PEASES OF THE MOON. MAY. Day. Hr. m, Full moon 25 10 2 a.m. bast (|uarter 4 9 66 a.m. New moon .: .'. 11 "31 a -mFirst Quarter 18 7 <4 a.m. MOON. Moon risos to-day, 8.45 p.m.; sets, 10.27 a.m. to-morrow. TIDE. To-day, 7.43 a.m.; 8.7 p.m. To-morrow, 8.34 a.m.; 8.58 p.m. SUN. Sun risen to-day, 7.4 a.m.; sets, 4.32 p.m. ARRIVALS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 29. KAITOA, s.s. (6JO a.m.), 305 tons, Wildman, from Nelson. MAOKI, B.s. (7.5 a.m.), 3412 tons, SpringBrown, from Lyttellon. INVEROAKGILL, s.s. (12.40 p.m.), 224 tons, Wahlstroni, from Lyttelton. WAIRAU, s.B. (3.25 p.m.), 143 tone, Beiley, from Vlcnheim. NGAUEItE, s.b. (4.30 p.m.), 1090 ton 3, Dillner, from Greymouth. DEPARTURES. WEDNESDAY, MAY 29. MAPOUHIKA, s.B. (13.60 p.m.), 1203 tons, Irwiu, for l J icton and Nelson. KAKAJIU, b.s. (4.30,M4 tons, M'Lellan, lor Wostport. KAITOA, s.s. (6 p.m.), 305 tone, Wildman, for Nelson. '
WOOT'ION, s.s. (7.40 p.m.), 161 tons, Lareen, for Lytielton. JIAOIU, B.S. (7.53 3«2 tons. Manning, tor Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon— Hisses Elliot,' liuckley, Taylor, Meredith, Bonson, Burnard, Weavers, Thornton Pitt (2), Charlton, Wilson, Walker (2), Lonton, Leo, Wobster, Fusßel, Sutherland, ■Mesdames Falconer, Wilson, ttaphael, Elliot, Henderson, Ba,tr, Henryo, Elliott, M'lvor, Kirk, Uuckworth, Knight, M'Gregor, Walker, Jolly, Hodgson, Lockheed, Allen Brown, and child, Jolmaton, Kins, Crane, Hawlings Lemon, O'Doiiohuo, 8t«vens, Thompson, fleeby, titevenson, Taylor, M'Cauley, Wibon, Swan, Roche, Williams, OhnstoDheve, Oliatiield, Dixon, Price, Webster, Grahain, Machatti, Roalls. Plumer and child, ltussell, Gosman, Jtathieaon, Gough, Messrs. Menzies, Maud, Burns, Duckworth, Buitor, Lunn, Hollls, Poison, Robson (2), Cathru, ' Cowliehaw, Walton, Hrman, Holmee, Swift, Selic, Ritchie, Hicks, M'Kinnon, Kilgour, Brash, V/ilaon, Henrys, Smith, AldwortU, Fonwick, M'lnnes, Oummings, Elliott, Beal, O'Meara, Walker, Strictland, Patterson, Hart, Hodgson, Francis, Hopkins, Paul. M'llwralth, Eea, Coulter, Collins, Park, Bell, Boyd, Newer; Lugg, Thornton, Banton, Dyer, Watereton, Beck, Kirk, Gilchrlet, Warren, Olullee. Lipenski, Douclas, Piper, Hentloy, Andrews, Cameron, Hesey, Tyree, Brown, Shepherd, Van der Yelde, Gosman, Waller, Orump, Gouch, Williamson, Somervllle, Oapt. Ohrietio, Bergt.