(BY Imooeh.)
SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Need of Rod Cross Goods. Tho following Mlers of acknowledgment for lied Cross goods have been received by the .lion. Kecrcliiry of Iho Ijl. .loltn Ambulance Brigade Overseas (SimBoating Club Depot) from Lady .lekyll, chairwoman of SI. .loltn Anibuia'nc" Warehouse, London "Wp have finished unpacking tho twenly-seveu cases dispatched io London in September, lIM7, which have after many delays reached us safely. lam delighted lo tell you llio things are all in good eondilion, and all most exci-llenl, most, needed, and most welcome, and are being neiil. out in response lo llio daily appeals for such much-needed clothing and comfort* from our hospitals in this Kingdom mid in the dillereiil war areas. Tlip nialerials and workmanship nro lirsl-ralc, llio elmieu of tilings admirable, and in these days of shortage of ninny of tho more expensive things, your gills come at a very acceptable moment. Will you lie good enough lo express to the heads of your organisation, and to all your workers, our grateful appreciation of your valuable assistance. The oyjamns, dny-shiits, handkerchiefs and pillow-eases, dressinggowns, and woollies nro all being iwuipd in llieso days of largo appeal, niul your helpers may feel confident (hat. they urn doing much to alleviate Hie sufferings and to comfort those whom we all have so continually in our thoughts ill present. lam writing in a time of stress and anxiety here, so you will forgive mo for not writing more, as wo are all pressed by our work. My lhanks, ami that; of ail the members of our committees, are very sincere."
Tn the second lei tor tho writer Hiiys:— "Your gifts como at a timo when calls on all hospital supplies are specially urgent, and wo would ask you lo thank nil your kind contributors for keeping us in such faithful and Rencrous renienibrnnce. These days nro very critical ones, and at least wo know that there are many wounded and sick vetiirniiip; to Encland, who will require all that we can do for tlieiu. Your own New Zealand hospitals know that they can npply lo us for anything from amongst our gift stores, with which' you havo so Renerously supplied us. and we shall be delighted lo respond whenever they do so." Health of Woman and Children. The monthly meeting of tho Royal New Zealand Society for tho Health of Womon and Children was held yesterday. There were present: Jfrs. Walter Nathan (in tho chair), Lady Allen, Lady Stout, Mcsdnmos Russell, Ilanan, M'Yicar, S. ltirkcaldie, Corrigan, Barclay, Btn-d, \V. Luke, C. Richardson, and llarcoiu!-, Misses Inglis, M'Lean, Cable, Kirkcaldie, and Barueit. Apologies were rend from Mesdames Ponsonbv, Winder, Leckie, (!. lieid Brow n, and Miss Riley. The nurses' report for the month was as follows:— New cases, GJ; visits to homos, 403 i mothers' visits to rooms. 6i2; babies, solely bicast-fed, 3b, p.iritally,■ li, iirtificially, 12; mothors shown how to prepare humanised milk, 38; expectant mothers, 7; letters received, 7. Tho secretary reports that 17G jjafments have been mado and distributed locally, and gratefully acknowledges the regular sum of , J!5 monthly from the War Relief Association. Tlio hon. treasurer acknowledges the following donations and subscriptions:—Mrs. A. Ewon, Mrs. A. Myers, and Mrs. J. J(. Cromhie, .£2 2s. each; Mrs, Chins:, Mrs. J. Duncan, Mrs. A. Crawford, Mrs. C. Richardson, Mrs. G. Robertson, Mrs. H. B. Bridge, ,£l Is. each; "A Friend," Mrs. Joseph, and Mrs. Barclay, ,C 1 cneh; Mrs. Mirams, Mrs. Washer, Mrs. J. if. Richardson. Mrs. Clark, and Miss Barnett, 10s. each; Mrs. JI ill, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Silver, Mrs. M. Myers, Mrs.' W. Luke, Mrs. Hume, Nurse Willis, Mrs. A. Young, and Mrs. Clarke (Aparnu), ss. eiu-li. A set of new scales with weighing basket for. the babies has been added to the rooms. The basket was made by a returned soldier at Lowry Bay, and is a splendid piece of work, which the nurses find great use for. The president (Mrs. Massey) wrote, thanking the' committee and nurses for their work and labour of love in connection with the Baby Carnival for the Red Cross and Red Jersey Eiind. The generous support in -donations and entertainments given for No. 1 nomination won it a place in the first six.
Tho wedding took place in St. John's Church, Spnrkhill, Birmingham (England), on .March of Miss Louisa Beatrice Pairey, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Fairey, of Spnrkhill, Birmingham, to Private Herbert William Grimes. N.Z.F.A., Eleventh Reinforcements, son of. Mr. anil Mrs Grimes, of Newtown. Wellington. Tlio bride wore a. charming frock of ivory silk poplin, trimmed with silver lace and pearls, and her veil was fastened with a wreath of orange blossoms. She cnri-icd a sheaf of lilies. 'J'ho bridesmaids wore liberty silk frocks with largo velvet hats, and each carried bouquets of mauve and pink tulips.
