The thirty-sixth annual show of lhe Wellington Poultry, Pigeon, and Canary bociety was opened yesterday afternoon by the Mayor (Mr. ,7. P. Luke, C.if.G.), in St. Peters Schoolroom. The show i< one of the best held by the society, (he entries constituting- a record since ISfiß, the total buing 1015. Thcru is n n-marl;-auly fine display of utilit>- poultry, Hie euiiw ot Legliorns, Wyandottes, Urpiii"oiis, lAlinorcas, and Khede Island WeSs wiiiK very good. The banUmm me a leatiire of tl )B show. The homiii" picI'on flas.-cri are well represented, and tinnii|ie™i (.lovßrnment's appeal for houi-' fro will, it is anticipated by local Juntiw, bo met by a hearty respouse. -Mr J,uke, who was introduced by the prosidPiil, Afr. ,1. Currie, iu optiiiug tht> slimy, congratulated the sudely on lhe record entries received, ami hoped tlie >• liny would prove a success. A show of Ins character was not only encouraging u> the poultry men, by promoting healthy rivalry, but was «Iko of advantage to the coniiminiiy at large. Ih, was assured >y the experts tluit in the utilily poulIry classes the birds exhibited were of! PM-i'plional merit, and ho conjjratnlaled / he society on giving so muelv attention "> r Hiis class of bird. lhe jm| KL . s «- e re kept busy all the """'"'"K. their work being rendered difli- ' I >y lie lodillwenl lighting ~r St I'cli'i's Sohoolroom. The cats will be on exhibition, and ! J»<lK-d 10-cay. The entries lot.il 12.1. lhi« results in the poultry, ni-eoii and 'canary sections were as foliuV:-" POULTRY. (Judge, Mr. J. Casey.) (fame, IMeni.-Black red'liiillel- ,J Minorcas-Jjlack cock: J. R.gle.s, x <aml
Amlalusians.-Keu: «• L. Archibald, 1. J?™; (single comb).-JJm-.i totk.: C. A. Jiouilace, 1 and ■>; T. A very •• BroM-n hen: (j. A. Boniface, ]; \V ll.Muclnriano, 2; 'I'. Avery, :i. Hn n JjtHrlrere : V. A. Uoniface, I;"!,. G. 13,'"vn -; I. Avery, 3. 13ro\vn pullet: I, <j' .[*'■""", 1; W. 11. Alacfarlane, 2; T. Avei^
Z I-. , u!'-,° . liC '" : l; iL Woolev, 1 •ml-', \\lule hen-.,1.A1K land ;-,ec- '»}■ While pullet: J. Allen, ]; \| W (Wiley, 2 mid 3.
Hiimljiirgs.-Goldeu pencilled cock- K uime, I; A. H. .Xi'wmiin, ■<; W j ~u Kochc. :i. liolden pencilled lien A 11 cockerel : W. J. | it ];<lclle) t und l eLJet . ia | mitt f'li "v U " 11 :i - Uolden >' e,,cilie(i iiillct: A. J [. ,\owimui, 1 mid 3; G F, •earn 2. fci,iv er sprangled cock ¥ j, »'«''. 1 ami 2. Silver spangled l, en! F. il. li air, 1 anil 3; T. Avery, 2. Silver «|mn ß lnl coclcwd: F. H. Blair, 1 and 2 Silver upiunjled , m || et: ],'. H . x W.viiiidolles.