PHASES OP THE. MOON. OCTOBEK. ... Day. Hr. rn. New,moon ;, 5 2 35 p.m. First quarter ...... 13 4 30 Full mooa 20 . ... 9.5 a.m. Last quarter 27 5 5 a.m. MOON. Moon rises to-day, 5.57 a.m.; sets, 8.14 p.m. TIDE. .. To-day, 6.4' a.m.; 6.26 p;m. To-morrow, 6.47 a.m.; 7.7 p.m. ■ . SUN. ■ Sun rißea to-day, 5.17 a.m.; aete, 6,2 p.m. ARRIVALS. '.SATURDAY, OOTOBER S.'''" BADEN POWELL, s.s. (5.35 a.m.), 174 tons, Johnson, .from Greymouth. MARAROA, s.s, (7.55 a.m.),. 2598 tons, Cameron, from Lyttelton. KAPUNI, 5.3. (9.35 a.m.), 188 tone, Gibson; from Patea. INVEROARGILL,' 8.8. (4.50 p.m.), 224 tone, Wahlatrom, from Wanganui. MAPOURIKA, s.s.. (5 p.m.), • 1203 tons, Irwin, from Nelson. an<l Picton. OPAWA, 8.8. (11,10 p.m.)„ 110 tons, Nicho.las, from Blenheim. '■SUNDAY; OOTOBER 6. WAVERLEY. .s.s. (1.10 a.m.), 157 ton's; Fiek, from Patea. KAHU, s.B. (9.20 a.m.), 138' tons, Worley, from Napier. KAITOA, s.s. (11.10 a.m.), 305 tons, Wildman, from Nelson. MAORI, s.s. (11.15 a.m.), 3412 tons, Manning, from Lyttelton. KAITUNA, s.s. (7.5 p.m.). 1977 tons, Martin, from' Westport. WAKATU.s.s. (7.35 p.m.), 157 tonß, Wills, from Kaikbura. . WOOTTON, 5.b..(8 p.m.), 151 tons, Larson, from Lyttelton. . MANA; s.s. (9.15 p.m.), 134 tons; Bproule, from- Lyttelton. ' MONDAY; OOTOBER 7. ". KOWHAI, b.s. (0.35' a.m.), 792 tons, Plowman, from Greymouth.•:■' DEPARTURES; SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5. MAORI, s.s. (2.40 a.m.), 3412. tone, Manning, for Lyttelton. NIKA'fJ, 8.3. (1.30 p.m.), 248 tons, Hay, for Nelson. KAPITI, s.s. (2 p.m.), 242 tons, Sawyer's, for. Wanganui. MARAROA, a.s. (4 p.m.), 2598 tons', Oameron; for Lyttelton.KOTARE, s.s. (5.5 p.m.),- 141 tons, M'ln'tyre, for Lyttelton and Dunedin. CALM. s.s. (5.56 p.m.), 890 tons, Radford, for Bluff. JOHN.' h.s. (6.10 p.m.), 339. tons, Harwick, for Lyttelton. • • QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (6.10 p.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, for Foxton. WAIRAU, b.b. (11.30 p.m.), 143 tons, Deiloy, for Picton.
•EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Mooraki, Sydney, October 7. Mana, Lyttelton, October 8. Mararoa, Lyttelton, October 8. Hawera, Patoa, October 8. Kegulys, Picton, uctober 8. Kapiti, Wanganui, October 8. Queen of the South, Foxton, October 8, Nikau, Kelson, October 8. John, Lyttelton, October 8. Tainui, WangamV, October 8. •Aratapu, Onehunga, October 9. Opawa, Blenheim, October 9. Mapourika, Nelson. Picton, October 9, 'Pntiki, Lyttelton, October 9. Maori, Lyttelton, October 9. Kahu, East Coast, October 9. Corinna, New Plymouth, October 9: Cygnet, Lyttelton, October 10. Wootton, Lyttelton, October 10. Kapimi, Patea, October 10; Kaitoa, Nelson, October 10. Monowai, Auckland, Napier, October 10. Blenheim, Wanganui, October 10. Invcrcargill, Lyttelton, October 10. • Hiiiomott, North leland lighthouses, October 10. Wavcrley. Patea, October 10. Wtiirau, Picton, October 11. Komatn, Westport, October 11. Wakatu, Kailcoura, Octrfber 11. Rosamond, Gisbornc, Octobir 11.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES, Iluia, New Plymouth,- October 7. • Kahu, Akitio, East Coast, October 7. Westralia, Melbourne, via south Oct. 7. Kapuni, Patea, October .7. Koniuta, Westport, October 7. Wootton, Lyttdton, October 7. Mapourika, Picton, Nelson, October 7. Blenheim, Wanganui, October '/. . Kakapo, Westport, Octobor-7. Invorcargil(, Lyttelton, October 7. Opawa, Blenheim, October 7. Maori, Lyttelton, October 7; Ngatoro, Oroymouth, October 7. Kr.v/era. Patea, October 8. • Mana, Wanganui, October 8. Kaitoa, Nelson, October 8. Mararoa, Lyttelton, October 8. i Kapiti, Wanganui, October 8. Oauopus, Westport, October 8. Waverley, Patea, October 8. Admiral, Picton, October 8. Tainui, Lyttelton, October 8. Regulus, Nelson, Coast, October 8. • Wakatu, Kaikoura, Lyttelton, October 8. Karamu, New Plymouth, October 8. Kaituna, Westport, October 9. Hippie, Napier, Giebornc, October 9. .Tolin,' Nylin Bay, Lyttelton, October 9. Nikau, Nelson, October 9. Queen of the South, Foxton, October 9. Aronowai, Lyttelton, Buncdin, October 10. Oorinna, Dunedin, October 10. . Rosamond, Timaru. October 11. Cygnet, Lyttelton, October 12. .:' Wairau; Blenheim, October 12.
