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LAND NOTICES, A FEW CHOICE FARMS THAT ARE WORTHY OF INSPECTION. . OQf) ACIiIOS FREEHOLD; about 200 acres of good limcsldiie hills-and the balance good flats; «- s l| subdivided and. noil watered; .buildings consist of good G-ruomed house, bathroom, pantry,' trapshed. (-i-wbails- villi concrete door, liiii-ii. woolshed with dip and yard's.. it is well.'«i:ted "for mixed farming, and would c.irry about 25 to 30 dairy' cows, with about 400 i-beep. Situated J mile from cheese factory., and about '51 miles from -'township; Price,. £ii ■■per acre. Goodi terms-can be arranged. , - -~'■' ' 1' '"'• {.M-A- ACRES, VHEGITOLJ); all good lim'esfbnc country, well watered an'd'subvJtfcV divided into 10 paddock's. Buildings consist of good .Vroomed house, bathroom, woolshed, and .yards, concrete'dip, motor shed, cart shed, and harness room. Stock curried and wintered on 'property are made up- of' about 650 breeding ewes, 050 dry sheep, and about 50 to 70 head of cattle. The. woo! clip from this property has given an average return the last three years of nbout. ,£750 per annum. Situated Kbout. 15 miles from Pahinlua, Price, £K 10s, per acre, with .£2OOO down, -balance arranged for a term cf 7 years at 51 per cent, per a-nnum. " •■ >rn\ ACRES,, P. Government rent. -E76 10s. per iimvum, with.the 10 per •"2 cent. Government rebate off. All rich, heavy land, practically all river deposit, with exception of small nigger head swamp, which has been all drained, and is rapidly coming into use. Buildings consist of-5-roomed house, bathroom, storeroom, 3 double-bail cowshed with machines and concrete floor, trapshed, etc.; subdivided into 8 paddocks by good fences; in fact, all improvements such as buildings and fences have been put on the properly during the last 5 years: 12. acres have teen stumped and ploughed. In its present stats the place will-carry ,15 milking cow? well and winter them, together with a few dry stock. Situated about 1 mile from good cheese factory, : H miles from school, and 7 miles from township. Price, £65 per acre, nnd good terms can be arranged,, . '-.'.'' WAIRARAPA FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, LTD,STOCK DEPARTMENT,. " ..-..' PAEIATUA." , .' '■■''•'.."' ■' } ■■■■■■ ,\ 208 ACRES FREEHOLD.- ■ ' .-...- . 728 ACRES L.1.P.,' SMALL RENTAL; '■' j . 936 ACRES. >"'.'..' yVfTELL subdivided; 200 acres ploughable; 50 acres have been ■■ ploughed; good 6-roomed house, woolshed, skeepyards, dip all necessary outbuildings; carrying 1250 sheep' and 10 head of cattle. ..:•-...- PRICE, A'fioOO as a going eoncern.' Terms and full particulars from " '"■"..- WRIGHT, STEPHENSON AND ''CO.,* LTD.',"' > WELLINGTON AND BRANCHES, ; . : ; SPLENDID BULLO.CK COUNTRY. 210 ACRES FREEHOLD. i N 560 ACRES LEASEHOLD. , THE FREEHOLD is swamp land, bounded by the main road, and railways 1} miles from railway station, school, Post Office, and stores, gs ; the Manawatu line. The swamp is fully drained, and when cleared, of nigger heads, toe toei etc., will ha in first-class order for fattening bullocks, milking, or for market gardening. TVhen turned over will grow roots, lucerne,-or other green crops to perfection. The quality of tire swamp cannot be excelled. Tt only requires the work of a good man for a year or two, to make it £80 to .£9O land. ■Buildings include a eomfortnble 5-roomed house with all modem conveniences, whare, woolshed. and dip yards. Thero is a' large quantity of green flux of very fine quality Tea'dy for cutting, estimated to be about 200(1 tons'; loyalty from this source alone considerably more than paid for the rent last year. .... The Leasehold adjoining which -lies between the Freehold- and .sea. consists' of swamps flab, and warm low hills. It is all first-class -breeding couritrv for eheep or cattle. Thopropertv will ea«ilv enrrv hto ewe* flhd 150 head of voune cattle, in its nreeont state. WITHOUT TN.TTJRING THE ,PLA £. .- The Rent of the Leasehold 16'.5300 per : amuim. Lease has about 5 years to run PRICE. ,£SO per acre' for the Freehold portion, and the leasehold given in. TERMS EAST. ~-''/. ' '', ","J • ' a NOTE. —Tliis is a first-cla«s property for anyone wanting good fattening pao> docks near Wellington, or it could be cut up into several nice dairy farms. Fuller Darticulare, apply VICTOR E. SMITH, , -. - land agent..feilding. ' ; CHEAP GRAZING RUN. ■ ' ' fOAA ACRES, Educational Lease.- 21 years' from November 1. 