-Gulden hiced cockerel and ' ullet: J. i| llllro j. iSilv j , , ( V i'liii J; J ]). Iremonger, 2: J. ci. r : ■i o ' Sl W-l'K-'i'rt I'i'ii: J. Currie, 1 IV'llet: JO. G. Short, 1 „„<] special; .1. Currie, 2. Silvor-liiced cockerel: .1. (•,„•. J'ip, 1; G. Finn, 2. White hen: J. Curiic, 1 niul 2; JJoig end Thomas, 3. While cockerel: Doig and Thomas, 1 !im | g- .1 ;'tf»f, 'f ri ,,Wliite pullet: J. Currie, l'; ■Hftijf and J lionias, 2. Orpingtons (.Sinjrte Comb).—.Black cockiV ,; J ':-. 1,L 'Pl ,cr ' ] i C - VogtliPi-r, 6«H., 2; 11. B. Sinunonds, .'). Black hen: H. 1! Siminoiids, 1; C. Vo B lhen-, sen.. 2 nnd 3. Muck cockerel: F. Jlarriott, 1 and declared the tost bird in tho show, and '>; (.. Vogjherr, «n., 3. lilack pullet: ]■'. Jlni-riott, 1 and 2; C. Voßthra-r, pen., 3. will or cinnamon cock: V. Gibbons, I; •K (.lOrdon, 2. Jiull' or ciniiamoji lion: J. ' Ciordon, J. Buff or cinnamon cockerelJ : Gordon, 1 and 2; F. Gibbons, 3. Buff cinnamon .pullet: ,T. Gordon, 1 and 2. White lien: T. Doig, 1 and special; K. J. jAl'T.ennau, 2 and 3. Khode Island Eeds.—Bosecomb cockerel • R. Kelly, 1. Single-comb cock: AV. Davey, 1. Single-comb hen: S. jtf'lver, 1. Sin»locomb cofkevel: C. Vogtlierr, sen., 1; W. Wiivoy, 2. Single-comb pullet: 'J'otara Poulterics, 1; \Y. Davey, 2. Ladies' Clnss.-Cock or cockerel: Mrs. U. H. Sims,.l. Hen or pullet: Jlrs. AV. 'I Sim, 1; .Mrs. F. H. Blair, 2 and 3. Game Bantam, Modern.—Black red cock: J. Mimro, 1; .T. Bnll. 2; It, Vitctta 3. Black red lien: AV. Jl.Biile. 1. Black red cockerel: AV. TI. Rule, ]; ,T. Ball •> Blnck ml pullet: AV. H. Ifulc. 1; .? J!Hiiro. 2. Dnckwinjr cock: J. Ball 1 Diickwing hen: S[. If. Vitetta. 1. Huckwing cockerel: .]. Jfunro, 1. Til o coclr and-pilo pullet: ,T. Ball. Bantams.—Black rosecomb cock- C. Brattle, 1 and special; Allan Boxbur K li, -; .1. A. Wilson, 3. Black rosecomb ben: £ Brattle, 1 nnd 2: Allan Boxbnrali, 3. lilack j-oseconib cocker«l: ('.. Brattle 1 ■ H. H. Lippitt, 2; AV. H. Sims, 3. Black rosecomb pullet: 11. H. Lippitt, 1- AV H Sims, 2; C. Brattle, 3. Peking buff cock! 0. A. Boniface, 1;E. AV. Vincent, 2; ,i. Ball, 3. Pclcina bulT hen: C. A. Boniface, 1 and 2; Tt N. Scott, 3. Peking buff t° t!' 3 T :R - T '- F(m ™' 1 ;- Wn1 ' Duff, 2; •r. Ball. 3. Peking buff■ pullet: G. 15 1-earn, 1 and 2; E. W. Vincent, 3. ,Tauane.se cock: G. K. Vcarn. 1 and special; E- C. Copp. 2. Cockerel: V. Eagles, l and 2. Pullet-. V. Earfce, 1. ])antams, any variety: Allan Boxburgh, 1.
UTILITY CLASSES. (Jiulgo, jAlr. T. Doig.) Orpingtons (Single Conib).-Bl«ckcock-Hen-. A. htubbs, 1 and 2; C. Vo-tJierr •wn.. 3 Cockerel: A. Stibto, if ft rL" »in Martm 2 Pullet: A. Si,,bl,s, 1 Minorcas.-lihck cock: J. Allen, I *n<l 1, .. B. Wilson, 2 mid :t. Coclu-re!: J Jwgles, 1; .1. B. Wilson, -J; S ,1 (ires si(»r,;3. Pullet:,]. Jj. Wilson, l'aml •'; j" ingles, 2.