Miss Helen Gard'ner, who is to sing the music of Anline in "The Bohemian Girl," will arrive from Dunedin this morning.
At a meeting of tho ladies of St. Murk's Church it was unanimously dccidcd to give a Red Cross Day at tho shop on Tuesday, August 27. Mrs. Askew presided, and in her speech emphasised tho importance of everyone helping on Red Cross work. A. strong committco was formed, anl tl.e woik is in hand for a very successful day.
Tho Airdute terrier presented by Mr. Drake, of Ngaio, hnu been sold lo Captain Sheldon, of Fort Dorset, and the Red Cross Fund has benefited greatly by Mr. Drake's kindness. Offers of Red Cross da.vs havo be-ir. received from Miss Borchardt, Rent Tcrraco Rresbyterian Church Indies, St Mark's-ladies, and Mrs. Manawuy , and Mrs. Rose, for which the Shop Committee are most grateful.
Wolliiijjlon Red Cross Exocutivo.
The hosto,<»es fci Ihc cominir week at Hie Sydney Stieot Soldiers' Club are us follow:—Sunday, Mm W. Nathan; Monday, Mrs. Macarthy-Reid and Mrs. D. ,T. Nathan; Tuesday, Mrs Brisiow and Mrs. Moss; AVednesday, Imdies of St. John's .Ambulance; Thursday, Mo-sdmiies Bucholz, Wheeler, and Mackersey; Friday, Spinsters' G'labs Saturday St. John's Church Women's' Association.
Tlio monthly meeting of the trustees of tlio' Wellington Convalescent Homo was held at Mrs, Litchfield's on Wednesday. Thero woro present: Mosdaines AV. S. Moorhouso (in tlio chair), Litchfield, Martin, 0. S. Watkins, W. Young, Miss Coates, and Miss Miles (lion, secretary).
The averago women of 10-day littlo knows that an exquisite skin is csnily within her reach. Adopt the right pre-, parations immediately and drop using tho cheap and wrong. Ilow is it (hat Miss Milsom's preparations are forging ahead. Call or write, and sho will tell you. One jar of Cultenc Skin Food (retr. "is.) will provo its value. Try a littlo before retiring, for it iss a night cream—wash next day with Milsom's Mild Herbal Soap (Is.), then Tub as directed a little, Cultcno Balm (rej. 3s. Gd.), which is a day cream. Dust face lightly witli Milsom's Hygienic Face Powder— a skin foot! in powder form—all- ehades (2s. Gd. and 4s. (3d.). This simple home treatment preserves tho skin from roughness caused by wintry exposure, and positively prevents blackheads, large pores, and other disfigurements, leaving the skin nourished, soothed, and briiuiii'uUy ,fino in texture. Tho Cnlteno Skin preparations positively discourages the growth of hair, so dreaded by all. Consult ro hair work and hair troubles. Mies Milsnm, iU Willis Street. Telephone 814. —Advt.
' Now for the littlo lads—See our woollen Gabardine Coats at 275. Cd. to 305.; Caps to match, 4s. (id. Geo. Fowlds, Lid., Manners Street.—Advt.
Ill" month',y mooting of the T\"o]linEr--011 Kxcnil.ivi. of Dm ,\ o w inland In'" iii'.li of Iho Uril.jsh He,| Cross and Order <il SI. Jnlin (U'nllinglon brandi) umi held on UVilnesdtiy. j\|r. \' nilllfJ miis in lljc clmir, j)it<l (horn worn also prpiipiil; --M (.'sdi,imps w. Nnflinn, A. L. I'piinr, HldiM', W. .11. S. Moorliouso, .1. | I'. I'irlli, 1.. Illiindcll, and Messrs. N F Uriglil, 11. |~ Nnlli.iu, T. Muni, j\ llmiiillnn, 1,. (J. 11. Tripp, A. Vnilcli, W. Allen, .1. 11. lliickworl.lt, anil tlio Hi'i'i'cliir.v. Ajin I were received from Mr*. I,like and .Mr. Grorgo MiirtdifTe. It li nn nwnlvi'd ■ (I) Thai-. I lie lixncul.ivo ( Din in ill r>(< udopls iUc.vdaincs I'e.-irco anil \\ i I ford's .scheme for rnising money lor ','Oiir IJiiy" by means of a "copper I rail : (2) Hint. Mesil,-lines IVnrco and Will'iinl In* iippoinlpd directors of (he hplipiiip, under llio control of this excciilive, mid b" rpqiiMled to attend and roporl pro;;n'.i'i lo 1.1 ii.; committee nt each iiKiiilhly moid ins; (:>) that Iho eoimnitli'M in phpli sub-centre l)o requested to give llioir assistiineo I« tlio scheme. Tits ai-.lioii of Hip chiiirinan in agreeing lo Hip loilwriplion <if ,£125 towards further liiiitmonls at Kotoi-un. as nuggested in a letter from Colonel Mnorhouso of May 27 was approved. A letter dated May Ifl win received from Colonel lloorhou.se as .lo Iho budge udnpled by the New y.eiiliuid Council; a. lot lor was also received from Iho Auckland secretary asking lor llto executive's views as io the i.ssuo of Ihp badge,s. A committee, consisling or Mcsdames Bln.ndell,- Moorhoti.se, and Nathan was set up to make proposals for regulations as lo their issue. Al. Mrs, Moorhouse's suggestion it was decided lo authorise an expondil.uro up lo £'!!