-Major Glorer, Bev«. Franklyn and Moloney, Bistere of Meroy (2), Dr. Mirams, Eev. Allen. Gnr. Oahill, Corporals lyttle, Marshall. Monceer, Gross, Oapt. Johneon, Moutfl, Crane, Hartling, Massey, Dr. Mathieson, patient and escort from Trentham, Lieut. M'lvor, Bergt. Oookhead, Lieut. Stevem iJTJEEN OF THE SOUTH. e.«. (8.0 p.m.), 198 tone,' Harvey, for Foxton.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Corinna, New Plymouth, May 30. Kapuni, Patea, May 30. Baden Powell, New Plymouth, May M. Kuniti, Wanganui, May 30. Hlinitunßi, Lyttelton, May 30. Tamui, Lyttolton, May 30. Komata, \Vestpon, May iO. Kaniona, Greymouth, May 30. Mapounka, Aelsou, Picton, Jioy 30. Nikau, Nelson, May 30. . Mararoa, Lyttolton, May 30. Opawa, Blenheim, Mi'.y 30. Kahika. Wustuort, May 30. Calm, Lyttelton, May 51. Blenheim, Havelock, Hay 31. Kowhai,. , Grcymouth, May 31. Maori, Lyttelton, May 31. 'Kaitoa, Nelson, May 41. Queen of the South, Foxton, May 11. Wairau, Blenheim, May 31. Mana, Picton, June 1. . Invercargill, Wanganiij, Jnne 1. Waverlcy, Patca, Juno 1. Hawcra, Patea, Juno 1. . Patcena, Nelson, Picton, Juno 1. To Anau, Auckland, Juno 1. Kotituuui, Napier, via Coast, Juno 2. Wooltou, liytlcltoii, Juno i. Monowai. Auckland' direct, Juno 3. Eipplo, Gisbornc, Juno 3. Ifgahere; Greymouth', June 3. Waimoa, —, June 5. . . PROJECTED DEPARTURES, Invercareiill, Wnnganui, May 30. Kapiti, Wanganui, May 30. Corinn», : Lytteltou, May 30. Waverlcy, Patca, May 30. Wairau. Blenheim, May 30. Hawcra, Patea, May 30. Tainui, Picton, May 30. Mamrpa, Lyttelton, May 30. Kikani Nelson, May 30. Opawii, Blenheim, Jla-y 30. Ngahore,' Greymouth, May 30 Patcena, Picton, Nelßon, May 31. Kapuni, Patoa, May 31. Maori, Lyttelton,. May 31.' Kaitoa. Nelson, May 31. Calm, Duncdin direct. June 1. liana, Picton, June 1. Queon of the South, Foxton, June 1. Mapourika., Auckland, June 1. Baden Powell, New Plymouth, June 1. Himitangi, Chatham Islands, June 1. Tβ Anau, Bluff, June I.' Mouowai, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Juno 3. Wootton, Lyttelton. June 4. Bipple, Napier. Gisborne. Jnne 4. Koutunui, Gisborne, June 4. Waimea, Nelson, Ooaot, June s. BY TELEGRAPH. COASTAL. WEDNESDAY, MAY 29. AUCKLAND. finiled.-To Anau (8 p.m.), for Wellington. ONEHTJNGA. Arrived.-Kamo (1 p.m.), from Wcstport. NEW PLYMOUTH. .