Wyawloites.—Silver lien: A. Cui-rie ]• J. JJ. Iramoiiger, 2. Silver cockerel-' Ci' ■inn 1; l>. p. cirviss, 2; J. 11. Lvraonger' •• Silver, ptillet: l>. l>. Qrvisri, j ; j e j)' Ji'fiiiioiiger, 2. J-eghorns.—While coc'i: G. AYeKsler J.jr. M. Wilton, 2; S. 'I'. J'ritelinrd,' :'! While hen: (.1. Weljsler, ] ~ml ■>; H Jl Wilton, :). White cockerel: S ' T' 'nlHiarcl 1 and :i; S. Jlulchison, 2.' While piilleh G. Webster, 1; S. liushliy 2; K. Jl. Woolley, 3. Hrowu cock- L (V Hiown, I. Hvoh-ii hen; W. H. .Macjarl lane, 1; C. A. Boniface, 2; 1,. (I JJrown 3. JJrown uoukßiel: T. A very, 1; L. g' Brown, 2; W. .11. Jf.icl'arlnne'. .1. Br'oivn piillctt: W. Jl. .Wacfarlane, 1 iiiul"3; L. G. flroivn. 2.
I'lynioii.th Jtocl:.s.—While cockerel: AV Woodcock, I and special. 'Whi'o pullet W. Woodcock, 1 and 2; J. Allen, :i
K'hode Island K«ls.—(>.:k •. \v' Uavev 1 and 1; ].. (:i. Drown, 3. lion: W. Davt'yl 1. Cockerel: W. Uavvy, 1 and special and i; I!. 1,. Aichihald, ;{. I'ullel- I , R. i.Usington, I; AV. Dai-oy, 2 and 11. Any variPly, lieuw lirc-eils:'.l. Allen, 1; (.!. Finn, 2. .l.igl.i bieiiis; .1. .-Mien. I. I'KiKONS. (Jiulrps: I'an-.-y, Mr. A. Gutlirie. Woi!;ing Jfoiner.s, .Mr. J. J. Klliiitl.) English Owls.—Cock and lien: j(. Cochrane Sacks. African Owls—lilac!; or black pied cock and hen: J(. Cochrane Sacks. Black or black pied cuck mid hen, under 12 months: C. VnglJierr, ttn., I; 11. Cuohraiii! Sacks, 2. Turbils-lleii: C. Voglliorr, sen., 1 mid special. Jacul> ins—Muck cock of l.i'ii: I!. Cnulirano Sacks , , 1 and special. Black cock or hen, iiiulpr 12 months: H. (Joclimnc Sacks, 1. Any other colour: JI.. Cochrane .Sacks, 1. I'anlails.—lt. Coclnrane Sacks was thfi only exhibitor. -Maxpie.-.—tilack cor-k. I'liluH: .1. Uoer, 1 and spucial and i; \V. liailcy, :!. lilack hen, udnll : J. Cim-r, I and 2; W. IJailey, X lllai-k civkx (under 12 mouths): J. Goer, 1 and ttvu specials und I); \V. Bailey, 2. Hen (under 12 months): W. Bailey, 1; J. Goer, 2 and ;l. Yellow cock (adult): ,). Goor, 1; W. Uailey, 2; K. Cochrane Sacks, li. Yollow hen: J. Goer, 1 and epcoial and 2; W. Bailey, 3. Yellow cock (under 12months): .1. Goer, 1 and special; W. Bailey, 2; M. G. Grenside, 3. Yellow hen: W. Bailey, 1; M. G. Gronside, 2; I{. Cochrane Sacks, .'(. Any other colour, cock or hen: W. Bailey, 1 and snecial; ,T. Goer, 2 and 3, for htrcfi. Cock, under 12 months: E. "ocluaao Sucks; , and for hens, J. Goor
