q, .PHASES OF THE MOON. DECEMBER. Day. Hr.m. Now moon 4 2 « a.m. First quarter U 2 1 P->»-Full moon 18 6 4? a.m. Last, quarter 2o 6 1 p.m. MOON. Moon rises to-dny, 9.12 p.m.; sets, 7.50 a.m. to-morrow. TIDE. To-day. 6.8 a.m.; 6.37 p.m. To-morrow, 7.6 a.m.; 7.33 p,m. SUN. Bun rises to-day. 4.13 a.m.; sets, 7.23 p.m. ARRIVALS. THURSDAY; DECEMBER 19„ KAHIT. s.s. (7.10 a.m.), 138 tons, Norliug, from East Coast. MARAROA, s.s. (8.20 a.m.). 2598 tons, Cameron, iron;. Lyttelton. . , ICAITOA, s.s. (9.20 a.m.), 3Cj tons, Tlildmnn. from Nelson. HINKM.OA. s.B. (3.15 a.m.), MJ. tons, Hooper, from Cook Strait. WOOTTON, e.s. (7.5 p.m.), 151 tons, torsen, from Lyttelton. HDIA, B.s. 17.30 p.m.), 127 tons, Caudhsh, from New Plymouth. I DEVON, p.s. (10.10 p.m.), 9661 tons, Robertson, from Waitara. BLENHEiM, s.s. (10.45 p.m.), 120 tons, Wilkinson, from Havelock. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20. HAWERA, s.a. (0.20, 174 tons. M'Kinnan, from Patca. DEPARTURES. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19. W.UXKA s.s, (0.15 a.m.), <IA tons, Stuajt, "kOMATA." s.s. (1.40 p.m.). 1994 tons, Sewell. for Westport. ,„,„ , ,„,, - MAFOURIKA, s.s. (2.10 p.m.), 1203 tons. M'Donald. for Picton and Kelson. WAVEIkLEY, s.s. (2.30 p.m.), 157 tons, Fink, for Patea. ,„ , KAHU, s.s. (2.35 p.m.), 138 tons, Norliuui for Oastlepoint. MARAROA, s.s. (5.45 p.m.). 2593 tons. Camiron, for Lyttelton. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Calm, Lyttelton, December 20. Maori, Lyttelton, December 20. Kokin, Greyniouth, December 20, Pelican, Lyttelton, December 20. Mindoro, Lyttelton, December 20. Wukatu, Kaikourn, December 20. Kapnni, Paten, December M. Niknu, Nelßon, December 2 : J. Tainui, Lvttclton, December 20. Opawa, Blenheim, December 20. Monowai, Lyttelton, December 21. Mararoa, Lyttelton, December 21. . Mapourika, Nelson, December 21. Knhu, East Coast, December 21. Ngaloro. Greymouth, December 22. Te Allan, Auckland( G-isbomc, Dec. 22. Kapiti, Wanganui, December 22. Putiki. Duncdiii, December 22. Ngahcre, Oamaru, December 22. Hippie, Napier, December 22. Komata, Westport, December 22. Kaitoa, Nelson, December 22. Kaitoa. Nelson, Decemocr Vl Waverlcy. Patea. December 22. Arawa, Napier, December 22. John. Oamani, December- 23. Blenhoim, Havelock, December 24. Queen of the South, Foxton, Dec. 24. Invercargill, Napier, December 24. Wakn.tu, Kaikonra, December 24. Wanaku, Auckland, December 25. PROJECTED.DEPARTURES. Mnnaroa, Dunedin, December 20. Wootton, Lyttelton December 20. '. Invercargill. Nap.'ei, December 20. Maori. Lyttelton, December 20. Kapuni, Patea, December 20. Breeze. Dunedin. Timani, December 20. llawcra, Patea, December 20. Opawa, Blenheim. December 20. Kaitoa. Nelson, Decomber 20. Blenheim. l|»velock, bays, Dec. 20. Wakatu. Knikotira. December 26. Mana, Lyttelton, December 21. Monowai, Lyttelton, December 21. Mararoa. Lyttelton. December 21. Nikau, Nelson, December 21. Kahu, East Coast. December 21. Kent. Lyttelton, December 22. Kapili. Vvanganni, Dc'eml""'' £3. Kipplc. Napier, December 23. MapounV Picton only. December 2!. Waverlcy. Patoa, December 23. Dorset. Fsrynt, December 24. Devon, £.i-pier, December 26, Arawa. iwndon, December 31. BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEAS. SVDNF-Y, December 18. Arrived.— Wftllspnd, from Greymouth; Ihumata, from Kaipara. COASTAL. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19. AUCKLAND. Sailed.-Awanui (2.30 p.m.). for Nine Islaud MANUKAU HEADS. Sailcd.