B&iled.-Oorinna (4.45 p.m.), for Wellington. PATEA. Sailed.—Waverley (11.45 a.m.) and Hawera (12.30 p.m.), for Wellington. . . BLENHEIM. . Sailed.-Opawa (6.30 p.mO, for 'Wellington. PICTON. Arrived.-Mapourika (6 p.m.), from Wellington. HAVELOOK. Bailed.-Bl<:nheim (12.30' p.m.), for Wellington. NELSON. Sailed—Nikau (V p.m.). for Wellington; Alexander (4.30 p.m.), for Wcet Coast. GREYMOUTH. Arrived.—Kowhai (5.20 a.m.). from Wellington. Sailcd.-Kamona (1.35 p.m.). for Wellington. LYTTELTON. Arrived.-l'utUti (11.25 a.m.), from Wellington. . . Bailed.-Mararou (6.40 p.m.). tor Wellington. TO-DArS BERTIIAGE LIST. Mararoa—Ferry Wharf. Komata-Hailway Wharf. Tainul-No. 13 Queen's Wharf. Nikau-No. 10 Queen's Wharf. Wairau-No. 13 Queon's Wharf. Opawa—No. 11 Queen's Wharf. Hawera—Glasgow Wharf. ' Wavorlcy-No. 16 \ Queen's Wharf. -- Ngahere, Railway Wharf. Corinna-Glasgow Wharf. Himitangi-No. 13 Queen's Wharf. AUSTRALIAN SHIPBUILDING PROGRAMME. The Federal Government's ehipbuildiug programme when carried out in its entirety will augment the fleet controlled by tho Commonwealth by no fewer than 60 vessels. Thirty of these will be constructed of wood, while tho remaining 20 will bo of steel. In American shipyards. 14 wooden steamers, ordered by the Commonwealth in 1917, aro being rushed forward to completion, and two of these have been launched. To complete the procramme Australian yards will turn out 18 wooden anil 20 steel vtssols. The vnriouß shipbuilding centres at which vessels have been commenced or are projected are given below. These figuros include several wooden schooners being constructed under private contracts in Tasmania. Build-Pro- TonYard. ■ ing. jeoted. nage. Williainstown, Yic. 2 6 3500 Walsh Island. N.S.W. ... - 5 35C0 Cockatoo Doe!; - 1 3™ Port Adelaide - 2 5000 Devonport, Tas — 2 ™0 Brisbane - 2 50M Unspecified, N.S.W - 6 25C0-4000 Unspecified - 6 2500-4 COO Hobart 2 - <M Hiton, Tas 1 - « Port Oygnot, Tan 1 - "0 It wae propoeed by the Federal Government to enter into contracts for the construction of 12 wooden ehlns of from 2600 to 4000 tons capacity in addition to those mentioned in the table, but the States in which they arc to Ik , limit navo not yet been mentioned. AUXILIARY SOnOONBH'S NARROW ESOAPE. The auxiliary nolioonor Fnirburn, bolonfcing to Messrs. Berridge and Co., had a narrow escape from foundering at midnight on Friday, when on the way from Wiinngnrci to Auckland. Tho pumps, when tried at It p.m., showed very little water, but an hour after It waa discovered that there ivan 3ft. of water in the hold. Investigation showed that tho water had !Snnd Us tot throuuli the Bt«rn .tube
owing to tho propeller shaft becoming uncoupled and slipping aft, this not ueiug observed before owing to tho fact that tho vessel was then under Bail. To make matters worse Uic water found Hβ way to the lime cargo, which begau to burn. It heroine so hot below that the crow could not stay iu tho cabin until some of the haixhoß hud been taken off to allow tho heated vapoua - to escape.- Tho etern tubo was plugged up and. tho vessel pumped out. When oil tho North Head at noon on Saturday signals for assistance were hoisted, and the Harbour Hoard's fire-boat was aent out, the vessel being berthed at tho Central Wharf at 1 p.m. A start whs made as soon, as possible to discharge the undamaged cargo. Tho Fairburn ha<l on board 135 tons of coraent and 15 tons of lime, valued at £1000, and it ia thought that iioarly half the cargo is ruined. Thero is uo insurance on tho cargo, but tho vessel ie partly covered for £IKX) iu the Ocean Insurance Company. The master of tho Fairburn is Captain T. Berridge, one of tho principal in. the firm of Berridge and Co.
Messrs. Salinond and Spraggon advise an altorat;on to the sailings of tho Tainui, which will now sail to-night for Picton, instead of for Wanganui. The vessel will return to Wellington on Saturday and will probably sail again for that port. Mr. E. Zohrab advisee that the Calm will sail for Duncdin only on Saturday, cargo being received until noon. The Oorinna will arrive to-day from New Plymouth, and sail to-night for Lytlolton, from wMch port she will go to Kelson and New Plymouth. Wellington and Dunedin will then bo the next ports of call.