1915. perpetual i).4uU r jei,f of feiiewal; rent. £171' per annum, compensation . allowed, for. improvements;"2Goo acres in grass/balance 2600 ac*"es in bush,'«o;to 500 acres nlotieliable; 20 to 22 miles of fencing altogether on property;, watered by■■permanent streams. Property is situated - 7 miles..from nearest. town, where river Jinrt is Bnihlings conmrise a G-rnomed House, woolshnd, and several on buildings; telephone laid on. This property prior to the war was on the-market at £?'te. per acre; circumstances now prevail that make the owners desirous of'selling. To ena'ble a quick sale, the price has been reduced to the ridiculously loir price- of £3 10s. per acre. Terms may be arranged. F, R. H. 3RIGE, LAND AGENT, MARTON. SHEEP RUN AT MANGAWEKA. ttt\w 4CRES-excellent Sheep Country, on paiia formation. All'been hes,TV 1J U i ' bush 'now in snlendid grass Pasture. Subdivided ,into 15 paddocks and all permanently watered." Wintered 2100 big sheep and 152' head' full-grown cattle. House, man's whare, -woolshed, dip, etc,., ....'. /' Owner selling owing to being too. far' from school for young children; There is money to be made out of this place. '■ j • PRICE. £16. Terms arranged. ApP ' y ABRAHAK AND WILLIAMS, LTD., ■ . ALL BRANCHES. ■K*TE have Bavers for-Dnirv and Sheep Farms (suitable for. Returned Soldiers), W Small Dairy Fairms'for sale or Lease.- v ..., <■ . OWNERS WITH PROPERTY FO,R SALE-SEND US FULL., PARTICULARS. SoA^CßES.'Freehold, splendid property, .13 miles from good town; close, to 1280 small township, good motor n>ad, all. c eared,. oO acres river flat, i'We undulating, all'easily rideable. subdivided into n 2o,paddocks, seven wire, fences Carrying at present 1500-sheep,,23o. cattle, and capable o to ' i«5 more ' "owfct of 10-roomed-- house, cottage, whare, and all ouAuildings ' Electric light throughout. Hydro-electnc pint on proZt woolshed, and electric, machines. Telephone. . ; PRICE £20 per acre. £8500' cash remitted.- ~ > ..... ... . Owner has for s.liing : We ran recommend inspection, o! tfus property. '. •; THE N.Z. FARMERS'CO-OP. DISTRIBUTING COY., LTD,, DOMINION FARMERS' INSTITUTE. FEATHERSTON-ST.. WELLINGTON* I(\A(\ ACEBS >> Te Kuiti; all /B° od l' m e sto ne land, good two-sheep country; Ivt" a ;i been heavy bush country; easy formation; 750 acres- in "good English "rass'es, balance standing bush; all ring r fenced and subdivided into numerous" paddocks, good sheep proof-fences.' The whole block is well watered. There is n good 9-roomed House and outbuildings, shearing shed and yards; metalled motor road to farm. Title, O.R.P. at 10s. per acre. PRICE, £8 ss. ■per acre. Terms, iiOOO cash, lwlance at h\ per cent.' . ~ ' This Farm has been personally inspected, and is recommended as a great bargain, and will show a very bi? margin of profit. Apply to . A. C. 'JOHNSON, BOX 36, TE.KUTTI. j » . THE BEST OF GRAZING COUNTRY. 1 nnrV ACRES, Taihape District, all in grass, and subdivided into about H Lv\ii nAAnrU- ■1(1 acres level; balance iideable; house and-all necessary itildings, rfi ' with machiiie, Price, oply £16 per acre; half cash, balance to be arranged. £ AA ACRES, handy to Mangaweka, first-class sheep country/all i« grass 600 and W ell .undivided; nice home, on buildings ™okhed,*,...l'uce, M per acre. Only cash, balance ooi 1U jeais ai D{ pel teni. These properties are good and right at the prices, so arrange at once for inejection. HARR|B AND SONS, •< LAND AGENTS, MARTON.. 'Phones; Office, 43; House, 2GI. ; ciTVKi T)\TR\" FVR.M. ■ ' Qfifi ACRES, splendid land, all in OTAM DAlhi, *.iii. ODU good.English grasses, well watl f rA COW proposition, alxiut 100 ere.d, sheep-proof fences, puriri and to--45"50 acres ri«r Hat and Int posts. House S rooms, stockyards «T „™ i,:„ , hid (also Hat), carry ami <lip. Situated on navigable river. ;M ™„Wftwhiniw«J. 7 miles station and siileyards. GO miles Now X" \L C Chv Coun" fad or . Good Auckland. This farm wintered'4oo \A, ■ LEASEHOLD SHEEP'FARM. - ; ™ Ca, . Vulcan Auckland. fiinn A YEAH rental for 3 years; ■■ • . - ■ '■ Good buildings, capacity about ACEBS lrecM6) gooi o,^^ 1000 head stock, motor road. SI miles 45() fft ' vm) cnsv country,' 300 acres station; ele. .lixccphonal climate. Owner ,•■ except"4o in i. property would exchange lor smaller l^ 1 ") paddocks; 5-roomed house, P ni'wns ivn'rn sheds, etc.; 2 miles from Factory, School ' and Township. Price £12 10s. Equity, LAM) AGENTS, £1000. Will sell with' ,£450 down or take (Successor O. Anderson). 'Phone 58. houses or'land in part payment. ' OTAId RAILWAY. " GRAVES AND CO.. - ' Land Agents, Hawera. ■
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Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 12
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1,389Page 12 Advertisements Column 7 Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 7 Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 12
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