> for tlio supply of a kinenmlogrnph for patients returning on l.lio hospital ship Maheno. Miss Sybil Nathan was reappointed hon. secretary to l.ho society, A request from the sifilor-in-chargo of the Victoria Military Ward for blankets, towels, serviettes, hot-waler bottles was received and granted. If was roporled that Colonel llhodes's report had been received, and would bo placed beforo the next meeting. Wellington District W.C.T.U. A. mooting of the above was held on .Tuno C, v.-hen Mrs. Boulder presided over a good attendance. Tho following resolutions were curried:—(]) "That this union desires lo affirm its entire sympathy with the objects and aims of tho New Zealand Educational Institute in endeavouring to secure improvement and extension of our education sjstem, and pledges itself lo, assist the institute in every way practicable." (2) "That the corresponding secretary should communion to with the president of the Education Institute' to ascertain what steps tho instil ute propose to take in which tho union can givo its assistance towards obtaining from Iho Government tho reforms and extensions deemed desirable in the present educational system." llis. Houlder was appointed delegate to the New Zealand Alliance Convention, to bo hold at Palmerston next week. _ Mrs. Evans, M.A., explained the following resolutions carried at the convention: — "That an organiser bo appointed for each province, such organiser to 1m employed by tho Dominion Executive, but to work under the control of tho'Provincial Executive." "That it is in tho best interests of children that kinema performances of a wholesome and varied type suitable to tho child mind be given on Saturdays and in school vacations." The "Lady From Montana." I recently met two ladies known to many people in New Zealand—Miss Kankin, Undo Sum's first Congrcsswoaian, and Miss Spinney, tho interpreter of Greek, plays, states tho New York correspondent- of tho Christcliurch "Press." Both ladies spoke warmly of the pitm-aiil time they had spoilt in New Zealand. The lady from Montana, as she is officially designated in the House, is a very charming anil graceful lady, with eyes that smilo in a wonderfully sunshiny way. Slio is not decorative only; I heard her spoken of by an important Congressman as the leading authority ill the Houso on mining laws and conditions, and she serves on several committees. Remembering that one of tho arguments used against women standing for Parliament in Now Zealand is that they would not be ablo to stand tho strain of the extensivo travelling required in country constituencies, I asked Miss Rankin what her experience had been in this respect. Her reply was that although her constituency was larger than New Zealand, she had not felt the speaking and travelling too arduous; in fact, flho contemplates standing for a Senatorship, which entails harder campaigning. Every Wednesday evening in Masterton soldiers from the Fentherston Camp nro entertained in the Municipal Hall, usually by a dance, and these evenings are greatly enjoyed. Last Wednesday tho lady members of llto Masterton Golf Club, of whom Mrs. Norman Boetham is captain, were the hostesses, and a most successful evening resulted. The lion, treasurer of the Wellington Branch of the British Bed Cross and Order of St. John acknowledges receipt of the following contributions during April and May:—Wellington Red Cross, Lnmbton Quay. .£1200;. Wairarapa S;'bCentre British R«d Cross Society, including .£3OO special contribution from tho Foatherston Sub-Centre, .£IOOO : New Plymouth Sub-Centro British Red Cross Society, .£O7B 125.; Taihape Sub-Centre British lied Cross Society, ,£500; Wnipukurau and District Branch British lied Cross Society. .£l2.i; estate late W. D. Sutherland, ,£3flH; Hunterville Countess 'of' Livcroool Fund and Red Cross Guild, .£220; Waipukurau Central A. and P. Association, .£200; North Taranaki Patriotic League, .£150; Hastings lied Cross Workers. ,£100; Pornngahau District, per Waipukurau Branch, .CIO!); Noi'smvond Bed Cross Society. ,£SO; lianakau Red Cross Society, .£37 Ills. yd.; Stratford Bed Cross Guild. .£lO, Mr. Armstrong, .£10; Sir. .T. M. Ilott, J!5 55.; "U.T.," .£5; Elt.ham IJ.itriotic Committee, .£5; Mrs. Bnrchcr, Auckland, .£4; Anonymous, per Wniiganui Sub-Contro, £2, 2s.
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 223, 8 June 1918, Page 4
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2,199WOMAN'S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 223, 8 June 1918, Page 4
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