The Mann, which is due on Saturday from Pioton, will load for that port. Tho Kowhai was to have left Greymouth nt midniEht yesterday for Wellington. After the discharge' of a full coal cargo Bhe will go U. the slip for overhaul. The Kouiunui is duo here either on Saturday or Sunday from Napier, via Const stations. She will load coke for Gisborue, and sail dircot on Tuesday. The hull of tho Waikaro, which wa» wrecked in Dusky Sound some yoars ago while on an excursion trip, is now being examined hy Messrs. Miller Bros., divers, of Port Chalmere. The vessel lies on her Bide on a ledge of rock, about 150 ft. of the forward portion of the hull being oxposed at low water. If possible the holo will be blocked up and tho ship pumped out. If this cannot be accomplished an endeavour will be made to cut the ship into eectlons. The value of shipping at Iho present time will no doubt make tho venture a paying one, if successful (says a southern exchnnge). The auxiliary schooner Gishorne, which has just completed an extensive Overhaul and alterations, is now in first-olaes condition. She was to have loft Dunedlu yesterday for Wolllnirton with a full general cargo. Tho vessel will load at Wellington for Dunedln. Captain D. Banning will be in command of the Gisbornc.
The lato Cnptaln Thomas Neismith, who died on Bunday in the Ohristchurch Hospital, wan well known in nhipping circles as mato at various times of the schooners filiza Firth and Aratapu, and later of tno steamere Oponri and Mana. Hβ joined the N.Z. Refrigerating Company's steamer Mana, in which le remained until about three months ago, whon through failing health ho went into tho Waneanui Hospital. After several weeks' stay in that institution, ho returned to Lyttolton, but about a month ago had to enter the Ohristchurch Hospital, in which he died. .Ho held nn oversells intister nmrinsr's cor* tiflcitte, but his health made it inadvisable for bim to undertake a master's responsibilities. He was born in Scotland in 1856, and had no relatives in the -Dominion except a cousin reaidinir in Dunedin. Mr. Horton. traffic manager for tho Union Company at Wellington, who cained a commission in tho Army Service Corps, and has been on active service in Franco, ia roported to bo laid ud -vvith trench fever. ,- Messrs. W. Haughton and Co. (Sydney) havo received the following information from their head office:—"From Juno 1 inmi'auciiß at Lloyd's will, in the absence of agreed.valuation, bp effected on bare invoice cost plus expenses and insurance charges, no additions thereto being allowed in case of loss." - Grain' freights aro etill very hich, «ocording to newe received from London, dated March 19. Eates homewards from the River Plate were firm, 'though no charters wcro rfported during , the week; neutrals cau ' obtain 200s. for'wheat to United Kingdom, or 2055. to France', but a quieter tone is ruling to the United States with rates, nuotablyunchanucd at 20 to' 22 dollars. Higher fijjuroe arc indicating from Atlantic-America to Continental porta, and quotations are advanced Is. 3d. in 25.. 6d. per quarter, up to 575. 66'. beimr offered to French-Atlantic, 755. to Marseilles, nnd 775. id. to Italy; no change is noted to tho United Kingdom, the rale for which remains at Me. Australia is nominally 300s. for uncontrolled tonnage to United Kingdom, .with ,110 a. for South Africa and 130s. for. United States. Kurrachcc! and Bombay rule idle and without change to (juoto from a wwl' ago. The Sydney-owned barque White Pine had a lively time on lm , last trip from Wanganui to Melbourne. Shortly after leaving New Zealand, the White Pine encountered roi'gh weather, which continued until the Australian coast; wan reached. Huge seas swept the Httlo vessel. from stem to stern, with the result .that, the bulk of the deck cargo was washed overboard.
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Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 215, 30 May 1918, Page 9
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1,984SHIPPING NEWS Dominion, Volume 11, Issue 215, 30 May 1918, Page 9
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