^ l
Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 3
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