, BY TELEGRAPH. COASTAL. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5. ONEHTJNGA. Arrivcd.-Hincmoa (3 p.m.), from northern lighthouses. NEW PLYMOUTH. 6ailed.-Karu (11.15 a.m.), for Greymouth. «. AUCKLAND. Sailed.-Atua, (11.20 p.m.), lor Sydney, Arrived.—Monowai (9.15 p.m.), from Gisborne. PORT CHALMERS. Sailed.-Pohcrua (7.30 p.m.), for Wellington. .' WESTPORT. Sailed.-OanopUß (10.20 p.m.), for, Wellington. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6. WANGANUI. Arrived.-Kapiti (7.35 a.m.), from Wellington. AUCKLAND. ' Arrived.—Kamona (12.10 p.m.), from Wellington. PORT CHALMERS. Sailed.—l'utiki (1 a.m.), for Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrivod.-Mararoa (7.50.a.m.), Kotaro (3.30 p.m.), John (4.10 p.m), from Wellington. NELSON. Sailcd.-Corinna (3.30 a.m.),' for Now Ply-. mouth. . ... Arrived.-Nikau. (early); from Wellington. ' 'PASSENGERS FOR' SYDNEY. The Riverina, which on Friday night left Auckland for Sydney, took the following passengers: Iu"saloon: Misses Buttle,Flavcll, Vine, Ncave, Moore, Withcridgc, Bell, Friend, Collins, Higgins, Mack, Miller, Heates 1 , Williams, Murray,. Geynor, Monkton, Miles, Roberts, Dompscy, M'Aflin, Lawrence, Hansen, Courtnay, Rhodeß, Palmer, Mesdames Furbor, Hobbs, Symonds, Southouse, White, Topp, Towers, Bell, Bihnie, Kater, Collins, Staccy, Mack, Wenning, Love, Lawrence, Briorly, Martin, Hamilton, Prunty, Ennis. Marsden, Matthowson, Gore, Adams, M'Laren, Morrison, Bonner, flord. Brennand, Gilflllan, Clifton, Hytten, Little, Andrews, Porteous, lluohannii, Leano. Little, Lcanes. Palmer,. Clark,Metes. Morrison, ■ Matthiaß, Stoneham, Riley, Goodwin, Furncss, Carey, Watson',. Norquay. Iloymonson, Zymerimaii, Wilt-' shire, Molhurst, • Purcell, Stewart, Bath, Mitchell,' Grubb, Hawkin, Russell, Jones, Frarikham, Wheeler, Levy, Kirkhooe.'Thorliurn, Roberts, Topp, Rowcll. Pitts, de Garis,-- Soulhousc, Judds, . Lethbridge, Brewers, Robert. Reed, Doctors Turner, Oaro, Soutliwiclt,. Commander Pidgeon, Captains Symonds. Gorman, M'Callum, Orr, Davis. Blackott,' Lieutenants Reed, Haigh,, Hobbs, Denning. Oheadle, Angus; 80 second saloon and <0-steerage. :
PORT OP WESTPORT BETDRNS. The Tort of Wcstport returns for the month -of September. arc as. follow:- ' ' Output and Txport of Coal. ' ••, • ' Output, Export, .'..'..' tons, toils. Wcstport Coal Co., Ltd.,coal : :... 36,423 17 • 33,615 3 Wcstport, Coal 00...Ltd., coke ' 165 6 163 16 West port-Stockton Coal C 0.,. ■ ■ Ltd.. , 14,092 6 14,032 6 Coal- Creek Mining Party 825 0 625 0 Totals.: ' .;.. 51,506 9 48,636 5 Export of timber, 121,498 Blip. feet. During tile month 49 steamers and one sailer, representing 25,556. tons, entered the port, and 48 steamers, representing 24,322 tone, left the port. Total lonnago for the m0nth,.49,878. The sailing of the Wcstralia for Mel-, bourne, via southern ports, bus been postponed to.2.'o'clock! this afternoon. Tho Kahu is to sail to-day for Akitio and East Coast stations. The Invercargiil will sail to-night with general cargo for Lyttolton. The auxiliray schooner Echo was reported on Saturday to. be held up by tho bad .bar at.Wairoa, . The Maori arrived back at Wellington at, 11.15 a.m. yestorday from Lyttrlton. Today she will siiil at 3 p.m. for Lyttolton. and will lake no cargo as she will dock to-morrow for repairs to her propellers.