-Barawn, (7.30 p.m.), for New Plymouth. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Ttoden Powell' (10.30 a.m.), from Wellington. PATEA. Arrived.—Kapmii (9.20 a.m.), from Wellington. PICTON. Arrived.—Mapourika (6.35 p.m.), from Wellington. NELSON. To Sail.-Nikau (9 p.m.), for Wellington; Wuime.i (10 p.m.j, for West Coast. NAPIER. Arrived—Ripple (2 a.m.), from Wellington. TIMAEU. Arrived.—John (6.30 a.m.), from Wellington WESTFORT. Sailed— Kokiri (11.5 a.m.). for Wellington. Arrived.-Kamona (8.30 p.m.) Dec. 18, from Wellington. LYTTELTON. Sailed.-Oalm (noon), and Maori (8.50 p.m.), for Wellington. Arri'ved.-Mana. (2 p.m.), from Wellington. KAIKOURA. Soiled-Wakatn (7 p.m.). for Wellington. DUNEDIN. Sailed.-Monowai (5 n.m.), for Lyttelton «nd Wellington. Passengers-for Wellington: 'Misses M'Donald (2), Eraser, O'Brien. Orkney (2), Millar, M'Gowan, Hresliain. ■I'ernie, Rest, lloldaway, l.yon, Louden. Fleming (2), Smith, Duncan and 2 children, M'Shall, M'Lean (2|; liudames Nash, Priest, Sineaton, Louinley, Wright, Ripon, Murphy aud infant, M'Plieri'Oii, Shuker and child, Fleming, Lyon. Skinner and 4 children, Jenkins and 2 children. Beet and child, Scrivener and 2 children. Sluhbi;; Messrs. Nash, Keiha. C-ampbell. Davys, Smeaton. Rent, Swiners, .Saunders, Tanner, tiluhhi!, Judd, Kernnitz, Stewart. Fernie. Bouli, Hiddlcton, Jones (2). Fleming (3); 22 steerage. OVERSEAS STEAMERS! IMWARD AND OUTWARD BOUND. ANNETTE KOI.I'II. left fian Francisco Nov. n for Wellington; duo Dec. 25. AIIAWA. from Napier, dm; Wellington Dec. 22. Leaves Dec. 31 for 'Loudon. DEVON, arrives Wellington Dec. 20. Thence Napier. Sails Wellinylon Jan. 4 for .Egypt. DORSET, leaves Wellington Dec. 24 for Port Said. (ii:OI:(!l.\A HOU'FI. leaves fian Francisco Dec. for New Zealand. dIiAUCIW, due Auckland Dec. 21 from Walpole Island. Loads Adelaide. KAIAPOI, due Wellington early Jan. from Melbourne, via South Inland. K.OBOKU MARU, from Japan, due S.Z. early Jan. KENT, from London; leaven Wellington Dec. 22 for Lyttelton and Port Ciwlmers. Returns Wellington. Sails Jan. 18 for London, WAKURA. leaven Auckland Tki". 30 for Y!)ii~)!>vpr, via Suva, and llonohilu. MIPDLEHAM CASTLE, leaves St. John Jan. for New Zealand and Australia. NTAfIARA. from Vancouver, due Auckland Doc. ZB. OPIFfI, rrom Vi'.neouver; due Wellington De<\ ?,1; f.'-ni- Lvltelton. , PORT Jl-'.CKINfI, left London Dec. 4 for Wellington, via. Suez and Melbourne; duo Feb. 1. Tlm'H"" Auclilan''. Loada England. POET LYTTELTON. left London October 26 for Ai'.'trali!'. Aneklard. and Wellington : dn.e Jan. 17. Ka.ils Feb. for Egypt. PORT SYDNEY, from Port Said, via Sydney, for Whakatano, Tokomaru Bay, (..isborne. Du" Wcllinirton Jan. 1. Sails .iSn. 8 for Egypt, IUIAIIINE. leaves Wellington Feb. 14 for vi,., Pansmc SALVOR, from San Francisco; due Auckland early; thence Wellington. Loads San Francisco. fUIF.vU'.. Ml London Knwmr.»r 21 fr.r New Zealand, via Australia-, due Auckland Jin. 17. ULIMAEOA, at Wcllinirton from London; loads b'ack. • SAILERS. San Francisco to Wellington ;— Vessel. Left. Due. C. fi. Holmes To sail ■ Portoptlonnl fieorgette Oct. 18 Now Henrietta Nov. 25 Jan. Mindoro via Lyttelton Dee. 20 .llona Dec. 15 (about) Feb. Wangaiiui Nov. 27 Jan.* New York to Wellington:— Amira) Cccilo • Nov. Auckland Jan. 10 Titania Nov. Jan. Terpsichoro Nov. 1 Jan. Touawauda Nov. 4 Auckland Jan. Vn-iroMver to WclHncrlon;'Dartford TosailJan Mar. Sun Francisco to Auckland:— Albert 'Vo Bail — Edward May To sail — Esther Buhne To sail - Hesperian To sail — lima Nov. 21 Jan. Lyman D. Foster Dec. 12 Feb. Manurcwa Nov. 21 Jan. Ysabel - Jan. 10 Snn Francisco to Lyttelton:— Amy Turner N0v.25 Jan.' Carolyn Frances - Early i