secured all three places. Tumblers, .short-laced: U\ Itailoy swept tlio board, and secured first and special lor a red cock bird. Long-faced clear-legged Eelfblack, code mid Jien: J{. Cochrane Sacks. Ansmnrlsuil: W. Bailey, 1 and 2. Hed cock: <_,'. Vagtlierr, sent., 1. Working Jlomers.— Ked clipqupr cock: \\. C. (.iourlay, J; .Mrs. M. Jj. ],<jivo, 2; !■'. ,1. Kyle, 3. Hen: J. l'erritt, "j; U. h. i'carn, 2; W. 0. Gourlay, 3. Cock, run;; J917-1S: J. !•'. Lβ Ovs, 1 and iW. A. Alexander, 3. Kan: '.C 1-'. Lβ Grys, 1 and ■>.; W. Alexander, :). Blue or Mack chequer cook: J. 11. Clark 1; V. C. liourlny, :•; (.'iinU'rbury J'ublishiiiL' Co., 3. Hen: Mrs. M. J-:. Lowe, 1; J. .11. Chirk, 2; Canterbury Publishing Co., I). Cot!;, runj; 11)17-18: ,1. i\ |, B (Jry<s J; U\ .A. Alexander, 2; J. H. Clark, 3. JJen: J?. J. Kyle, 1; \\. A. Alexander, 2; L. U. !■'. Yogthorr, 3. Blue cock-. .1. H. Clark, 1; H\ C. lionrluy, 2; M Ci (.irensido, 3. lien: \V. C. '(.iourlay, 1; \V. A. Alexander, 2; 1 , . ,T. .ICvlo. 3. Cock, Villi" 1017-1S: Airs. .M. E. Lone, 1; !•' ,1 Kyle, 2; \\. A. Alexander, 3. ]li<n: J, , ' Siillivnii, 1; \V. A. Alexander, 2; J: , . J. Kyle, J. Silver-dun or mealy cock: Mrs. -\l. I). Jx>\ve, 1; Canterbury Publishing Co., 2; \\.\ C. Gourlay, 3. Cock, rung llllv-lS: Canterbury Publishing Co 1 ; .]'. .1. Kyle, 1 Pied (;O ck: 0. Wilson, i ; J(. .llastie, 2; E. <j. P. Vogllim-, ;i Pied hen: ,1. 11. Clark, 1 and 2; G. P.. Poarii, o. Pied cock, rung .1917-18: E. G P Vogllierr, 1; ]I. H. T.ippitt, •'; G Wilson, 3. lion, rung 1917-18: K (\ ]•' y<,,,. tberr, 1; Mrs, J|. Ji. Lowe, 2. Any oilier colour, took or hen: .Mrs. Al P. I owe 1;H. H. Lippitt, ■>; \\. A. Alexander, :i! Cock or hen, rung 1917-1S: ]{. llastie, i; I AY. A. Alexander, 2; J-;, u. P. Vo;;therf, 3. Cock, certified to have down f>(KI miles: J. Perritt. 1; ,T. Boullon, 2; If llaelie, 3. Hen: G. Wilson, 1; W Ci deary, 2; ]{. Jlaslie, 3. Cock, certified to lyive flown -1(1(1 miles : J. Perritl 1.1. .1. H. Clark,,2; 11. If. Lippitl, 3. Hen:' Ct. Wilson, 1; W. G. Geary, 2; J. Perntr, 3. Certified to liavo flown Hflfl milesCock, J. 11. Clark, 1; S. Bruce, 2; lieu ■I. PerriK, 1; \\'. G. Geary, 2; .1. Bruce 3 Certified to have flown 200 milesCock: J. Mince, 1; J. I'emtt "• .1 p Ln Grys, 3. Hen: G. Wilson, 1; ii •Hasl-ie 2; J. Pornlt, 3. \\\ m A m certified to have down 100 miles—Cock- «. Wilson, 1 and special and 3; IJ. ]|' J'ippitl, 2. Hen: Ci. Wilson, 1; J. JtoulUm. 2; 11. 11. Lippift, 3. Hinged 19111, certified lo have llown 50 miles—Tleii.l. Perrilt 1 and :i; 11. jj. Lippiit. 2' lock, wearing impurted rin»: W C Gourlay, 1 and special; J. !1. Clark, 2; G. I. team, 3. Pair class: .T. lVn-itl 1; J. F U Grys, 2. Teams class tbreu racing homers): .1. P. Kyie, 1; J I'errill, %; W. A. Alexander.' 3.
Ladies' Classes.—Fancy pigeon, nny variety: R. Cochrane Sacks, 1; .Air-- W Bailey, 2.
Chil.lretfs Olass.-Workimr homer: \irlor Marquis,-I. l.' anP y pigeon: Victor Marquis, 1 and 2.