The Moornki on from Sydney will berth at No. 1 Queen's Wharf. '' The Kaituna, which arrived hero yesterday from Westport, is oxpcctcdto make .'.tho return trip about Wednesday. The Kaino jh due to arrive early this morning with' a full cargo of coal from Cvreymouth. • After discharge sho will return to Greymouth. The Karamu, which.left Greymouth yestorday for Wellington, will sail for New Plymouth to-morrow after discharge of her Wellington cargo of coal. . Messrs. Johnston and Co. advise that the Ripple will not receive cargo for Napier nnd Gisborno till to-morrow. She iB to sail on Wednesday.
Tho Merchant Service Guild will at 10 a.m. to-day hold a committee meeting to discuss the Imperial compensation scheme as it applies to officers on the- New Zealand coastal shipping and their 'dependants.
Mr. K. S. Gorrie, purser on'.the Westra-. Ha; has resigned from the Huddart-Farker Company's service, and will leave tho vessel at Lyttelton. " ,' '.-'■''. Tho brigantino Aratapu arrived at New Plymouth from Oneliunga on Friday morning with .twenty tons of explosives for tho Harbour Board. From there she proceeds. to Wellington, for which port she has 'a cargo of 85,000. feet of timber. She is due here about Wednesday. .> .
Tho colliers Oanopus and Kaituna from Westport and Kowhai from Greymouth arrived during-last night.
The congestion of shipping space on ,veseMs.engaged in the direct service, to Can-, odn will, says an Auckland' exchange, be relieved to some- extent by-an arrange-' ment recently--made by Mri ~W. A. Beddoe, Canadian Trade Commissioner, with the Canadian War Trade Board. Goodß for which an importation license has been secured may now be forwarded on through. billb ot lading, vii 6cm Francisco. The list of commodities -which may not bo imported into Canada, except under license issued by the War Trade Board, ' has been further. extended. Previously it was nccesßary to,obtain import licenseß for meat, dairy produce,- fruit, and eggs. The amended list includes cocoa, cocoanut oil, copra, flax, .flaxseed, gypsum; hemp, hides, skins;' and leather,...jute, wheat flour,, wool, tallow, -honey, etc.-The conditional restrictions governing the importation of certain goods into Canada are precisely the Bamo: as those in operation in the United. State!), the two Govcriraents having acted conjointly to guard against the practice of goods, being Bent into one country and- then dispatched across th.3 border.
In regard to the rumours that tho shipping engaged in the coastal and intercolonial "trade is to be diverted to other trade, the headquarters of the Union Com- • panv on Friday, gave the roport an unqualified denial; So far as this company is concerned there iB no intention to interfero with existing arrangements aa regards either coastal or inter-colonial services.
A revolution in the msthods of transporting frcipht on the Pacific will be 'brougnt about by the installation of_a barge syßtem which is being projected by a syndicate of San Francißco shipping men who expect to solve tho problem of handling'freight at'a minimum of coat (reports an American exchange).'. Owing to tho invention of a towing device for the towing vcsscland each barge, it is planned, to'nave each unit consist of three 5000-ton dead weight barges, in addition to the steamer or tug which will furnish tho power. These barge units will operate from Ran Franoisco to the Atlantic, the west coaßt of Month America. Alaska, Hawaii, and also to the Orient, South Pacific, and Australia, New and powerful tugs otg to be constructed, with a big steaming radius which will.permit.tho various units to be sent to any off-shore port, whatever tho distance may be. The bargee will have double bottoms, which will, be used .to carry fuel oil. The project promises to become the- bigecest: nhijsing scheme on tho l'acifie, at least, and has been planned to meet what is ejected tn be unusual ard.kecn competition after tho war.
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Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 10, 7 October 1918, Page 9
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1,647SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 10, 7 October 1918, Page 9
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