.Tohn and Witkrop — Early Kan Francisco to New Plymouth:— Thrasher To tail — Kan Francisco to Waiistanui:— Narwhal — Now flan Francisco to Timani:— Planter ' To sail — LYTTELTON AND NELSON SERVICES. SPMCIAL AHHANGKMENT3. The. Monowai will crrivv to-morrow from Lyttellon and is to return et 4 p.m. that day. She will again be at Wellington ;>n Tuesday, sailing for Lyttelton al 4 p.m. The Mararoa will also so south to-mor-row and on Tuesauy nieht. The Monowai will leave Lyttelton on Friday, December 27, lor Wallmgton, and will leave nere at. noon on Saturday, December 26. for Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland, taking no cargo for Auckland. Until January 11 the .Maori will the arrival at Lyttelton oi the extra express, which will leave Dunedin at 11.15 a.m. and reach Christchurch at 7.10 p.m. Tho Mararoa- will leave Lytteiton at the usual time-on tic arrival at Lyttelton ot the 5.20 p.m. train from Christchurch (the first c.vprns.s from Dunedin). am for 'Nelson direct. She will leayo «&. early on Wednesday tor I'loton nnd Wolliiicton. arriving curly, that niziu. Tl o vessel will lewe ™Hn«tonou Inday. December 27. at noon for both lieassist in this service dnrmir the. holidn..s owing to eji absence'of firemen. PORT SYDNKY AT WHAKATAXE. The Port Sydney arrived at Whcknia-jio yesterday mbrnins from Sydney direct Ivinrine 31 r-nssentcers. All landed at WhakQtane. e.nd the majority prowled to Rotovun, by motor-cavs. lhe of meat was commenced, and is cxpectLa to, take three days. She will leave here on Saturday for Tokonmru Bay; leave there Monday for Gisborne. arrive Christmas Eve, and sail New lcar s Eve for Wellington: due January 4. Tho ion Sydney will leavo here about January 8 fo The lT pas'sen l? er list, of the vessel was veeterdav telegraphed to the head ofnee as follows ■.--Jlcsdames Cameron, Powne, Weston Mid child. Hislo.p; Meßsrs. Osborn. Foster, Smvthe snd i,l Arthur, Atessrs. Axclscn. li;Dicrmid, Shcviploj. Brown. Powrie, Hislpp, Boss, Latimer, gladden. Atkinson, Freddy, luriier, Jt'Guiness, Scott, Cflptnin Austen, Rev. Cameron. Sergeant beott, Privatca Bathgate, Bill, and Pickering. MER9-TABLE GOSSIP. Mr F. Dinamore. late chief officer of the Vonowai, has been appointed to the Mmmand ot the llosomond. relieving Caplain P. N. Ed'ie, who has been appointed maker, of the'KnUa.po. . Captain Tavlor has 'been appointed master of the harbour tun Pilot. Curtain -T. F. B. Brown has taken charge of the Atua at Sydney, mud Caplain J. 1). S. Phillij)= has rejoined the 'Union Company's shore staff. . Mr. F. 11. Emms, late third officer of tho Maori, is to join the Kamcpa as chief officer temporarily. . Transfers of lipfifl-housc-kcepcrs nave h "-I "ireeted by tn-' Marin? Uepartment as follows —Principal keeper Creamer will transfer from Cape Campbell to Cantle.point; Principal ltoepcr Cox Is to w from The Brothers to. Farewell Spit; First As-sistant-keener Sanders is to be promoted from Farewell Bpit to the position of principal- keeper at Capo Brett. Tho Te Anau, which is due, on Sunday from Auckland, will load general cargo here for that port. K.M.S. Moumi, en route from Wellington to San Francisco, left Papeete on Tuesday IsbLv The Ven'ura, whicji left Sin Francisco on December 2 for Sydney, has on board tho largest mail ever sent from tho. American