Yorkshire Canaries.—Yellow, clear, or ticked, cock or hen: E. Airth, 1; G Abel, 2; 0. K. Feuru, 3. Lightly vnriegnleit: Jt, Uuiley, 1; Viletta Bros., 2; G. K l'earn, ;t. Heavily vuriegated: K Haili-y, J; J. Jlalligiin, 2; Vitettn Bros., 3. Yellow, self-greou: Vitettn. Bros. 1 hiul 2; K. Bailey, ;i. Yellow cinnamon, ticked or variegated: G. Abel, 1; Vitotla Bros., 2; G. J , ). Fearn, .1. Any colour: Viletta Bros., 1; J. O'Keefo, 2; T. Graham, 3. Bun", clear or ticked: T. Graham, 1 and 2; Vitella Bros., 3. Lightly variegated: Vitella Bros., 1; E. Airth, 2; G. Abel. :!. Heavily variegated' R Bailey, 1; Viletta Bros., 2; J. Ualligan, ;i. Huff, cinnamon, licked or variegatedIJ. bailoy, 1; Vitctla Bros., 2 ami 11. Hiin, nin cnlnin. B. Saunders, 1; Vitotla Bros., 2; Mrs. John Martin, 3. Cage of four, any colour: Viletta Bros., 1. Yellow, clear or licked: Vitetla Bros 1.r. O'Keefe, 2; CI. Abel, X Yellow variegated: ]!. liailny, I; Vite.lta Bros., 2. Ifen, any cohiur: Ci. Abel, 1; Vilctta Bros., 2; ,1. (J'Keefe, 3. Bull", clear or ticked: I!. Kailey, 1; T. Graham, 2 and X Variegated: Vilof-'a Bila., 1; J.' O'Keefe, 2; T. Graliaw, ;l. Hen, any colourViletta bra?., 1 ai:d 2; E.'Airth, .'I., 1 Pairs, matched for breeding: Vitetla Bros., 1. Novice Section: In this section Allen Roxburgh clenred the board, and was Hie only exhibitor in all the classes but one, in which J. Biggs came second.
Norwich Crest and Crest Bred.— J. Quinn wn* the only exhibitor in four out of the six classes. la the other two classes Muster Jack Currio ivas a compclitor, and secured first position in iho ticked, marked, or variegated class, Quinn securing first place, in all other classes. Norwich Plain Head.—Clear or licked: E. liullen, 1 and 2. Heavily variegated: I). Bullen, 1. Clear or ticked hen: J. Hall, 1. Vaiiegaled hen: E. Bullen, 1; J. Hull, 2. Buff clear or ticked: R Bullen. 1: E. Airth, 2; A. Cnuner 3 Buff, lightly variegated: ,T. Hall. l;'] 0. Bullen, 2. Heavily variegated: A. Bnllen, 1; K. Bailey, 2; .1. E. Ilendricksen, 3. Cinnamon licked or variegated- E Biillen, 1 and 2j .f. Hall. 3.
UnHightPtl Norwich, Plain flcad.-Clenr or licked: A. Cauner, 1; E. Billion " Vi.riegated: ,1. Hall, 1; H. E. Airth " Buff, elenr or ticked: E. Biillen, 1; .\ Cauner, s>; ,1. Hall, 3. Variegaled: N. ■T. Leslie. Buft" hen, any colour- J Hall, 1; E. Bullen, 2. '
Novice .Section.—l'ellow, clear or ticked: K. (!nmeron, 1. Lightly variegated--11. W'Cnllach, 1: C. Ix>w, 2. Heavily variegated: - Blacker, 1. Bulf. clear ticked: E. Cameron, 1; — Blaekey, 2. Lightly variegated: ,1. Fletcher, l'and special; Miss Barnos, 2 and .'i.
. AVhite Canaries, Clear or Ticked.—Mrs. John Martin was Hie only exhibitor in this section, and showed nbout a dozen rather fine birds.
Border Fancy.— Yellow, clear, or ticked: J. M'iVaughton, 1. Buff variegated, green or cinnamon: J. M'Nauglilon, 1; K. Saunders, 2.
.Rollers.—Best songster, judged on singing: W. Dryden, 1; C. Lambert, 2; Ivor .Robinson, .'!.
Finches.—Best goldfinch: C. Lambert, 1 and special: L. ltichard, 2; G. Abel, 3 Greenfinch: M. M'Culloch, 1; C. Low, 2; G. Abel, 3. British (inches: G. Abel, 1. Children's Class (for children under 1C years of age).—Best, canary: Frank Keau, 1: Meg Leslie, 2; S. Airth, 3.
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 245, 4 July 1918, Page 8
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2,425POULTRY SHOW Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 245, 4 July 1918, Page 8
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