port. Tho Kent, will now leave Wellington on Sunday for Lyttelton and Port Chalmers to disehariro tho remainder of her carsro from London, and fb take in for 'England. She will subsequently loud at Bluff and Wellington, and will leave this port about January 18 for London, via Panarae Canal. The luvorcargill is to- leave Wellington to-day for Napier with oil. Sho is duo back at WclliinMm on Christmas. Day. The Kurow is at present held up «t Wellington owing to a, shortage in her crew. Bhe will leave for Sau Francisco as soon as possible. During; last mouth the Melbourne ajenta for several Japanese steamer* which have • for some time traded between Eastern ports and Australia, received Intimation that tho vessels have been withdrawn from the Australian run under requisition by the Japanese Government. The Arawa will probably leave Napier for Wellington on Saturday. Tho Union.Company's Navua. which arrived at Wellington on Monday, was berthed at the Tnrnnaki Street Wluuf yesterday morninir to discharge hor general cargo. The Xavna was n (-lean ship when she arrived from Kan Francisco, but owing to an outbreak at Papeete, the authorities decided to uuiirautine her for three days. Her cargo inclines iv lacge quantity of caso oil. A second writ hail been issued against the American schooler Oakland, which is at present under arrest at Lyttolton. The writ ; was issued on the application of W. 11. Simms and Son, who claim the. sum of £552 /or necessaries. The Pelican, towing- the schooner Mindoro, left Lyttelton «t 7 p.m. on Wednesday and passed Kaikonra at noon yesterday. The tue and her charge should show in port this morning. The Ngiihero Bhonld be in port in readiness to start on Monday discharging straw and produce from Oamaru. The Devpn is due in port early this morning from Waitara. She is to leave -on December 20 for Napier to iload further, and will return to Wellington about January 1 to complete, sailing for Egypt on January 5. 'The Scales l.iue has received advice that the barque I'.-.mj, left San Francisco a day or Iwo ego for Welllncton. The, barnuc Jtaunu wjll 11/iish loading for Sa.u Francisco during tho holidays, and will then sail us soon us a crew can •be shipped According to advices from Perth (states the Melbourne "Argus"! the new British standard steamer War Pointer (5500 tons), the first V'iWfl of this type to reach Australia, and one of a fleet of, 612 built by the British Government during the war period, has visited Fremantle. end lifled 80C0 lnn< of Hour for Mediterranean ports. In addition to being the first standard ship to \vf seen m Australian waters, tho Wo" Pni-ii- the fir?t unit of the recently reigned "grain and Hour" ileet to cooiplnte V;r <oy:ige from Suez. ThcKtelhi is lo bring a full from Dunedin for Wellington and Greymouth nnd will tubsequently load a cargo of scrap iron nt the latter port for Dunedin. fly advertisement Levin and Co. advise that the Ilnrawa will leave Onehuiiga on December ?,1. 27. 30. aud .Tnniiary o, at 3 p.m. for New Plymouth. The .Itaiawn. 'i'ill leave Now Plymouth for Ouehunga on l)c, (•"tiiher 24 al 6.30 p.m., and on December 28. 31. e.nd January 4, nt 4 p.m.
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Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 73, 20 December 1918, Page 8
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2,079SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 73, 20 December 1918, Page 8
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